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    1、高三英语写作材料汇总三十英语诗歌人生哲理1、The Road Not Taken未选择的路Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,黄色的树林里分出两条路,And sorry I could not travel both可惜我不能同时去涉足,And be one traveler, long I stood我向那路口久久伫立,And looked down one as far as I could我向着一条路极目望去,To where it bent in the undergrowth;直到它消失在丛林深处。Then took the other, as j

    2、ust as fair,但我却选了另外一条路,And having perhaps the better claim,它荒草萋葵.十分幽寂,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;显得更诱人,更美丽:Though as for that the passing there虽然在这条小路上,Had worn them really about the same,很少留下旅人的足迹。And both that morning equally lay那天清晨落叶满地,In leaves no step had trodden black.两条路都未经脚印污染。Oh

    3、, I kept the first for another day!啊,留下一条路等改日再见!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,但我知道路径延绵无尽头,I doubted if I should ever come back.恐怕我准以再回返。I shall be telling this with a sigh也许多少年后在某个地方,Somewhere ages and ages hence:我将轻声叹息将往事回顾:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,一片树林里分出两条路I took the one less tra

    4、veled by,而我选择了人迹更少的一条And that has made all the difference.从此决定了我一生的道路。课堂笔记:1.本诗共分为4小节,韵律格式每节都为abaab每节5行,每行4音步,8个音节,一强一弱,一短一长,读起来舒缓而又抑扬顿,诗的开头开门见山地把诗人置于了两难的选择“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,令诗人左顾右盼,前思后想、接着第三节的第一句话“And both that morning equally lay”再一次把这个难题摆在了诗人的目前,随后的第四节中“two roads diverged in a

    5、wood进一步让读者体会到了诗人的焦虑、难舍和必须作出选择的迫切诗的最后一节中sigh一词使用独到,深深地表达了诗人在作抉择时的困惑与无奈。全诗以“And that has made all the difference”结束,戛然而止,让人回味无穷。2、Im Nobody! Who Are You? 我是无名之辈,你是谁?Im nobody! Who are you?我是无名之辈,你是谁?Are you nobody, too?你,也是,无名之辈,Then theres a pair of usdont tell!这就有了我们一对!可是别声张!Theyd advertiseyou know!

    6、你知道,他们会大肆张扬!How dreary to be somebody!做个,显要人物,好不无聊!How public like a frog像个青蛙,向仰慕的泥沼To tell ones name the livelong day成天地,把个人的姓名To an admiring bog!聒噪何等招摇!课堂笔记:整首诗像是诗人和读者的对话,读来倍感亲切。诗人最后运用比喻的修辞手法,嘲讽地把招摇的大人物比喻成整日呱呱叫的青蛙,读者在哑然失笑的同时,内心也会有一丝丝的触动。3、When I Was One-and-Twenty 我二十一岁的时候When I was one-and-twenty

    7、我二十一岁的时候1 heard a wise man say,听到一位智者说:Give crowns and pounds and guineas“宁献王冠金银,But not your heart away;勿滥奉情交心;Give pearls away and rubies宁赠珠宝珍稀,But keep your fancy free.勿丢幻想之翼”But I was one-and-twenty,可惜二十一岁的我No use to talk to me.对此充耳不闻。When I was one-and-twenty我二十一岁的时候I heard him say again,又听智者说:

    8、The heart out of the bosom“推心置腹的人,Was never given in vain;永远不会徒然无所获;It paid with sighs a plenty它换来的是悠悠哀叹And sold for endless rue.和无尽的悔恨”And I am two-and-twenty,我二十一岁的时候And oh, tis true, tis true.唉,这话千真万确,万确千真。课堂笔记:本诗运用了反复的艺术手法,两小节均以“when I was.”开头,反复吟唱智者的警告,回环往复,有一种悠扬的韵味。第一节中诗人还反复使用了“Give . but .”的句

    9、式,突出了智者的忠告;第二节中最后三行“and的词语反复以及“tis true的句子反复起到了突出强调的作用,表现了诗人绝望地承认失败,悔不当初的沉重心情。4、A Psalm of Life人生礼赞Tell me not, in mournful numbers,别对我用忧伤的调子Life is but an empty dream!”说生活不过是一场梦For the soul is dead that slumbers,因为灵魂倦了,就等于死And things are not what they seem.而事情并不是表面那样Life is real! Life is earnest!生是

    10、真实的!认真的活!And the grave is not its goal;它的终点并不是坟墓;Dust thou art, to dust returnest,对于灵魂,不能这么说:Was not spoken of the soul.“你是尘土,必归于尘土。”Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,我们注定的道路或目标Is our destined end or way;不是享乐,也不是悲叹;But to act, that each to-morrow而是行动,是每个明朝Find us farther than to-day.看我们比今天走得更远Art is lon

    11、g, and time is fleeting.艺术无限,而时光飞速;And our hearts, though stout and brave,我们的心尽管勇敢,坚强,Still, like muffled drums, are beating它仍旧像是闷声的鼓,Funeral marches to the grave打着节拍向坟墓送丧。In the worlds broad field of battle,在广阔的世界战场上1n the bivouac of Life,在“生活”的露天营盘中Be not like dumb, driven cattle!别像愚蠢的、驱使的牛羊!Be a

    12、hero in the strife!要做一个战斗的英雄。Trust no Future, however pleasant!别依赖未来,无论多美好!Let the dead Past bury its dead!让死的“过去”埋葬它自己Act,-act in the living Present!行动吧!就趁活着的今朝Heart within, and God Oer head!凭你的心,和头上的天Lives of great men all remind us伟人的事迹令人觅想We can make our lives sublime,我们能使一生壮丽And departing, leav

    13、e behind us并且在时间的流沙上,Footprints on the sands of time;在离去时,留下来足迹Footprints that perhaps another,这足迹,也许另一个人Sailing oer lifes solemn main,看到了,会重新振作A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,当他在生活的海上浮沉Seeing, shall take heart again;.悲惨的,他的船已经沉没Let us, then, be up and doing,因此,无论有了什么命运With a heart for any fate;不要

    14、灰心吧!积极起来Still achieving, still pursuing不断进取,不断前进Learn to labor and to wait.要学会劳作,学会等待5、Leisure 闲暇What is this life if, full of care,如果我们忧思重重,生活将会怎样?We have no time to stand and stare?我们甚至无暇驻足凝望。No time to stand beneath the boughs无暇在树枝下伫立,And stare as long as sheep or cows;像牛羊般长久地注视;No time to see, w

    15、hen woods we pass,无暇观看,穿越森林时,Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.松鼠在草丛的何处把坚果藏匿;No time to see, in broad daylight,无暇观看,明媚阳光中,Streams full of stars, like skies at night.繁星点点的溪流,宛如夜晚的天空;No time to turn at Beautys glance,无暇为了美神的一瞥而回顾,And watch her feet, how they can dance.观看她的双足跳出曼妙的舞步;No time to w

    16、ait till her mouth can无暇等到她的嘴角,Enrich that smile her eyes began.衬映出双眸里的微笑。A poor life this is if, full of care,这生了活多么可怜,如果我们满怀忧里,We have no time to stand and stare.甚至无暇驻足凝视。课堂笔记:这首十四行诗的韵律为aabbccddeeffgg,采用了对偶句的押韵方式。诗人还运用了重复的修辞手法,从第二行到第十二行,每隔一行都重复“no time to do这一结构,进一步强调了生活的忙碌。we have no time to stand and stare”一句话在诗中反复出现了两次,尤其是第二次出现在诗的最后。强化了诗人对无暇顾及生活美好的深深叹息。


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