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    五年级英语上册 第16单元单元分析教案 人教新版.docx

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    五年级英语上册 第16单元单元分析教案 人教新版.docx

    1、五年级英语上册 第16单元单元分析教案 人教新版2019年五年级英语上册 第1-6单元单元分析教案 人教新版言语技能目标1 能够听、说、认读以下单词和短语:1)描述人的特点的:smart, active, shy, funny2)国家名称:Japan, France, Germany3)涉及兴趣活动的短语:play the piano, reading a book, flying a kite2 能够听、说、读、写以下单词及缩写:how, old, are, she, he, where, from, China, we, like, book, shopping, painting, he

    2、s, shes3 能够听、说、认读以下句子:He/she looks active.Where do you come from? I come from New Zealand.Does Mary like playing the piano? Yes, she does.Does Ken like writing? No, he doesnt. He likes reading.4 能够在适当的情景中正确地听、说、读、写下面的句子:How old are you? Im nine.How old is he/she? Hes/ Shes twelve.Where are you from?

    3、 Im from China.I (We) like shopping. He (She) likes painting.5 能够正确说唱3个chants, 对/t/, /d/, /k/ 三个因素的发音准确、清晰。情感态度目标1 能够进一步增强对英语学习的兴趣。2 能够积极主动参与课堂教学的各项活动。在情景对话中大胆开口,认真模仿。学习策略目标1 能够在“探究式”学习活动中使用所学语言向同学、朋友开展调查活动。2 能够对所学内容主动进行信息帮助理解故事和会话的意义。文化意识目标1 能够在世界地图上识别出本单元的几个国家的地理位置。2 能够接受英语中询问年龄的习惯表达方式,并做出恰当的反应。Uu

    4、it3 My father is a teacher言语技能目标1 能够向比尔介绍自己的父母和家人的职业。2 能够正确询问他人的职业,并能对别人的尊文做出恰当的回答。语言知识目标1 能够正确地听、说、读、写father, mother, brother sister, dad, mum, doctor, nurse, farmer, policeman, policewoman 等表示亲属的称呼、职业的单词和this, a, who, whos (who is) 等词语。3 能够正确的听、说、认读以下表述职业的句子:Hes a teacher. Whats his job?Shes a tai

    5、lor. Hes a fireman.I want to be a doctor. Whats her job? Shes a policewoman.4 能够在适当的情景中正确地听、说、读、写下列句子:This is my father. Shes nurse.This is my mother. Whos he?Whats your dad? Hes my uncle.Hes a doctor. Whos she?Whats your mum? Shes my aunt.5 能够正确、熟练地说出3个chants, 3个因素/m/, /n/, /f/ 发音准确、清晰。情感态度目标1 能够进一

    6、步提高对英语学习的热情,培养更加稳定的兴趣。积极主动滴参与课堂活动,大胆开口。2 通过本单元的学习,培养热爱家庭、善待家人的好品质。学习策略目标1 能够在学习和课堂活动中集中注意力1015分钟。2 通过观察制服等典型外部特征判断人的职业,利用图片联想记忆各种自己用的英语说法。文化意识目标了解本单元所涉及的各种职业在中国和英语股价有哪些异同点。Wuin4 What does your mother do?言语技能目标1 能够向他人介绍自己的家人和朋友的基本情况,包括职业、工作地点,所从事的活动等。2 能够通过询问获取他人的一些基本信息,包括职业、工作地点等。3 能够简要表述对他人的情感。语言知识

    7、目标1 能够听、说、认读以下单词:描述认得职业的词bus conductor, reporter, vet; 描述人的工作地点的词:bank, hospital, hotel; 描述人的具体工作内容的词组:send letters (newspapers), interview people, grow wheat (vegetables), teach English2能够听、说、读、写一下单词:bus driver, son, daughter, hi, hello, they, grandfather, grandmother, teach, love, help, kind, beau

    8、tiful3 能够听、说、认读以下涉及职业的句子:What does your mother (father) do? Shes (Hes) a TV reporter (vet, bus conductor).Where does your father (mother) work? He (she) works in a bank (hotel, hospital).4 能够在适当的情景中正确的听、说、读、写以下句子:Is your mother a farmer? Yes, she is. Is your father a farmer? No, he isnt. Hes a bus d

    9、river. Who are they? They are my grandfather and mother. I love my mother. Shes kind and beautiful.5 能够正确说唱3个chants, /v/, /h/, /l/ 发音准确、清晰。情感态度目标1 能够对英语学习有更高的热情。2 能够在学习和课堂活动中表现出一定的参与能力。3 能够对相关的职业有正确的认识, 初步形成职业理想。学习策略目标1 能够了解本单元的学习目标。 2 能够与他人很好低合作学习。3 培养获取有关职业信息的能力。文化意识目标1 能够初步了解英文信件的基本格式如何写英文信件。2 初步

    10、了解外国家庭人与人之间市怎样相处的,是一种什么样的关系。Unit5 Is this your Schoolbag?言语技能目标1 能够询问和回答各种物品的归属,并在适当情景中灵活运用。2 能够根据所谈论物品的位置正确选择使用this和that, 并初步了解名词性物主代词和形容此项物主代词的用法。语言知识目标1 能够听、说、认读以下单词:schoolbag, active book, dictionary, seal, whale, hippo, dolphin, umbrella, mirror, belt, mop2 能够听、说、读、写以下单词和缩写形式:it, eraser, sharpe

    11、ner, yes, no, not, isnt, that, cat, dog, bear, coat, jacket, jeans, shoes3 能在适当的情境中正确的听、说、认读以下句子:Whose textbook is this? Its mine.Whose bear is that? Its mine.Whose mask is that? Its his. 4 能够在适当的情境中正确的听、说、读、写以下句子:Is this your eraser? Yes, it is. Is that your dog? No, it isnt.Is this your sharpener?

    12、 No, it isnt. Is this his coat? Yes, it is.Is that your cat? Yes, its. Is that his jacket? No, it isnt.5 能够正确说唱3个chants, 对/s/, /z/, /r/ 三个因素的发音准确、清晰。情感态度目标1 能够积极主动地运用多种器官参与课堂教学的各项活动。2 能够大胆提出自己不懂的问题。3 能够主动在合作中学习, 在学习中合作。4 能够了解爱护动物的重要意义。学习策略目标1 能够动手制作各种折纸、泥塑、剪纸作品和表演等形式学习英语。2 综合运用视觉、触觉、听觉,加深对所观察和学习对象的认

    13、识和印象。文化意识目标能够了解全球环境问题和动物保护的情况。Unit6Whiose T-shirt is that?言语技能目标1 能够在具体情景中了解并表达物品的所属关系。2 能够描述出身边同学或朋友身边同学或朋友的一些物品的主要特征,或者是根据其他人的描述判断出该物品是谁的。3 能够在类似的情景中运用本单元的教学内容,有目的地做事情。语言知识目标1 能够听、说、认读以下物品的名称:camera, video camera, sun visor, scarf, 餐具的名称:plate, spoon, knife, fork, 视食品名称;pudding, drum, candle, doll

    14、3 能够听、说、认读下列涉及物品的归属的句子:Whose camera (spoon) is that? Maybe its yours.No, it isnt. mine. Its Marys (Lisas).4 能够在适当的情景中正确地听、说、读、写下面的句子:Is that her (doll)? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.Is this Peters (pizza)? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Its Lisas.5 能够正确说唱3个chants, 熟悉字母Uu 的读音规律,/ju:/ 和/ 的发音准确清晰。情感态度目标1 能够进一步提

    15、高对英语学习的热情,增强用英语表达思想的愿望和信心。2 能够积极主动地参与课堂活动,并在情景中大胆开口, 努力实践。学习策略目标1 培养对身边事物细致的观察力。2 能够在学习和课堂活动中锻炼自控能力。文化意识目标1 能够初步了解本单元所涉及的西方用餐习惯,并在情景中尊重这些习惯。2 能够通过对本单元的学习,初步了解东、西方在用餐习惯上的一些区别。 附送:2019年五年级英语上册 音标练习汇总教案 人教新版一、 将划线部分读音不同的单词的序号填入题前括号内( ) 1. A. tenB. twelveC. sheD. eleven( )2. A. thatB. mathsC. appleD. na

    16、me( )3. A. BobB. cokeC. homeD. tomato( )4.A.elevenB. EnglishC. jacketD. desk( )5. A. goodB. lookC. footD. goose( )6.A. gradeB. nameC. sameD. apple( )7. A. areB. warmC. parkD. car( )8. A. liveB. milkC. bikeD. this( )9.A. homeB. goC. dogD. coke( )10.A.whatB. waterC. watchD. want二、 在划线部分读音相同的单词后面画“” 读音

    17、不同单词后面画“”1. ouryour( )11. longold( )2. elevenegg( )12. sorryshort( )3. classback( )13. cuteput( )4. good food( )14. namesame( )5. hisChinese( )15. howwindow( )6.welcomecome( )16. goodschool( )7. seat please( )17.Chinesedesk( )8 herethere( )18. mathsgrade( )9.morningshort( )19. tentwelve( )10. havena

    18、me( )20. drivermilk( )三、 在与例词划线部分读音相同的单词后面画“”,不同的画“”,1.samename maths( )( )7.godo potato( )( )2.yourfour our( )( )8.fivegive driver( )( )3.wherehere there( )( )9.classfather park( )( )4.hismilk five( )( )10.hergirl teacher( )( )5.noseold long( )( )11.namesame happy( )( )6.studentmusic duck( )( )12.g

    19、reenseat coffee( )( )UNIT 2 AA. 将与所给例词画线部分读音相同的单词序号填入题前括内( ) 1. from A. home B. love C. long( ) 2. good A. food B. too C. look ( ) 3. nice A. nice B. sing C. this( ) 4. where A. here B. there C. near( ) 5. glad A. name B. China C. maths( ) 6. come A. welcome B. old C. loveB. 从下列各组单词中找出发音不同的选项( ) 1.

    20、A. good B. too C. zoo D. school( ) 2. A. name B. same C. game D. maths( ) 3. A. come B. old C. coke D. home( ) 4. A. twelve B. seven C. she D. yellow( ) 5. A. look B. book C. food D. good( ) 6.A. like B. sing C. China D. driver( ) 7.A. read B. speak C. bread D. please( ) 8. A. book B. look C. good D

    21、. too( ) 9. A. piano B. long C. go D. so( ) 10.A. he B. she C. twelve D. PeterC. 在画线部分发音相同的单词后面画“”不同的画“”1. hair where ( ) 2. long on ( )3. come love ( ) 4 . has have ( ) 5. do does ( ) 6. good look ( ) 7. very twelve ( ) 8. pretty well ( ) 9. from old ( ) 10. Japan France ( )11.China this ( ) 12. wh

    22、ere here ( )13. dance France ( ) 14. song long ( )15. at cat ( ) 16. come from ( )17.how yellow ( ) 18.twelve eleven ( )19.old home ( ) 20.nine this ( )21.she these ( ) 22.are car ( )23.look good ( ) 24.name cap ( )D. 在与例词画线部分读音相同的单词后画勾,不同的画叉。1 does do ( ) 2 like China ( ) come ( ) sing ( )3 so go (

    23、 ) 4 know how ( )to ( ) yellow ( )5 my fly ( ) 6 with singing ( )Many ( ) driver ( )UNIT 3 A一、 找出划线部分读音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内( ) 1. A. father B. France C. maths D. dance( ) 2. A. teacher B. read C. bread D. please( ) 3. A. family B. at C. am D. name( ) 4. A. brother B. does C. do D. come( ) 5. A. student

    24、 B. computer C. rubber D. new( ) 6. A. our B. four C. your D. sport( ) 7. A. dad B. grade C. maths D. cat( ) 8. A. doctor B. dog C. long D. does( ) 9. A. water B. want C. watch D. what( ) 10. A. she B. ten C. he D. these( ) 11. A. make B. grade C. dancer D. name( ) 12. A. fireman B. writer C. sister

    25、 D. driver( ) 13. A. future B. mum C. student D. computer( ) 14. A. look B. good C. book D. food( ) 15. A. twelve B. clever C. she D. eleven二、 在与例词划线部分读音相同的单词后面画“”,不同的画“”1. driver - like ( ) 2. sister - her ( ) - big ( ) - tailor ( )3. mother - come ( ) 4. these - she ( ) - to ( ) - twelve ( )5. whe

    26、re - there ( ) 6. father - grade ( ) - here ( ) - dance ( )三、 划线部分读音相同的单词后面画“”,不同的画“”1. nurse Saturday( ) 2. work short ( ) 3. want what ( ) 4. doctor song ( ) 5. do does ( ) 6. hospital home ( )7. like writer ( ) 8. tailor farmer ( ) 9. who does ( ) 10. job dog ( ) 11. uncle mum ( ) 12. what watch

    27、( ) 13. waiter tailor ( ) 14. Thursday nurse ( )15. doctor do ( ) 16. man woman ( )四、 找出与例词划线部分读音相同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内( ) 1. look A. school B. book C. too( ) 2. fireman A. this B. singer C. writer( ) 3. work A. pork B. nurse C. Saturday( ) 4. about A. you B. out C. young( ) 5. man A. woman B. can C. bra

    28、veUNIT 4 A A将画线字母读音不同的单词的序号填入题前括号内1. ( )A. readB. greatC. sheD. he2. ( )A. reallyB. readyC. breadD. pet3. ( )A. doctorB. onC. ofD. does4. ( )A. yourB. reportC. youD. for5. ( )A. vetB. petC. reportD. bed6. ( )A .e-mailB .gradeC .familyD. great7. ( )A .people B .teacherC .three D .ready8. ( )A .studyB .comeC .onlyD .some9. ( )A .familyB .happyC .bankD .many10. ( )A .workB .nurseC .forD .her11. ( )A .vetB .helpC .happyD .hello12. ( )A .hiB .myC .familyD .nine13. ( )A .uncleB .loveC .doesD .aunt14. ( )A .hotelB .onlyC .whoD .hello15. ( )A .workB .herC .nurseD .sister16. ( )A .hospitalB .often


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