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    1、网络互联网新媒体危机公关分析外文翻译文献网络互联网新媒体危机公关分析外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Blogging PR: An exploratory analysis of public relations weblogs Keywords:WeblogPublic relationsInteractivityUsabilityAbstract:Although there are ever more weblogs on the Internet, this is an area that has been little researched in publi

    2、c relations, and where they have been analyzed it has been as a tool for communication rather than a primary information source in the public relations body of knowledge. This paper provides an exploratory study of the structure and content of 67 blogs on public relations to determine what issues th

    3、ey deal with and whether they are a tool for the theoretical development of the ?eld. In addition to their content we have looked at the structure, usability and interactivity of the blogs.1. IntroductionBlogs are seen by some authors as major tools for online communication, whereas by others they a

    4、re little more than experts opinions on a given issue (Herrera & Celaya, 2006). They are such a recent medium (beginning in 1996) that the concept remains controversial and arguable (Barton, 2005). In any event their persuasive and informative function is of great relevance as they can obtain opinio

    5、n leadership with a huge in?uence over public opinion. In this sense Sweetser and Metzgar (2007) have demonstrated that in crisis situations, people who read personal blogs have a lower perception of crisis for an organization.The rise of blogs seems to be unbridled and it is a phenomenon that is oc

    6、curring in all knowledge ?e lds (Jenkins, 2006). There are currently over 60 million blogs in existence and 75,000 new ones each day (Cohen & Krishnamurthy, 2006). More than 14 million people worldwide keep a personal diary on the Internet and a further 100 million (one third of the active Web unive

    7、rse) read blogs habitually (Gordillo, 2007). Every six months theblogosphere population doubles, and it is today sixty times greater than three years ago. No communication medium has ever burgeoned so rapidly. Weblog writers produce 700,000 to 1.3million articles every dayalmost one a second (Gordil

    8、lo, 2007). Since their arrival blogs have been changing, as have their social perception, objectives and cultural, economic, political and media impact (Yang, 2007). Weblogs have diversi?ed and are developing in such diverse spheres as education, business, politics, journalism and public relations.A

    9、ccording to Hallett (2005), the communicative use of weblogs in public relations has twofold foundations. On the one hand they enable professionals to analyze the market and ascertain the opinions of their audiences to gauge public opinion on a business, product or brand. On the other, they are a ma

    10、jor technique for participating and giving opinions both personal and organizational, be it by posting co mments on other blogs or creating ones own.This study, however, does not focus on analyzing corporate blogs, which are used as a public relations tool, but looks at blogs concerning public relat

    11、ions in which public relations or one of its activities is the main theme. Our aim is to analyze what public relations blogs are about, or what issues are dealt with in blog posts, in addition to any structural elements of this new communicative tool that may affect its ef?cacy to transmit informati

    12、on: objectives, structure and degree of usability, interactivity, and level of connectivity.2. MethodDatabases of public relations blogs are few and far between. One of the most comprehensive, and regularly updated, is the Online Public Relations directory, created by James H. Norton. We have chosen

    13、 this database which encompasses a public relations blogs directory split into four categories: Public Relations General (67 blogs), Directories and Aggregators (7),Miscellaneous (3), and High-Tech PR (8). In order to avoid any bias resulting from the categorization criteria, for the purposes of thi

    14、s study we took 67 blogs from the Public Relations General category. The data collection was carried out between October 2006 and January 2007. Therefore, the sample selected for analysis consists of 67 blogs on public relations from around the world.For the data collection we drew up an analysis te

    15、mplate that measures 50 items which were later categorized to create the main analysis variables. These variables were:(a) Author: The blogs were classi?ed as personal, organizational written by anemployee, and purely organizational and, therefore, impersonal.(b) Content: Analysis was carried out of

    16、 both the issues arising in the blog posts and the images or other resources. The content of blogs is tied up with its pursued objectives, which were also examined.(c) Interactivity: This measures the degree of user participation, according to the interactive resources available on the blog. These i

    17、nclude: the option for external users to post comments or contact the blog author by e-mail, podcasting, audio and video downloads, sales of products and services, user surveys, and the possibility of subscribing.(d) Usability: This is a necessary requisite to develop ef?cient interactivity (Hallaha

    18、n, 2001). This variable analyzes how easy it is to use the weblog for those who access it by means of: search engines on other blogs, internal search engines, list of previous ?les, list of most recent blog posts, and calendar.(e) Connectivity: This measures the extent to which the blog is linked to

    19、 other websites, be it through other linked blogs or websites of interest.The analysis focuses on the descriptive statistical data on all of the items under study, in addition to the contingency tables and variable correlation. Given the characteristics of the study variables largely nominal and ord

    20、inal the Gamma index was used as the most suitable correlation index for the analysis.3. ResultsA look at the date when the blogs analyzed were created reveals that the lions share was set up very recently. Only 31.3% go back earlier than 2004. By contrast, 61.2% of the sample blogs were created bet

    21、ween 2004 and the present. It was not possible to ascertain the creation date for ?ve blogs (7.5%).One of the de?ning paradigms of blogs is that they are written in real time. With this new medium we shall no longer speak of frequency but of real time, of ongoing contributions. The upside of this is

    22、 that they are more dynamic and enriched with a range of conversational styles, but they are lacking in contemplation (Orihuela, 2006). Despite these characteristics, over half of the blogs analyzed (53.7%) receive new blog posts around every ?ve days. Only 11.9% are updated or include new input on

    23、a daily basis.3.1. AuthorshipIn their study into corporate blogs Lee, Hwang, and Lee (2006) split them into ?ve categories: the employee blog, written by any worker in the company; the group blog, which is a workers blog kept not by one person alone but by aset of experts; the executive blog, writte

    24、n by management; the promotional blog, which is an impersonal corporate blog seeking to spark discussion on products and events; and lastly, the newsletter blog, which is also impersonal and aims to represent the company stance through its information. We have used this blog authorship classi?cation

    25、 for our own study but brought it down to only three analysis categories: personal blogs, by public relations professionals; company blogs written by an employee, 2 either non-management or management; and public relations company blogs.The largest share (77.6%) of the blogs analyzed in this study i

    26、s personal, written primarily by public relations professionals. Corporate blogs written by employees or management constitute a much smaller proportion (16.4%). Impersonal corporate blogs were by far the smallest group (4.5%). This data corroborates the fact that one of the main characteristics of

    27、blogs is that they are personal, and users seek this human voice in their communication (Jenkins, 2006). Impersonal corporate blogs are not as widely accepted by the blogger community (Lee et al., 2006: p. 320) because they are seen as marketing tools or as simple ?lters from the public relations de

    28、partment.Table 1With regard to the type of personal blogs, these results match those found in other research. Herring, Scheidt, Bonus, and Wright (2004), in a study conducted in 2003 on a sample of 199 blogs, also observed that most blogs (70%) were personal. Indeed, according to this study, persona

    29、l information is one of the de?ning characteristics of blogs.However, what is most striking in these results is the low percentage of corporate blogs written by employees, given the powerful communicative tool that they constitute for organizations. Some companies have caught on to theirpotential an

    30、d encourage their staff to keep blogs. These contain personal, subjective communication that is not directly sent out by the company but by a third party who gives their own opinions and the information is therefore perceived as impartial and unbiased. However, the value of this type of communicatio

    31、n lies not only in its impartiality but also in the personal information provided, which gives a human face to the company and builds up a positive community vision around it and its products (Lee et al., 2006).3.2. ContentTable 1 shows the main objectives of the blogs analyzed. As can be seen, most

    32、 seek to comment upon topical affairs in public relations profession, as well as to voice personal opinions on these issues. Given that the blogs analyzed are largely personal, interest in the authors contributions is understandable. Conversely, the low percentage of weblogs that aim to debate issue

    33、s surrounding public relations theory is surprising.If we look at the c ontents we ?nd that 88.1% of the blogs analyzed contain comments on various aspects of public relations and 85.1% on other communicative affairs. Commentaries on blogs and communication in the blogosphere are also considerable (74.6%), al


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