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    1、水利水电工程建筑的施工管理及技术健全的意义水利水电工程建筑的施工管理及技术健全的意义近年来 ,随着我国许多重型大型水利水电工程的建设 ,施工技术力量薄弱等许多工程施工技术方面的问题出现在工程实践当中。当今我国水利水电建筑工程最为重要的任务就是 ,加大水利水电建筑工程施工技术创新 ,力保工程施工质量 ,加强水利水电建筑工程施工技术及其管理。水利水电建筑工程施工技术在工程实施过程中意义重大 ,它对整个水利水电工程建设质量的好坏起着决定作用。In recent years, with the construction of Chinas many large water conservancy an

    2、d Hydropower Engineering, weak construction technology power and many engineering construction technical problems in engineering practice. Todays China Water Conservancy and hydropower construction is the most important task is to strengthen technological innovation, construction of water conservanc

    3、y and hydropower construction, to ensure the construction quality, strengthen water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction technology and management. Construction technology of hydropower construction project water resources of great significance in the project implementation process, i

    4、t to the water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction quality plays a decisive role.一、水利水电工程建筑的施工技术的意义Construction technology, water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction significance水利水电是清洁的可再生能源,它的利用是社会进步到现阶段的产物,在水利水电工程建筑的实施中,技术是它的根本,只有技术作保障才能在艰巨的重大工程中完成工程建筑的施工,水利水电工程建筑的

    5、施工技术将直接关联作用到水电水利的效益和产生的影响,它并不只是简单的一个工程而已,它是构成整个水电水利工程的一个重要要素 。只有将技术含量高与社会相紧密联系的技术用到水利水电工程建筑的施工中,水利水电工程建筑才能真正发挥其作用。Water conservancy and hydropower is a clean and renewable energy, its use is a product of the social progress, in the implementation of construction of water conservancy and Hydropower E

    6、ngineering, technology is the basic, only the technology for security can complete the project construction in the major works hard in the construction, the construction technology of water power engineering construction will have a direct correlation function the influence of hydropower and water c

    7、onservancy benefit and produce, it is not simply a project, it is an important factor in the whole of hydropower and water conservancy project. Only the high technology and society closely technology used in construction of water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, water conservancy and hydropow

    8、er engineering construction can truly play its role.二、水利水电工程建筑的施工管理的意义Two construction management, water conservancy and hydropower project construction significance水利水电工程建筑在施工过程中若仅有技术和资金等硬件,而没有管理的软件,则它将会成为一盘散沙,没有目的没有纪律没有指挥的工程将会是没有灵魂的走肉,并不会发展成为任何的大项目并运用于人类,只有在水利水电工程建筑的施工中把管理运用好,管理好了各种设施及整个建筑工程的实施,那么

    9、项目才会真正的发挥作用,才会是建筑工程的每块发挥作用,从而使整个建筑工程达到质的另一个提升。Construction of water conservancy and hydropower projects in the construction process if only the technical and financial and other hardware, and no management software, then it will be lacking spirit of cooperation, no purpose and no discipline, no comm

    10、and of the project will be no soul take the flesh, and not become any major projects and apply to humans, only in the construction of water conservancy and hydropower engineering the use of good management, good management of the implementation of various facilities and the construction, then the pr

    11、oject will really play a role, is each construction play a role, so that the whole building to another to enhance quality.三、水利水电工程建筑的施工技术及管理措施Measures of construction technology and management three, water conservancy and hydropower project construction1、 技术管理1, technology management水利水电工程建设存在工程规模大,

    12、 建设周期长, 施工技术复杂, 质量要求高, 工期限制严格,以及工作环境艰苦、 不安全因素相对较多等特点, 技术管理是对水电厂生产中的一切技术活动进行科学的管理和严密的组织, 使科技转化为生产力, 从而提高经济效益。The construction of water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering of large scale, long construction period, construction technology is complex, high quality requirements, strict time limit, and

    13、 the difficult working conditions, unsafe factors relatively characteristics, technology management is the activity of scientific management and strict organization of all technical hydropower plant production, science and technology into productivity, so as to improve the economic benefit.提高效益的保障是安

    14、全,安全的核心是管理, 管理的结果是效益。 运行管理单位, 实行企业管理, 一是内部生产经营管理粗放, 缺乏激励机制, 二是传统就业制度过于包容, 致使企业人员文化程度低、 技术素质差, 大部分职工末受正规培训, 缺乏应有的知识。加强技术管理, 提高企业的经济效益, 应做到以下几点:To improve the efficiency of the security is security, security is the core of management, management is the result of benefit. Operation management unit, imp

    15、lementation of enterprise management, one is the internal production and extensive management, lack of incentive mechanism, the two is the traditional employment system is too inclusive, cause enterprise personnel low cultural level, technical quality is poor, the majority of staff at the end of for

    16、mal training, lack of knowledge. Strengthen technical management, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, should do the following:(1)建立健全技术组织管理制度( 1 ) establish and perfect the management system organization相关项目负责人应建立厂站、 车间、 班组三级技术管理工作网,实行分级负责管理, 责任到人。 建立技术信息的收集, 事故及故障分析、 整理、 反馈制度。定期或不定期开展技术

    17、经验交流, 工作总结, 技术革新及合理化建议等活动。组织有关专业技术人员对活动成果进行分析、 归类并进行技术攻关。建立健全各项制度, 加强技术管理对设备的运行状况、 检修及事故或故障等进行统计分析, 有利于采取针对性的措施来提高设备的利用率, 减少设备损坏率,起到增收节支的作用。 技术档案应由专业人员负责管理, 确保其资料的完整性、 系统性、 准确性, 应认真收集和整理归类有关文书数据、 图表, 机组的原始数据资料 (设计、 施工、 安装、 调试、 试运行记录、 设计文件图纸资料、 运行、检修、 试验、 检验记录等) 。特别注意收集散落在各工作面、 车间、 班组的数据,并将其分类汇编归档, 同

    18、时还应建立健全文档查阅制度。Relevant person in charge of the project shall establish factory, workshop, team three technical management network, the classification is responsible for the management, the responsibility to the people. Establish technical information collection, collation, analysis, accident and fau

    19、lt feedback system. Regular or irregular conduct exchange of technical experience, summed up the work, technical innovation and rationalization proposals and other activities. The organization of professional and technical personnel, the classification of analysis results and technical problems. Est

    20、ablish and improve the system, strengthen technical management and operation status of equipment, maintenance and accident or fault were analyzed, to take targeted measures to improve equipment utilization, reduce the equipment failure rate, to increase revenue and reduce expenditure function. Respo

    21、nsible for the management of technical file by professional staff, ensure the accuracy, integrity system, its data, should collect and classify the relevant document data, charts, the original data set ( design, construction, installation, commissioning, trial operation record, design documents draw

    22、ings, operation, maintenance, testing, inspection records ). Pay particular attention to the collection of scattered in the working face, workshop, teams and groups of data, and classified compilation of archives, should also establish a sound file access system.(2)加强运行管理, 完善管理制度( 2 ) to strengthen

    23、the operation management, improve the management system根据国家的法律、 法规和有关规程, 结合实际, 制定 安全生产管理岗位责任制、生产事故调查实施细则、生产管理办法、电厂及变电站通讯中断事故处理办法、反事故措施计划、工作票、操作票签发制度和工作许可制度等以适应生产经营管理的需要。在运行中严格执行 “两票” 、 “三制” (操作票, 工作票,交接班制, 巡回检查制和设备缺陷管理制), 做好设备运行记录, 改正不良的习惯操作行为。 同时还应建立运行分析制度, 即对运行中通过仪表指示、 运行纪录、 设备巡检和操作等反映的各种问题和现象进行分析

    24、, 及时找出产生各种问题和现象的原因、 规律,并采取相应措施及对策。According to the laws, regulations and relevant rules, the country with the actual, formulate safety production management system of job responsibility , rules for the implementation of production accident investigation , production management , power plant and subs

    25、tation communication interruption accidents approach , anti accident measures program , work ticket, operation ticket issuing system and the work permit system in order to meet the needs of production and operation management. In the operation of the strict implementation of two votes , three system

    26、s ( operation ticket, ticket, shift relief system, tour inspection system and the equipment defect management system ), record of equipment operation, to correct bad habits operation. At the same time also should establish the operation analysis system, to all kinds of problems and phenomena through

    27、 the instrument indication, operating records, inspection and operation reflects the analysis, timely find out the reason, cause all sorts of problems and phenomena in the law, and take corresponding measures and countermeasures.(3)加强维护检修管理, 加强技术监督( 3 ) to strengthen the maintenance management, stre

    28、ngthen technical supervision在 “质量第一、 安全第一” 的前提下, 结合实际进行挖潜, 技术更新, 技术改造工作。逐步把恢复设备性能转变到改进设备性能上来, 延长检修周期, 缩短检修工期, 保证设备的检修质量。要努力学习新技术, 掌握新工艺, 熟悉新材料的物理化学性能及使用方法;改革传统的检修方法和步骤, 充分利用网络计划技术, 制定检修网络图, 使检修质量提高, 工期缩短,耗材降低, 工力减少。 运用各种科学试验方法进行技术监督, 对各种设备进行定期或不定期的检验和检测, 了解掌握设备的技术状况及在运用中的变化规律, 保证设备有良好的技术状况。加强仪表监督、 绝

    29、缘监督、 金属监督和技术监督。技术监督还是一个薄弱环节, 有待于进一步加强。In the quality first, safety first under the premise, combined with the actual potential, technology updates, technical renovation work. Gradually restore the equipment performance to improve the performance of equipment, extend the maintenance cycle, shorten th

    30、e maintenance period, to ensure the quality of equipment maintenance. Try to learn new technology, master new technology, physical and chemical properties of new materials and methods of use; maintenance method and step of the reform of the traditional, make full use of network planning technique, m

    31、aintenance network diagram, the maintenance quality, shorten the construction period, reduce power supplies, reduce. Test method is applied to various scientific and technical supervision, inspection and testing regularly or irregularly on various equipment, to understand variation to master the tec

    32、hnology condition of equipment and in use, to ensure that equipment is in good technical condition. Strengthen supervision, supervision, metal instrument of insulation supervision and technical supervision. Technical supervision is still a weak link, need to be further strengthened.2、施工管理2, construction management(1 ) 加强施工质量管理( 1 ) to strengthen the construction quality management水利水电工程施工质量管理涉及的方面较多,大致可归纳为以下几点:建设、建立、设计和施工。其中建设单位的具体工作是负责工程全方位的质量监督检查和管理,各有关部门应给予积极配合,以此来确保工程质量,建设优质工程。首先,应制定行之有效地施工组织计划和施工技术规程,各施工单位应严格按照国家有关水利水电工程的施工规范进行施工;其次,施工中应将控制施工质量放在首


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