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    1、Protect the environment, save hope.9、尊天重地、敬天爱人。Respect for heaven and earth, respect for heaven.10、我们和小树一起成长!We grew up with the tree!11、垃圾分类,循环回收。Garbage recycling.12、让校园成为绿色殿堂!Let the campus become green palace!13、保护水源,留下纯净。Protection of water sources, leaving pure.14、草儿青青,脚下留情。The grass is green,

    2、 the foot.15、保护环境,造福人民。Protect the environment and benefit the people.16、芳草依依,大家怜惜。Grass Yiyi, pity you.17、天更蓝草更绿花更艳。More and more green flowers more Yan bluegrass.18、保护环境,健康你我他。Protect the environment, healthy you and me.19、随地吐痰就是助菌为虐。Spitting is useful as bacteria.20、水是一切生命的起源点。Water is the origin

    3、 of all life.21、品质生活,从环保开始。Quality of life, starting from environmental protection.22、保护水环境,节约水资源。Protect the water environment and save water resources.23、爱护脚下草,莫折枝头花。Love at the foot of the grass, not folds flower.24、垃圾箱:请你近距离投篮。Trash: please shoot close.25、乘阴靠绿树,美化靠大家。By shade by trees, landscapi

    4、ng by everyone.26、小草在生长,大家别打扰。Grass growing, we do not bother.27、为了校园更美,请勿摘花。In order to campus more beautiful, do not pick flowers.28、花草丛中笑,园外赏其貌。A pair of smiling flowers, garden tours outside of their appearance.29、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。To protect the environment is to cherish life.30、青山清我目,流水静我耳。Green hil

    5、ls clear my eyes, running water my ears.31、树环保之风,迎美好明天。Tree of environmental protection, welcome a better tomorrow.32、多一份绿色,多一份健康。More green, more health.33、水清自然甜,水浑人人厌。Water natural sweet water, annoying people.34、迎绿色资源,送废气污染。Welcome green resources, send exhaust pollution.35、少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。Smoke less

    6、, plant more trees.36、人人为环保,环境更美好。Everyone for environmental protection, better environment.37、但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。But keep fangcunde and stay with the child sungeng.38、学校是我家,美化靠大家。School is my home, beautify by everyone.39、生命只有一次地球只有一个。There is only one life.40、保护生态环境实现持续发展。Protecting ecological environmen

    7、t and realizing sustainable development.41、环保不分民族,生态没有国界。Environmental protection regardless of nationality, ecology without borders.42、保护绿色环境,构建和谐社会。Protect the green environment and build a harmonious society.43、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。We are young, we all need care.44、我们梦想一个没有污染的环境。We dream of an environme

    8、nt without pollution.45、心动不如行动,去怨不如去干。Echocardiography is not as good as action.46、绿色贵在保持,环保重在行动。Green is maintained, focusing on action of environmental protection.47、绿色无处不在,人类无比可爱。Green is everywhere, and human beings are very cute.48、人类善待自然、就是善待自己。Human nature is good, is to treat yourself.49、请为绿

    9、色环保打上爱心的徽记。Please hit the green love badge.50、绿色环保世界,健康生命同行。Green world, healthy life peers.51、全员参与改善,持续环保社区。Full participation in the improvement of sustainable environmental community.52、地球资源有限,环保事业无限。Limited resources of the earth, the cause of environmental protection unlimited.53、我爱花我爱草我爱青青小树苗!

    10、I love flowers, I love grass, I love green saplings!54、还原蓝天碧水,共建生态家园。The reduction of clear water and blue sky, to build eco homes.55、坚持团结治水,构建和谐流域。Adhere to the unity of flood control, constructing harmonious basin.56、不摘花不踏草不折树枝不乱摇!No pick, dont step on grass not break branches not shaken!57、改善民生,共

    11、享水利发展成果。Improve peoples livelihood and share the achievements of water conservancy development.58、不吐你不快,你吐大家都不快。Do not spit you unhappy, you spit everyone unhappy.59、请脚下留情,别伤害一棵小草。Please hold feet, dont hurt a grass.60、别在绿色消失时,我们才去后悔。t let the green disappear when we regret.61、生命如此短暂,请不要将我伤害。Life is

    12、 too short, please dont hurt me.62、种一棵树,就像给校园一份礼物。Growing a tree is like giving a gift to the campus.63、只有一个地球人类应该同舟共济。There is only one earth people should pull together in times of trouble.64、不要旁观,请加入行动者的行列。Do not watch, please join the ranks of actors.65、爱护花草树木,不攀折,不伤害。Love flowers and trees, do

    13、not pull down, do not hurt.66、青青小草有生命,请君足下留情。The green grass has life, please you.67、请您足下绕一绕,草儿向您笑一笑。Please your feet around the grass, smile to you.68、花草树木是朋友,大家都要爱护好。Flowers and trees are friends, we should take good care of.69、树木拥有了绿色,地球才能有脉搏。Trees have green, the earth can have a pulse.70、为了地球的生

    14、命,拯救我们的环境。Save our environment for the sake of life on earth.71、排放废水少一刻,小鱼欢乐多一刻。Less than a quarter of the discharge of wastewater, small fish happy moment.72、绿色,永恒的美;校园,永远的家!Green, eternal beauty; campus!73、绿水青山是我家,大家不要破坏他。Beautiful scenery is my home, you dont destroy him.74、人人都来爱护它,世界才会更美妙。Everyo

    15、ne to take care of it, the world will be more beautiful.75、小草对您微微笑,请您把路绕一绕。The grass is smiling at you, please take the road around you.76、绿色环保大家创,生态发展奔小康。Green environmental protection, ecological development of well-off.77、我爱花,我爱草,我爱青青小树苗。I love flowers, I love grass, I love green saplings.78、今天节约

    16、一滴水,留给后人一滴血。Today, save a drop of water, a drop of blood for posterity.79、让校园阳光普照,让绿色神圣美妙。Let the sun shine on the campus, let the green holy wonderful.80、手下留情花更艳,脚下留情草更翠。Yan flower more lenient, at the foot of the benefit of the grass is green.81、拒绝白色污染,对一次性筷子说不!Refuse white pollution, not to the d

    17、isposable chopsticks!82、环境卫生的洁净,有您的一份文明。Environmental sanitation clean, you have a civilization.83、如果没有树木,世界将会暗淡无光。If there are no trees, the world will be dim and dark.84、保护我们的家园,让地球充满绿色。Protect our home and make the earth full of green.85、捡起一张废纸,就是消除一份污染。Pick up a piece of paper, is to eliminate a

    18、 pollution.86、花开堪赏直须赏,莫要折花空赏枝。The flowers are worthy of reward must be rewarded, not to spend the flowers to enjoy the branches.87、人人关心环境质量人人参与环境保护。Everyone is concerned about the quality of the environment.88、水资源是有限的,生命之河是无限的。Water resources are limited, the river of life is infinite.89、请高抬贵脚,饶了你脚下的小花小草。Please raise your feet, let you at the foot of the flower of the grass.


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