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    1、英语四级短文改错考点分析与对策 英语四级短文改错考点分析与对策(1) 英语是一种表形语言,也就是其变化体现在形式上。这些变化主要体现在动词的接续关系上,形容词级的变化上和名词数的变化上等。这一点是与汉语截然不同的,也是英汉两种语言互相转换过程中的难点。 单句改错要求考生有较强的语感、较高的阅读理解能力及较扎实的语法和词汇的运用能力。 英语单句改错主要测试学习者以下知识和能力: 1动词是承载信息量最大的一类词,它主要体现在语法结构的时、体、语态、语气和非谓语形式等方面。 【误】She pretended having finished her homework all by herself她装出

    2、自己做完作业的样子。 pretend应接不定式的完成式to have finished,而不接动名词的完成式having finished。 【误】There is now some hope of being a settlement of the border dispute between the two countries现在有希望解决两国边境争端问题。 there be作of宾语,应为there being。There is now some hope of there being a settlement of the border dispute between the two

    3、countries 2名词、代词、数词、形容词和副词,这些词的语法内容包括名词的数、格;代词的数、格、指代一致,及各种数的表达;形容词、副词的级和在句子中的位置、词序、同类比较等。 【误】This road is not wider than that one这条路没有那条路宽。 notmore than不存在否定形式,应用notsoasas结构。应改为This road is not so wide as that one 【误】During Song Dynasty,China was time again harassed by the Northern tribes在宋朝,中原一次又一

    4、次地受到北方部落的侵扰。 在专有名词前应加上定冠词,所以应为the Song Dynasty。 3固定搭配和惯用短语。学习词汇必须学习搭配和惯用语。搭配因词性的变化而变化,而惯用语是约定俗成的。 【误】You are called on the phone你的电话。 应改为You are wanted on the phone。 【误】At this stage,there is only soft intelligence about the enemy intentionWe should not shoot him from the back在目前,关于敌人的意图还只有不太充分的情报,我

    5、们不能鲁莽行动。 shoot somebody from the hip是固定搭配,而不是from the back。 4音形相近的词、同义词和近义词。根据上下文的语义及用法搭配关系,通过比较进行辨异。 【误】Man lonely of the animals has language在动物中只有人才有语言。 lonely应改为alone。 【误】This book provides a comprehensible study of the topic这本书提供了对这个题目的综合研究。 comprehensible是能理解的;comprehensive是综合的,包含内容多的。 5句型。首先要

    6、考虑句子涉及的是什么句型,句子是否完整。英语中的主要句型有:存在、强调、省略、倒装等。 【误】Itis during his spare time when he has been studying a course in English他是在闲暇时间学英语课的。 本句是强调句型it isthat,when应改为that。 【误】By no means it is true that all English people know their own language well事实上决不是所有的英国人都精通自己的语言。 由于by no means引导倒装句,所以it is应为is it。 英语

    7、四级短文改错考点分析与对策(2) 短文改错是语篇层次上的改错,要求把词汇、结构和意义看成是有机的整体,要求跨越传统英语学习中词汇和句子的思维范畴,把词法、句法与篇章的句子联系起来,建立句子与句子之间的思维范畴,建立整体语感,进行语篇分析,判断错误所在,并加以改正。 众所周知,孤立的词与用在句子中的词是不同的;孤立的句子与组成篇章的句子也不同。所谓语篇分析,一方面是指判断词与词在句子中通过语法结构所起到的作用和意义(包括同义、近义、反义、上下义、相关义);另一方面是指句与句之间的成分关系、结构词和语法变体;再者是指语篇水平上的逻辑关系,包括省略、替代、重复、比较、平行、照应、篇章连接信号词、写作

    8、体裁和风格等。 把握层次关系,进行语篇分析,就能做到前后照应,就容易发现词汇和语法结构、内容上下贯通方面的问题,并根据上下文进行改正。 Although it might have happened anywhere, my encounter with the green banana started on a steep mountain road in the interior of BrazilMy ancient jeep was straining up through spectacular countryside when the radiator began to leak,

    9、ten miles from the nearest mechanicThe over-heated engine forced me to stop at the next village,which consisted of a small store and a scattering of housesPeople gathered to lookThree fine streams of hot water spouted from holes in the jacket of the radiatorThats easy to fix,a man saidHe sent a boy

    10、running to some green bananasHe patted me on the shoulder,assuring me everything would work outGreen bananas,he smiled Everyone agreed We exchanged pleasantries while I mulled over the ramifications of green bananaAsking questions would betray my ignorance,but I remarked on the beauty of the terrain

    11、Huge rock formations,like Sugar Loaf in Rio,rose up all around usDo you see that tall one right over there?asked my benefactor,pointing to a particular tall, slender pinnacle of dark rockThat rock marks the center of the world I looked to see if he were teasing me,but his face was seriousHe in retur

    12、n inspected me carefully to be sure I grasped the significance of his statement The occasion demanded some show of recognition on my partThe center of the world?I repeated,trying to convey interest if not complete acceptanceHe noddedThe absolute centerEveryone around here knows it At that moment the

    13、 boy returned with my green bananasThe man sliced one in half and pressed the cut end against the radiator jacketThe bananas melted into a glue against the hot metal,plugging the leaks instantlyEveryone laughed at my astonishment They filled my radiator and gave me extra bananas to take alongAn hour

    14、 later,after one more application of green bananas,my radiator and I reached our destinationThe local mechanic smiledWho taught you about the green banana?I named the villageDid they show you the rock marking the center of the world?he askedI assured him they hadMy grandfather came fromthere,he said

    15、The exact center Everyone around here has always known about it 本文讲述了一个在巴西的美国人,因旧吉普车水箱漏水而被迫在一个小村庄停下来修理。当地村民用青香蕉堵漏水箱的办法,给这个美国人留下了深刻的印象。 本文用词幽默诙谐,如My ancient jeep, Asking questions would betray my ignorance, An hour later,after one more application of green bananas,my radiator and I reached our destin

    16、ation等,产生了很好的语言效果。 在第一段中,He sent a boy running to some green bananas(他派一个男孩跑到青香蕉那儿去了。)从上下文来看,与At that moment the boy returned with my green bananas(那时那个男孩带着给我的青香蕉回来了。)不符。应改为He sent a boy running for some green bananas(他派一个男孩跑去取青香蕉了。)。 在第二段中,Asking questions would betray my ignorance,but I remarked o

    17、n the beauty of theterrain(问这问那会暴露我没有学问,不过我就谈论起此处地势的秀美。)可以看出此句逻辑关系混乱,因此应改为Asking questions would betray my ignorance,so(所以)I remarked on the beauty of the terrain 在第三段中,He in return inspected me carefully to be sure I grasped the significance of his statement(他回报地仔细审视着我,确信我领会了他那番话的意义。)in return为回报;酬

    18、劳,应改为He in turn(反过来)inspected me carefully to be sure I grasped the significance of his statement 在第四段中,They filled my radiator and gave me extra bananas to take along(他们把我的水箱灌满了水,并额外给了我几个香蕉带在路上。)从第一段得知,水箱的水漏出,因此修理完后需要重新注水,应改为They refilled(重新往注水)my radiator and gave me extra ba- nanas to take along

    19、新英语四级改错练习题及答案(一)Americans this year will swallow 15000 tons of aspirin, one of safest and most effective drugs 1._ invented by man. The most popular medicines in the 2._ world today, it is an effective pain reliever. Its bad effects are relatively mild, and it is cheap. For millions of people suffer

    20、ed from arthrities, 3._ it is the only thing that works. Aspirin, in short, is truly the 20th-century wonder drug. It is also the second largest suicide drug and is the leading cause of poisoning among children. it has side effects that, if 4._ relatively mild, are largely unrecognized between users

    21、. 5._ Although aspirin was first sold by Germam company in 1899, it has been around much longer than that. Hippocrates, in ancient Greece, understood the medical value of the leaves and tree bark which today is known to 6._ contain salicylates, the chemical in aspirin. during the 19th century, there

    22、 was a great number of experimentation 7._ in Europe with this chemical, and it led in the introduction 8._ of aspirin. By 1915, aspirin tablets were available in the United States. A small quantity of aspirin(two five-grain tablets) relieves pain and inflammation. It also reduces down 9._ fever by

    23、interfering with some of the bodys reactions. Specifically, aspirin seems to slow down the formation of the acids involved in pain and the complex chemical reactions that cause fever. The chemistry of these acids is not fully understood, and the slowing effect of aspirin 10._ is well known. 参考答案 (一)

    24、1. of safest the 2. medicines medicine(or: drug) 3. suffered suffering 4. if though(or: although) 5. between among 6. is are 7. number deal(or: amount,quantity) 8. in to 9. down / 10. and but 新英语四级改错练习题及答案(二) Crime has its own cycles, a magazine reported some years before. Police records that were s

    25、tudied 1._ for five years from over 2400 cities and towns show a surprised link between changes in the season and 2._ crime patterns. The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August, as does rape and other violent 3._ attacks.Mu

    26、rder, however, is more than seasonal: it is a 4._ weekend crime. It is also a hightime crime: 62 percent of members are committed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Unlike the summer high in crimes of bodily harm, burglary has a different cycle. You are most likely to being robbed between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. o

    27、n a Saturday 5._ night in December, January,or February. The most uncriminal month of all? May-except for one strange statistic. More dog bites are reported in this month than in an other month of the year. 6._ Apparent our intellectual seasonal cycles are 7._ completely different from our criminal

    28、tendencies. professor Huntington, of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, made extensive studies to discover the seasons when people read serious books, attend scientific meetings, make the highest scores on examinations, and to propose the most changes to patents. In all 8._ instances, he found

    29、a spring peak and an autumn peak separated by a summer low. On other hand, Professor 9._ huntintons studies indicated that June is the peak month for suicides and admissions in mental hospitals. 10._ June is also a peak month for marriages!参考答案(二)1. before ago 2. surprised surprising 3. does do 4. h

    30、owever moreover 5. being be 6. an any 7. apparent apparently 8. to(1) / 9. On other the 10. in to新英语四级改错练习题及答案(三) Only a generation ago, Mauritanias capital city was many days walk from the Sahara. Today it is in the Sahara. 1._ The sand blows through the city streets and piles up in 2._ walls and fences. The desert stretches out as far as the eye can see. In some parts of the Amazon rain forest in brazil, all the trees have cut down. The earth lies bare and dry in the 3._ hot sun. Nothing grow there anymore. 4._ Over vast areas of every continent, the rainfall and


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