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    1、 课题复习牛津初中英语七年级下册Chapter3单词与短语重难点解析1. 掌握Chapter3的单词与词组 ;2. 掌握Chapter3动词短语的固定搭配;3. 掌握Chapter3固定句型的用法;课堂教学步骤及内容【短语Unit 5】a drop of water 一滴水 be made up of 由组成turn off 关掉 dry up 干涸add . to . 把加入 turn into (使)变成travel through 经过 have a bath 洗盆浴come out of 从出来 take/have a shower 淋浴a bit 有点;一点 instead of 而

    2、不是part of 的一部分pocket money 零花钱continues made up of returnfresh part of salt【练习1选词填空】How much of the earth is covered with water? About 75% of the Earth s surface is covered with water. 97%of the water on Earth is _ water. It is _ salt and other minerals(矿物质). Human can not drink this water. Less tha

    3、n 1% of all the water on the Earth is _ water that we can use. So water is valuable.What is the water cycle?In the water cycle, water turns into vapour, travels into the air and becomes _ a cloud. Then it falls down to the Earth as rain, and turns into vapour again. This _ in a never ending-cycle. B

    4、ecause of the water cycle, the water you use today may _ to you after many cycles.【练习2选词填空】added . to journey valuabledropped turn . off voice 12 JulyDear Diary,I talked to a water today. It was really interesting.In the morning, I left the tap on in the bathroom. Then I heard an angry_. It told me

    5、to_ the tap_.It was a drop of water! It tole me about its_. It_ from a cloud into a river. We could not drink this water because it was dirty, so people had to clean it. They_ some chemicals_ the water to make it clean. Then it traveled to my home.Water is very_. People should not waste or pollute i

    6、t. 【练习3根据首字母提示填空】1.We should save every d_ of fresh water.2.“Be quiet,” said Tom in a low v_ to his classmate.3.The workers a_ chemical_ the swimming pool to keep it clean.4.Go t_ the forests and you will find a beautiful lake.5.Time is v_. You shouldn t waste it.6.Water f_ about 70 percent of an ad

    7、ult s body weight.【练习4根据首字母提示填空】Water talksDora was in the bathroom, The tap was o_.“Turn that tap off,” said an angry v_. You re wasting water.Dora looked around, but there was no one there.“Who are you?”“I m a d_ of water. Do you know where I come from?”“From the tap?” asked Dora.“A few days ago,

    8、I was in a cloud,” said the drop of the water. “Then I dropped into a river and ran into a reservoir. Then it was time for people to clean me.”“Clean you?” Dora asked.“Yes, I was dirty. They cleaned me and added some c_ to me.Then I travelled t_ the pipes under the streets and now I m here.”Dora ask

    9、ed, “So is this the end of your j_?”“No. People will make me clean again.” I ll go into a river and then into the sea again.“Again?”“Yes. My journey starts there. Remember not to waste or pollute me. I m v_.”Dora turned the tap off and came out of the bathroom.【练习5根据提示完成表格】The Amazon River(亚马逊河)is i

    10、n the south America. It is 6440 kilometres long and is the second longest river in the world. The Amazon River begins in the high mountains of Peru(秘鲁). It then crosses over into Brazil. Most of the Amazon is in Brazil. Finally, it ends in Atlantic Ocean. While(虽然)in Peru the river is very small, it

    11、 is 240 kilometres wide by the time to the sea.The Amazon River has more water than any other river in the world. In the river, there are over 2000 different kind of fish. Along the Amazon River are some of the wettest places in the world, and kilometres and kilometres of forests. Many of them are v

    12、ery different from the ones in China. There are also many strange plants along the Amazon. Some of these are quite important to people because we can make medicine from them.The Amazon RiverLength:_Width:_Begins in_, runs through_, and ends in_ImportanceHas_than any other river in the world.Has over

    13、_ different kinds of_ along the Amazon.There are kilometres and kilometres of_ along the Amazon.There are many animals; many are very_ from those in China.There are many_; some are quite important to people because we can_ from them.【练习6完形填空】On and under the waterThe deepest part of the sea in the w

    14、orld is called the Mariana Trench(马里亚纳海沟). It is in the Pacific Ocean. In 1995, a Japanese submarine(潜水艇)called the Kaiko went down almost 11000 metres into the Mariana Trench. Scientists found that_ fish and some other animals living in the darkness.It is not_ for people to dive deep into the ocean

    15、. Humans cannot go down much deeper than about thirty metres under water_ the pressure(压力)on the ears and lungs(肺). _if a diver wears a specials diving suit(潜水服), he or she can go down six hundred metres.Hawaii, in the Pacific Ocean, is a tourist area. It is a very nice place. There are a lot of_the

    16、re. But this one is special. It is under water. Well, part of it is. _ opened it in 2000. It has four floors_ water and four below. But its eighty bedrooms are all below sea level. You can see fish_ outside your bedroom window.1. A. there isB. there wasC. there areD. there were2. A. easyB. difficult

    17、C. excitingD. interesting3. A. becauseB. because ofC. forD./4. A. SoB. AndC. ButD. When5. A. fishB. hotelsC. peopleD. water6. A. ItB. TheyC.ItsD. Them7. A. onB. underC. aboveD. in8. A. swimmingB. playingC. eatingD. running 【短语Unit 6】solar/water/wind power 太阳能/水能/风能switch off 关(电灯、机器等)a packet of 一袋t

    18、idy up 收妥好;整理好in a way 在某种程度上air conditioner空调be connected to 连接到safety tips安全提示power station 发电站electrical appliance 电器a moment machine 过了一会switch on 开(电灯、机器等)washing machine 洗衣机start a fire 引起火灾rice cooker 电饭煲make sure 确保【练习1根据首字母提示填空】Electricity all roundOne evening, Daisy said, “I m going to buy

    19、 a p_ of sweets. Does anyone want anything?”Benny, Daisy s brother, r_, “Can you get me a packet of electricity?”“Yes, I can,” said Daisy. Then she went out. Benny laughed, “She can t buy e_ in packets like sweets! She ll look foolish.”Mum said, You mustn t say that, Benny!”“What do you know about e

    20、lectricity, Benny?” Dad asked.“Electricity gives us power. It flows through w_. It s like water, in a way,” said Benny.“You re right! Electricity comes into our flat through thin wires. These are c_to cables under the street,” Dad added.“What are the cable connected to?” asked Benny.“They re connect

    21、ed to power station,” answered Dad.A moment later, Daisy came back.“May I have my packet of electricity ?” Benny asked.“Here you are!” said Daisy.“But . these are b_!” said Benny.“Daisy s right,” said Dad. “The chemicals inside battery produce electricity.”Mum said, “Who looks f_ now, Benny?”【练习2根据首

    22、字母提示填空】He had a c_ (谈话)with his doctor last week about how to keep fit.The teacher r_(回答) to her student s question by email yesterday.Don t give him any stupid excuses. He s not f_(愚蠢的).The little girl was afraid of the dog. For a m_(瞬间;片刻), she didn t move.Mrs Smith is unhappy with her son because

    23、 he never t_ (使整洁)up his bedroom.【练习3选词填空】air conditionerin a waywashingconnecttouchwiresElectricity and youYou can not see or_ electricity, but it is all around you. The lights in our rooms need electricity. Our_ use electricity to clean our clothes, and our_ use electricity to make our rooms comfo

    24、rtable. Phones and computer_ our home and office to the outside world. These need electricity to work. They send information through_ to other phones and computers, and this also uses electricity._, it is difficult for us to live without electricity. Electricity helps us live simple, fast and intere

    25、sting lives.【练习4阅读理解】A species is the name for a group of animals that are alike, such as lions and tigers. If a speciesis endangered it means there are very few of those animals left in the world. If all the animals in a species die, thespecies becomes extinct. Those animals are gone forever. Many

    26、species are protected. A protected species means governments have made laws against killing the animals.The koala is close to being an endangered species. Interestingly, the koala is partly to blame for its decline. Koalas are too stubborn for their own good!When you were younger, were you a picky e

    27、ater? Did your parents have to force you to eat things that were good for you? Hopefully you listened to what they taught you and ate your dinner.Koalas are picky eaters. They live in tall eucalyptus trees. Many of these trees are also called gum trees. Koalas eat the leaves of those trees. Since th

    28、ere are over 600 different types of eucalyptus trees, the koala should have no trouble fi nding food. But koalas are picky! They only want certain eucalyptus tree leaves to eat. Out of the 600 varieties of trees, koalas will only eat the leaves of about 120 kinds of eucalyptus tree. Some are even pi

    29、ckier than that. The koalas of a specifi c area will only eat about four or fi ve kinds of eucalyptus leaves. They would rather starvethan eat the other kinds. Now thats stubborn! The biggest problem for koalas now is that the brush land in Australia is being cut down. Towns and cities are pushing farther into the brush. Since many koalas live there, they are losing their tree homes and the trees leaves that feed them. Answer the foll


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