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    1、初中英语常用句型归纳 初中英语常用句型归纳1、be+表语(形容词、名词、介词短语、副词)The flower is red.(adj)He is a worker.(n.)They were at home.(prep.)She is out.(adv.)从上例可以看出,表语主要在系动词be之后,它与系动词be共同构成句子的谓语。除系动词be外,还有其它几个常用的表示状态及变化的系动词,如feel/smell/taste/turn/get/become/look/grow等。Tom felt tired.Her face turns red.I became a teacher last ye

    2、ar.It is getting longer and longer.They look the same.She grows old.2、-Cant you see?难道你看不见吗? -No,I cant.是的,我看不见。用情态动词(can/may/must)、系动词be、助动词(do/does/did)等的否定式开头的疑问句叫否定疑问句。表示惊奇、反问以及看法、建议等,有“难道不?”之意。在回答这种问句时要注意,如果回答是肯定的,就用yes,否定的就用no.这和汉语习惯不同。在否定疑问句中,not也可放在主语后面。但若位于主语前,须与系动词或助动词构成缩略式。-Didnt you go t

    3、here?难道你没去哪儿?-Yes,I did.不,我去了。Arent you a student?3、There be与have当“有”讲(1)There be+某人/物+某时/地。表示“某处有某任某物” be的单复数与后面的“某任物”一致。There is a book on the desk.There are a pen and two knife in the pencil-box.There be后面的主语若不是一个,be的单复数要和最近的一个一致。也可与并列的主语保持一致。There are two knives and a pen in the pencil-box.(2)ha

    4、ve 强调人所有。当主语为第三人称单数时,要用has.He has a new house.4、a. have not和dont have b. Have you?和Do you have?(1)have 作为行为动词“有”讲时,否定式为have/has+not,疑问式为have you /has you?也可加助动词do/does.I have not(=havent) a brother.Has he any water?They dont have any water.(2)have除了当有讲外,还有其他很多意思,如“吃”“饮”“得到”“允许”“遭受”等。这时的have是行为动词。否定式

    5、为dont/dosent have,疑问式为Do you have?Dose he/she/it have?I have my supper at eight.I dont have my supper at eight.Do have you supper at eight?(3)have可以和许多名词搭配,构成短语。Have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner,have a rest,have a look,have a walk/swim/drink/cold.5、-Do you want a red one or the blue one? -The blue

    6、one,please?选择疑问句不能用yes/no来回答。-Shall I come or shall we meet at the stop?-Lets meet at the stop.6、a.-Youre a teacher,arent you? -No,I am not. B.-You dont like the story,do you? -Yes,I do.(1)反意疑问句提出问题,询问对方意见,一般由两部分构成;前一部分用陈述形式,后一部分为一个简单的问句。一般说来,有“前肯后否”和“前否后肯”的形式。(2)对于“前否后肯”的反意疑问句,其回答方式与否定疑问句的应答一致。如果回答

    7、是肯定的就用yes,否定的就用no。He didnt come,did he?他没来,对不对?No,he didnt.是的,他没来。(3)反意疑问句特例:a.I am late,arent I?b.He has little water,does he?c.Lets go home,shall we?d.Let us look at your book,will you?e.Open/dont close the door,will you?f.He must be in the room,isnt he?(推测)g.We must go now,mustnt we?(必须)h.Everyon

    8、e is here,arent they?i.One should try ones best,shouldnt one/he?j.Everything is all ready,isnt it?k.Youd better go,hadnt you?l.I think she is right, isnt she?m.He says she is right,doesnt he?(4)反意问句前有hardly/few/little/never/no/nobody, /nothing等否定词时,后面用肯定形式。(5)主语是everyone/anyone/somebody/no one等不定代词时

    9、,多用they替代。(6)主语是everything/something/nothing时,要用it代替。7、a.What+a/an+adj.+单数可数n.+主语+谓语! b.What +adj.+复数可数n./不可数n.+主语+谓语! c.How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语! d.How+主语+谓语!感叹句以what和how引导,常用来表示说话时的惊奇、喜悦、气愤等情绪。what用来修饰名词,how用来修饰形容词。What a lovely boy(he is)!How lovely the boy is!What beautiful flowers!How time flies!8、I

    10、ts time to do sth与Its time for sth这两个句型都表示“到了该做什么事的时候了”。Its time to have supper.=Its time for supper.9、a.It took sb.some time to do sth. b.sb.spent+钱/一段时间+on/(in doing)sth. c.sth cost +sb +钱。(1)句型a表示“某人花多少时间去干某事”。It took me 3 hours to go there.(2)句型b表示“某人做某事花费多少钱或多少时间”。I spent 3 hours (in) going the

    11、re.He spent3 on that book.(3)句型c表示“某物花某人多少钱”。That book cost me 3.10、a.It is/was +adj./n.+to do sth.b.主语+谓语+it+ adj.+to do sth.a. It做形式主,b. it做形式宾语。真正的主语或宾语为后面的不定式短语。It is important to study hard.I think it difficult to see in the dark.11、a.it is +adj.+for + to do sth.b.it is +adj.+of+sb.+to do sth.c

    12、.it is +adj.+that+从句。 这三个句型中it为形式主语。如果sb.与adj.有逻辑上的主谓关系,就用of,反之用for。It is possible for you to do that.You 与possible不能构成主谓结构.故用for.类似的有:difficult/important/easy/necessary/dangerous/hard/interesting.It is kind of you to do so.You与kind可构成主谓结构,故用of.类似的形容词有:polite/wise/foolish/clever/good/honest/nice/rud

    13、e/brave.此句型可改为用sb.作主语的句子:You are kind of to do so.名型c.一般适用于下述几个单词:true/clear/certain.It is true that he is angry with her.12、sb.+be+形容词+to do sth. +that+从句。 此句型用人做主语,后常跟随表达人的感情、能力等的形容词。如:angry/pleased/glad/happy/sure/surprised/afraid.注意此句型一般不可改成“It is +形容词+that”或“It is +adj.+of/for+sb.+to do sth.的句型

    14、。Im glad to see you.Im angry to hear that. be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事Be afraid doing sth.担心会发生。=be afraid that从句。13、a.tooto太以致不能b.(not) enoughto足够(不能)去做c.so+adj./adv.+thatd.such+a/an+单数可数名词/复数名词+that(1)句型a能把两个简单句合并为一个简单句。too是副词,后接形容词或副词,不可接名词。to是不定式符号,后接动词原形。We are very tired.We cant go.-We are too t

    15、ired to go.(2)tooto是个否定结构,如果在前面加上not或never就成为肯定结构:不太以致能Its never too old to learn.活到老学到老。(3)enoughto是个肯定结构, enough修饰名词时可前置也可后置,修饰形容词或副词时必须后置.to不定式结构作状语.My sister is old enough to go to school.=My sister is too young to go to school.(4)句型a.b.可转化为从句c.或d.My sister is old enough to go to school.=My sist

    16、er is too young to go to school.=My sister is so young that she doesnt go to school.=My sister is such a young girl that she doesnt go to school.14、It seems +that+从句。似乎是It seems that your idea is better.似乎你的主意更好。It seems that she is sad these days.=She seems sad these day.这些天她好像郁郁不乐。15、It is/has bee

    17、n+一段时间+since+从句的过去时。自从已有一段时间了。It is 3 years since I came here.自从我到这儿已有三年了。It has been 5 years since he went to the USA.他去美国已有5年了。16、a.asas与not so/asasb.比较级+thanc.最高级+of/in短语(1)句型a.是同级比较的常用句型。“not so/asas”是“asas”的否定式。He is as old as she.她和他同岁。She is not so/as tall as he.她不如他高。(2)句型b.表示“一物比另一物更”用于两者比较

    18、。This ball is a little smaller than that one.The students of Class 1 study harder than those of Class 2. 比较对象不可搞错,被比较的部分应平行、对等。She sings much/far better than Mary.比较级前常用much/far/even/a little/a bit等词修饰,但不可再用more.(3)句型c.是三者以上比较时表达最高级的常用句型,应注意同类比较用of,有时移至句首,以加强语气,表示范围时才用in。Of all the stars,the sun is

    19、the nearest to the earth.在众多恒星中,太阳历地球最近。He runs fastest in the class.17、a.比较级+than+any(other)+单数名词 =比较级+than+anyone/anything else.b.the +比较级,the+比较级句型a.是用比较级来表达最高级意义。New York is bigger than any other city in the USA.纽约比美国其他任何一个城市都大。Tom studies better than anyone else in the class.句型b.,两个比较级分别在句首,意思是

    20、“越就越”,表示两者的程度同步增长。The more,the better.多多益善。The higher we went up the hill,the colder it became.18、a.neithernor既不也不b.eitheror或者(要么)或者(要么)c.not onlybut also不但而且d.notbut不是而是上述句型属于同一类结构,并列连词须连结对等的词或短语,且连接主语时,谓语动词的单复数应和最近的一个主语一致。Neither he nor you are wrong.=Both he and you are right.你和他都没错。Either Mary o

    21、r Tom wants to go there.要么(不是)玛丽要么(就是)汤姆想去哪儿。She not only speaks English well but also writes English well.她不但英语说得好,而且写得好。He is not a teacher,but a farmer.他不但是教师而是个农民。19、a.so+adj./adv.+that从句b.such+a/an/the+adj.+n.+that从句“如此以致”(1)sothat引导的是一个结果状语从句,主句和从句时态要保持一致。They stared so early that they could g

    22、et to the stop on time.他们动身的如此早以致准时到达了车站。(2)“suchthat”意思同于“sothat”,但such后修饰名词,so后修饰形容词或副词。He is such a good boy that we all like him.=He is so good a boy that we all like him.他是一个如此好的男孩,以致我们都喜欢他。 修饰名词复数时,只能用such,不可用so.20、a.have to不得不,必须(=must)b.dont have to 不必(=neednt)c.will have to得,将有必要。上述结构都是由hav

    23、e构成的,使用时应特别注意:have to 虽与must意义相同,但have强调客观,must强调主观。Its too late,I have to go.We must work hard.You dont have to come here.=You neednt come here.He will have to do that.21、a.had better do(do的前面可以直接加not)b.Its best to do.最好干表示“最好做某事”,常用上述句型。但应注意句型a中“had better”后跟的是动词原形,而句型b中用的是“to do”.Hed better go ho

    24、me.Its best to go there.22、Whatslike?是什么样子的?此句型可以用于对人、物的外貌及天气的询问。Whats the weather like today?=Hows the weather today?Whats the new teacher like?23、a.be worth doing值得做b.be busy doing=be busy with忙于句型a.的主语一般是物。句型b的主语一般是人。This book is well worth reading.(well不可换成very)The film is worth seeing.Im busy d

    25、oing my homework.=Im busy with my homework.24、notuntil直到才until(=till)既可引导句子,又可接短语。He will not come until eight oclock.Dont get off until the bus stops.25、If从句,主语+can/may/will如果,就这是以if引导的条件状语从句。在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时。If it doesnt rain tomorrow,I will go home.If you get up early,you can catch the bus.另外,

    26、在时间状语从句中,也用一般现在时代替将来时。26、祈使句+and/then/or+并列句如果祈使句有肯定意味,就用and/then连接两个并列句;如果祈使句有否定意味,就用or连接两个并列句。Hurry up,or youll be late.=If you dont hurry up,youll be late.Look here,and/then you can find out the answer.=if you look here,you can find out the answer.27、have been to与have gone to 二者都是现在完成时的常用句型。(1) H

    27、ave been to强调“某人去过某地,说话时已回来”。He has been to America twice. (2)has gone to 强调“某人去了某地,说话时尚未回来(可能在路上,也可能到了那里)。”-Wheres the tom?-He has gone to America.28、a.Would you like some?你想要点什么吗?b.Would you like to?你想/愿意吗?c.Would you/Will you please?请您好吗?(1)句型a.是“提供帮助”时的常用句型,其肯定回答一般是:Thanks.多谢。That would be nice/

    28、fine.多谢,太好了。Yes,please.行,请吧。其否定回答一般是:No thanks.不了,谢谢。Thats very kind of you,but那太谢谢你了,只是。-Would you like some tea?来点茶,好吗?-Thats very kind of you,but I wont.谢谢,我不要了。(2) 句型b.是表示“谢谢”时的常用句型。其回答一般是:Yes ,Id love to是的,我非常愿意。Id like/love to,but我很乐意,但-Would you like to come to my party?-Yes ,Id love to.答语中的t

    29、o不可省去。(3) 句型c.是表示“请求”的常用句型。其回答是:Sure/certainly/with(great)pleasure.-Will you please turn off the radio?-With great pleasure.29、a.May I?我可以吗?b.Can/could I?我能吗?这都是表示“请求、允许”的常用句型。其回答是:Yes./Certainly./Of course./Ok./Sure.-Could I open the window?-Ok.-May I borrow your pen?-Sure.30、a.Hello!may I speak to

    30、?喂,请找接电话好吗?b.Is that(speaking)?你是?c.Whos that?那是谁?几个打电话的习惯用语。回答时为:This isspeaking./ Speaking.-Hello!may I speak to mary?-Speaking./This is Mary.31、a.Thanks a lot+for+n.感谢你 Thank you+for+doing感谢你b.Excuse me for+doing.请原谅(1)句型a.是“感谢某人做某事”的常用句型。其回答:Not at all./Thats all right./Youre welcome.-Thank you very much for helping me.-Not at all.(2)句型b.是“请求别人原谅某事”的习惯说法。其回答:Nothing./Thats all right./Its do


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