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    1、汽车实用英语project教 案 章节 课题Project1Automobile overview Task 1 Automobile structure and layout 课型 New Lesson 课时Two 教具学具 电教设施 Multi-media 教案目 标 知识 教案点掌握汽车的总体结构掌握常用术语(phrases and expressions);了解相关术 related terms);熟悉世界上知名汽车品牌的商标图案。语( 能力 培养点能读懂汽车总体结构、布局相关英语材料,能熟记相关专业词汇。能写出各 种车型的名称能读懂汽车知名品牌的图和英文名称。 德育 渗透点 努力做一

    2、个合格的汽车技师教案重点 难 点 重点 熟知汽车专业术语,汽车英语的句子结构特点难点 被动语态和非限制性定语从句 教法、学法1. Discussing method 2. Communicative method 3. Cooperative method 4. Practice 教案内容 更新、补 充、删节 参考资料1. Teaching Reference Book 2. Exercise Book 课后体会 教 与 学 互 动 设 计 教 师 活 动 内 容 学生活动内容 时间1 / 17 Organization Call the name list to see if everyon

    3、e is in the class. New words and expressions , 安排layout n. 布局复杂Complex adj. 复合的,由许多部分组成的, 的。 集合体 n. 综合体, 引擎 n. 发动机, engine component n. 成分, 组成部分, 部件, 元件全面考虑综合的,Overall adj. 总体的,全面的, 的。 工装裤,工作裤 n. 长罩 Combust v. 消耗,燃烧 阀门, 气门valve n. 阀, 活门, Chassis n. (车辆的)底盘 Lubricate vt. 加油润滑 Lubrication n. 润滑。加油 Ign

    4、ition n. (汽油引擎的)发火装置 提要框架Skeleton n. 骨骼, 骷髅,骨干, ,梗概, 正式就职,安顿, 安置使,Install vt. 安装 传播Transmit vt. & vi. 发射, 播送, 广播。vt. , 传染,传导 ,Clutch n. 控制离合器光通风管道轴矛柄,烟囱, , 升降机井,箭杆Shaft n. , 线 轮轴Axle n. ,车轴 ,吊,Suspension n. 悬架, 悬置机构悬浮液,悬挂汽车发动机,折合式车篷Hood n. (汽车、童车等的) 罩 ,挡泥板Fender n. 壁炉挡板 , ,Panel n. 面板,控制板仪表盘 缓冲器保险杠,

    5、 汽车上的Bumper n. () Compartment n. 间隔 Artificial adj. 人造的, 人工的 智慧, Intelligence n. 智力通采取采纳采用, , ,正式接受, 收养Adopt vt. 过 ), 稳固性稳定Stability n. ( 冲击, Impact n. 影响作用), (力碰撞 Performance n. , 性能工作情况横截数 , 横切的,Transverse adj. 横向的横断的 的。横断面, 横 n. 向物,横轴 使Spin vt. & vi. 旋转 与Besimilarto 相似 连杆connecting rod Valvetrain

    6、 配气机构 Prepare for the new lesson. Read and Take notes 2 20 2 / 17 动力传动系Powertrain 驱动系统driving system steering system 转向系统 braking system 制动系统 front engine, rear-wheel drive (FR) 前置后驱 前置前驱front engine, front-wheel drive (FF) rear engine, rear-wheel drive (RR) 后置后驱 中置后驱mid-engine,rear-wheel drive (MR)

    7、 Ask Ss to look at the PPT and read the words Activity1: Let Ss read together Follow me. Activity2: Read together Activity3: Read the passage Activity4:Let Ss read the passage para. by para. Summary 1. New words and expressions 2. Structure Assignment 1. Practice expressions about text after class.

    8、2. Preview words Blackboard Design Automobile structure and layout Task1New words and expressions Besimilarto connecting rod Valvetrain Powertrain driving system steering system braking system front engine, rear-wheel drive (FR) front engine, front-wheel drive (FF) rear engine, rear-wheel drive (RR)

    9、 mid-engine,rear-wheel drive (MR) Read loudly. and Read the understand words. take Listen and notes. Take notes. 15 10 10 15 8 103 / 17 案教 章节 课题Project1 Automobile overview Task 1 Automobile structure and layout 课型 New Lesson 课时Tow 教具学具 电教设施Multi-media 4 / 17 教案目 标 知识 教案点phrases 掌握汽车的分类方法;掌握汽车的总体结构掌

    10、握常用术语();熟悉世界上知名汽车品 termsexpressions);了解相关术语(related and 牌的商标图案。 能力 培养点能读懂汽车分类方法的相关英语材料,能熟记相关专业词汇。能写出各种车 型的名称能读懂汽车知名品牌的图和英文名称。 德育 渗透点 努力做一个合格的汽车技师教案重 点难 点 重点 熟知汽车专业术语,汽车英语的句子结构特点 难点 被动语态和非限制性定语从句 教法、学法 1. Discussing method 2. Communicative method 3. Cooperative method 4. Induction 5. Practice 教案内容 更新

    11、、补 充、删节 参考资料1. Teaching Reference Book 2. Exercise Book 课后体会 计 设 教 与学 互动 教师活动内容 学生活动内容 时间5 / 17 Organization Call the name list to see if everyone is in the class. View the words and Expressions: read and check. Activity: let Ss Language points: comprising complex vehicle is a kind of 1 Automobile h

    12、undreds of components and thousands of parts. 汽车是由数百个总成、上万个零部件装配而成的复杂的 机动交通工具。 2 Although automobiles have many kinds of structure and shape, their basic structure is similar to each other, including engine, chassis, body and electrical equipment. 但它们的基本构造是相,尽管汽车的结构和形状各种各样 似的, 都是由发动机、底盘、车身和电气设备组成。 相

    13、似。the same as 与一样。be similar to 与 to used which is the 3 The chassis is skeleton of a car, support the whole body and to install all spare parts. 用来支撑整个车身和安装所有的部, 底盘是汽车的骨架 件。安which Install 。, 修饰 chassis引导的非限制性定语从句 fix, mount 近似于, 装 equipped are and 4 In addition, more more modern cars with a variety

    14、 of electronic devices, such as microprocessor, artificial and computer central system a variety of intelligence devices. 微处在现代汽车上愈来愈多地装备各种电子设备:, 另外 理机、中央计算机系统及各种工智能装置。 a variety of 点拨:in addition 装备 equip with 。另外。 各种各样的。 besimilarto 相似与 connecting rod 连杆 配气机构Valvetrain Powertrain 动力传动系 driving sys

    15、tem 驱动系统 转向系统steering system 制动系braking system 统 front engine, rear-wheel drive (FR) 前置后驱 front engine, front-wheel drive (FF) 前置前驱 rear engine, rear-wheel drive (RR) 后置后驱 mid-engine,rear-wheel drive (MR) 中置后驱 exercise.Then scan Ss Let Activity1:do and text the the answer the questions. Prepare for

    16、the new lesson. Read Take notes the do and Read 2 10 30 106 / 17 How many parts are there in an automobile in general? What is an automobile mainly composed of ? How does the power train work? What is the electrical equipment made up of? Activity2:Let Ss read the passage again and circle the correct

    17、 answer. Notes: 1.passage 2.circle 3.text message Activity3:Ask Ss discuss. Let Ss read their work before the class. Summary 1. New words and expressions about text. 2. review the passage. Assignment after and sentence patterns expressions Practice 1. words, class. 2. Preview Task2 Blackboard Design

    18、 Task 1 Automobile structure and layout Expressions: 与相似1.besimilarto Install 引导的非限制性定语从句2. which , chassis。修饰 fix, mount 安装, 近似于.The chassis is the skeleton of a car, which is used to support the whole body and to install all spare parts. 另外3. in addition 。装备4. equip with 5.a variety of 各种各样的 exerc

    19、ises. Read and answer. Listen take and notes. take Listen and notes. 10 10 10 8 7 / 17 案教 章节 课题Project1 Automobile overview Task 2Automobile classification 课型 New Lesson 课时Tow 教具学具 电教设施Multi-media 8 / 17 教案目 标 知识 教案点);熟悉世界上知名汽车terms掌握汽车的分类方法;了解相关术语(related 品牌的商标图案。 能力 培养点能读懂汽车总体结构、布局和分类方法的相关英语材料,能熟记

    20、相关专业词 汇。能写出各种车型的名称能读懂汽车知名品牌的图和英文名称。 德育 渗透点 努力做一个合格的汽车技师教案重 点难 点 重点 熟知汽车专业术语,汽车英语的句子结构特点 难点 被动语态和非限制性定语从句 教法、学法1. Discussing method 2. Communicative method 3. Cooperative method 4. Induction 5. Practice 教案内容 更新、补 充、删节More words and expressions about greetings and introduction. 参考资料 1. Teaching Refere

    21、nce Book 2. Exercise Book 课后体会 计 设 教 与学 互动 教师活动内容 学生活动内容 时间9 / 17 Organization Call the name list to see if everyone is in the class. New words and expressions 类别 category n. 种类, , 手段车辆,传播媒介vehicle n. 交通工具, 清楚地说明,度),清晰(度), 鲜明(definition n. 定义, 释义, 轮廓,考虑。vt. 表达reflect vt. & vi. 反射(光、热、声或影像), 反映明显, 完全

    22、分开的清晰的, 明白的Distinct adj. 截然不同的 的 归因于atribute vt. 认为是, 特性 n. 属性, , vt. ,口忧郁。倾倒, 丢弃dump n. 脏的地方,垃圾场, 堆放倾卸, , 抛售倾销 黏滞的黏滞流体的黏性的Viscous adj. 黏的,半流体的, ,易变质的Perishable 易腐烂的,易腐败的 , 职位身份才能容量capacity n. , 容积, 能力, saloon n. 大厅, 交易厅有某用途的公共大厅或建筑物, , 酒店,轿车酒吧间 围起来,附入装入信封, 把enclose vt. 把 密封舱航天舱, ,capsule n. 胶囊 defo

    23、rmation n. 损形,残废,变丑,破相畸形变形, 未受损伤的, intact adj. 完整无缺的未经触动的, 后挡板卡车等的tailgate n. () 装有向上开的后车门的小轿车hatchback n. 之外 aside from 除 细分成将 be subdivided into 基于 be based on , collide with抵触冲突碰撞互撞 fold up ( )把折叠起来 refer to as 看作把 Let Ss read together Activity1: Follow me. Activity2: Read together Activity3: Rea

    24、d the passage Activity4:Let Ss read the passage para. by para. Summary 1. New words and expressions Prepare for the new lesson. Read and Take notes take and Learn notes take and Listen notes. Take notes. 2 20 15 10 15 8 10 / 17 2. Structure Assignment 1. Practice expressions about text after class.

    25、2. Preview words Blackboard Design Automobile classification Task1New words: 除aside from 之外 细分成be subdivided into 将 基于be based on , 抵触冲突,碰撞,互撞collide with 折叠起来) fold up (把 refer to as看作把 10 案教 章节 课题Project1 Automobile overview Task 2 Automobile classification 11 / 17 课型 New Lesson 课时Tow 教具学具 电教设施Mul

    26、ti-media 教案目 标 知识 教案点);熟悉世界上知名汽车terms掌握汽车的分类方法;了解相关术语(related 品牌的商标图案。 能力 培养点能读懂汽车总体结构、布局和分类方法的相关英语材料,能熟记相关专业词 汇。能写出各种车型的名称能读懂汽车知名品牌的图和英文名称。 德育 渗透点 努力做一个合格的汽车技师教案重 点难 点 重点);熟悉世界上知名汽车termsrelated 掌握汽车的分类方法;了解相关术语( 品牌的商标图案。 难点 被动语态和非限制性定语从句 教法、学法 1. Discussing method 2. Communicative method 3. Coopera

    27、tive method 4. Induction 5. Practice 教案内容 更新、补 充、删节 参考资料1. Teaching Reference Book 2. Exercise Book 课后体会 计 设 教 与学 互动 教师活动内容 学生活动内容 时间12 / 17 Organization Call the name list to see if everyone is in the class. View the words and Expressions: read and check. Activity: let Ss Language points: 1 In Chin

    28、a, it is defined as a non-track vehicle with at least four wheels that is driven by a kind of power equipment. 汽车被定义为由动力装置驱动、具有四个或四个,在中国 以上车轮的非轨道承载的车辆。被 be defined as 引导的定语从句修饰 vehicle。点拨:that 非轨道式。定义为。 non-track 2 come into being 形成,产生,出现。 例如3 such as 4 aside from: in addition to,except Then do the

    29、 exercise. the Ss Activity1:Let scan text and answer the questions. What is the definition of automobile in China? their classified according to automobiles How are applications? What are the categories for buses? special-purpose of under the category car a Is police vehicle? Let Ss read the passage again and circle the correct Activity2:answer. Notes: 1.passage 2.circle 3.text message Ask Ss discuss. Let Ss read their work before the Activity3:class. Summary 1. New words and expressions about text. 2. review th


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