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    1、高考常考英语短语高考英语作文加分短语A1. a bond/bridge of friendship友谊的桥梁2. a battle of wits 斗智斗勇3. a close match 势均力敌的比赛4. a chip off the old block 一个模子刻出来的(和文字)5. a definite idea 明确的想法6. a desperate shortage (局势、情形)危急的,极其严峻的短缺7. a disturbing / tricky problem棘手的问题8. a faint /slim/dim/slender/remote/slight chance9. a

    2、feather in your cap 卓越的成就10. a flash in the pan 昙花一现11. a hot potato烫手的山芋12. a new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火13. a peace settlement 和平解决方案14. a person of vision 有远见的人15. a positive attitude toward life can determine how far you can go 积极的人生态度会决定你取得多大的成就16. a reluctant smile/force a smile强颜欢笑,犹豫17. a

    3、 superior attitude 指高气昂18. a sincerely held belief 虔诚的信仰hold a belief19. a tough nut 顽固的人20. a controversial figure饱受争议的人物21. a wave of panic swept through the villagers 22. an immense amount of 大量的23. abandon hope 放弃希望24. arouse anger/fear/dislike激起愤怒/恐惧/厌恶 25. arouse ones interest 激起,兴起26. absence

    4、 make the heart grow fonder 距离产生美(小别胜新婚)27. achieve ones life goal 实现人生目标28. act on a sudden impulse 一时冲动29. actions speak louder than words 行动永远胜于语言30. add variety /color to his daily routine丰富生活31. address a meeting/crowd 在会上/对人群发表演说32. ahead of schedule 提前33. aim high 志向远大34. alternative plan 备用方

    5、案35. alternative treatment 偏方36. all thoughts rush through my mind/crowd in 涌上心头37. appeal to =call on 呼吁38. argue sb. into/out of doing 不要39. as long ago as (date back to ) 追溯回到40. as the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire俗话说无风不起浪41. as tough as nails / old boots 非常坚强的,能吃苦的42. as fit as a

    6、fiddle 健康 小提琴43. as asleep as a log (原木)44. at a delicate stage 微妙的阶段45. at the expense of 以(损害)为代价,spare no expense不惜代价46. attach importance to sth.对非常重视47. all good deeds ,whether big or small, make a difference48. a life of plenty 富足的生活49. a neat /elegant/solution 好的解决方法B 1. bare essentials 必需品2.

    7、 be short of hands 缺人手3. be attached to sth/sb 非常喜欢4. be acquaint with了解5. be on edge惴惴不安6. be immobilized like a statue 像雕像一样一动不动7. be soaked in 充满eg. a city soaked in history历史悠久的城市8. be in good shape 状态良好 9. be numb with terror 吓呆了10. be paralyzed by shock/scare (因害怕或惊讶而)无法动弹11. be full of doom a

    8、nd gloom 悲观情绪12. be hemmed in 被限制住13. be amply rewarded 得到丰厚回报14. be directly relevant to 与相关联的15. be bent on doing sth 决心要16. be in fall bloom 百花齐放17. be more of than18. be overcomed by (emotion or etc)被某种情感左右19. be adj. to a great extent 在相当/很大/某种程度上20. be well beyond our range 超过能力范围21. be employ

    9、ed in doing sth 忙于22. be assoiled by sb. 被23. be a sitting duck 坐以待毙24. be torn by 多的指教25. be capable of doing 有能力做26. be divorce from reality脱离现实27. be devoured by 充满(无法摆脱的强烈情感)28. beyond description/word难以言表29. beyond match 无与伦比30. beyond ones reach无法达到的31. beyond doubt /question毋庸置疑32. bend the r

    10、ule 开后门33. birds eye view of 鸟瞰34. betray sb.s trust 辜负某人的信任 take sth. on trust 凭空相信35. be bent on doing 下决心做36. before you know it 在不知不觉之中37. bear responsibility / the blame 承担责任/应受责备38. beyond exportations 超出预期39. bet ones life打包票=we can safely assume that 40. big ideas 不切实际的想法41. bite off more th

    11、an one can chew 一口吃成个胖子42. blow the final whistle 吹终场哨43. block ones view /sight 挡住44. bleed sb. dry / white 榨干45. bounce back恢复元气,重新振兴46. boost sb.s confidence/morale/ego增强某人的自信心/士气/自尊47. break the wold records打破世界纪录48. bring sth to trial 移交法院审理49. brighten the lives of 为带来了快乐50. bring tears to you

    12、r eyes 使人热泪夺眶而出51. bring a lump to ones throat 使人哽咽52. breathed their lost 53. burst ones bubble 幻想破灭54. burn the midnight oil 开夜车55. bury sth in your memory 试图忘记56. bury ones head in the sand 逃避危机(鸵鸟政策)57. by nature天生58. by sheer coincidence 纯属巧合59. by virtue of 由于,凭借60. bring conversation around转移

    13、话题61. by pure chance/sheer coincidence纯属巧合C 1. capured the imagination of 让痴迷2. cause damage to 造成破坏3. casual meeting 巧遇4. casual worker / staff 临时工5. casting our neat wide 广泛撒网6. choke back the tears 咽回泪水7. catch a glimpse of 惊鸿一瞥8. cast a shadow over投下9. cautious optimism 谨慎乐观10. carved out a care

    14、er 建功立业11. carve out a reputation 赢得名声12. cant but admit 我不得不承认13. cant bear the thought of / think about 不堪设想14. capture sb. imagination/attention 唤起某人想像、吸引某人注意15. clutch at straws 抓住救命稻草16. challenge ones physical limits 挑战生理极限17. cherish the hope that=hold out much/no hope珍爱,珍惜18. changes are tha

    15、t 概率是,可能性是19. circulate knowledge /circulate rumor 传播知识/传播谣言20. claim possession of 声称拥有主权21. clear their conscience (承认错误以)解除内疚感22. climb up social ladders提高社会地位23. comes into conflict 发生冲突24. come back to my sense 恢复理智25. come to my rescue 救援26. come back on safe and sound 安然无恙27. common knowledge

    16、 常识28. conservancy29. contribute an article to a magazine 投稿30. contribute money to /donate 捐款31. combine business with pleasure劳逸结合32. conclude an agreement 达成协议、缔结条约、签订合同33. congratulate oneself on doing sth 暗自庆幸34. condemn sb. to do 设定,派遣35. count on the fingers of one hand寥寥无几;屈指可数36. count for

    17、something /anything/more重要,很有价值37. contain their greed /anger38. confirms me in the belief 确认了我的想法39. curse fate 怨天尤人40. curriculum reform课程改革41. currency inflation 通货膨胀D1. death and rebirth 衰亡和复兴2. debt of gratitude 人情债3. deep division 严重分歧4. densely populated 人口稠密5. deliver a speech/lecture/talk 发

    18、言/授课/讲话等6. department of human resource 人力资源部7. department concerned 相关部门8. depart from routine / standard practice /old customs 常规/惯例/旧风俗9. determine life and death 决定生死10. desperate attempt /effort /measures (危急时刻)孤注一掷的,铤而走险的11. despite our best endeavors 我们虽然尽了最大努力12. display awesome destructive

    19、power 显示出令人敬畏的毁灭性的能力13. dealt a heavy blow重击14. division of labor 劳动分工15. division of power 权力分配16. dirert attention from into从转移注意力17. do with great tact 八面玲珑18. do sth. for free/nothing 义务做19. do sth as a favor 作为帮忙20. do sbs credit 给争光,给带来荣誉21. draw a tie / end in a tie 打成平局22. dread to think 不敢想

    20、像23. dwelling on /focus on 细想E1. Its easier said than done 说时容易做时难2. easy target (易受到攻击的)目标3. eliminate misunderstanding 消除误解4. employedmeager5. endeavour to do sth 努力,奋斗6. erupted in to shouting 7. escape narrowly 死里逃生8. escaped death by inches擦肩而过9. excited a peculiar fascination on 施加一种特有的吸引力10.

    21、exchanged a word 交谈11. express ones worries over sth. 表示对的关心12. expecting a donkey to sing a beautiful tune13. extravagant 浪费的,奢侈的14. exert every effect 尽一切努力15. exert a peculiar fascination 施加一种特有的吸引力16. exert a influence/pressure on 施加影响/压力17. evil influence 极恶劣的影响F1. fail/decline/deteriorate heal

    22、th 健康衰退2. failed to conceal her excitement3. fall into the abyss of evil 罪恶的深渊4. fall the music 面对不快的现实5. face the consequences of our own action 承担后果6. feel bound to do 觉得是份内事7. feel the sudden urge冲动8. first impressions really do count第一印象确实很重要9. fish in troubled water浑水摸鱼10. fight like a cornered

    23、 animal作困兽之斗11. fire brigade/department/station消防队12. for the meantime目前,眼下13. fortune smiles on 命运垂青于14. fortune tellers 算命先生15. found its target/mark击中目标16. found my feet站稳脚跟17. found my tongue(激动/紧张得)说不出话18. for the sake/reason of security 出于安全考虑19. for the sake of sb 看在的份上20. frighten sb. out of

    24、 their wits吓得魂飞魄散21. from scratch 从零开始;白手起家22. from a reliable source 可靠的来源23. further study 深造24. full-scale invasion 全面的入侵25. fuel peoples rage 狂怒add fuel to the flames26. fulfill ones ambition 实现抱负G1. gain the upper hand 占据上风2. generate emotional response 激起情感反应3. get nowhere 不成功的(bear no fruit )

    25、4. get to the bottom of sth.彻底弄清5. get tough with 对施以严惩6. get into a panic 恐慌 throw sb into an extreme panic 使陷入恐慌7. get to the bottom of sth.彻底弄清8. get the slightest idea about =not have the faintest idea about 根本不知道9. get tough on /with 采取强硬措施10. get /be carried away失去自制力,忘乎所以,忘形11. get a convinci

    26、ng win over 完胜12. get a raw deal 受到不公正待遇13. get too big for your boot 自高自大14. give expression to ones anger 表达不满15. give priority to 优先权16. go to great lengths to do 竭尽全力17. go up in flames /smoke 付之一炬18. grind to a halt (车) 慢慢停下19. grasp a chance / opportunity (急切地)抓住机会20. green issue 环保问题21. give

    27、sb. the privilege of doing sth. 特许某人做22. give an interesting presentation(陈述,说明)23. glow with pride/pleasure 因自豪/愉快等而容光焕发H1. hard-earned money 血汗钱2. harsh reality 残酷的现实3. hatching a plot 密谋4. have (a ) command of 掌握、精通(尤指语言)5. have no choice but to (cant help but do )6. have the nerve /courage to do

    28、 有胆量做7. have a firm belief (坚决相信)in what goes around comes around因果循环8. have an appetite for 喜欢9. have a flash of inspiration/brilliance 灵光一闪10. have prejudice against 对有偏见11. have to ones name 拥有12. have meant/intended/wanted 原打算13. have something done before the deadline在最后期限前14. have much affecti

    29、on for (attectionate towards)对很有感情15. have no alternative 别无选择16. have load off ones mind 心里的石头落地17. have a crash on 迷恋18. having a thick shin19. has no equal /match in 举世无双20. has a tendency to 21. have wide appeal from 有广泛的吸引力22. has the distinction of 获的荣誉23. his heart swell with pride 24. his di

    30、smay(沮丧) melted(消失) away unconsciously(不知不觉) 25. his greed knows no limit26. his powerful ideas undoubtedly shaped Chinese society and tradition27. his reputation28. hit the roof 暴跳如雷29. holds a mistaken belief 错误认为30. hold the view 持观点31. hold the word records 保持世界纪录32. hold /deep sb. prisoner/host

    31、age/captive 将某人做为囚犯/人质/俘虏33. hold a position /rank/job 拥有职位/级别/工作I1. If my memory serves me well, 如果我没记错的话2. Im in a dilemma whether 处于两难的境地3. I see no point in , there is no point in 无用的4. I chose the lesser of the two evils 两害取其轻5. it was disturbing to think 想到就寝食难安6. its common sense that 常识7. improve oneself (优指通过教育)求上进8. imprin


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