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    全国中考英语复习 专题十六 词语运用试卷部分.ppt

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    全国中考英语复习 专题十六 词语运用试卷部分.ppt

    1、专题十六词语运用,中考英语(全国版),一、(2018陕西)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。he,happy,baby,save,arm,volunteer,clean,quick,work,turnWang Ping is a cleaner.He has1in a park for 5 years.He is also a good father.Nothing can make him2than playing with his little daughter in his free time.Last Tuesday afternoon,while he was3the

    2、park,suddenly,he heard a woman crying for help.He ran up4to see what happened.The womans 15-month-old baby girl choked(窒息)on a small piece of pear and her face5purple.The baby was too young to save herself,and the mother was so nervous that she didnt know how to save her daughter properly.Luckily,Wa

    3、ng Ping knew what to do.He took the baby in his6without thinking twice.With the mothers help,Wang Ping held the baby upside down and gave her a few pats(轻拍)on the back.After a,A组 2018年全国中考题组,五年中考,short while,he succeeded in getting the piece of pear out of her mouth and the baby began to cry.Her mom

    4、 was so thankful because her daughter was7.Wang Ping tried his best and saved the8life.In his mind,helping others is just helping 9.He hoped more people could10to help the people in need if possible.,答案语篇解读王平是一位清洁工,也是一位好父亲。空闲时间没有什么比和他的小女儿一起玩耍更能使他开心了。一次工作中他帮一位母亲救了她15个月大的孩子。在他心里,帮助别人就是帮助自己,他希望更多的人能够主动

    5、帮助需要帮助的人。1.worked句意:王平在一个公园工作五年了。根据句意和时态可知应用动词的过去分词形式。2.happier由句中than可知应用形容词比较级。3.cleaning王平是清洁工,所以他的工作是“清扫”公园。描述的动作在过去某个时间正在进行,用过去进行时,其构成为was/were+v.-ing。故用现在分词。4.quickly设空处修饰ran,故用副词。5.turned表示颜色变化用turn。文章说的是过去的事,故用一般过去时。6.arms句意:他不假思索就把孩子抱住。take sb.in ones arms把某人抱在怀里。7.saved设空处为一般过去时的被动语态,其构成为w

    6、as/were+过去分词。8.babys设空处后有名词,故用名词所有格。9.himself句意:在他看来,帮助别人就是帮助自己。由句意可知用反身代词。10.volunteer情态动词could后跟动词原形。volunteer to do sth.意为“志愿(主动)做某事”。,二、(2018浙江杭州)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Next time you hold a book in your hands,stop and think.Like most other things in the modern world,it is the result

    7、 of thousands of years of human invention.First came the invention of writing,1(probable)about 5,500 years ago.With writing,people did not have to remember everything in their heads.They could communicate with people that they never 2(see)and share their knowledge with future generations.Later,the G

    8、reeks were well-known for their literature(文学)and science,but their“books”looked very different 3the books of today.They were called scrolls(卷轴).They were difficult to use and took a lot of space in a library.About 2,000 years ago,books with lots of pages 4(invent).For more than a thousand years,the

    9、 pages of books were made from animal skin.That changed in,5 thirteenth century,when Europeans learned about a very 6(use)Chinese invention:pa-per.But the biggest change for books in Europe came in 1439,when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press.Before that,books in Europe were copied by ha

    10、nd,so they were very expensive.Many more people could afford the books 7 were produced on a printing press.These days it is difficult 8(imagine)a world without books.But human invention does not stop.Every year,more 9(story)are bought as e-books and read on a screen.Will anyone turn the pages of a t

    11、raditional book in the future,10will books,like scrolls,soon disappear?,答案语篇解读本文讲述了文字及书的发明为交流提供了极大的便利,随着科技的进步书本会继续存在还是消失呢?1.probably句意:首先是字的发明,可能大约在5,500年以前出现了。probably可能。2.saw句意:他们可以和他们从来都看不到的人交流并且和后代分享他们的知识。3.from/to/than句意:后来,希腊人因文学和科学而出名,但他们的“书”看起来和今天的书非常不同。be different from/to/than与不同。4.were in

    12、vented句意:大约2,000年前,有许多页的书被发明出来。5.the句意:当欧洲人得知了一种非常有用的中国发明纸,那种情况在十三世纪改变了。the thirteenth century十三世纪。6.useful句意同上。useful有用的。7.that/which句意:更多的人可以支付得起用印刷机生产出来的书。此处设空处引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。8.to imagine句意:现如今很难想象没有书的世界(是怎样的)。imagine想象。9.storiesstory为可数名词,前有more修饰,故用复数形式。10.or句意:未来会有人翻着看传统的书,还是像卷轴那样的书会很快消失呢?,三、

    13、(2018广东)请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Will Johnson has worked his way up the list of most popular stars in his country.In fact,it is not surprising that Will is so successful if we know about his early life.Some valuable lessons he learnt as a child have strongly influenced him 1 his later lif

    14、e.One of them was from his father 2 was strict with him and his brother.Once,Will and his brother Harry 3 given a job to rebuild a broken brick(砖)wall in the yard.The wall was fifty feet 4 and around sixteen feet high.The boys had to mix concrete(水泥)and place only one brick at a time.They didnt know

    15、 why their father gave them 5 a huge job.6,with the attitude(态度)of“one brick more”,both Will and Harry rebuilt the wall in 7 period of six months.Each time they were about to give up,their father 8 them up patient-ly.Both brothers were so sad about the job at 9,but after completing the task,they fel

    16、t a sense,of pride,and so did their father.Even today when Will thinks that he wont be able to do some-thing,he will look back to this experience and keep telling 10,“one brick at a time”.,答案语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个非常受欢迎的明星Will Johnson小时候的一段经历:爸爸让他和哥哥砌墙,从而让他认识到坚持的重要性。1.in句意:小时候他吸取的一些宝贵的教训对他以后的生活有很大的影响。i

    17、n ones life 在某人的生活中,固定搭配。2.who/that句意:其中一个(教训)来自对他和他哥哥要求严格的爸爸。根据句子结构可知此处考查定语从句的关系代词。此处要用关系代词who/that指代表示人的先行词his father,在从句中作主语。3.were句意:有一次,Will和他哥哥Harry被给予了一份工作,要重建院子里的一堵破砖墙。根据句意可知Will和Harry两人与give 存在被动关系,并根据时间状语once可知此处要用一般过去时,故答案为were。4.long/wide句意:这堵墙有五十英尺长/宽,大概十六英尺高。根据下文的high“高度”,并结合句意可知此处表示这堵

    18、墙的长度/宽度。5.such句意:他们不知道为什么他们的爸爸会给他们这么艰巨的一份工作。根据句意可知,此处要用“such a/an+形容词+单数可数名词”结构强调爸爸给了他们如此艰巨的一份工作。6.However句意:然而,抱着“再加一块砖”的态度,Will和Harry两人在六个月的时间内重修了这堵墙。由语境可知此处表转折关系,根据设空后的逗号可知此处要用副词,因此排除连词but,故答案为However。7.aa period of.一段的时间,表示“期间”。8.cheered/backed句意:每次当他们要放弃时,他们的爸爸都会耐心地鼓励/支持他们。cheer sb.up使某人振奋,固定短语

    19、;back sb.up支持某人,固定短语。9.first两兄弟最初对这份工作都感到很难过,但完成了任务以后,他们和爸爸都感到自豪。at first最初,首先,固定短语。10.himself句意:甚至到了今天当Will认为他不能做某事时,他会回顾这次经历并不断告诉自己“一次加一块砖”。根据句意可知此处要用反身代词himself指代他自己。,四、(2018吉林)从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文(方框中有两个选项是多余的)。A.happilyB.sadC.everythingD.whatE.butF.parkG.nothingH.toI.whyJ.walkingK.howL.putThere was

    20、a time when I had some difficulties in my life.I felt 1all day long.Nobody could make me cheerful.One thing that happened made me change.One day,I went to the 2 for a rest.There was an empty bench and I sat down.Suddenly,a young boy came around.“Did you see 3 I found?”he asked in excitement.I looked

    21、 down and saw a small withered(枯萎的)flower lying in his hands.Seeing this,I felt even more de-pressed(沮丧的).I wanted him to go away,so I smiled to him and then turned my back.However,instead of 4 away,the boy sat next to me.“It smells good and its beautiful,too!Thats 5 I picked it up,”he said.“Here,it

    22、s for you.”I knew I had to take it,or he might never leave.So I reached for the flower and said,“Thank you!”I waited,but the boy didnt 6 the flower in my hand.He just held the flower and didnt move.It was not until then that I no-ticed the boy could see 7.I took the flower with tears and said,“Thank

    23、s a lot!You have picked up the best one.”“My,pleasure,”the boy replied 8,and then ran away.The boy couldnt see,9 in his imagina-tion(想象),the world was beautiful.I saw a withered flower,while he“saw”a beautiful flower.I held the flower up 10 my nose and took a deep breath.I smelt the fragrance(香味)of

    24、it.It was indeed(的确)the most beautiful flower.,答案语篇解读故事中的小男孩是个盲人,但是却有着一颗真善美的心,这给了心情糟糕的作者极大的鼓舞。1.B上文说有一段困难时光,下文说没有人能让我开心,所以此处是感到难过。2.F下文说作者坐在了空凳子上,结合选项可知作者走进了公园。3.D设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作found的宾语,结合选项只有what符合题意。4.J根据下文小男孩坐在我旁边可知他没走开。walk away 走开。5.I此处需要用连接词引导从句,且该连接词在从句中作状语,结合句意排除how,故选why。6.L下文说小男孩只拿着花并没有动,

    25、所以此处是小男孩并没有把花放在我的手里。7.G直到那时我才注意到小男孩看不见东西。nothing没有东西。8.A此处需用副词来修饰replied,结合句意应该用happily。9.E根据语境可知,此处应该使用表示转折关系的并列连词。10.H我把花举到了鼻子处深吸了一口气。此处用to表示方向。,五、(2018江西,B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。knowlifedifferentbackandinterestingsignrealfindthey,The planet Mars is the closest and most similar p

    26、lanet to Earth.It is very1to scientists.For ex-ample,Mars has seasons with2weather,but other planets have the same temperatures all year round.Was there3on Mars?To find out,scientists need 4if Mars ever had water.In 2004,two robot explorers(探测器),orrovers,called Spirit and Opportunity were sent to lo

    27、ok for5of water.These rovers can drive over rocks6all kinds of rough ground.They can also use cameras and send photos7to Earth.First,the two rovers found chemicals and patterns(图纹)in the rocks that were probably,made by water.Then,they moved to another area and8other rocks which may have been cre-at

    28、ed by water.Now scientists think there was probably water on the planet long ago.Today9are still not sure if there was life on Mars.They10need more information to decide.The dis-coveries of the two rovers answered some old questions,but they also brought up many new ones.,答案语篇解读本文为说明文,介绍火星的情况以及人类对于火

    29、星的探测。1.interesting下文讲到科学家一直在探索火星,所以科学家对火星很感兴趣,故填interesting。2.different根据后文but other planets have the same temperatures可知,设空处要填与the same意思相反的词。3.life根据下文可知,科学家发射漫游者“勇气号”和“机遇号”就是为了探寻火星上是否有生命存在的迹象,故填life(生命)。4.to know要想知道是否有生命,首先要知道是否有水。此处用need to do sth.的结构,故填to know。5.signs寻找水存在的迹象。sign迹象,可数名词,故加-s。

    30、6.and此处rocks(岩石)和all kinds of rough ground(各种崎岖的地面)是并列成分,故用and。7.back短语send sth.back to 把送回到。拍到的照片当然要发送回地球供科学家研究。8.found这句话是承接上一句话,都表示发现的结果。前句有found,本句也用found。9.they今天科学家还是不确定火星上是否有生命。用they代替scientists。10.really句意:他们真的需要更多的信息来做出决定。really真正地。因为目前证据不足,所以非常需要更多的证据。,六、(2018江苏南京)请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。As y

    31、ouve just found out,opening a book doesnt require much effort.However,even that would be i1 if you spent the night on the streets.After lying for hours on cold ground,with only a thin sleeping bag to protect you from rain or ice,your fingers would probably be so numb(麻木的)that you could hardly m2 the

    32、m.Youd most likely spend the day trying to find something to eat and somewhere to shelter from the freezing cold.You might be surprised to hear that the number of people sleeping rough(露宿)in London has dou-bled in the last five years and has i3 by 30%across the rest of the country during the last tw

    33、o years.Once we bring a homeless person out of the freezing cold,we need your help to give him a w4,welcome at St Mungos very much.Will you please give a Christmas gift of 25,which could p5 a homeless person with a St Mungos welcome pack?It could have a towel,shampoo and soap(肥皂),so a homeless person can have a hot s6 and a proper clean-up.The difference you could make wont end there.You see,welco


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