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    1、英语口语关于生活的英语口语对话关于生活的英语口语对话【本文概要】英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。那你知道关于生活的英语对话有哪些吗?下面是本文收集整理的一些关于生活的英语口语对话,大家一起来看看吧! 【篇一】关于生活的英语口语对话 J: hey, hows your one year old? 你那一岁的孩子怎么样了? A: shes great, thanks! 挺好的,谢谢. J: thats good. Since everything is fine, have you considered going out to work?

    2、 好,既然一切都挺顺利,你想没想过出来工作? A: yeah, Ive spent a whole month hunting a job, but many companies just turn me down. 想过啊,我找了一个月的工作了,但是很多公司都拒绝我了. J: maybe theyre worrying that a new mother may not concentrate totally on her work. 也许他们是担心你刚当了妈妈,不能全身心投入到工作中. A: yeah, I think so. To tell you the truth, Im also

    3、worrying about this. 没错,说实话,我自己也挺担心这一点的. J: yeah, being a working mother is more challenging than being a stay-at-home mom. Theres a lot more to deal with at the workplace. 是啊,做一个职场母亲可比专心在家带孩子难多了,工作中有更多的事情需要处理. A: sometimes when I imagine leaving my baby with the nanny, Im not feeling comfortable. 有

    4、时候我一想到要把孩子留给保姆,就觉得不舒服. J: then if it really happens, you may find yourself upset and stressful at work. 那如果你真的出去工作的话,上班的时候你可能会觉得很不安,很有压力. A: youre right. Im not so good at dealing with stress. So Im not sure whether I can handle it or not. 你说的对.我不太擅长应对压力,我也不知道能不能应对得了. J: perhaps its a little early f

    5、or you to start working. You may wait till the kid grows up. 也许现在出去工作有一点早,你可以等孩子长大一些再考虑. A: good idea. Ill consider going back to work when the kid enters kindergarten. 好主意,我得想想是不是等孩子上了幼儿园再出去上班. J: by then, youll be fully prepared to re-start your career 等孩子上了幼儿园,你就该准备好重新在职场打拼了. A: thanks you for yo

    6、ur advice. 谢谢你的建议. 【篇二】关于生活的英语口语对话 M: hey, George. Hows everything going? 嗨,乔治,近过得怎么样啊? G: not bad. And you? 不错.你呢? M: not bad, but busy as usual. 还行,就是忙. G: what are you up to? 忙什么呢? M: its a long story. Whats your plan for the National Day Holiday? 说来话长.你国庆节有什么打算啊? G: Im going back to Shanxi. Do y

    7、ou think I can get a train ticket tonight, 9 days in advance ? 我回山西.你觉得我提前九天的话今晚能买到票吗? M: sure you can. You can book the ticket up to 10 days in advance. 当然可以了.你可以提前十天订票. G: you know. Its hard to get a train ticket during the long holiday. 长假期间很难买票啊. M: dead right ! I saw a long line of people waiti

    8、ng to buy tickets at the ticket office the other day. 是啊!我那天看见售票点排了很长的队. G: tell me about it ! I cant help worrying what Ill do if I cant get a ticket. 你算说对了!我真担心到时买不到票. M: its always a headache buying tickes during the Golden Week. 黄金周期间不好买票. G: but my cousin is getting married, so Ill have to just

    9、 get through it. 但是我表姐要结婚,我一定要买到. M: youll probably have to wait at least two hours. 那你可能要排至少两个小时的队. G: Im afraid youre right. I should go. See you around. 有可能.我要走了,回见! M: bye. Good luck. 再见!祝你好运啊! 【篇三】关于生活的英语口语对话 杨: I am tired of her! Who will believe I only married her for 2 month! 我已经厌倦了她!谁会相信我才跟

    10、她结婚了2个月而已! 李: Hey, calm down! Tell me what happened! 嘿, 镇定点!告诉我发生了什么事! 杨: She is really in bad temper in that time of the month. 她来例假的时候脾气实在太坏了。 李: Then you shall thank god not all the month is that time. 那么你应该感谢上帝并不是每一天都是例假。 杨: She prefers her mother to me. My mother in law comes to visit us two ti

    11、mes in one week and at that time I am force to yield my bed to her. 比起我来,她更喜欢她的妈妈。我的岳母每周来我们家两次,那时候我就被迫让出我的床。 李: Well, she can understand her parents more after marriage. What you need to do is only listen and be pleased to listen. 恩,她结婚之后更多的理解了自己的父母。你需要做的只是听和高兴得听。 杨: She likes to check my mobile, she doesnt believe me. 她喜欢检查我的手机,她一点都不相信我。 李: This only means she cares you. 这只表明她在乎你。 杨: Thank you for enlighten me. 谢谢你开导我。 李: Take it easy. Happy marriage life needs tolerance and understanding. 放轻松点。美满的婚姻生活需要容忍和理解。


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