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    1、 A. Go on a picnic. B. Catch a flight. C. Pick up his aunt.2. What will the weather probably be like this afternoon?A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.3. Why is the man going downtown?A. To do some shopping. B. To eat with friends. C. To visit Lindas family.4. How long did the man sleep last night?A. For

    2、 four hours. B. For five hours. C. For six hours.5. Where are the two speakers most probably?A. At home. B. In the kitchen. C. In the supermarket.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第

    3、6、7题。6. What is the man doing?A. Receiving some guests. B. Cleaning the house. C. Doing homework. 7. Whats the purpose of the womans visit?A. To help the man out. B. To play football with Jim. C. To ask for some help. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What happened to the eggs?A. They were bad. B. They were thrown

    4、away. C. They were broken by Sam.9. Why does the woman need eggs?A. Tina loves eating eggs. B. She wants to make a cake. C. She needs some for breakfast.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. When will the meeting begin?A. At 7:00 pm. B. At 7:30 pm. C. At 8:00pm.11. What is the mans problem?A. He cant find any water.

    5、 B. He is late for a meeting. C. He has no hot water for a shower.12. Who is the man probably speaking to?A. A hotel clerk. B. His wife. C. An engineer.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What did the woman think of her time in Australia?A. Wonderful. B.Terrible. C. A bit disappointing.14. How long did the woman s

    6、tay in Australia?A. For about a week . B. For about two weeks. C. For about four weeks.15. Where did the woman stay in Australia?A. At a friends and a hotel. B. At a hotel and her uncles. C. At her aunts and a friends.16. What did the man do in New Zealand?A. He visited his uncle. B. He visited some

    7、 friends. C. He did some sightseeing.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the speaker most probably?A. A writer. B. A teacher. C. A student.18. How many friends does Lottie travel with in the new world?A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.19. How did the speaker find the middle of the story?A. Exciting. B. Frightening. C. Slo

    8、w.20. How much does the book cost in an online store?A. $13 . B. $14. C. $17 .第二部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAnn was on her first package trip in Rosas, Spain. At the hotel, she checked in, and then went to her room to change before

    9、 dinner. She was just ready to go downstairs when she found that her Spanish money wasnt in her handbag. She carefully looked in all her luggage, but she couldnt find it. All she had was a small purse钱包 with ten English pound notes in it! Ann found a place to change her English money. She had very f

    10、ew pesetas (西班牙货币单位), and she would be here for two weeks. On her way back to the hotel, Ann bought some cheese, some bread and some oranges. When she got back, she told the manager that her doctor had told her not to eat Spanish food; shed just have breakfast each day, as she knew the price of hote

    11、ls included breakfast.For the rest of her holiday, Ann swam in the hotel swimming pool, or lay on the beach and got a sunbath. When the other tourists went to interesting places, she always said she wasnt well. In fact, her holiday wasnt bad, except that she was always hungry. After all, a piece of

    12、fruit for lunch, and bread and cheese for supper isnt very much . Late in the afternoon of their last day, a girl, Jane, asked her why she never ate with them in the hotel restaurant. Ann told her about her money problems. Jane looked at her for a minute, and then said, “But didnt you know? The pric

    13、e of this holiday includes everything!”21. “A package trip” probably means _.A. a free trip B. a long journeyC. a pleasant trip D. a trip that includes the cost of all the tickets and services22. Ann didnt eat dinners in the restaurant of the hotel because _.A. she was afraid that she couldnt pay fo

    14、r them with her little moneyB. her doctor told her not to eat themC. she wasnt well D. she wasnt hungry23. Why did Ann buy some cheese, some bread and some oranges?A. Because they were good for her health.B. Because she planned to eat them instead of lunch and supper.C. Because she liked them more t

    15、han dinners in the hotel restaurant.D. Because she is afraid that she couldnt eat enough in the hotel restaurant.24. How do you think Jane would feel after she heard Anns answer?A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Surprised. D. Excited.BDeath Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, coverin

    16、g a wide area with its sand. Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States. Long ago the Indians called this place “Tomesha” the land of fire. Death Valleys present name dates back

    17、to 1849, when a group of miners coming from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has been called a National Monument (遗迹) and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily

    18、 the change created by human settlement has scarcely (几乎没有) ruined the special beauty of this place. Here nature created a lot of surprising sights, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent (频繁的) wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors. One of the most ast

    19、onishing and changeable parts of Death Valley is the Devil s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures (沙雕) stand on a frightening ground as evening shadows move and lengthen. 25. According to the first paragraph, _ is the lowest place in the Unit

    20、ed States. A. Tomesha B. Death Valley C. Nevada D. Badwater26. Devil Golf Course is famous for _. A. the frequent wind B. the colors of the sandC. dream-like sights D. the sand sculptures27. From the passage we can see that the writer _ the Death Valley. A. appreciates B. is fearful ofC. dislikes D.

    21、 is tired ofCHow much paper do you use every year? Perhaps you cant answer that question quickly. In 1900 the worlds use of paper was about one kilogram for each person in a year. Now some countries use as much as 100 kilograms of paper for each person in a year. The amount of paper a country uses s

    22、hows how far advanced the country is, some people say. It is difficult to say whether this is true: different people mean different things by the word “advanced”. But countries like the United States, England and Sweden certainly use more paper than other countries. Paper, like many other things tha

    23、t we use today, was first made in China. In Egypt and the West, paper was not very commonly used before the year 1400. The Chinese first made paper about 2,000 years ago. China still has pieces of paper which were made as long ago as that. But Chinese paper was not made from the wood of trees. It wa

    24、s made from the hairlike parts of certain plants. Paper was not made in southern Europe until about the year 1100. Scandinavia which now makes a great deal of the worlds paper did not begin to make it until 1500. It was a German named Schaeffer who found out that trees could be made into the best pa

    25、per. After that, the forest countries of Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the United States became the most important in paper making. Today in Finland, which makes the best paper in the world, the paper industry is the biggest in the land.28. The underlined word “advanced” in the first paragrap

    26、h probably means _.A. big B. small C. developed D. beautiful29. Paper was first made in _.A. China B. Egypt C. the West D. southern Europe30. The man who first made paper from trees was a (an) _.A. Chinese B. Egyptian C. Canadian D. German31. Which country makes the best paper in the world today?A.

    27、Canada. B. Finland. C. Sweden. D. Norway.D“After four days in hospital, a 35-year-old woman died of bird flu in the western part of Indonesia on Tuesday, raising the countrys deaths to 57, and the source of infection (传染) was still unknown,” a senior health ministry official said. The H5N1 virus has

    28、 killed at least 153 people worldwide since it began hitting Asian poultry (家禽) in late 2003, according to the World Health Organization, with over a third of the human deaths in Indonesia. Most of those killed have been infected by house-kept poultry, but WHO fears the virus could turn into a form

    29、that easily spreads among humans, causing a nationwide disease with the possibility to kill millions. Indonesia, the worlds fourth most populous (人口稠密的) country and home to millions of backyard chickens, is looked upon as a possible hot place for that to happen. The government came under fire for mo

    30、ving slowly to get rid of the virus when it first appeared in chickens and ducks, but has worked hard in recent months to make the public know about the dangers of bird flu. It has also increased vaccinations (接种疫苗) and killing of birds in infected areas. But no one knows whether the action will work. After all, bird flu has been there for more than two years and killed so many people.32. This passage probably appears on the _ page of a newspaper.A. sports B. entertainment C. health and life D. travel33. The underlined part “came under fire” in Paragraph 5 probably means _


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