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    1、专业英语复习整理12年Main PointsChapter 1 Communication: Mass and Other Forms1. The 8 elements in the communication process:A source, encoding process, message, channel, decoding process, receiver, feedback, and noise.2. The 3 types of noise:Semantic, environmental, mechanical.3. The 3 main settings for commu

    2、nication:Interpersonal, machine-assisted interpersonal, mass communication.4. Each element in the communication process may vary according to setting.5. Mass Communication:Refers to the process by which a complex organization, with the aid of one or more machines, produces public messages that are a

    3、imed at large, heterogeneous, and scattered audiences.6. Characteristics for a mass communicator:Traditionally, it is identified by its formal organization, gatekeepers, expensive operating costs, profit motive, and competitiveness. The internet has created exceptions to these characteristics.7. New

    4、 models have been developed to illustrated Internet mass communication.A. Push Modelthe traditional model of mass communication was a “one-to-many” model. Under the traditional model there is little direct interaction between sources and receivers.B. Pull Model the new model makes it possible that s

    5、everal different levels of communication happen in a computer-mediated environment. The content is provided not only by organizations but also by individuals. It is not a one-way model. Instead, receivers can choose the time and manner of the interaction. The messages flowing to each receiver are no

    6、t identical. In this new model, the receiver pulls only the information that he or she wants.8. Communication content has become more specialized in the past 40 years, but the channels of mass communication still have the potential to reach vast audiences.9. 7 trends for modern mass communication:Au

    7、dience segmentation, convergence, user-generated content, increased audience control, multiple platform, more mobility, social media.Chapter 2 Perspectives on Mass Communication1. Functional analysis holds that something is best understood by examining how it is used.2. At the macro level of analysi

    8、s, mass media perform 5 functions for society:Surveillance, interpretation, linkage, transmission of values, diversion.Dysfunctions are harmful or negative consequences of these functions.3. At the micro level of analysis, the functional approach is called uses-and-gratifications analysis.4. The med

    9、ia perform 5 functions for the individual:Cognition, diversion, social utility, withdrawal.5. The critical/ cultural approach has it roots in Marxist philosophy, which emphasized class differences as a cause of conflict in a society.6. The critical/ cultural approach suggests that media content help

    10、s perpetuate a system that keeps the dominant class in power. It also notes that people can find different meanings in the same message.7. Key concepts:Text, meaning, hegemony, ideology.8. Although they are different approaches, both functional and critical/ cultural studies can be valuable tools fo

    11、r the analysis of the mass communication process. Chapter 3 Historical and Cultural Context1. Printing made information available to a larger audience. It helped the development of vernacular languages, aided the Protestant Reformation, and contributed to the spread and accumulation of knowledge.2.

    12、The telegraph and telephone were the first media to use electricity to communicate. They marked the first time the message could be separated from messenger. The telegraph helped the railroads move west and permitted the newspapers to publish more timely news. The telephone linked people together in

    13、 the first instance of a communication network.3. Photography provided a way to preserve history, had an impact on art, and brought better visuals to newspapers and magazines. Motion pictures helped socialize a generation of immigrants and became an important part of American culture.4. Radio and TV

    14、 broadcasting brought news and entertainment into the home, transformed leisure time, and pioneered a new, immediate kind of reporting. Television has an impact on free time, politics, socialization ,culture, and many other areas as well.5. The digital revolution changed the way information was stor

    15、ed and transmitted and made e-commerce possible.6. Mobile media have changed American culture and taken over some of the functions of mass media.7. The next communication milestone is the expanding use of social media.8. In general, it is difficult to predict the ultimate shape of a new medium. New

    16、media change but do not replace older media. The pace of media inventions has accelerated in recent years.Chapter 4 Newspapers1. Newspapers in colonial America were published with permission of the local government. A free press did not appear until after the Revolution.2. The mass newspaper arrived

    17、 in the 1830s with the publication of Benjamin Days New York Sun, the first of the penny-press papers.3. The era of yellow journalism featured sensationalism, crusades, and human-interest reporting and introduced more attractive newspaper designs.4. Many newspapers were merged or folded during the e

    18、arly 1900s, as tabloid papers became popular. The trend toward consolidation would continue into the years following World War II.5. The newspaper industry is currently in a crisis as declining circulation and advertising revenue have made it difficult for many papers to stay in business.6. 4 types

    19、of daily papers national newspapers, large metro dailies, midsize dailies, and small-town dailies. Other major types of papers weeklies, special-service newspapers, minority newspapers.7. All papers now have online versions.8. The trend toward consolidation in the newspaper industry has ended, and m

    20、any newspapers are for sale.9. Newspapers are reexamining their business model and converging their print and online operations.10. Newspaper audiences are measured by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Newspaper readership has declined for the past several decades, but online readership is growing.C

    21、hapter 5 Magazines1. The first American magazines appeared during the middle of the 18th century and were aimed at an educated, urban, and literate audience.2. The audiences for magazines increased during the penny-press era as mass-appeal publications became prominent.3. Better printing techniques

    22、and a healthy economy helped launch a magazine boom during the latter part of the 19th century.4. The muckrakers were magazines that published exposes and encouraged reform.5. Magazines began to specialize their content following WWI. Newsmagazines, digests, and picture magazines became popular.6. T

    23、he magazine industry is experiencing a difficult time due to declining advertising revenue.7. Magazines are specialized, current, influential, and convenient.8. The magazine industry is dominated by large publishing companies.9. The magazine industry can be divided into the production, distribution,

    24、 and retail divisions.10. A typical magazine publishing company has several main departments: circulation, advertising, production, and editorial.11. Magazines get revenues from subscriptions, single-copy sales, and print and online advertising.12. MRI is a company that measures magazine readership.

    25、Chapter 6 Books1. The book is the oldest form of mass communication. Early books were printed by hand until the invention of movable type and the printing press.2. In early America publishers were also printers. Books became more popular during the 17th and 18th centuries.3. From 1900-1945, the book

    26、 publishing industry became more commercialized. Continuing consolidation has resulted in a modern book industry that is dominated by a few large companies.4. The digital revolution has yet to have a drastic effect on the book industry. E-book and printing on demand have yet to become important part

    27、s of the industry. Despite the slow progress of digital content, there are signs that it is moving forward.5. The book industry consists of publishers, distributors, and retailers. The emergence of online booksellers has changed the way books are sold and distributed.6. The book publishing industry

    28、is trying to cope with unfavorable economic conditions.Chapter 7 Radio1. Radio started out as point-to-point communication, much like the telephone and telegraph. The notion of broadcasting did not come about until the 1920s.2. The decade of the 1920s was an important one in radio. Big business took

    29、 control of the industry, receivers improved, commercials were started, networks were formed, and the FRC was set up to regulate radio.3. The coming of TV forced local stations to adopt formats, such as Top 40 or country.4. FM became the dominant form of radio in the 1970s and 1980s. sparked by a lo

    30、osening of ownership rules, a wave of consolidation took place in the industry during the 1990s.5. Radio is moving slowly into the digital age. Satellite radio and Internet radio are two digital services that will compete with traditional radio. Radio stations are introducing HD radio.6. Radio progr

    31、amming is provided by local stations, networks, and syndication companies.7. Stations have refined their formats to reach an identifiable audience segment.8. Most radio revenue comes from local advertising. Big companies now dominate large-market radio.9. Radio advertising revenue has recently decli

    32、ned.10. National Public Radio is the best-known public broadcaster.11. Radio audiences are measured by Arbitron using a diary method or the new personal people meter. The demographic characteristics of the radio listener vary greatly by station format.Chapter 8 Sound Recording1. Thomas Edison pioneered the development of the phonograph, which was first used as a device to record voice. Emile Berliner perfected the modern technique of recording music in a spiral pattern on a disk. By the end of WWI, record players we


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