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    1、阅读理解记叙文选择题word阅读理解记叙文选择题(word)一、英语阅读理解记叙文(含答案详细解析)1阅读理解(1)What kind of the letter may the passage be? A.An admission letter.B.An apology letter.C.A business letter.D.A thank you letter.(2)How much should Zhang Wei pay in all to enter the university? A.HK$ 55,935.B.HK$ 55,810.C.HK$ 55, 685.D.HK$ 55,5

    2、60.(3)If you were Zhang Wei, how would you feel at this letter? A.Annoyed.B.Excited.C.Upset.D.Anxious.【答案】 (1)A(2)D(3)B 【解析】【分析】句意:这是张伟的一张香港中文大学的录取通知书,其中涉及到专业,学习方式,学位以及费用。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句The ChineseUniversity ofHong kong Admission Notification提示可知,这是一张录取通知书,故选A。 (2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句HK$ 55,560.(fornativ

    3、estudents)以及Zhang Wei(Yuyao,Ningbo)提示可知,张伟的学费是HK$ 55,560,故选D。 (3)理解归纳题。这是一张香港中文大学的录取通知书,张伟收到以后,一定非常的激动,故选B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文主要考查细节理解题,首先仔细阅读文后的问题,弄清问题的大意;然后带着问题阅读短文,抓住关键信息,选择正确答案。2阅读理解 Then Alice saw a small glass table. There was a little golden key on it. She picked it and put it in all the locks on

    4、the doors but it didnt open any of them. She moved a curtain on one of the walls and discovered another door, a very small one. She put the key in the lock. It was exactly the right size! She opened the door and looked through it. At the end of a low passage she saw a beautiful garden. It was full o

    5、f brightly coloured flowers and fountains. Oh, how beautiful! she said. Id love to go there but Im too big to get through the door. She walked back to the table. There was a bottle on it now. Im sure that bottle wasnt there before, she said, a little confused. She put down the key and picked up the

    6、bottle. She read the words DRINK ME on it. Alice wasnt a stupid girl. She didnt drink it immediately. First she looked at the bottle carefully. There wasnt a label on it that said POISON. So she put the bottle to her lips and drank. Mmm, ifs nice, she said. It tasted like cherry tart, pineapple, roa

    7、st turkey and toast-all the things that she liked to eat-so she drank some more. And some more. Soon the bottle was empty. What a curious feeling, she said. Im getting smaller and smaller. It was true! She was now as small as her cat Dinah. Good! I can go through the door into the garden, she said.

    8、But, poor Alice! When she got to the door, she didnt have the key! It was on the table. She couldnt reach it because she was too small now. She sat down and cried. After a while she said, Alice! Stop crying! Crying doesnt help! Dry your tears immediately! When she looked at the table again, she saw

    9、a small glass box under it. She picked it up and opened it. There was a small cake inside. It had the words EAT ME on it. She put a small piece of it in her mouth. If I grow bigger I can reach the key, she thought. And if I grow smaller I can go under the door. But nothing happened so she finished i

    10、t. (1)From the passage we can know that _. A.at first Alice could go through the door into the garden easilyB.then Alice found there was a little golden key on a small wooden tableC.Alice was as small as her rabbit Dinah after she drank something in the bottleD.Alice saw a small glass box with a sma

    11、ll cake in it under the table(2)Alice did the following things in the order of _. a. She saw a beautiful garden at the end of a low passage.b. She moved a curtain and discovered another door.c. She put a small piece of the cake in her mouth.d. She put the bottle to her lips and drank.e. She cried be

    12、cause she couldnt reach the key.A.a- b- c- d- eB.b- a- d- e- cC.d- a- b- e- cD.b- d- e- a- c(3)The underlined word it in the last paragraph refers to _. A.the small boxB.the glass tableC.the small cakeD.the golden key(4)According to the passage, the best words to describe Alice are _. A.careful and

    13、braveB.curious and helpfulC.clever and friendlyD.organized and strange【答案】 (1)D(2)B(3)C(4)A 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲爱丽丝被关到一座房子里,但出不去,里面有一些东西可以使她变小。(1)细节理解题。由第一段中Then she saw a little glass table with three legs, and on the top of it was a very small gold key.爱丽丝看见一张小玻璃桌。上面有一把金钥匙可知她是在玻璃桌上发现钥匙的。选项B不符合文章内容,故

    14、排除B;Oh, how beautiful! she said. Id love to go there but Im too big to get through the door.我很想去那里,但是我太大了,不能从门进去。”可知选项A不符合文章内容,故排除A; Im getting smaller and smaller. It was true! She was now as small as her cat Dinah.我越来越小了。”“是真的!她现在和她的猫黛娜一样小。可知选项C符合文章内容,故排除C; When she looked at the table again, she

    15、saw a small glass box under it. She picked it up and opened it. There was a small cake inside. 她看到桌子下面有一个小玻璃盒。她把它捡起来打开了。里面有一个小蛋糕,可知选项D符合文章内容,故选D。(2)细节理解题。根据通读全文,找出在文中的位置 。b: She moved a curtain and discovered another door. ; a:She saw a beautiful garden at the end of a low passage. ;d:She put the bo

    16、ttle to her lips and drank. e: She cried because she couldnt reach the key. ; c:She put a small piece of the cake in her mouth. 找出在文中的位置 ,故选B。(3)代词指代题。根据全文,可能小蛋糕的作用与液体的作用一样,她可能变得太小了或变大,都与小蛋糕有关系,故选C。(4)推理判断题。根据 Alice wasnt a stupid girl. She didnt drink it immediately. First she looked at the bottle

    17、carefully. There wasnt a label on it that said POISON.爱丽丝不是个傻女孩。她没有马上喝。她先仔细地看了看瓶子。上面没有写着“毒药”的标签。可以推知她是一个谨慎并勇敢的女孩。A: careful and brave谨慎和勇敢; B: curious and helpful好奇和乐于助人; C: clever and friendly聪明和友好; D: organized and strange有条理和奇怪。故选A。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题两种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。3阅

    18、读材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 The year was 1859. America and England had already fought two wars. Now, they were at peace. But one day a pig got hungry. And it nearly caused another war between the two countries. The pig was owned by a British man who lived on a small island. The island was just off

    19、 the western part of North America. Both England and the US said the island was theirs. Across the island from the British man lived some American farmers. Everyone on the island got along peacefully. But the peace ended the day the British mans pig decided to eat some of an American farmers potatoe

    20、s. One of the American farmers shot and killed the pig. Then the pigs owner wanted $100 from the man who shot the animal. That was a lot of money, so the farmer refused to pay it. The British and Americans began to argue, and the situation got worse. The farmers asked the governor over the island at

    21、 that time for help. He sent a group of soldiers to protect the farmers. The British answered by sending 2, 000 soldiers. The British were on one side of the island, and the Americans were on the other. The problem that began with the pig was about to become a shooting war. When news of the problem

    22、reached Washington and London, both leaders were surprised. Neither country wanted another war. They sent some men to try to fix the problem. After a discussion, it was decided that each country would keep a small group of soldiers on the island. They would stay there until the two countries could d

    23、ecide who owned the island. Then the others would have to leave. Twelve years went by. Neither side wanted to give u the island, but they knew they had to do something. They asked the leader of Germany to help decide. After nearly a year of discussion, a decision was made. America would get the isla

    24、nd. Finally, the Pig War was over and only one shot was fired. That was the shot that killed the pig!(1)What caused the problem on the island according to the passage? A.An American shot a British man.B.A group of soldiers came to the island.C.British men destroyed an Americans farmland.D.A British

    25、mans pig ate some potatoes of an American farmers.(2)The underlined word they in Paragraph 4 refers to _. A.the farmersB.the leadersC.the soldiersD.the Germans(3)According to the passage, the real purpose of the two countries was _. A.to own an islandB.to kill a pigC.to get more moneyD.to start a wa

    26、r(4)Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? A.The Pig IslandB.The Pig WarC.The Pig on the IslandD.The Island War【答案】 (1)D(2)C(3)A(4)B 【解析】【分析】文章大意:英美两国因一头英国人饲养的猪吃了美国人种植的土豆引起的争端,其实他们最终的目的就是争夺小岛的所有权, (1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句But the peace ended the day the British mans pig decided to ea

    27、t some of an American farmers potatoes.理解可知,这场战争的主要起因就是英国人的猪吃了美国人的土豆,故选D。 (2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句After a discussion, it was decided that each country would keep a small group of soldiers on the island. They would stay there until the two countries could decide who owned the island.理解可知,经过讨论,决定每个国家在岛上保留一小队士

    28、兵。他们将一直呆在那里,直到两国决定谁拥有这个岛。they指代的就是士兵,故选C。 (3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句Twelve years went by. Neither side wanted to give u the island, but they knew they had to do something. They asked the leader of Germany to help decide. After nearly a year of discussion, a decision was made. America would get the island.理解可知

    29、,英美两国的最终目的就是争夺小岛的所有权,故选A。 (4)标题推断题。通读全文可知,英美的争议是因一头猪吃了土豆引起的,其实他们最终的目的就是争夺小岛的所有权,故选B。 【点评】考阅读理解。本题主要涉及细节理解题和主旨大意题。细节理解题可以直接从文中找到答案,而主旨大意题需要认真阅读仔细理解,归纳出中心思想。4阅读材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A British man has learned the skills needed to perform Beijing Opera, making the audience (观众) enjoy his lively perf

    30、ormance of the Monkey King. Ghaffar Pourazar, born in Iran, said he has been a big fan of Bruce Lee since he was a child and is full of interest about China. In 1993, he happened to watch Beijing Opera performed in London by professionals from Jingju Theatre Company of Beijing. Ghaffar said he fell in love with the beautiful voices, colorful costumes, excellent shows and so on. So after one year, he ar


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