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    浦东新王牌 秋季补习班 高中英语杜Z老师新王牌小班辅导教学设计教案 高一英语A2.docx

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    浦东新王牌 秋季补习班 高中英语杜Z老师新王牌小班辅导教学设计教案 高一英语A2.docx

    1、浦东新王牌 秋季补习班 高中英语杜Z老师新王牌小班辅导教学设计教案 高一英语A2新王牌小班辅导教学设计教案班级代号高一英语A2上课地点浦东校区上课时间15:20:00-17:20季 度秋季班上课次数教师代号杜z课题名称词汇拓展+综合练习教学重点拓展词汇的灵活运用教学难点重点词汇及语法活学活用以及具体题型做题技巧教 学 内 容高中基础知识自测题IDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that bes

    2、t completes the sentence.25. You will see what great benefit the computers you own can be _ every time we use them.A. at B. of C. for D. on26. The hungry children care so little about their meals that _ will do so long as the food fills their stomachs. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. somethi

    3、ng27. _ all night in such cold weather caused her to suffer from a high fever and terrible cough.A. Bettys working B. Betty to work C. Betty worked D. Betty working28. Our parents and teachers often tell us that we _ be careful enough no matter what we do.A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. neednt29. A

    4、s is reported, women with demanding jobs are almost _ to suffer a heart attack.A. twice likely as B. as likely twice C. likely twice as D. twice as likely30. Since 1953 _ people all over the world have succeeded in climbing the Himalayas.A. hundred of B. several hundreds C. several hundreds of D. se

    5、veral hundred31. He _ as a mechanic for 10 years but now he turns businessman investing in the stock market.A. has worked B. had worked C. worked D. was working32. I have tried everything I can _ him to stay, but without success, so I wish him good luck.A. persuade B. persuading C. to be persuaded D

    6、. to persuade33. Jackson knew he would surely get _ if he went to work late again.A. shouting at B. shouted at C. to shout at D. to be shouted at34. Over the Huangpu River _ four grand bridges in Shanghai so far.A. have been built B. have built C. has been built D. built35. Mankind must have in mind

    7、 that it will be years, even centuries, _ the environment recovers from the damage he makes to it.A. that B. before C. when D. since36. Is it the fact _ he hasnt turned in his research report?A. whether B. that C. which D. why37. The new CRH train between Beijing and Shanghai _ speed has been limite

    8、d to 300 km/h focuses more on the safety of the passengers.A. whose B. where C. that D. which38. _ is known to us all is that the 30th Olympic Games will take place in 2012 in London.A. As B. Which C. It D. What39. _ cell phones bring convenience to us in our daily life, they have also caused many s

    9、ocial problems.A. Because B. Whether C. While D. As40. The problem of carbon emissions _ in society now has aroused the publics wide concern again.A. to be discussed B. being discussedC. having discussed D. having been discussedGrammar and VocabularySection AII. Directions: After reading the passage

    10、s below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.(A)One day I heard two girls talking about making net friends

    11、in a caf. One said that she (25) _ (meet) one of her net friends and the other told her not to because most people found their net friends (26) _ (disappoint) in real life. We all know it is quite common now that many teenagers, especially (27) _ from one-child families, like to make net friends and

    12、 spend lots of time chatting with them because they need someone to talk with and share their sorrow and happiness. However, is it wise for them to do so?In my opinion, it is possible for you to find some real good friends with the help of new technology but you (28) _ _ take care. When you talk wit

    13、h someone unknown on the Internet, you have no idea at all what kind of person he is and (29) _ he is telling you the truth. Besides we cant deny that some bad guys mask themselves very well so that they can get many nice people (30) _ (trap). So, youre taking the risk of meeting your net friends (3

    14、1) _ you get any idea about him. In a word, you can never be too careful when meeting your net friends. (B)Perhaps one aspect of modern life which is most often considered annoying is noise. According to some estimates, the amount of urban noise (32) _ (double) in the past ten years, and with the in

    15、crease in road and air traffic, noise is likely to increase too. Noise quite clearly affects the health of modern man. It is a health threat. Loud noise (33) _ (say) to be a leading cause of deafness among many people over 65. It is also a major (34) _ (contribute) factor in causing stress, (35) _ i

    16、tself causes a variety of illnesses.Noise is sometimes associated with lack of communication in the modern world. In many busy shops, factories and nightclubs, (36) _ level and constancy of noise make conversation at a natural level difficult or impossible. Certain people in society, such as motorcy

    17、clists, seem to believe they have a right (37) _ (make) as much noise as they like without being fined. Do they?We are so trained to noise in this modern world (38) _ people growing up with little (39) _ no experience of genuine peace and quiet have begun to associate silence with boredom. Isnt it t

    18、ime for us to start teaching young people that silence is golden and that you can do a lot of interesting things (40) _ the accompaniment of noise?Section B Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or

    19、phrase that best fits the context.Ecotourism is a combination of ecology (the study of systems of living things) and tourism. It is _51_ “responsible travel to natural areas that preserves the environment and improves the welfare of the local people” by the International Ecotourism Society. Actually

    20、, ecotourism can mean travel to far-off places of great natural beauty, but not always in a(n) _52_ way. Its a big business, and the attraction of money can cause people to think about _53_ first. While ecotourism offers benefits to people and ecosystems, it leaves ecosystems open to negative effect

    21、s, too.Costa Rica, once a Spanish colony, and independent since 1821, has an ecotourism industry worth over one billion dollars yearly, and thousands of jobs have been _54_. Nearly 21 percent of the land is now protected national parks, _55_ thanks to ecotourism. Nevertheless, due to the number of p

    22、eople visiting the countrys natural places, some damage to the ecosystem has occurred.While _56_ can have a negative impact on ecosystems, the same areas might have been _57_ by industries such as farming, logging, or mining if there were no ecotourism industry. Shelters (庇护所) have been created _58_

    23、, keeping the ecosystem protected. And, by visiting beautiful rainforests and seeing rare animals, visitors get a sense of their _59_, and of gratitude for them. Tour guides can also be educators who train people to love and care for the environment. Visitors can take these _60_ with them to their h

    24、ome countries. Unfortunately, while their effect may not be _61_ in the off-season, the constant parade of visitors in the high season can be damaging. At one national park in Costa Rica, wild monkeys now feed on garbage left by the tourists. _62_, ecotourists tend to seek out places with the rarest

    25、 animals and plants, _63_ the most delicate living things.It is easy to be critical of the ecotourism industry, but it is important to be _64_ as well. Ecotourism can never be “pure”. We cant expect zero negative effects on the ecosystem. It is also _65_ to suppose that humans wont go anywhere acces

    26、sible to them. If protection efforts are maintained and increased, those remaining places of undisturbed nature may be stressed, but they wont be destroyed. 51.A. defined asB. made up ofC. applied toD. combined with52.A. attractive B. naturalC. differentD. responsible53.A. effectsB. natureC. profits

    27、D. economy54.A. lostB. created C. abandonedD. shifted55.A. mainlyB. comparativelyC. unfortunatelyD. barely56.A. touristsB. environmentC. manufacturersD. politics57.A. fertilizedB. destroyedC. reservedD. stimulated58.A. equallyB. regularlyC. insteadD. though59.A. freedomB. hardnessC. welfareD. value6

    28、0.A. ecosystemsB. lessonsC. animalsD. trainers61.A. uncertainB. noticeableC. healthyD. special62.A. For instanceB. On the contraryC. In additionD. As a whole63.A. appreciatingB. discoveringC. shelteringD. pressuring64.A. positiveB. creativeC. effectiveD. sensitive65. A. feasible B. reasonable C. unr

    29、ealistic D. inevitable 单词 词性 中文1. _ _ 演播室2. _ _ 拍摄(电影或电视节目)3 _ _ (因害怕或惊讶)喘着气说4 _ _ 表演中提示5 _ _ 拍手鼓掌6 _ _ 用洪亮而低沉的声音说7 _ _ 智力竞赛8 _ _ 极好的,极棒的9 _ _ 趋势10_ _ 布置11_ _ 说明词组:1. _ 冲上前去2. _ 领先3. _ 静止不动4. _ 与配对5. _ 填上6. _ 让某人在台上就坐7. _ 给某人脸上扑粉8. _ 梳头发9. _ 开始做某事10. _ 领先于某人11. _ 在什么什么的边缘12. _ 两个人的旅行13. _ 平面图14. _ 在问卷调查上的问题15. _ 打开电源16. _ 时尚专栏Vocabulary1. faint v. 昏厥 【常用搭配】faint from 由于而昏厥 她饿昏过去了


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