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    1、hear of sth变得惊慌:get into a panic取得进展:make progress in doing sth advance in step forwards课程:compulsary/selective subject 必修课/选修课婉转的说:to put it mildly对的瘾:addiction to接触: reach out to / have access to be exposed to expose sb to.树立的榜样:cultivate the example for sb即 :namely有/承担的义务:assume the responsibilit

    2、y of shoulder be responsible for阻止:hold back prevent sb from doing sth keep sb away from doing sth hinder put a check on sth deflect sb from doing sth avert sth intercept sth在内心深处:in ones heart of hearts in the cockles of the heart表示数量的词1.少数几个:a few +n(c,pl) 2.没几个,否定含义:few +n(c,pl) 3.少量: a little +

    3、n(u)4.没多少,表否定:little +n(u) 5.很多much +n(u) 6.很多many +n(c,pl) 7.很多a lot of/lots of+n(c,pl/u)8.大量:a great /good deal of +n(u) 9.少量 a bit of +n(c,pl/u) 10.大量:an/a great/a large abundance of+(c,pl/u) 11.大量:an/a large amount of+n(u) 12. a great many+n(c,pl) 13.大量: a great many of 冠词/物主代词/所有格 +n(c,pl)14.大量

    4、: a plenty of=plenties of+ n(c,pl/u) 15. 大量:a large number of + n(c,pl) 16.许多:many a+n(c,sing.)17.足够的:ample + n.(c,pl/u.) 18.无数的: numerous +n.(c,pl) 19.足够的:sufficient+n(c,pl/u) 20.无数的:countless +n(c,pl) 21. a variety of +n(c,pl) +n(c,pl) 23.天文数字的花费:astronomical cost24.过量的/多余的:excess superfluous redu

    5、ndant25.额外的: extra added additional 大多数情况下: in most cases on most occasions in the normal course of事情并非如此:It is not the case that一就,刚就: soon as , 时态无所谓 scarcely had sb done than did had sb done when+ past tense had no sooner done than did sooner had sb done than did had hardly done than did moment +

    6、n(如his arrival 他的到来),常识:common sense为了:in order to/so as to/for the sake of非常:most/exceedingly/tremendously/rather/extraordinarily/considerably/fabulously随之时间的流逝:with the passage of time,随着的积累:as begin to accumulate反对/打击:be opposed to do=object to do disagree dispute that remonstrate with sb about s

    7、thProtest that/aginst show disapproving attitude raise ones voice aginst disapprove of dissent from frown in=oppose (doing) sth /fight aginst实现:realize =bring about(带来)=lead up to 显而易见的/明显的:obvious apparent evident manifest doubtless transparent distinct深入理解:have (further) insight into.丰富阅历/开阔视野:enr

    8、ich ones experience widen ones horizon expand ones outlook 昂贵的:costly expensive dear luxurious机会垂青有准备的人:chances only favour those who are ready/prepared引起/导致:bring about/forth give rise to raise cause lead up to prompt incur(招致) be to blame forResult in arouse(唤起人的)=evoke=call forth=awake occasion c

    9、ompel ones attention(引起关注)恰恰相反:on the contray, ,but it is just opposite that相比之下:by /in contrast , by comparision, compare to/with科学发展观:view of scientific development 可持续发展 sustainable/sustained development广告:commercial advertisement迫切的:urgent pressing insistent戏剧的:theatrical 生活质量:quality of life=li

    10、fe quality的原因是(表语从句):The reason why is that在的背景下:under the background of纳税人:taxpayer孝心:filial piety /obedience诚信:credit and honest 误入歧途:go astray stray into sth金钱至上:mony-oriented毫无:havent the slightest+n.遭到/面临:meet with+abstract n. confront(面临) face sth be face with in the face of sth encounter(遇到困难

    11、,邂逅某人) run into sb(巧遇) come across(遇到) 袖手旁观:turn a blind eye to stand by and受.引诱:be tempted/fascinated/lured/attracted by. Be interested in fall into temptation be intoxicated by Be absorbed in 吸引:appeal to./attract/tempt/fascinate/lure/capture ones heart/draw ones attention /magnetize/engageMesmeri

    12、ze/captivate沉迷于: be addicted to/abandon oneself to/be hooked on/be intoxicated by/be indulged in/revel in与有关: be associated to/related to/connected with/involved in/concerned with/link up with/bound up with Concerning A:关于A,考虑到A。 A concerning(prep) B:名词性质,关于B的A/与B有关的A在于:lie in rest with/on be determ

    13、ined by depend on.壮丽、壮观:majestic splendid magnificent grand awesome spectacular gorgeous prodigious resplendent对.无意见:have no ideal about have no voice with neutral=impartial(中立的)有利的:advantageous beneficial useful favourable拒绝:decline(婉言谢绝) reject refuse超过:surpass overtake transcend exceed outweigh e

    14、xcel at eclipse overwhelm克服:overcome surmount bridge the gap不言而喻:It goes without saying that是的时候了:Its hight time that sb did审查(员):censor(n./v.) censorship 审查制强调:accentuate emphasize lay emphasis on highlight stress punctuate 作总结:to conclude/summarize/sum up In conclusion/summary/ a word,. all in all

    15、,To draw a conclusion we can draw/come to a conclusion that交通堵塞: traffic jamone child policy(oral)增加/促进/加强/提高:enhance improve raise increase elevate promote strengthen (加强) reinforce ascend intensify(加强) boost prompt propel stimulate consolidate(加强)上升:go up increase soar(骤升) boom(价值骤升) ascend rise g

    16、row escalate rocket(骤升)下降:decline decrease(drastically/steeply) go down drop sink fall descend dip dwindle plunge(骤降)Plummet(骤降) on the downwards trend abate 减少/降低:decrease descend dip lower lessen保持平稳: level out/off at reach a plateau of(上升到.后平稳) remain steady/stable到达最高点:reach the peak/highest poi

    17、nt of peak at scale the当事人:party parties in action litigant client与事情相关的人 person/party concerned interested parties目击人:witness person on the spot偏见/歧视:n. bias prejudice favoritism adj. biased prejudiced歧视:point a contempt finger on defy despise scorn pour/heap scorn on look down uponDisregard discri

    18、minate aginst(反义词:in favour of)忽视:overlook ignore neglect lose the sight of turn a blind eye to笔记本电脑:laptop portable computer以防: in case .lest for fear that认为/表示: consider assume point out that indicate(暗示) imply (暗示) reckon claim suggest(暗示) register(暗示) affirm(断言) assert(断言) argue believe in avow(

    19、声明) Think cling to(坚信) persist in(坚信) insist on(坚信) stick to(坚信) persevere to/with(坚信)Maintain(坚信) proclaim(显示) depict(描绘) illustrate(显示) manifest(明示) be of the opinion of方式方法:manner avenue pattern way means approach access to method solution resolution As a last resort(最后的解决方案)风俗习惯:manners and cust

    20、oms convention 习惯于/适应: be/get used to doing be adapted to be adjusted to be accustomed to (doing) sth be orientedto sb adjust/accustom/adapt oneself to和睦相处:get on (well) with sb get along with sb very well调解,协调:coordinate reconcile执行/贯彻:implement enforce carry out execute measure be taken by conduct

    21、 perform fullfil(l)不可避免的/坚定不移的:inescapable (不免) unshakeable(不移) inevitable(不免) ineluctable(不免) inextricable(不免) irreplaceable(不可替换) Unavoidable (不免) imperative(不免) irresistible(不免)因此:hence so that as a result/consequence consequently therefore thus granted(that)舒适的:agreeable enjoyable comfortable co

    22、zy跨国公司:multi-national/transnational firm既然:saying that now that since然而/却:nevertheless whereas but however while下决心:determine to do decide to do make up ones mind to do有助于:account for(解释.的原因) contribute to do good to be beneficial to喜欢:be knee on be interested in be fond of be a fans of(oral) fancy

    23、would rather doPrefer to do prefer doing to doing be into(oral) be passionate take an avid interest in. favour有害/损害:do harm to be harmful/grievous/detrimental to pose threat to inflict harm on sbEndanger jeopardize ruin destroy damage injure demolish(灭) shatter (粉碎) undermine(削弱) counteract(削弱,抵消) W

    24、orsen(削弱) devastate(灭)努力:spare no effort to do strike a blow for struggle for make great /every/concerted effort/endeavour to doTake pains to do strain every nerve to do do ones utmost to do令人愤怒的:annoying irritating maddening outrageous provoking 高度赞扬:speak highly of heap praise on sb/sth praise sb/

    25、sth坐落/位于/放置:situate/locate sth in somewhere sth be situated/located in somewhere推迟:put off delay defer postpone当做:refer to sb as view sth as regard sb as consider sb to be deem sth as显示:reveal illustrate unfold indicate describe display depict present register show proclaim趋势:trend tendency 倍数:times folds%1的表达方法:one out of one hundred one in (every) one hundred 1000个人中不到2个人:not two out of one t


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