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    1、英语中考总复习专题练习英语中考总复习专题练习一:选择题。1.Lily,_ is Kate. She is a new student. - Kate, nice to meet you. A. she B. this C. it D. her 2.We have shorts _ a very good price A. in B. on C. at D. for 3.Im busy. Can you_the phone for me , Jim ? - Sure . A. play B. look C.answer D. call 4.- Whats the _today ? - Its M

    2、ay 12th. A. time B. day C. date D. kind 5.Tom regards Nanjing as his second _because he has been here for over ten years . A. family B. room C. house D. home 6. The yellow shorts _15 yuan . A. is on sale B. are on sale C. are on sale for D. are on sell for 7. I studied _the math test last weekend. A

    3、. at B. for C. with D. about 8. We had great fun _ on the beach .A. playing B. crying C. swimming D. fighting 9. Dont forget _ the door and windows when you leave home . A. to close B. closing C. to closing D. closed 10. _the water was cold , Wei Ming jumped into it to save others . A. Although B. W

    4、hen C. If D. Because 11.Wang Tao made a plan _ May Day . He wanted to go bike riding . A. to B. for C. of D. about12. - Whats the matter _you ? - Im not feeling_ . A. with , well B. about , well C. with , good D. for , good13.The English article is not very difficult because there are only _new word

    5、s in it . A. a lot B. a little C, a bit D. a few 14. Today she came to school _a bus , not _bike . A. on, on B. by, by C. on , by D. by, on 15._of the workers in this factory is about two hundred ,_of them are women workers .A. The number, a number B. The number, the number C. A number , a number D.

    6、A number, the number16.Its raining hard , so we_ stay at home . A. can B. may C. must D. have to 17. - Sorry, I have to babysit my brother . - Thats too _.Maybe _ time . A. bad , another B. bad , other C. good , another D. good , other 18.Its a (an) _that Mary cant spend this weekend with us . A. pl

    7、easure B. idea C, invitation D. pity 19. My sister never eats junk food , and she always takes exercise every day , so she is very _. A. funny B. athletic C. serious D. calm 20. You can read the _for a dish before you order . A. menu B. list C. recipe D. process 21. Its wrong to _waste water into th

    8、e rivers.A.pour B. give C. show D . take 22.- Did you get _gifts on your birthday .- Yes , I got _. A.some , some B. any , any C. some , any D. any , some 23. _the end of the day , the class monitor cleaned the bus . A. In B. By C. At D. On 24. Jake has a day _,he has to look after her sick mother a

    9、t home . A. on B. in C. off D. away 25.It was a long journey , but _ of them four felt boring . A. no one B. none C. all D . both 26.Bill said they would have _holiday . A. a two-month B. two months C. two-months D. two months 27.On her way home Lucy saw a thief _in a shop . She stopped _110 at once

    10、 . A. steal , call B. to steal , call C. stealing , to D. stealing , calling 28. - Our team _the match . Weve got the first place . - Well done ! Congratulations ! A. hit B. beat C. won D. watched 29. There is going to _ a concert in the theatre tomorrow evening . A. have B. has C. is D. be 30. My b

    11、rother is going to be a policeman when he _ up . A. grow B. is growing C. grows D. is going to grow 31. Early to bed and early to rise can keep you _. A. health B. fit C. care D. busy 32.The woman wants to find a job _ a babysitter . A. like B.for C. as D. on 33. -Could I use your computer , Susan ?

    12、 -Sorry , Im going to _it now . You can use it tomorrow . A. work out B. work in C. work on D. work for 34.Trend Teens has the _clothes in town .We often buy clothes in it .A. good B. bad C. worst D. best 35. The post office is close _the supermarket .A. at B, to C. by D. near 36.Of all the stars ,

    13、the sun is _to us . A. near B. nearer C. nearest D. the nearest 37. Tom does his work _Lucy .A. as well as B. so well as C. as better as D. so better as 38.Can you dance ? We need _actors for the Talent Show .A. some more B. more one C. some another D. other some 39.Im very _because I failed in the

    14、English exam .A, angry B. crazy C. upset D. pleasant 40. My father goes to work every day _Saturday and Sunday . So he can rest for two days in a week . A. besides B. including C. between D. except41. _ tourists come to visit the Great Wall every year .A, Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundred

    15、s of 42. My life will be _better than it is now .A, quite B. a few C. a lot D. very 43.If you dont go to the park , I wont go ,_.A. too B. also C. either D. as well 44.My mother always tells me not to _my younger sister ,and we should get on well with each other . A. play with B begin with C. argue

    16、with D. compare with 45.I tried the dress but it didnt _me. A. fit B. get C. match D. keep46.A snake came out from the corner suddenly . I was really _.A. happy B. sad C. sorry D . scared47.The man _have done something bad because he ran away when he saw the policemen.A. must B. should C. can D. had

    17、 to 48.-Is that new bike _? - Yes , its _. A. yours ; own my B. yours ; my own C. your; own my D. your ; my own 49. As a teacher ,we should _our students eyes to the outside world .A. put on B. pass on C. open up D. take off 50.If you meet troubles in your life , you should try to _them .A, call up

    18、B. send up C. get over D. get out 51.Will Susan come to the party ? - She will if she _time tonight .A. had B. will have C. has D. is having 52.The poor kid had to look after himself . He _by selling newspapers.A. made a mistake B. made a decision C. made a noise D. made a living 53.- How long have

    19、you learning English ? - _I was nine years old . A. As B. For C.Since D. Because 54. I visited the Summer Palace . The old buildings there are _Chinese style .A. on B. at C. in D.after 55._we sing English songs ,_we enjoy learning English . A.The many ; the many B.The more ; the much C. The more ; t

    20、he well D. The more ;the more 56.The famous film star looks so happy ,but_he feels very tired every day .A.in a word B. first of all C. in fact D. by the way57.-Can you guess if they _to play basketball with us ?-I think theyll come if they _free.A. come, are B. will come ; will be C. will come ; ar

    21、e D. come ; will be 58. The baby kept crying _. Whats wrong with him ?A. at that time B.the same time C. all the time D. at times59.He _most of his money to charity.A. gave away B. gave off C. got up D. got out 60.Mary has a beautiful _. Listen! She is singing so well .A. voice B. look C. sound D. s

    22、mell 61.-Excuse me , how much did the new car _? -Eight thousand dollars .A. take B. get C. cost D. spend 62._weather is it today ! Lets go to play soccer !A. How a good B. What a good C.How good D. What good 63.You can _the passage first and then read it carefully.A. look up B. look through C. look

    23、 over D. look at 64.The population of China _over 1.3 billion so far .A. was B. are C. has been D. have been 65.Lets go to the amusement park this Sunday ,_?A. will you B. shall we C. do you D. dont you 66._of the teachers are women in our school .A. Three quarter B. Three quarters C.Third quarter D

    24、. Third quarters 67.You wont have any problem _ a park in this city .A, to find B. find C. found D. finding 68.-I havent been to a space museum. -_.A. So do I B. Me too C. Me neither D. So have I 69.You will be late _you hurry up .A. after B. when C. unless D , if 70. Yao Ming is _as one of the most

    25、 popular basketball players in the world .A. regarded B. made C. kept D. watched 71. - Are you afraid of _ at home , Linda ? - No , Ive grown up .A. alone B. being alone C. lonely D. being lonely 72.If you want to know the word _, youd better look it up in the dictionary .A. hardly B. carefully C.mo

    26、stly D. exactly 73.My MP4 is wrong . I have to get it _.A, repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repaired 74.- Im allowed to go to the movie with friends on Friday nights .-_.A.So is he B. So does he C. So he is D. So he does 75.After years of hard work , he _his dream in the end .A. came true B. ac

    27、hieved C, came out D. came over 76.-Is your mother strict_her work ? - Yes . she is strict _me, too. A,in , in B.with , with C. with , in D. in ,with 77.- Im very sorry to trouble you . - Not at all. A. bother B. annoy C. surprise D. interrupt 78. At last he came up with a good idea . A. found out B

    28、. caught C. looked for D. thought up 79.There was plenty of rain in this area last year .A. many B. a number of C. much D. quite a few 80. If my father _here now , he _tell me what to do .A. were , would B. were , will C. is , would D. is , will 81.Some students were reading _the rest were writing .

    29、A. when B, while C. as D. though 82.What would you do _the lost library book ? -I would try to find it or pay _it .A. for; to B. about; for C. with ; for D. with ; to 83.-That T-short with Yao Mings picture on it _belong to David. He admires him a lot . - No, it _be his . He hates black color. A. ca

    30、n; cant B. may ; neednt C. must ; mustnt D. must ; cant 84.Why did you come a long way round? - I was afraid _near the dog because I was afraid_. A. of walking ;to be bitten B. to walk ; to be bitten C. to walk ; of being bitten D. of walking ; being bitten 85.The music reminded me _Brazilian dance . A. of B. for C. about D. with 86.He prefers surfing the Internet _TV. A. to watch B. to watching C. than watch D. than wa


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