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    1、江西省赣州市高二英语上学期期末联考试题扫描版江西省赣州市2014-2015学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题(扫描版)答案听力原文Text 1 M: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets are?W: Yes, theyre at the top of the stairs, then turn left, at the end of that corridor.M: Thanks very much.W: OK.Text 2M: Theres a new football team starting in the village, Mum. I

    2、m old enough to play in it. We stop school at half past three, so Id have plenty of time.W: Well, I suppose you could do your homework later. But look, Tom, you havent read the advertisement carefully. You cant possibly play for this team. It starts at 9 pm.Text 3W: You seem upset. Is there anything

    3、 wrong?M: Yes, as a matter of fact, there is.W: Oh? What?M: I got a ticket for speeding on my way to work this morning.W: You did? Thats too bad! Im very sorry to hear that.Text 4W: Sir, could you please help me? I cant find my little girl! Ive looked everywhere!M: Where were you when you noticed sh

    4、e was missing? W: I was looking at that luggage display.M: How long ago was that?W: Just a few minutes ago.Text 5W: I believe you were born in Italy, werent you?M: Well, no, my parents were born in Britain, but I was born in Brooklyn.W: A Brooklyn boy! Well, lets see if my other facts are correct. I

    5、s it true that you gave your first concert at 12? Text 6W: Okay, Ill try and tell you who everyone is. Well, Sallys sitting over there reading book, and Johns sitting watching TV. M: And whos that dancing over there?W: Thats Mandy, and Mike, and Peter and Avril are watching them. And over there that

    6、s Mr Franks. Hes mending the lamp.M: And the boys watching him? Who are they?W: Thats Jimmy and Tommy. Jimmys the tall, good-looking one.M: And where is Linda? You said she was very nice.W: Oh, yes, shes just coming in the door now.M: Good, now I know who everyone is.Text 7W: Okay, you know we were

    7、driving to Bend last weekend to go skiingit it was mysterious. We were driving down and we slid on some ice, and slid into this ditch.M: Great!W: And nobody came along for a couple of hours, and it was getting really frightened there, causeuhyoure kind of see like eyes in the forest. M: Eyes? W: Lik

    8、e of animals!M: I knew ithallucinationsor something W: Yeah, you werent sure if they were real or butM: Why didnt you guys walk to somewhere or something?W: We didnt want to get out of the car.M: Great!W: Then suddenly we felt something shaking the car, but it was okay. I dont knowa car finally came

    9、 and saved us.Text 8M: Shall we watch TV for a while?W: I dont like American TV.M: Why?W: People keep hitting and shooting each other.M: I know, some of the shows are quite violent, but maybe life is like that.W: I dont believe it. The people Ive met here are very kind.M: Yes. But look at the newspa

    10、pers. Theres a lot of violence in every paper. People wont buy newspapers unless theres exciting news in them.W: Is that why theres so much violence on TV? Wont people watch a show unless violent things happen?M: I dont know. A lot of people like shows about the Old West with cowboys and Indians fig

    11、hting against each other. I dont like them myself.W: Neither do I.M: They dont actually show how people really lived in the Old West.W: Of course not.Text 9M: Lets discuss your educational background, Miss Kelly, you were English major, weren you?W: Yes, thats right. It was my best subject at colleg

    12、e.M: Fine. And could you tell me what kind of work experience youve had.W: My last position was with Loomis and Martin. Thats a law firm in Sacramento.M: And when was that exactly/W: From 1980 to 1983.M: Uh huh.W: Before that I worked for Bishop and Baldwin. That was from1978 to 1980. And Ive baan d

    13、oing freelance work for the last few months. M: Well, Ms Kelly, your qualifications for the job are excellent. Could you tell me what kind of salary you are expecting?W: Well, in my last job I was making $1500 a month. I understand that this position has a starting salary of around $ 1600 a month.M:

    14、 Thats right.W: That would be fine with me.M: And is there anything youd like to ask about the job?W: Yes, Id like to know if the company provides opportunities for further education.M: Yes, our employees are allowed to take up to sox hours a week at full pay, to attend college courses.W: Thats very

    15、 generous.M: Is there anything else youd like to know?W: No, not at this time.M: Well, Ive enjoyed meeting and talking with you. Well call you within the week.W: Thank you. I appreciate the time youve given me.Text 10M: Body language can play a very important part in communication. In many parts of

    16、China, people often use body language to express their ideas and feelings. For example, a nod stands for agreement, while shaking the head stands for disagreement. Besides, when you watch a match, you may often see people put up two fingers, which looks like a “V” sign. We all know that means victor

    17、y. We can see so many body languages around us. Unfortunately, sometimes misunderstanding can occur because the body language used may have different meanings in different nations and cultures.Therefore, for the purpose of successful communication, were advisable to be aware of the differences among

    18、 different nationalities and cultures, and make best use of the body languages.参考答案选择题部分1-5 ACBAC 6-10 ABBCB 11-15 CACBA 16-20 CABCB21-23 AAB 24-27 DCCB 28-31 DACB 32-35 DCBC 36-40 GCBAE41-45 BABCC 46-50 ABDCB 51-55 DABCA 56-60 ACDDB语法填空61. for 62. But 63. knocked 64. concerning 65. a 66. myself 67.

    19、 hopeless 68.whose 69. Fortunately 70. that短文改错第一句:tiring 改为tired。第二句:seemed改为seem。第三句:meal前面加a。第四句:is改为are。第五句:that改为it。第六句:some改为any。第七句:simple改为simply。第八句: late 改为 later; been去掉。第九句:besides改为However。书面表达 I would like to advise you to choose the English major. First, I want to state my reasons. Th

    20、en I would like to suggest how to be an English major. There are so many reasons for you to choose English as your major that I would like to state in this letter. For one thing, it is your interest and you have a very good command of it. For another, it can help you to see the world from a fresh po

    21、int of the view because leaning a new language is to enter and experience a new culture. Additionally, English is a widely used language in the world, which will provide you with a bright future if you learn it well. I am sincerely looking forward to getting good news from you as long as you work and grasp every opportunity accessible to you.I hope that I will hear from you soon.


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