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    学科英语试题 春考模拟卷.docx

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    学科英语试题 春考模拟卷.docx

    1、学科英语试题 春考模拟卷2021 学科英语试题 春考模拟卷 2021学年度高三英语学科试卷 tg34 II. Grammar and vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;

    2、 for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a surprise test. After hearing that, all students _21_ (seat) and waited for the test to begin. The professor gave the test papers to all students with the text _22_ (

    3、face) down at the desk. Once he handed out the test papers to all students, he asked them to turn the test pages and begin. Students were confused to see there was not a question _23_ just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor noticed the students face expression and told them, DI wan

    4、t you to write about what you see there. The students were even _24_ (confused) but started the test by then. At the end of the class, the professor took all answer sheets and started reading each answer in front of all students. All of them described about the black dot, _25_ position they tried to

    5、 explain. After the professor finished reading, the whole class was silent. The professor explained, DDont worry. I am not going to give you grades but I just want you to think about something. Here _26_ focused on the black dot but no one wrote about the white paper, and the same is with our lives.

    6、 The white paper represents our whole life and the black spot represents problems in our life. _27_ our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and care, we have every reason to celebrate. Still we just focus on problems like health issues, problems in relationships etc., but we never see these

    7、 problems are very small compared with _28_ we have in our lives. So there is the moral lesson: we _29_ try to take eyes off our problems and enjoy each moment that life _30_ (give) us. Be happy and live the life positively. Section B Direction: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the

    8、box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. communicating B. reflection C. implied D. interrupted E. thoughtful F. value G. agreement H. sharing I. gap J. possible K. conflicts The meaning of silence varies among cultural group. Silence may be 31 , or the

    9、y may be empty when a person has nothing to say. A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness, or worry. Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every 32 with conversation. Persons in other cultural groups

    10、 value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a persons needs. Many native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of 33 among people, just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do. Therefore, when a person from one of these culture is speaking and suddenly stops, what

    11、 may be 34 is that the person wants the listener to 第 1 页 共 1 页 consider what has been said before continuing. In these culture, silence is a call for 35 . Other cultures may use silence in other ways, particularly when dealing with 36 among people or in relationships of people with different amount

    12、s of power. For example, Russian, French, and Spanish persons may use silence to show 37 between parties about the topic under discussion. However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her. In still an

    13、other use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority. Nurses and other care-givers need to be aware of the 38 meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing. Nurses should reco

    14、gnize their own personal and cultural construction of silence so that a patients silence is not 39 too early or allowed to go on unnecessarily. A nurse who understands the healing 40 of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures. III.

    15、Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Animal Rights Every conscious being has interests that should be respected. No being who i

    16、s conscious of being alive should be devalued to thinghood, dominated, and used as a resource or _41_. The key point of the idea known as animal rights is a movement to extend moral consideration to all _42_ beings. Nobody should have to demonstrate a specific level of intelligence or be judged beau

    17、tiful to be given moral consideration. No being should have to be useful to humanity or capable of accepting Dduties in order to be extended moral consideration. _43_, what other animals need from us is being free from duties to us. Animal rights is about letting animals live on their own terms. It

    18、can be written into our laws, but is not an actual list or bill of rights as we have for human society. It begins with our promises not to act like _44_ of others. Animal rights is about justice treating animals fairly. Why is animal rights _45 _? It is because we humans often act as though we are t

    19、he only beings on the planet. Although we depend on other animals for our very survival, humans are the only animals that have upset the balance of nature. There are lots of ways that humans _46_ animals. We domesticate them and use them for food, even though our nutritional needs can be completely

    20、supplied by a(n) _47_ diet. Although other materials are available, we use animals skin and other body parts for clothing, furs, hats, boots, jewellery and even pet toys. Humans can talk about it but animals cannot. All animals wish to experience life in its fullness. Unlike many animals who have to

    21、 kill to survive, humans do not. Why should humans cause _48_ to other beings when its not necessary? As we do, animals protect their children; they feel fear; they warn each other of dangers; they play. We might differ from other animals in some ways, but that doesnt give us the right to _49_ them

    22、down, take their lands, pollute their waters, or use them for our conveniences. Animals also experience pain and its not difficult to observe _50_ of pain in the way a conscious being reacts to it. We take advantage, cause distress, and act _51_ when we use animals for amusement. Lots of pets are _5

    23、2_ on the streets when their owners no longer find it convenient or affordable to keep or care for them. 第 2 页 共 2 页 Whether we admit it or not, its a prejudice to think we are _53_ to animals and that it is our right to control them, which can only make people act mean, hateful or neglectful. Howev

    24、er, each of us has within us the power to _54_. We can adopt a different attitude, one that reshape our destiny. This will have wonderful effects on the planets other communities, for life is _55_ avoiding suffering. It is interacting, singing, pursuing joy. We humans can learn to live responsibly,

    25、with respect, kindness and love. 41. A. companies 42. A. active 43. A. Indeed 44. A. followers 45. A. necessary B. goods C. insects D. providers D. strange D. Otherwise D. tutors D. revolutionary D. raise D. well-balanced D. misery D. tear D. performances D. unfairly D. spoiled D. superior D. procee

    26、d D. rather than B. conscious B. Moreover B. friends B. neglected B. eliminate B. eco-friendly B. confusion B. chase B. symbols B. chosen C. intelligent C. Nevertheless C. masters C. exploit C. low-salt C. isolation C. pull C. respected 46. A. distinguish 47. A. animal-free 48. A. conflict 49. A. ca

    27、lm 50. A. signs C. symptoms C. gently C. oppressed C. reasonable C. persist C. owing to 51. A. differently 52. A. abandoned 53. A. accessible 54. A. change Section B B. enthusiastically B. appealing B. dominate B. more than 55. A. contrary to Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passa

    28、ge is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read. (A) Did English football finally find a new star? At the age of 19, Theo Walcott

    29、came onto the scene by scoring a hat-trick for England in a 4-1 victory over Croatia in 2021 World Cup. Walcotts lightning speed and accurate shooting turned the teenager into an overnight star. Many thought he was a new dawn for the England team. He was building his fame for his fast pace, with for

    30、mer Barcelona manager Pep declaring that Dyou would need a gun to stop him. FIFA World Player of the Year winner Lionel Messi once also described Walcott as Done of the most dangerous players I have ever played against. In addition to his speed, Walcott also possessed good balance, movement and tech

    31、nique. It was symbolic that Walcotts goals came from the right-wing. The position had been played by Dgolden boy David Beckham for more than 10 years. No longer were the cheers for Beckham. The fans hopes now rested on the shoulders of Walcott. Walcott was born in London to a black British Jamaican

    32、father and a white English mother. He grew up as a Liverpool fan due to his fathers support of Liverpool. When Chelsea asked him to be a ball boy, he used the opportunity to meet his Liverpool idols. 第 3 页 共 3 页 The teenagers rise to fame was not completely out of blue. He was part of Englands World Cup team in 2021, but he did not get to play a match. He also spent over two years at Arsenal, where he was fast becoming a key playe


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