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    1、人教版八年级英语下册教案Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyUnit 8 Have you read Treasure Isla nd yet?Lan guage Goals【语言目标】Lear n to talk about recent events and experie nces.Kno wledge Goals【知识目标】Key Wordstreasure, island, page, tool, gun, sand, towards, land, ficti on , tech no logy , French, pop, forever , fan, s

    2、outher n, modern , success, beauty , million , record , lineKey Phraseshurry up , scienee fiction , full of , ever since , one another, study abroad , belong to , a fan of American country music , in troduce sb.to sb.Key Senten ces1. Have you read Little Women yet ? Yes , Ihave./No , I have nt.2. Wh

    3、ats it like ? Its fantastic.3. Has Ti na read Treasure Isla nd? Yes , she has.She thinks it is fan tastic.4. Have you decided yet which book to write about forEn glish class?Yes , I have .I have already fini shed readi ng it.5. Whats it about ? Its about four sisters growing up.6. Listening to The T

    4、oms is a good way to wake up.7. But five years ago , while she was studying abroad in England , she heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio.Key GrammarLear n Prese nt Perfect Ten se.Ability Goals【能力目标】1.Be able to use Prese nt Perfect Ten se.2. En able the stude nts to write

    5、an article about a sin ger or writer they know well.Moral Goals【情感目标】I.Let the stude nts know their hometow n is beautiful and they should love her.2. It is important for them to read some books.Teach ing Time【课时】Five periodsPeriod 1Section A(1a 2d)Period 2Section A(3a 4c)Period 3Section B(1a 1d)Per

    6、iod 4Section B(2a 3b)Period 5Self Check本单元教材以“谈论几部学生们非常熟悉的故事书”为中心话题,围绕着“询问你读过 吗”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型: 一Have you read Little Women yet? Yes, Ihave./ No, I have nt./Whats it like ? Its fan tastic./ Has Tina read Treasure Isla nd? Yes, she has.She thinks it is fan tastic./ Have you decided yet which book to

    7、write about for En glish class? Yes, I have .I have already fini shed readi ng it./ Whats it about ? Its about four sisters growing up.等。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师生之间的感情。 Section A主要学习几个常见的动词短语及现在完成时。应掌握句型: 一Have you read Little Women yet ? Yes,Ihave./ No , I have nt./ Whats it like ? Its fan tastic.等。通过短文鲁

    8、滨逊漂流记来介绍 了鲁滨逊在孤岛上的生活,增加了学生的阅读量。 Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,通过短文 “A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever ,介绍了 Sarah 禾口 a country music song的故事。教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。第一课时 Section A(1a 2d)Teachi ng Key Poi nts 【教学重点】The vocabulary :treasure, island, page, hurry up , full ofTarget Ian guage:1. Have y

    9、ou read Little Wome n yet?Yes, I have./ No , I have nt.2. Whats it like ? Its fantastic.3. Has Ti na read Treasure Isla nd?Yes, she has.She thinks it is fantastic.4.Have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?5. Whats it about?Its about four sisters grow ing up.【教学难点】Teach ing D

    10、ifficult PointsUse the target Ian guage above to talk about recent eve nts and experie nces.Teachi ng Aids 【教学工具】an English book , a tape recorder and CAITeachi ng Steps 【教学过程】 Step 1 Preview and perception 【预习感知】Ask the stude nts to read the vocabulary and target Ian guage.I .单项选择。()1.We have nt se

    11、e n the film .A .alreadyB. everC.yet D.since()2.his brother Oliver Twist yet?A .Have; read B. Have; readedC.Has; readed D. Has; read()3.,or you will be late.A .Hurry upB. Be carefulC.Look upD. Go outn .根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.你读过小妇人吗?是的,我读过。/不,我没读过。 you Little Wome n yet?Yes, I . / No , I .2. 它怎样? 一它非常棒。What

    12、s it ? Its .3.蒂娜读过金银岛吗?是的, 她读过。她认为它非常棒。 Tina Treasure Isla nd yet?Yes, she . She thinks it is fantastic. Step 2 Con sociation and explorati on 【合作探究】Let the stude nts read the book by themselves in order to find out the an swers.They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.Wh

    13、en they finish the questions, ask some stude nts to check the an swers.Step 3 Leadi ng in 【情景导入】1like readi ng.l have read many books .I have read Alice in Won derla nd , Little Wome n, Treasure Island Have you read Treasure Island yet ? Let the students listen and repeat.And help them to an swer it

    14、.Step 4 Pre task 【准备任务】Page 57, 1a &1b1.Look at the pictures.Have you heard of these books? Check the ones you know.2.Play the tape and ask the students to listen and find the answers in 1b.3.Ask some students to check the answers.Page 57, 1c1.Focus on the conversation in the box.2.Practice reading.

    15、3.Practice the conversation, and then talk about the other books in 1a.4.Divide the class into some groups.Make conversations.Step 5 While task 【过程任务】Page 58, 2a&2b1. Play the recording for the first time.Students listen and find the answers in 2a.2.Check the answers.3.Play the recording a second ti

    16、me and say: Listen again and write T for true and F for false in 2b.4 . Ask one or two stude nts to check the an swers.Step 6 Post task 【后续任务】Page 58, 2c & 2d1.Focus on the con versati ons in 2c & 2d.2. Use the in formatio n in 2a and 2b to talk about the books.3. Practice read in g.Make the stude n

    17、ts sca n the con versati ons first.4. Teach and the n make stude nts role play the con versati ons in pairs.5. Play the record ing and ask the stude nts to liste n and repeat 2d.Step 7 Con solidation practice 【巩固练习】Look at the stude nts book of the 1st exercise.Step 8 Summary 【课堂小结】This class we hav

    18、e lear ned Prese nt Perfect Tense and the sentence “ Have you yet?” . You should master the new words and phrases “treasure, island, page, hurry up , full of ” . And practice them after class.Step 9 Homework 【家庭作业】1.Liste n to the tapes twice.2 . Practice the conversation on Page 58, 2d.Board Desig

    19、n 板书设计Un it 8 Have you read Treasure Isla nd yet?The first period Section A(1a 2d)1.The vocabulary :treasure, island , page, hurry up , full of2.Target Ianguage:(1) Have you read Little Women yet?Yes, I have./No , I have nt.一Whats it like?Its fan tastic.(3) Has Ti na read Treasure Isla nd?Yes, she h

    20、as.She thinks it is fantastic.(4)Have you decided yet which book to write about for En glish class?一Whats it about?Its about four sisters grow ing up.第二课时 Section A(3a 4c)Teachi ng Key Poi nts 【教学重点】The vocabulary :ship, tool, gun, mark, sand, towards, fiction , land , tech no logy , Fren ch, cut do

    21、w n , scie nee fictionTarget lang uage:1.1ve brought back many things I can use food and drink , tools, knives and guns.2.So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship.3.I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food.Teachi ng Difficult Poi nts 【教学难点】I.Retell the s

    22、tory to your classmates.2.Present Perfect Tense.Teachi ng Aids 【教学工具】an English book , a tape recorder and CAITeachi ng Steps 【教学过程】Step 1 Preview and perception 【预习感知】Ask the stude nts to read the vocabulary and target Ian guage.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. you (watch) the game yet?Yes, I (watch)it yesterday.2.

    23、 he (retur n) it to you?Yes, he has.3. you (decide) which one to buy?No , I have nt.Step 2 Con sociation and explorati on 【合作探究】Let the stude nts read the book by themselves in order to find out the an swers.They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the qu

    24、estions, ask some stude nts to check the an swers.Give the stude nts 5 7 minu tes.Step 3 Leadi ng in 【情景导入】Ask some stude nts to review the con versati on they lear ned last class.T : Have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?S:Step 4 Pre task 【准备任务】Page 59, 3aAsk the stude nt

    25、s to read the passage to know the main idea of the passage.Step 5 While task 【过程任务】Page 59, 3b1.Pay more attention to the passage in 3a.Ask the students to read the passage and find the an swers to the questi ons in 3a.2.Make the students read again.And then finish 3b.3.Choose one or two students to

    26、 check the answers.Then ask one student to write his or her an swers on the blackboard.4.Play the recording and ask the students to listen and repeat.Page 59, 3cAsk the stude nts to correct the senten ces.Divide the stude nts into some groups and discuss the questi ons in groups.A nd have one stude

    27、nt in group say his/her an swers.Step 6 Post task 【后续任务】1.Page 60, Grammar Focus(1)Review the grammar box.Work in pairs.One asks and the other an swers.The n ask some pairs to act them out to the class.(2)Practice reading the sentences in the chart.2.Page 60, 4aAsk the stude nts to use the words in

    28、brackets to complete the con versati ons.lf they dont know the answers, they may discuss them in pairs or ask the teacher for help.Then ask some students to check the an swers.A nd practice the con versati ons in pairs.3.Page 60, 4bAsk the students to read the paragraph in 4b , and fill in the blank

    29、s with the correct forms of the words in brackets.Then ask some stude nts to check the an swers.4.Page 60, 4cAsk the students to read the conversation in the box and then complete the chart with in formati on about them and their frien ds.Ask some stude nts to act it out.Step 7 Con solidation practi

    30、ce 【巩固练习】Look at the stude nts book of the sec ond exercise.Step 8 Summary 【课堂小结】In this class we have lear ned some new words and a story of Robinson Crusoe.We must master them.Step 9 Homework 【家庭作业】1.Review the words and phrases in 3a.2.Retell the passage.Board Desig n 板书设计Un it 8 Have you read Tr

    31、easure Isla nd yet?The sec ond period Secti on A(3a 4c)1.The vocabulary : ship, tool, gun, mark, sand, towards, land, fiction , tech no logy , French, cut down , scienee fiction2.Target Ianguage:(1)Ive brought back many things I can use food and drink , tools, knives and guns.(2)So I will not give up and I will wait for ano ther ship.(3)I go out with my gun almost


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