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    译林英语 江苏省重点中学学年八年级下学期月考英语试题.docx

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    译林英语 江苏省重点中学学年八年级下学期月考英语试题.docx

    1、译林英语 江苏省重点中学学年八年级下学期月考英语试题译林英语八年级下册阶段性检测 2016.3第一部分 听力(计20分)A. 听对话回答问题 (共10 小题;每小题1分;计 10分)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,根据所听到的内容,选择正确答语。(听两遍)1.What sign are they talking about ? A. B. C. 2.What does the woman have for her lunch now? A. B. C. 3. What is the girl doing? A. B. C. 4. How did Jim go to school

    2、today? A.B. C. 5. What will the weather be like? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.6 . What is Jane probably doing now? A. She is singing. B. She is reading comics. C. She is doing housework.7. What do we know about the new mobile phone? A. The man bought it himself. B. It was a present from the mans un

    3、cle. C. The man got it from a friend.8. How long has it rained? A. For three hours. B. For five hours. C. For two hours.9. What does the man mean? A. He is good at climbing high. B. It is not high at all. C. He may fall and hurt himself.10. What does Miss Zhang think of David? A. He walks too fast.

    4、B. He walks very slowly. C. He cant walk any farther.B)听对话或独白,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)听第一段对话,回答第11第12题。11. What will Mary do this Sunday? A. Go to the park B. Go to see Tom C. Play football12. What is wrong with Tom?A. He has a bad cold B. He has a headache C. His leg is hurt听第一篇短文,回答第13至15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成

    5、信息记录表。Ways to save eyesHow AdvantagesWay 1Wear _13_ and soft socks or cloth shoesMake blood circulation betterWay 2Walk on _14 _ Fight against eyesight troubleWay 3Skip rope so that one has to move quicklyMake both the brain and the eyes excited. Help one grow tallerWay 4Pull ones ears _15_ Keep one

    6、s eyes healthy13. A. tight B. small C. comfortable14. A. foot B. tiptoe C. legs15. A. 10 times B. 20 times C. 50 times听第二篇短文,回答第16至20小题16. One day a man and a tiger were talking about who was _.A. the strongest B. the tallest C. the happiest17. The man thought _.A. men could do anything B. men were

    7、the strongest C. tigers were strong animals18. When the tiger heard what the man said, he said _.A. tigers were the strongest B. men were the strongest C. I think so19. As they walked on, they saw a picture with _.A. some men on top of a tiger B. a man under a tiger C. a man on top of a tiger20. Tig

    8、ers dont know _.A. who were stronger B. whose picture it was C. how to draw a picture第二部分 笔试一单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 1. They _ the train until it disappeared (消失) in the distance (在远处). A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. realized ( ) 2. He will use what he has _ her a

    9、new dress. Her birthday is coming. A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. been bought( ) 3. The old lady didnt know _ when the house caught fire. A. how to do with it B. how to do C. what to do D. what to do it( ) 4. He _ until it began to rain. A. didnt stop working B. didnt stop to work C. stopped to wo

    10、rk D. stopped working( ) 5. _ they _ the book _ to the library yet? Yes, they have. A. Have; returned; / B. Have; returned; back C. Did; return; / D. Did; return; back( ) 6. Dont try to do everything at once. Take it a bit _. A. at times B. at that time C. at all times D. at a time ( ) 7. Be careful

    11、! A car may hit you. Thank you! I _ I _ so close to the road. A. didnt know; am standing B. dont know; am standing C. didnt know; was standing D. didnt know; would stand( ) 8. Youd better ask Mr Wang for help when _ problems. I see, but Im not sure when _ time. A. you have; having B. having; he has

    12、C. to have; he has D. to have; having( ) 9. _ I wash the clothes now? No, you _. You _ clean the room first. A. Must; dont have to; may B. Must; neednt to; must C. Must; mustnt; can D. Shall; may; may( ) 10. Mary didnt know who _ the problem she met with at that time. A. to talk about B. to talk to

    13、about C. will take to about D. will to talk ( ) 11. Everyone had an application form in his hand, but no one knew which office room _. A. to send it to B. to send it C. it to send D. it send to ( ) 12. The _ woman _ Shanghai since her husband died in 1990. A. lonely; has gone to B. alone; has left C

    14、. lonely; has been in D. alone; has been to( ) 13. Is Mrs Liu a teacher with a lot of teaching _ ? Yes, she is. But she had some bad _ at the beginning.A. experiences; experience B. experience; experiencesC. experience; experience D. experiences; experiences( ) 14. Before _ the medicine (药), _ shoul

    15、d study the instructions or follow the doctors _ .A. you take; you; advise B. you take; one; advice C. taking; one; advice D. taking; you; advise( ) 15. Bob called to say welcome back. Really? _. A. Its OK B. Youre welcome C. Thanks for telling me D. It doesnt matter二完形填空(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)Mr and Mrs G

    16、reen were very worried about their son, Daniel. He was born normal (正常) in every other way, 16 seemed to be dumb (哑的). Mr and Mrs Green tried everything to get him to 17 , but with no success. When Daniel was six years old, the best doctors in the town examined (检查) him 18 , but could find nothing w

    17、rong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he 19 spoke. “There might be something wrong with his 20 , and he doesnt know hes able to speak,” one doctor said. “But he can read and write,” said Mr Green, “Weve written him notes, telling him to speak some day.”“Its certainly very 21 ,” another d

    18、octor said. “Perhaps he will be able to speak some day.” 22 passed. Daniel went to university. But he didnt speak a single word. Then one day Daniel was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 23 and said, “Pass me the salt, please.”Mr and Mrs Green were excited. “

    19、You spoke! You spoke!” they cried. “Why have you 24 so long to speak?”“I didnt have anything to say,” he said. “Until now everything was 25 . But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes.”( ) 16. A. because B. when C. but D. before( ) 17. A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh( ) 18. A. angrily B. slowly

    20、 C. carefully D. quickly( ) 19. A. never B. often C. usually D. always( ) 20. A. back B. hair C. face D. mind( ) 21. A. exciting B. strange C. noisy D. quiet( ) 22. A. Hours B. Weeks C. Months D. Years( ) 23. A. chair B. meal C. hands D. books( ) 24. A. slept B. walked C. missed D. waited ( ) 25. A.

    21、 wrong B. easy C. perfect D. new 三阅读理解(本大题共20分,每小题2分)A Wuxi, ChinaTRAVEL COMPANY Beijing is the place to go . Best Beijing of 5 days From ¥799 2 nights Beijing Hotel & 2 nights Changcheng Hotel Book online or call 0541-7666888 . Beijing Hotel: Close to Tiananmen SquarePrize-winning garden Bars & Fre

    22、nch restaurants Swimming pool Changcheng Hotel: Gardens with mountain views Restaurants & Cafes Night club Buses to the downtown . Departure Date Price Jun.8 ¥899 Jul.29 ¥999 Aug.30 ¥799 Sept.30 ¥1299 To book, choose your Preferred departure date Business Hours Weekdays: 24 hours Weekends: 8:00 am -

    23、6:00 pm26. If you want to watch the national flag raising ceremony (升国旗仪式) on National Day, which departure date should we choose?A. June 8 B. July 29 C. August 30 D. September 3027. We can NOT book by telephone at _.A. 9:00 am, Monday B. 9:00 pm, Thursday C. 9:00 am, Saturday D. 9:00 pm, Sunday28.

    24、According to the ad, which of the following is TRUE?A. This ad is given by a Beijing travel company.B. We can save ¥500 leaving in late August instead of late September.C. Changcheng Hotel is in the center of Beijing.D. We can stay in Beijing for four days and five nights.BWhen you are about to do s

    25、omething brave, a cheerful wish of “Good luck!” from a friend can be helpful. But if you think you need lots of luck, what else might you do?In the UK and US there are some strange traditions for bringing yourself a little more good luck. Some are hundreds of years old and some are much newer.Have y

    26、ou heard the saying “When you wish upon a star”? If you are looking up at the sky on a clear night and you see a sudden flash of light, it is probably a shooting star! Seeing one doesnt happen very often. The saying goes that if you see one you have been very lucky, and so if you make a wish, it wil

    27、l come true.Maybe you have heard of the lucky rabbits foot. Some people believe that rabbits are lucky animals, so they carry a part of the rabbit, its foot, for good luck. There are all kinds of strange, unclear rules about which of the rabbits feet is the luckiest. It is said that this good luck t

    28、radition is the oldest one of all. However, as the funny saying goes, “Depend on the rabbits foot if you will, but remember it didnt work for the rabbit!”People in Britain love trees. If it is autumn and leaves are falling from the trees, some people try to catch the leaves as they fall because they

    29、 think each leaf they catch will bring them a lucky month in the following yearthey will need to catch 12 falling leaves to have a whole year of good luck! ( ) 29. The British try to catch 12 falling leaves because _. A. the leaves fall in autumn B. there are so many leaves to catchC. the leaves can

    30、 bring them a lucky month D. they want to have a whole year of good luck( ) 30. In Paragraph 5, the underlined word “them” refers to _. A. trees B. people C. leaves D. years( ) 31. The passage is mainly about _.A. how to wish upon a star B. things that bring good luck C. British people love leaves D. which of the rabbits feet is the luckiestC More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It


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