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    1、余热锅炉基础专项施工方案余热锅炉房基础专项施工方案Construction Scheme of HRSG Hall Foundation编制依据及说明Compilation Basis and Description1.1编制依据 Compilation basis 余热锅炉房基础施工图 F681S-T030307;图纸会审记录;电力建设施工质量验收及评定规程 第1部分:土建工程 DL T 5210.1-2005建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范 GB50202-2002混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 GB50204-20021.1Compilation basis“Construction D

    2、rawings of HRSG Foundation Hall”F681S-T030307;“ Recordof Counter-sign of Drawings”;“Quality Acceptance and Valuation Code of Electric Power Construction, Section 1, Civil Work Part”GB50202-2002“Quality Acceptance Specification of Building Sub-grade and Foundation Work” GB50202-2002“Quality Acceptanc

    3、e Specification of Concrete Structure Work” GB50204-2002 1.2编制说明1 .2 Description11#、 2#、3#余热锅炉基础总体布局相同,结构形式一样,功能也相近,故 3 个机组基础施工同时考虑,编写在同一方案中;1The general plan layouts of 1#、 2# and 3# HRSG foundations are the same, as well as the structures and functions. So three HRSG foundations work will be consi

    4、dered into one construction scheme.2余热锅炉基础包括垫层、基础承台、连系梁、短柱等几部分,本方案同时考虑,不 另行编制方案;2The HRSG foundation covers bedding course, foundation cushion cap, collecting beams and short columns etc which will be compiled in this scheme.3基础与上部框架采用螺栓连接,螺栓及固定架由厂家提供;3Adopt Bolts connecting on the foundation and to

    5、p frames, the bolts and fixed frames will be supplied by manufacturer.4地基处理采用钢筋砼灌注桩,该部分已由打桩公司完成,基础土石方开挖已在工程 桩交接前基本完成,本方案中均不再赘述。4The reinforced concrete caisson pile is used for sub-grade treatment. This job has been finished by pile driving company, As earth and stone excavation of the foundation ha

    6、s been basically completed before pile driving, so there is no other instruction about it in this scheme again.2 工程概况 Summary of Work余热锅炉露天布置,分为1#、2#、3#基础,分别布置于燃机房区域轴线 B-1413、B-9& B-43,横向12.8m,纵向47.4m。锅炉基础轴线间相距 48.5m。The outdoor arrangement of HRSG is separated by three parts, 1#, 2# and# foundation

    7、s, respectively set on the axis line B-14 13、 B-9 8 and B-4 3of GT hall area. The lateral length is 12.8m, longitudinal length is 47.5. The space between HRSG foundation axis lines is 48.5m.余热锅炉基础,承台型除了 CT-5、CT-6为大体积基础,CT-1CT-4为14个桩基基础,其余均为独立基础 19 个。基础间采用连系梁连成整体。基础承台底标高 -4.0m 。The cushion cap is CT-

    8、5 and CT-6 as big volume foundation, beside that from CT1 to CT4 total quantity of piling foundations is 14, others are isolated foundations with 19 of the quantity. It is linked as a whole body by collar beams among foundations. The bottom elevation of foundation cushion cap is -4.0m.基础与上部框架采用螺栓连接,

    9、螺栓埋入基础短柱内。基础砼强度等级,垫层 C10 素混凝土,承台及连系梁 C30,基础柱段采用C40.砼保护层基础50mm基础梁30mm 其余部位30mm钢筋I级为HPB235级为HRB335.The foundation and top frames are connected by bolts which are embedded in foundation short column. The strength grade of concrete is as following: C10 plain concrete is used for bedding course, C30 for

    10、cushion cap and connecting beams, C40 for foundation column section. The protective layer of concrete, foundation girder and other places respectively are 50mm, 30mm and 30mm. Steel reinforcement grade I is HP235, and grade n is HRB335.施工程序 Construction Procedure.根据总体进度计划安排,余热锅炉基础施工顺序,总体先施工 3#余热锅炉基础

    11、,依次再进行 2#、 1#锅炉基础。 1#、 2#、 3#施工时可并行、交叉进行。According to the overall progress scheme of construction, The construction of HRSG foundation sequence is under hereby: Firstly construction for 3# HRSG foundation in generally, the following step is construction of 2# 、 1# HRSGfoundation. The construction of

    12、 these foundations can be processed alternatively and parallelly.余热锅炉基础分三块区域施工,H6- H1.3轴间桩基基础及系梁为第一区域,CT-5、 CT-6大体积基础为第二区域,H1.3轴以南的独立基础为第三区域。It is divided in to 3 areas for HRSG foundation construction. The pile foundation and conneting beam from axis line H6 to H1.3 is regarded as first area, the s

    13、ec ond area is large volume con crete foun datio n for CT-5 and CT-6, the third area is isolated foundation in south position of axis line H1.3.锅炉基础施工程序为:地基验槽一 垫层支模一垫层浇筑C10一 承台(或系梁) 钢筋绑扎 支模验收浇砼C30一 养护拆模 回填 施工缝处理.螺栓施工一短柱钢筋绑扎 .支模一浇筑砼C40 一养护 拆模.回填The HRSG foun datio n con struct ion seque nee is as fol

    14、lowi ng: In specti on of foun dati on subsoil Formwork support ing for bedd ing course C10 Con cretepouri ng for bedd ing course steel bar binding for cushi on cap (or conn et ingbeam) support formwork inspection and acceptanee C30 Concrete pouringcuring demolition of formwork back filling treatment

    15、 ofcon struct ion joi nts Screw bolts worki ng steel bar bidi ng for short colu mn support formworks C40 con crete pouri ng curi ng removal of formwork backfilli ng.3主要分项工程施工方法3.Main Construction Methods of Subsection Work1、测量放线1.Survey and sett ing out1.1主要仪器:水准仪、RTS-632全站仪、50m钢卷尺。1.1Main Instrumen

    16、ts: Level gauge, RTS-632total station and 50msteel measuring tape.1.2根据现场原始定位点及锅炉平面布置图,选择合适位置设置控制点,每次定位防线 前对控制点进行复核。1.2Select proper location to set control point according to site originalposition and plan layout of HRSG,recheck the control point prior to locating and sett ing out.1.3工作流程1.3Work Fl

    17、ow :轴线用极坐标法测设。C10素砼垫层施工后,用全站仪从控制点引出,定出基础轴 线,并在轴线两端及交叉点用红油漆进行标注。根据轴线确定基础承台、短柱及连系梁 边框线。Survey and set out the axis line by Polar Coordinate Methods. After finishing C10 plain concreting for bedding course, set the foundation axis line by total station from control point and mark the ends of axis line

    18、and cross point with red paint. The frame lines of foundation cushion cap, short column and conneting beam can be con firmed accord ing to axis line.高程用水准仪测量,从控制点引出,先确定出垫层底标高;模板支设加固完成后, 在模板四角划出标高线,并用红油漆标识。Measure the elevation by level gauge; first confirm the elevation of bedding course leading fro

    19、m control point; The elevation line can be marked on the four corners of formworks and marked with red paint after completion formwork supporting2、钢筋工程2.Steel Reinforcement Work.2.1原材料2.1Raw Materials : 本工程所用钢筋均采用大厂的钢材,经监理工程师现场见证取样进行复检,经试验 合格后方可使用。All of steel bars used in this project should be man

    20、ufactured by large steel plant and final determination is depended on the engineer s approval after material sampling and qualification of inspection.2.2钢筋加工:2.2Machining of Reinforcement bar 在钢筋加工场地集中下料,统一配制。配制好的钢筋按进行码垛、保护,使用拖拉 机运至锅炉现场绑扎。Unload steel reinforcement in the machining work shop and dis

    21、tribute them well. Stacking etc. protective measures must be taken after distribution of steel bars, and then use tractors deliver to HRSG site area for assembling.严格按照设计图纸及钢筋配料单进行加工成型,其规格、尺寸、质量应满足设计图 纸要求。Strictly follow the design drawing and steel bar distribution sheet to machine them. The specif

    22、ication, dimension and quality should conform to the requirements of design drawings.2.3钢筋绑扎2.3Steel Bar Assembling 基础钢筋网绑扎时,四周两行钢筋交叉点应每点扎牢,中间部分的交叉点可相隔交 错扎牢,但必须保证受力钢筋不位移。绑扎时注意相邻绑扎点的丝扣要成八字形,以免 网片歪斜变形。The cross section point of two rows steel bars must be tightened well when assemble steel bars, the c

    23、ross section point can be fixed staggeringly, however, non-movement of stressed reinforcement must be warranted. Take notice that thread connection in adjacent of the assembling point should be splay-shaped to avoid distortion of mesh while assembling mesh reinforcement.梁箍筋弯钩应错开绑扎,并保证转角处钢筋绑扎到位。The s

    24、tirrup hooks for the beams should be assembled staggeringly to make sure the assembling of steel bar on cornerin correct place插筋位置必须准确,采用钢筋井字架定位柱筋,利用承台面钢管双向固定柱插筋, 以免造成保护层超标。The position of steel dowel must be accurate, the groined steel frame is adopted to locate column reinforcement, use steel pipe

    25、s on the surface of cushion cap to fix column steel dowel in two directions to prevent from exceeding protective layer standard index. 钢筋保护层采用水泥砂浆垫块,同一型号垫块加工厚薄应一致。The concrete mortar block is adopted for steel reinforcement protective layer, the thickness of same type block should be in corresponden

    26、ce3、模板工程:3.Formworks3.1基础选择胶合木模、方木、三形夹、对拉螺杆及钢管连接、固定支撑。3.1Plywood, wood blocks, trimorphic clamps, pull bolts, steel pipes and fixed stays are selected for foundation.3.2承台支模时,先拼每面模板,钻出螺杆孔,再合上对角两面模板,穿对拉螺杆,再 封另两面模板,在基础模板外四周设钢管横楞、竖楞及斜向支撑进行初步加固、拉线、 调直,加固。3.2When support the formworks of cushion cap, fir

    27、st assemble each piece of formwork together, drill the bolts holes on the formworks, then piece on the formworks on the two diagonal planes, insert pull bolts, then close the formworks in other two planes. Preliminary fixing, wire pulling, straightening and fixing to lateral and longitudinal square

    28、blocks and diagonal bracing should be done all around foundation formworks.3.3梁模板支设:先搭设梁底承重架,铺上底模,再封单面模板,钻出螺杆孔,穿好螺杆,螺杆外套PVC管,封另一侧模板,设钢管横楞、竖楞,拉线调直并加固。3.3Supporting of beam formworks: First set up bearing frame of bottom beam, put on the bottom formworks, then close odd-side board, drill hole on the b

    29、oard and insert bolt which has PVC sleeve on it, close the formworks on the other side, after set up lateral and longitudinal square blocks, the job of wire pulling, straightening and fixing can be started.3.4短柱模板支设:按短柱位置线,先立对角面模板,再穿对拉螺杆,接着封另两面模 板,调直加固。3.4Supporting of short column formwork: set up

    30、diagonal side formworks according the location line of short column, then insert pull bolts and close the other two side formworks3.5支模螺杆设置:基础承台高度达 1.5m,竖向设置3道螺杆,横向每隔60cm设置一 道。短柱横向设置两道螺杆,竖向底部上 15cm一道,向上每隔60cm设置一道。3.5Setting of support-formwork bolts: whenthe elevation of cushion cap approach 1.5m, i

    31、n longitudinal direction set 3 rows of bolts, in cross direction the bolts should be set row by row within space of 60cm. For the short column formworks, the bolts shall be set in 2 rows, 1 row is on 15cmbottom position in longitudinal direction, and another is set row by row within space of 60cm.3.

    32、6承台及梁顶部两侧模板用钢管对拉时,钢管必须高出承台不少于 100mm以便于抹面,确保砼表面平整、光洁。3.6While pulling with steel pipe to two sides of formworks for cushion cap and top of beam, the elevation of steel pipe must not less than 100mm of cushioncap elevation to ensure better finishing, smoothing and cleaning of concrete surface.3.7模板验收合格后,在模板地脚用砂浆嵌缝,防止基础砼出现烂根现象。3.7After the qualification of formwork checking and acceptance, fill the joint on the bottom of formworks with mo


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