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    1、学年高中英语Module1SmallTalkSectionGrammar教学案外研版选修6Section Grammarneed的基本用法课前自主预习例句体验1Ive ordered some pizza, so we neednt worry about cooking when we get home tired.我已经预订了一些披萨饼,所以当我们到家感到累的时候就不必担心做饭的事了。2I couldnt have enjoyed myself moreit was a perfect day.我从没有玩得这么开心过真是完美的一天。3We neednt have bought so muc

    2、h food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner.既然苏西不和我们一起吃晚饭,我们本没必要买这么多的食物。4There is no class on Sunday. You neednt have woken me up so early.星期天不上课,你本不必这么早叫醒我的。5It was an informal party so I didnt need to wear a suit.这不是个正式晚会,所以我没有必要穿正装。6I bought some fruits home but my wife had bought a lot of t

    3、hem, so I neednt have bought any.我买了一些水果,但我的妻子已经买了很多,因此我本不必买的。7Need you have paid so much?你用得着花那么多钱吗?8I didnt need to take the bus because I drove the car.我没必要乘公交车因为我开车了。课堂合作探究语法讲座1用作实义动词,后可接名词、代词、不定式和动名词,有时态、人称和数的变化。Mark needs to learn Chinese since his company is opening a branch in Beijing.马克需要学习

    4、汉语,因为他的公司要在北京开一个分公司。The doctor said he needed an operation.医生说他需要手术。名师点津当主语是表示“物”的名词时,用作实义动词的need后接动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。need doingneed to be done。A dog needs taking out/to be taken out for a walk every day.狗得每天带出去遛。2用作情态动词,后接动词原形,常用于否定句和疑问句中。You neednt finish that work today.你今天不必把那项工作做完。Need he come here

    5、?他有必要来吗?归纳拓展在回答带有need的问句时,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt 或dont have to。Need I finish the work before ten?我需要在10点前完成工作吗?Yes, you must.是的,你必须。No, you neednt/dont have to.不,你不必。3.didnt need to do和neednt have done didnt need to do表示过去没必要做某事,实际上也没做。neednt have done表示过去没必要做某事,而实际上做了。 Marys boyfriend drove to pick

    6、her up, so she didnt need to take a taxi.玛丽的男朋友开车去接她,因此她没必要打出租了。 It was Sunday, so I didnt need to get up early. 因为是星期天,所以我没必要早起。 You neednt have told him the news. He had already known it. 你没必要告诉他那个消息,他早已知道了。 I neednt have cooked so much food, but I didnt know nobody was hungry.我本没必要弄那么多吃的,但我当时不知道谁

    7、也不饿。归纳拓展情态动词have done的几种形式及其意义: It must have rained last night, for the ground is still wet.昨晚肯定下雨了,地面还是湿的。(对过去的肯定推测)I cant find my purse now. I might have left it in the taxi.我的钱包找不到了,我可能把它忘在出租车里了。(对过去的推测,也许/或许做了)You couldnt have known about him ten years ago, when he was still unknown.十年前你不可能了解他,那

    8、时他还不出名。(对过去的推测,不可能做过)You could have used my car yesterday. I didnt use it.你昨天本可以用我的汽车。我用不着它。(过去本来能做某事,但没有做到)Oh, Mom! You neednt have prepared so much food. Dad and Diana will not come back for supper.哦,妈妈!你本不必做这么多饭。爸爸和戴安娜不回家吃晚饭了。(过去不必做但做了某事)课堂总结演练用didnt need to或neednt have done改写句子1.Thank you for he

    9、lping mebut it wasnt necessary.You_.答案:neednt have helped me2I was worried that no one would come to my birthday party but nearly 100 colleagues came.I_.答案:neednt have worried that no one would come to my birthday party3I didnt buy flowers for the host family because my brother had already bought so

    10、me.I_.答案:didnt need to buy flowers for the host family4My friend stayed in a hotel for the week, but he could have stayed in my flat.My friend_.答案:neednt have stayed in a hotel for the week单句写作1John went to the station with the car to meet Mary, so she _ (本来没必要步行) back home.答案:neednt have walked2I _

    11、 (不必早起床) this morning, so I stayed in bed until 9 am.答案:didnt need to get up early3You _ (本不需要去) there yesterday.答案:neednt have gone4Your clothes _ (需要洗了)答案:need washing/to be washed5You _ (不必费神去问) RickI know hes too busy.答案:neednt bother asking演练通关提升夯实基础知识单句语法填空1He did not regret saying that but fe

    12、lt that he _ (express) it differently.答案:could have expressed2She _ have left school, for her bike is still here.答案:couldnt3I got to the party at 6 pm, but there was no one there, so I _ (arrive) so early.答案:neednt have arrived4It was fine yesterday, so I didnt need _ (take) the trouble to carry my

    13、raincoat with me.答案:to take5Jenny _ (hear) about the accident; otherwise, she wouldnt be in such low spirits.答案:must have heard6When the foreign guest arrived, I found him speaking good Chinese. I _ (translate) his speech into Chinese the night before.答案:neednt have translated7Can you imagine Mike f

    14、inishing the tough job only in 2 hours?He _ (do) it all by himself. I dare say even three people cant do it in one day.答案:couldnt have done8As it turned out to be a small house party, we _ (dress) up so formally.答案:neednt have dressed9Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Shanghai this morning.Really? She _ (t

    15、ake) the 9:00 train. Its much more comfortable and safer to travel by train.答案:could have taken10I didnt need _ (go) to the bank just nowMary lent me the money.答案:to go单句改错1Must I finish all the work before noon?No, you mustnt. _答案:mustnt neednt2I told my teacher what had happened and then he told m

    16、e he had known it.I neednt had told him anything. _答案:第三个hadhave3My classmate spoke English well so I didnt need translate the conversation for her._答案:translate前加to4Need he to do this homework first?_答案:去掉to5I need to cut the grass myself, for I knew my brother had done it._答案:need前加didnt单句写作1我们有许多

    17、面包,因此我不需要再买一条了。We had plenty of bread, so I _ another loaf.答案:didnt need to buy2你昨晚不必工作到这么晚,因为我们今天早晨仍然有时间。You _ as we still have time this morning.答案:neednt have worked so late last night3你不必担心他,因为他前天已经回来了。You _, for he had got back the day before.答案:neednt have been worried about him4Jane正在隔壁房间哭呢,你

    18、刚才不应该对她如此严厉。Jane is crying in the next room. You _.答案:shouldnt have been so hard on her just now5昨晚我很想跟你一起去参加晚会,但是来了一位不速之客。I _ last night but I had an unexpected guest.答案:would like to have gone to the party with you提升实战能力阅读理解One of the biggest problems when we are talking is the awkward silence. En

    19、countering this situation is so uncomfortable that you would avoid meeting new people in the first place, but there is a way to get around it. In the past, I struggled with this and I even thought it had to do with my DNA or something . but I proved myself wrong when I learned how to solve it. Not k

    20、nowing how to keep a conversation going can really harm your social life, but if you know how to keep those words flowing, you can meet and talk to anyone you like, which helps create great possibilities for friendship, fun and shared activities that you would otherwise have missed out on.After stud

    21、ying this in depth, I had different opinions and found that one of these common behaviors is the habit of filtering (过滤)holding back from saying something until youve “checked” to make sure that what youre about to say is cool, impressive and interesting. Another problem is not learning to get in th

    22、e mood for conversation. If you dont know how to change from subjects, then it can take a lot of time to warm up.It is the reflex (习惯性思维) that allows you to say whatever goes on in your mind. Its fun to realize that youre allowed to say whatever is in your mind. As long as you dont say anything that

    23、 could land you in jail (监狱)All of the “Oh! Thats interesting .” “Hmm, Ive never heard of that” “Hmm, cool!” expressions are reactionary (保守的) bits of conversation that prove to the other person that youre really listening. This works 99% of the time. So, if you show some interest, theyll hang aroun

    24、d and want to talk to you even more.Everyone knows that stories juiceup_conversations,_but most people only talk about stories of their own lives. When someone mentions something related to any of them, just tell the story, even if its not from your life. The more interesting, stranger or more frigh

    25、tening they are, the harder they are to forget.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章阐释了避免谈话时陷入尴尬的沉默的办法:我们要表达内心所想、谈论听者感兴趣的话题和生动有趣的故事等。1If people can deal with the awkward silence, they can _.Atrain their working skillBimprove their life qualityCenrich their social lifeDestablish their working relationship答案:C推理判断题。根据第一段中

    26、的“but if you know how to keep those words flowing, you can meet and talk to anyone you like, which helps create great possibilities for friendship, fun and shared activities”可知,如果在谈话时能打破尴尬的沉默,知道说什么,怎么说,就能为帮助促进友谊、增加乐趣和一起活动创造巨大的可能性,可推知这样就能丰富社交生活,故选C。2When talking with others, we should _.Afeel nervous

    27、 Bthink twiceCbe free to express Davoid breaking in答案:C推理判断题。根据第三段前两句可知,习惯性思维让我们表达我们内心所想,意识到你可以说出你心里想说的话,这是很有趣的。所以可推知在和别人交流时我们应该自由表达,故选C。3According to the passage, what do the speakers care much about?AThe attractive topics of conversation.BThe atmosphere of the conversation.CThe listeners experienc

    28、es and tastes.DThe listeners curiosity and concern.答案:D推理判断题。根据第四段可知,听者的赞美之词与他们表现出兴趣和好奇心,是说话者最关心的,故选D。4What does the underlined part “juiceup conversations” mean?AMaking conversations more boring.BMaking conversations livelier.CMaking conversations smoother.DMaking conversations more relaxing.答案:B词义

    29、猜测题。根据最后一句“The more interesting, stranger or more frightening they are, the harder they are to forget.”可知故事越有趣、越奇异或越惊悚,听者就越难忘记,这说明了故事内容在谈话中的重要性。画线词语所在的句子指每个人都知道故事会让对话变得生动有趣,可猜测“juiceup conversations”指让对话变得生动有趣,故选B。七选五Teenagers are especially likely to suffer loneliness. Here are some suggestions for speeding a recovery from loneliness.Rea


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