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    1、精品自考词汇第二章练习题可编辑-作者 -日期自考词汇第二章练习题第二章I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1. The following languages are all Germanic except A. Dutch B. Flemish C. Norwegian D. Spanish2. The early inhabitants of the British Isle

    2、s spoke A. English B. Celtic C. Scandinavian D. Hellenic3. Words such as crag, bin and Avon are from A. Latin B. Greek C. Celtic D. Anglo-Saxon4. The Indo-European is made up of most of the languages of Europe, A. the Far East and the Near East B. the Far East and the Middle East C. the Near East an

    3、d India D. India and North Africa5. The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a/an language. A. analytic B. inflected C. isolating D. agglutinative6. belong to the Western set of the Indo-European language family. A. Hellenic, Germanic, Hindi and Celtic B. Germanic, Persian, Alb

    4、anian and Indo-Iranian C. Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic and Italic D. Scandinavian, Germanic, Albanian and Armenian7. In the Western set of the Indo-European language family, Greek is the modern language derived from A. Hellenic B. Scandinavian C. Italic D. Celtic8. In the Celtic, we find , etc. A. Sco

    5、ttish, Welsh, Irish, Icelandic B. Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Breton C. Flemish, Scottish, Breton, Dutch D. Norwegian, Irish, Breton, Welsh9. Anglo-Saxon dominated and almost totally blotted out in Old English period. A. Scandinavian B. Swedish C. Sanskrit D. Celtic10. Old English is a highly language j

    6、ust like modern German. A. agglutinative B. analytic C. isolating D. inflected11. As a basic word, father is borrowed from A. Scandinavian B. Greek C. French D. Latin12. The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of words into English. A. Latin B. Greek C. Danish D. French13. Handbook is a word cr

    7、eated by combing A. two native words B. a native word and a loan word C. two loan words D. a Celtic word and an Anglo-Saxon word14. It is estimated that at least words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modern English. A. 1000 B .900 C. 100O0 D. 8O015. Between 1250 and 1500 about French words p

    8、oured into English. A. 900 B. 900O C. 100O0 D. 1200016. All of the following words are from Dutch except. A. boom B. easel C. stoop D. shirt17. Old English was a language of _ endings, and Middle English was one of endings. A. full, leveled B. leveled, full C. partial, leveled D. full, partial18. Si

    9、nce the beginning of the 20 century, particularly after World War II, although borrowing remains a channel of English vocabulary expansion, more words are created by means of A. analogy B. word-formation C. transfer D. conversion19. English has evolved from a _ language (Old English) to the present

    10、language. A. analytic, synthetic B. synthetic, analytic C. agglutinative, analytic D. isolating, synthetic20. More than per cent of modern English words come almost directly from classical languages. A. 80 B. 25 C. 50 D. 4021. By the end of the century, English took the place of French and gradually

    11、 came back into the schools, the law courts, and government and regained social status. A. 12th B. 14 th C. 13th D. 15th22. The translation of the Bible and the writings of and others contributed a lot to the revival of English as the dominating language in Middle English period. A. Lang land; Wycli

    12、ffe, Chaucer B. Wycliffe; Lang land, Chaucer C. Chaucer; Wycliffe, Thomas More D. Bacon; Wycliffe, Chaucer23. Old English began to undergo a great change when the invaded England in 1066. A. Romans B. Danes C. Normans D. Jutes24. Before English regained social status in Middle English period, those

    13、in power spoke French; those who were literate read and wrote ; those who could educate their children taught them in ; and any young man who sought to earn his living as a scribe learned or A. Latin; French; Latin, French B. French; French; French, English C. French; French; Latin, French D. Greek;

    14、 French; Greek, French25. The three main sources of new words are A. the rapid development of modem science and technology ; social, economic and political changes; the influence of other cultures and languages B. the rapid development of modern science and technology; social, economic and political

    15、 changes; reviving archaic or obsolete words C. creation, borrowing and reviving archaic or obsolete words D. semantic change, creation, borrowing and reviving archaic or obsolete words26. The words with sk sounds are from A. French B. Danish C. Latin D. Dutch27. English Renaissance brought over 100

    16、00 new words from and into English language. A. Latin, Greek B. Latin, French C. French, German D. Greek, French28. coolie is from and freight is from A. Chinese, Dutch B. Indian, Spanish C. Japanese, Spanish D. Indian, Dutch29. Modem English vocabulary develops through A. terminology, analogy and b

    17、orrowingB. creation, semantic change, borrowing and revival of archaic or obsolete words C. creation, archaisms and semantic change D. semantic change, denizens and argot30. Semantic change enriches English vocabulary through A. addition of more new usages to the existing words B. addition of new wo

    18、rds to the existing English vocabulary C. borrowing meanings from the similar words of other languages D. assimilation of loan words into the existing English vocabulary31. The 3000 (some put it 5000) languages in the world can be grouped into roughly 300 language families on the basis of similariti

    19、es in their and A. native word stock, grammar B. basic word stock, loan word stock C. basic word stock, grammar D. native word stock, loan word stock32. The introduction of had a great influence on English vocabulary. The words such as abbot, amen and apostle are some of the example words. A. Renais

    20、sance B. Christianity C. Buddhism D. Islam33. The second major known language known in England was of the Roman Legions. A. Greek B. Latin C. Celtic D. Anglo-Saxon34. Native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the tribes : the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, thus known as A

    21、nglo-Saxon words. A. Scandinavian B. Celtic C. Roman D. Germanic35. Native words are in style and in use. A. appreciative, frequent B. pejorative, neutral C. neutral, frequent D. frequent, neutral36. According to Stuart Robertson, et al (1957), the nine functional words, namely, and, be, have, it, o

    22、f, the, to, will and you assume of the task of expression in English. A. one third B. one fourth C. a half D. one fifth37. but, do (does, did), be (am, are, were, is) and of are all words by notion and _ words by use frequency. A. functional, basic B. basic, functional C. native, basic D. content, n

    23、ative38. The word quoth (said) is a/an A. neologism B. archaism C. translation-loan D. semantic-loan39. The word shift from skipta is a/an in English. A. translation-loan B. semantic-loan C. denizen D. alien40. The English language is noted for the remarkable and of its vocabulary. A. complexity, he

    24、terogeneity B. purity, simplicity C. naturalness, simplicity D. naturalness, conventionalityII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1. is the language of the early inhabitants of the British Isles.2.The 3,000 (some put it 5,000) languages,

    25、which can be grouped into roughly language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.3.Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish are generally known as languages.4.The first people known to inhabit England were 5.The words such as Kent, London and Thames are 6.The wo

    26、rds such as window, leg, husband, life and house are 7. Old English was a highly inflected language just like modem 8. Considering the changes in vocabulary, it is necessary to subdivide into Early (1500- 1700)and Late (1700-up to the present) Modem English.9.Over 10,000 new words entered the Englis

    27、h language during English Renaissance. Many of these were taken from Latin and Greek by scholars who wanted to replace the forms earlier adopted from 10. English has evolved from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present language.11. Gozzi, the author of New Words and Changing American Cultu

    28、re(1990), discovered that terms make up approximately 45 percent of new words.12.Modem English vocabulary develops through three channels creation, , borrowing.13.Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely , affixes and other elements.14. change means an ol

    29、d form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need.15. has played a vital role in the development of English vocabulary, especially in earlier times.16. In earlier stages of English, French, Latin, Greek and were the major contributors.17. loan used as a transitive verb in American English is

    30、an instance of revival of or obsolete words.18 .The Indo-European is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and 19. Old English has about words.20. Native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the Germanic tribes: the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, thus kn

    31、own as words, or Old English words.21. In the early period of Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. This is known as the 22. The words dress, pork, mutton and fry are all borrowed from 23. Generally speaking, the English words are simple and common compared with the borrowed Latin, Greek and French words.24. The word judge is borrowed from 25. A/An language is a language in which the various forms of a given word show its relationship to other words in a sentence.26. The word hamb


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