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    7、分公司遍布各地,以前武钢集团的财务管理以传统的各分公司独立记账为主,但随着市场竞争的日益激烈和集团公司日益迫切地对集团内财务信息统筹的需求,武钢集团管理层渐渐认识到企业财务信息化对企业的重要性所在,于是在2005年开始试点建设企业财务信息系统并取得了良好的效果,从管理层认识的转变到企业财务信息化的实施,武钢集团不仅实现了认识上地飞跃,同时实现了企业现代化管理地飞跃。 2、为企业信息系统建设提供充分的资金支持有效的资金计划和充分的资金支持是企业在ERP系统下实现财务信息化的重要保障。很多企业,尤其是处在高速发展期的企业,常会出现现金流不足的问题,因此,这些企业在实施ERP系统下企业财务信息化的过





    12、通过提高对企业财务信息化建设的重视程度、加强企业财务信息化需要的人才、资金、内控环境建设,来充分保障企业财务信息化的顺利实施,通过ERP系统的实施打通企业内部的信息流动,加强企业内部的沟通交流,同时通过企业财务信息化的实施,提高企业的现代化管理水平和经营效率,保证企业在激烈的市场竞争中的应变能力和核心优势的发挥,从而实现企业的发展目标。I. IntroductionWith the continuous development of information technology, enterprise management is also going to the information, w

    13、hich is the most front-end of the information in the financial management. Due to the frequent and systematic information processing, the financial management has a great demand for information. The so-called financial information is the use of computer technology and software systems to complete th

    14、e daily business of financial accounting, management and financial decisions, and other related work.Financial information is a prerequisite for enterprise information management. However, in our country a lot of the implementation of the ERP system of enterprise, financial information has many prob

    15、lems, to establish effective financial information system, then taking this as the core build enterprise ERP system, for the success of enterprise informatization to transform or not plays a crucial role, of course, is the criteria for enterprises to operate and key to improve the business efficienc

    16、y.Two, ERP system under the current situation of enterprise financial information1, the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the financial informationAlthough our country now many enterprises are in information transformation, in the constant construction enterprise ERP system, but for the under

    17、standing of ERP system is also one-sided, understanding of the financial information is not deep enough. General managers in the enterprise of information transformation process, only the process understanding for the use of computer technology and software system to replace some simple human labor,

    18、 but did not realize the system role played by the ERP system in the process of enterprise management, the is the understanding of financial information through the system software to previously through human accounting records of accounts transplantation to the computer, through the computer to the

    19、 previous conventional financial work. These one-sided understanding led to the ERP system of the enterprises financial information system is difficult to play its due role. ERP system is not only a simple application of a system, and now it has developed into a new management ideas, has become a lo

    20、t of enterprises to rely on important decisions. Only from the system point of view to understand the ERP system, to understand the process of financial information, in order to effectively improve the efficiency of enterprise management through advanced technology, to ensure that the core competiti

    21、ve advantage of enterprises play.2, the lack of funds in the construction of information systemsWhether to build the enterprise ERP system, or companys financial information transformation are a huge project, must through the feasibility analysis, system evaluation, professional design, simulated op

    22、eration steps to final shape. Therefore information system construction of the short-term need large amount of funds to support, for enterprises. This is a short-term investment, long time to reap the rewards of the project, so we need from the angle of enterprise strategic development to implement

    23、enterprise informatization to transform. But at present a lot of enterprises of our country in the process of ERP system to build there are problems of insufficient funds support, on the one hand, the financial strength of the enterprise lack of, another aspect is because a lot of enterprise managem

    24、ent caused by short-sighted. Because in preliminary build system needs a lot of money, so the management layer potential necessary to assume certain risks, if the final ERP system to enterprises help, fail to achieve the expected effect, or financial information transformation. On the contrary, are

    25、familiar with the previous business model worker is unable to adapt the new office environment, this will bring enterprise short-term operating efficiency to reduce the consequences of.3, the lack of a sound internal control environmentInternal control environment is the key to the success of Modern

    26、 Corporation management, the internal control environment includes the design of enterprise architecture, the arrangement of rights, the control of risk and the construction of internal control system. Good internal control environment is crucial to the success of enterprise financial information. N

    27、ow, many enterprises of our countrys corporate governance system is not mature, but also the lack of a sound internal control environment, in the enterprises to build ERP system and financial information transformation, many enterprises due to the lack of a good internal control environment, not on

    28、the project feasibility of comprehensive and effective analysis, lack of corresponding cost benefit assessment, which makes many no conditions for the implementation of enterprise ERP system also blindly follow the trend, which eventually led to the enterprise not only failed to achieve the informat

    29、ion, aggravate the financial burden, may also be due to not adapt to the ERP system and the enterprise financial work efficiency is more low.4, composite type of high quality talent scarceNow many enterprises in our country in the process of using ERP system is always difficult to achieve the desire

    30、d results, the reason, many of them are due to the lack of high-quality compound talents. The lack of talents leads to the process of financial information of enterprises in our country from two aspects. On the one hand, the lack of high-quality composite development personnel. The development of ER

    31、P system requirements development personnel not only to understand the knowledge of information technology, but also to understand the knowledge of financial management in enterprises, is the only way to develop a high efficient enterprise information system, and our country now many developers only know computer knowledge, for enterprise management, financial management, illiterate, so many enterprises in our country the system function can


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