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    1、广东省深圳市龙岗区实验学校九年级下学期第二次质量检测英语试题广东省深圳市龙岗区实验学校2019届九年级下学期第二次质量检测英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1- When will your father go to Shanghai on business?- He will start early tomorrow morning because the journey will take hours.Aleave for Bshow up Cset out2- Would you like to have dinner with me when you are avail

    2、able.- Sure, I would love to.Apleased Bfree Cspare3- Please keep still while I am taking a photo for you.- Ok, I will.Adont move Bdont talk Cdont be nervous4- Hi, Bob. Whats going on over there? - Oh, Tom and Jerry are playing chess, with many students watching.Acontinuing Bhappening Cdoing5-Recentl

    3、y, a large number of students like to play the computer game King of Glory online.- Some schools dont allow students to bring smartphones to school.Aquite a lot of Ba few Ca great amount of6- Henry has just heard from his friend Joe from an American sister school. He is very happy.- Yes. He will be

    4、an exchange student and visit Joe during the holiday.Areceived a call from Bgot a gift from Creceived a letter from7- I would like Linda to give me a hand, but find it embarrassing to ask.- Take it easy. She is kind-hearted and would do anything for you.Ashow me her hand Bhelp me Cshake hands with m

    5、e8- The piano you bought for Mary is really a white elephant. She doesnt like music at all.- Youd better take her to some concerts, and then she will be interested in it.Avaluable Buseless Cpractical9_is the quality to be brave when you facing difficulties.ACourage BComplaint CConfidence10- The worl

    6、d has changed rapidly after the _of the computer and smartphone.- I cant agree more.Adiscovery Binvention Ccreation11- Susan often goes to school without breakfast- Really? No wonder she _ in the PE class this morning.Apassed out Bpassed by Cpassed away12- Are you going to do a part-time job during

    7、the summer vacation?- Yes, I think I shouldnt always _ my parents.Afight against Bargue with Cdepend on13- I hear you are going to Beijing for a trip. When will you _?- Im not sure. I am not _ because I havent booked the train ticket and hotel yet.Aget off, convenient Bset off, prepared Ctake off: s

    8、atisfied14- Huawei Mate X has many new powerful uses. Id like to have one but I cant _ it.- Although it _ you a lot of money, its very fashionable.Aafford: costs Bimagine: spends Csuppose: pays15- Peter, have you _ the life in Canada?- I think so. I no longer feel _ among the local people.Abeen used

    9、 to; out of shape Bused to; out of date Cgot used to: out of place二、完型填空 My mother was a ballet dancer and I wanted nothing more than to be like her, but after messing up during my first class, I felt like I wanted to 16 right away. As it was only my first day, however, I told my mom I couldnt wait

    10、to 17 again. Weeks passed and my dancing didnt get any better. So when my dance teacher announced that we were to perform in a show, I feared 18 over in front of hundreds of people, and disappointing my mom. Even though I practiced hard, I never quite got the hang of it. Finally, feeling 19 and asha

    11、med, I went to my mom for help. As I cried, I told her how 20 dancing was for me. My mother simply laughed and told me that she would teach me all she knew about ballet. She wiped my tears, and I smiled. My mom quickly discovered how bad at ballet I was, but she still taught me with the greatest 21

    12、, love, and understanding. When I jumped and fell, she was there to 22 me. When I lost my balance, she held me up. By the time the show arrived, I was as 23 as I could be. Then, the music started. I began moving to the music without 24 a step. After the show, my mom gave me a huge hug, telling me ho

    13、w proud she was. I looked my mom in the eye, and told her that nothing could have happened 25 her. Through this all, I realized that my mom will always be there to catch me if I fall.16Agive up Bmake up Cpick up17Adrop Bsucceed Cdance18Astanding Bfalling Cacting19Alonely Bsatisfied Cnervous20Aimport

    14、ant Bdifficult Cinteresting21Apatience Bimagination Cability22Abelieve Bcatch Cpush23Aprepare Bexcited Cconfident24Awatching Btaking Cmissing25Ato Bwithout Cfor三、阅读单选Facing so many changes and challenges, our world is stepping from a traditional one to a brand new one.Theres no doubt that the future

    15、 is coming.Self-service StoreImagine walking into a store, you see neither staff nor cashier (收银员). Well, you may have entered Tao Cafe-the 24-hour self-service convenience store. By scanning their QR code (二维码), shoppers are followed with cameras for facial recognition. Digital systems will be able

    16、 to “watch” and “remember” shoppers selection. When they are ready to leave, they go through two checkout door. Then the bills will automatically (自动地) be paid. The checkout machine can recognize goods even when shoppers put them in pockets or bags. So it is almost impossible to steal things from th

    17、e store.Electric CarsAs people pay more and more attention to the problem of pollution and greenhouse gases, electric cars might become more popular. More carmakers, including Audi and Volvo, will have electric powered cars on the road in 2019. And by 2025, almost every sixth car sold in the world w

    18、ill be electric. Many countries are calling on people to buy clean-energy cars. They believe these cars can help lower the need of oil and reduce air pollution.Smart CityA smart city is a city where high technology not only serves the citizens, but also learns from them. There will be more informati

    19、on connections, between people, between people and things and between things. Data (数据) from the connections will be collected automatically. Developers can use this data to provide better services for people. For example, if people point a phone toward a nearby bus stop, the phone shows all bus lin

    20、es that serve the stop and their arrival times.26What can shoppers do in Tao Cafe?AShoppers can only do their shopping during the day.BShoppers need the cashiers help to check out after shopping.CShoppers can even check out without taking goods out from bagsDShoppers can steal goods easily because t

    21、here is no staff at all27What can you learn about the electric cars from the passage?AElectric cars can help reduce greenhouse gases.BAbout 60% of the cars will be electric by 2025.COnly Audi and Volvo can make electric cars now.DAll the countries support people to use the electric cars.28How smart

    22、will the city be in the future according to the passage?APeople will have to collect the information by themselves.BHigh technology will both serve the citizens and learn from them.CThe bus stop will show you all the bus lines and the arrival times.DThere will only be connections between people and

    23、things.29What may the life in 2025 be like according to the passage?AEveryone may prefer the self-service stores.BMore families may own the electric cars.CClean-energy cars may take the place of ordinary cars.DThe world will be smarter and problems will be fewer.I was going back to work to finish a

    24、few things one evening, and my two children were busy sewing (缝纫) things on the sewing machine. My 11-year-old daughter was going to help her older brother make a little cushion (抱枕). I left and in a few hours returned to find a mess in the kitchen and front room while both children were sitting in

    25、front of the television. Having had a long day, I was very short with my greeting to them. But then I noticed the material they had used for the cushion. I had bought it to make a blanket. Not stopping to listen to them, I shouted at the children and explained how angry I was at what they had done.M

    26、y daughter listened to me timidly, not trying to say anything for herself at all, but the pain could be seen on her face. She went to her room quietly and spent some time alone before she came out to say good night and once again apologize for the mistake she had made. A few hours later, as I was pr

    27、eparing to go to bed, there on my bed lying a beautiful little cushion, with the words “I LOVE MOM”. Next to it was a note apologizing again.To this day, I still get tears in my eyes when I think of how I reacted and still feel the pain of my actions. I then went to my daughter and apologized for my

    28、 actions. I display the cushion on my bed with great pride and use it as a reminder that nothing in this world is greater than a childs love.30Why did the woman leave home for a few hours?ABecause she needed to buy gifts for her children.BBecause she was angry with her children that night.CBecause s

    29、he needed to finish her work that night.DBecause the children broke her sewing machine.31Whats your understanding of the underlined sentence?AI stayed with my children for a short time.BI didnt greet my children with a lot of patience.CI gave my kids a warm greeting when I got homeDI didnt say hello

    30、 to my children at all.32How did the daughter feel when the woman got angry?AShe was angry because she disliked her mothers behavior.BShe felt painful, but she felt sorry for her mistake.CShe didnt care about the mothers anger at all.DShe shouted and cried a lot.33Whats the main idea of this passage

    31、?ARemember to clean the mess after using the sewing machine,BIf the children did something wrong, they should apologize bravely.CParents should always remember that nothing is better than a childs loveDIf the children want to cut something at home, ask the parents about it first.“A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day/ The mourners heart is going to break on his way”, it is from a poem ab


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