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    1、第2版郑树棠大学英语视听说四答案新视野大学英语听说教程4(第二版)Understanding Short Conversations15 A C B B D610 B A C C DUnderstanding a Long Conversation15 A B A C BUnderstanding a Passage15 A A D B CUnderstanding a Radio Program1 married in St. Pauls Cathedral2 was a guest at the wedding ceremony3 wore a hat with flowers at th

    2、e wedding4 is remembered as having been naughty5 was one of the designers of the wedding dressCulture TalkT F F TListening and Speaking1 They have high status.2 They get the attentions of the public.3 Using their fame to make money.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 115 D A B B ATask 215 C A B B AT

    3、ask 31、shortage2、assigned3、centered4、hospitalization5、treatment6、colleague7、decentralized8、There are nurse-managers instead of head-nurses9、decide among themselves who will work what shifts and when10、an equal with other vice presidents of the hospitalUnit TwoListeningUnderstanding Short Conversatio

    4、ns15 D D D C B610 A A B C DUnderstanding a Long Conversation15 D A B B AUnderstanding a Passage15 B C D A CUnderstanding a Radio Program1 C2 A3 A4 C5 DCulture TalkF F T TListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer) It makes their point and makes you happy.2(The Right Answer) It is difficult to do.3(The

    5、Right Answer) Sometimes its dangerous.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 115 D A B B ATask 215 B D A C ATask 31、sketch2、shadow3、paintings4、abroad5、Europe6、jewels7、exquisite8、pictures of rooms with handsomely dressed people in them9、not just their clothes or the lines of their faces10、but he was far

    6、 greater than they would ever become Unit ThreeWarming Up1、god of mercy2、money, strength and health3、lucky onesListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations15 C D C B B610 B A C A BUnderstanding a Long Conversation15 A B D C BUnderstanding a Passage15 A B D B CUnderstanding a Radio Program1 An Australi

    7、an scientist who won the Nobel Prize.2 The mysterious field of infectious diseases.3 By accident.4 It was probably extremely significant.5 He couldnt handle all that.Culture TalkT F T TListening and Speaking1 The poor trend to be angry easily and it will finally make a civil war.2 It can control the

    8、 rate of crimes.3 It can increase the economicsHomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 115 B C A D CTask 215 B A C B CTask 31、September2、retire3、retirement4、reduction5、practical6、pensions7、leisure8、The club arranges discussion groups and handicraft sessions9、a member can attend any course held there fre

    9、e of charge10、the financial section on Mondays and Wednesdays between six and eight p.m.Unit FourWarming Up1、Xeroxs Palo Alto Research Center2、Verizon3、AmazonListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations15 B A D D A610 D C C A AUnderstanding a Long Conversation15 C B B B DUnderstanding a Passage15 A C

    10、B A CUnderstanding a Radio Program1 became Bill Gates greatest contribution2 makes use of Gates system3 was the plaything of nerds4 became a business tool5 made it a wish to dominate like Bill Gates6 was not fit to comment on upcoming innovationCulture TalkT T F FListening and Speaking1(The Left Ans

    11、wer) It provides a lot of information.2(The Right Answer) Some of the information is very dangerous.3(The Right Answer) Some of the information is not accurate.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 115 B A B C ATask 215 A A B B ATask 31、fundamental2、dramatically3、majority4、workplace5、self-employed6、br

    12、eadth7、notions8、its applications in personal computers, digital communications, and factory robots9、still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of dramatic changes10、will have the greatest advantage and produce the most wealthUnit FiveWarming UpF NG TListeningUnderstanding Short Convers

    13、ations15 A D D D B610 C D C A DUnderstanding a Long Conversation15 B B A C CUnderstanding a Passage15 D A B B AUnderstanding a Radio Program1 how they are turning men off2 an idea in ones head about what the perfect man looks like3 a much younger version of yourself4 more advice on dating and relati

    14、onships5 burning the perfect man checklistCulture Talk1 Korean2 Hong Kong3 England4 USAListening and Speaking1 Having a roommate causes one to be dependent. 2 Having a roommate is a nuisance.3 Having a roommate means that you cannot be totally free to do what you want. HomeworkSupplementary Listenin

    15、gTask 115 C D A B DTask 215 A C A C DTask 31、emerging2、residents3、participants4、companionship5、soldiers6、isolated7、extraordinary8、who happen to live by themselves die at twice the rate of those live with others9、Its clear that reaching out to others can help our bodies thrive10、only 5 percent of U.S

    16、. households consisted of one person living aloneUnit SixWarming Up1 Whether the man should return to society.2 15 years.3 Use your own words to complete it ,this question has no correct answers.ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations15 C B C D B610 C A D D BUnderstanding a Long Conversation15 A

    17、B C C DUnderstanding a Passage15 C D D A BUnderstanding a Radio Program1 Centennial Olympic Park2 North Cardwell, New Jersey3 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma4 the FBI laboratories5 ground zero6 an Atlanta abortion clinicCulture Talk1 USA2 Germany3 Singapore4 CanadaListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer) Pu

    18、nishing the criminals will deter others.2(The Right Answer) White-collar criminals are respected in society.3(The Right Answer) White-collar crime has no victims.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 115 D C B A ATask 215 C B C A DTask 31、impeach 2、scandal 3、gambling 4、Representatives5、accusations 6、p

    19、rocedures 7、opposition8、resigned as Secretary of Social Welfare and urged the President to resign9、five economic advisers to the President have resigned10、the Judicial Committee and Economic Affairs Committee in the House of RepresentativesUnit SevenWarming UpT F NGListeningUnderstanding Short Conve

    20、rsations15 B C A A D610 C B D A BUnderstanding a Long Conversation15 D A C C BUnderstanding a Passage15 C C D B BUnderstanding a Radio Program1 shows Gods part in creating the universe.2 shows the existence of a man thousands of years ago.3 shows messages inscribed in DNA.4 shows a court opinion aga

    21、inst Intelligent Design.5 shows Gods existence.Culture TalkT T F FListening and Speaking1 Groups are similar biologically except for skin color.2 Groups have different culture3 Groups provide something unique.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 115 D D A B BTask 215 A C B A DTask 31、would-be2、intell

    22、igence3、genes4、athletic5、medical6、disclosed7、consideration8、the sum American egg donors expect to be paid9、plus all the costs of medical treatment and insurance10、almost half the cost of fees for the students four-year college course.Unit EightWarming Up1 going to quit2 work harder3 majority raceLis

    23、teningUnderstanding Short Conversations15 C A A B C610 D D A C BUnderstanding a Long Conversation15 D A A B AUnderstanding a Passage15 D A B B AUnderstanding a Radio Program1 Bill Gates2 Warren Buffet3 KP Singh4 Martha Stewart5 Ronald Lauder6 Louisa KrollCulture Talk1 Japan 2 UK 3 America 4 Hong KongListening and Speaking1 Society should be fair.2 Women should enjoy representation.3 It makes leaders help to do something for women.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 115 A C D B CTask 215 A D B B BTask 31、greeted2、freshman3、spite4、fluke5、agitated6、faculty7、particularly8、I had the highest av


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