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    1、研究生英语阅读教程基础级2版课文07及其翻译A Whole Nation and a People 1 There was one storekeeper I remember above all others in my youth, when I was spending a good portion (part) of my time with a motley (mixed) group of varied ethnic ancestry (racial background). We contended (competed) with one another to deride (l

    2、augh at) the customs of the old country (motherland). On our Saturday forays (attack) into neighborhoods beyond our own, to prove we were really Americans, we ate hot dogs and drank Cokes. If a boy didnt have ten cents (dime) for this repast (meal) he went (was) hungry, for he dared not bring a sand

    3、wich from home made of the spiced meats our families ate.2 One of our untamed games was to seek out (found) the owner of a pushcart (wagon) or a store, unmistakably an immigrant (emigrant), and bedevil (annoy/ troubled) him with a chorus of insults and jeers. To prove allegiance (loyalty) to the gan

    4、g it was necessary to reserve (keep) our fiercest malevolence for a storekeeper or peddler belonging to our own ethnic background.3 For that reason I led a raid (attack) on the small, shabby (old and broken) grocery of old Barba Nikos, short, sinewy (strong) Greek who walked with a slight limp and s

    5、ported (showed) a flaring, handlebar mustache.4 We stood outside his store and dared (challenged) him to come out. When he emerged (appeared) to do battle (fight), we plucked (grasped) a few plums and peaches from the basket on the sidewalk (pavement) and retreated (withdrew), I go across the street

    6、 to eat them while (at same time) he watched. He waved a fist and hurled epithets at us in ornamental (graceful) Greek.5 Aware (Realizing) that my mettle (courage) was being tested, I raised my arm and threw my half-eaten plum at the old man. My aim was accurate and the plum struck (hit) him on the

    7、cheek. He shuddered and put his hand to the stain. He stared at me across the street, and although I could not see his eyes, I felt them sear (burn) my flesh (-meat). He turned and walked silently back into the store. The boys slapped (patted) my shoulders in admiration, but it was a hollow (empty)

    8、victory that rested (fell down) like a stone in the pit of my stomach (depressed).6 At twilight (dusk), when we disbanded (dismissed), I passed the grocery alone on my way home. There was a small light burning in the store and the shadow of the old mans body outlined against the glass. Goaded (Encou

    9、raged) by remorse (regret), I walked to the door and entered.7 The old man moved from behind the narrow wooden counter and stared at me. I wanted to turn and flee (escape; fleet), but by then it was too late. As he motioned (waved) for me to come closer, I braced (prepared) myself for a curse (abuse

    10、/ scoring) or a blow (beating).8 You were the one, he said, finally, in a harsh (rigid/ fierce) voice.9 I nodded mutely (silently).10 Why did you come back?11 I stood there unable to answer.12 Whats your name?13 Haralambos, I said, speaking to him in Greek.14 He looked at me in shock (surprisedly),

    11、You are Greek! he cried. A Greek boy attacking a Greek grocer! He stood (was) appalled (shocked) at the immensity (seriousness) of my crime. All right, he said coldly. You are (come) here because you wish to make amends (to do sth. as a remedy). His great mustache bristled (stood on end) in concentr

    12、ation. Four plums, two peaches, he said. That makes a total of seventy-eight cents. Call it seventy-five. Do you have seventy-five cents, boy?15 I shook my head.16 Then you will work it off (pay for it by working), he said. Fifteen cents an hour into seventy-five cents makes (equals to) he paused fi

    13、ve hours of work. Can you come here Saturday morning?17 Yes, I said.18 Yes, Barba Nikos, he said sternly (seriously/ rigidly). Show respect.19 Yes, Barba Nikos, I said.20 Saturday morning at eight oclock, he said. Now go home and say thanks in your prayers that I did not lose(vt.)-loose(a.)-loosen (

    14、vt. removed) your impudent (rude/ impolite) head with a solid (strong/ heavy) smack (slap) on the ear. I needed no further urging (scoring) and fled (escaped).21 Saturday morning, still apprehensive (fearful), I returned to the store. I began by sweeping, raising clouds of dust in dark and hidden co

    15、rners. I washed the windows, whipping the squeegee swiftly (quickly) up and down the glass in a fever of fear (anxiously) that some member of the gang would see me. When I finished I hurried (ran) back inside.22 For the balance (Paying the debt) of the morning I stacked (piled) cans, washed the coun

    16、ter, and dusted bottles of yellow wine. A few customers entered, and Barba Nikos served them. A little after twelve oclock he locked the door so he could eat lunch. He cut himself a few slices (sliced bread) of sausage, tore a large chunk (a piece) from a loaf of crisp-crusted bread, and filled a sm

    17、all cup with a dozen black shiny olives floating in brine. He offered (gave) me the cup. I could not help (from doing sth.) myself and grimaced.23 You are a stupid (foolish) boy, the old man said. You are not really Greek, are you?24 Yes, I am.25 You might be, he admitted grudgingly (unwillingly). B

    18、ut you do not act (like a) Greek. Wrinkling your nose at these fine (excellent) olives. Look around this store for a minute (moment). What do you see?26 Fruits and vegetables, I said. Cheese and olives and things like that (sth. similar).27 He stared at me with a massive scorn. Thats what I mean, he

    19、 said. You are a bonehead (fool). You dont understand that a whole nation and a people are in this store.28 I looked uneasily (anxiously) toward the storeroom in the rear (back), almost expecting someone to emerge (appear).29 What about olives? he cut (wave) the air with a sweep of his arm. There ar

    20、e olives of many shapes and colors. Pointed black ones from Kalamata, oval ones from Amphissa, pickled green olives and sharp tangy yellow ones. Achilles carried black olives to Troy and after a day of savage (fierce) battle leading his Myrmidons, hed (would) rest and eat cheese and ripe black olive

    21、s such as these right here. You have heard of Achilles, boy, havent you?30 Yes, I said.31 Yes, Barba Nikos.32 Yes, Barba Nikos, I said.33 He (move-)motioned (waved) at the row of jars filled with varied spices. These are all the marvelous (wonderful) flavorings (ingredients) that we have used in our

    22、 food for thousands of years. The men of Marathon carried small packets of these spices into battle, and the scents reminded them of their homes, their families, and their children.34 He walked limping from the counter to the window where the piles of tomatoes, celery, and green peppers clustered (g

    23、athered together). I suppose (think) all you see here are some random vegetables? He did not wait for me to answer. You are dumb (stupid) again. These are some of the ingredients that go to make up a Greek salad. Do you know what a Greek salad really is? A meal in itself, an experience (of life), an

    24、 emotional involvement. It is created (cooked) deftly (skillfully) and with grace (taste). The story goes (says) that Zeus himself created the recipe and assembled and mixed the ingredients on Mount Olympus one night when he had invited some of the other gods to dinner. Do you understand now, boy?35

    25、 He watched my face for some response and then grunted (muttered). We stood (were) silent for a moment until he cocked (raised) his head and stared at the clock. It is time for you to leave, he motioned (waved) brusquely (swiftly) toward the door. We are square (equal) now. Keep it that way.36 I dec

    26、ided (thought) the old man was crazy (mad) and reached behind the counter for my jacket and cap and started (headed) for the door. He called me back. From a box he drew out several soft, yellow figs that he placed (put) in a piece of paper. A bonus because you worked well, he said. Take them. When y

    27、ou taste them, maybe (perhaps) you will understand what I have been talking about.37 I took the figs and he unlocked the door and I hurried (ran) from the store. I looked back once and saw him standing in the doorway, watching me, the swirling tendrils of food curling like mist (fog) about his head.

    28、38 I ate the figs late that night. And in the morning when I woke, I could still taste and inhale their fragrance.39 I never again entered Barba Nikos store, because shortly afterwards (soon) my family moved from the city. a nation on the wheel40 Some (About) twelve years later, after the war, I dro

    29、ve through the old neighborhood and passed the grocery. I stopped the car and for a moment stood before the store. The windows were stained (dirty) with dust and grime, the interior (was) bare (uncovered) and desolate (deserted), a store in a decrepit (old and broken) group of stores marked for razi

    30、ng (felling down) so new structures could be built.41 I have been in (visited) many Greek groceries since then and have often bought the feta and Kalamata olives. I have eaten countless Greek salads and have indeed found them a meal for the gods. But I have never been able to recapture (re-catch) th

    31、e flavor (taste and fragrance) of those figs he gave me on that day so long ago, although I have bought figs many times. I have found them pleasant to my tongue, but there is something missing (spiritual experience). And to (until) this day I am not sure whether it was the figs or the vision (appear

    32、ance) and passion (love) of the old grocer that coated the fruit so sweetly I can still recall (call back) their savor (taste) and fragrance after almost thirty years. (1, 478 words) gold coated; gold gradedABOUT THE AuthorHarry Mark Petrakis (1923 ) has written novels and short stories about Greek-American life. His characters are people who live with memories of another culture and seek to join the old ways with new c


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