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    1、剑桥商务英语中级模拟118剑桥商务英语中级模拟118READINGPART ONE A Salinas outlines the key qualities of good management m this autobiography. He believes that decisions should be based on facts, not opinions; that peoples strengths should be exploited; and that disagreement is sometimes necessary. But the main point he m

    2、akes is that leadership means performing well at all times and setting a good example B In this collection of essays, top business leaders predict how businesses will change over the next few years. They analyse changes in business and society and their efforts on job markets, as well as taking a lo

    3、ok at possible strengths and weaknesses of leading economics and their currencies. This collection outlines a vision of tomorrows business world and the type of leaders that will be required. C This book is a well-researched study of the problem of leadership in global quoted companies, 160 internat

    4、ional business leaders were asked how they added value to their companies and their answers form the main part of this book. Both managers and companies are analysed in order to show how they cope with difficult issues. A useful book for all senior managers. D 100 well-known US business leaders thro

    5、ugh this century are described in this book, which analyses how their fortunes were made and sometimes lost. The background, business career, character and personal life of each individual are outlined, creating an impressive collection of biographies and an excellent reference work.1、 This book loo

    6、ks at how large companies deal with various problem areas.2、 In this book you learn about the lives of business leaders from the past.3、 This is a book about one business leaders experiences.4、 This book describes both successes and failures.5、 This book suggests probable trends in the business worl

    7、d.6、 The writer of this book gives his personal views of what makes a good business leader.7、 This book is based on interviews with business leaders.PART TWO Decision Making Psychology Made Simple Decisions decisions! Understanding decision making psychology can enable you to reach a conclusion quic

    8、ker. Whether its choosing a holiday destination, or project to fund. youll find this outline of decision making psychology a useful addition to your management toolkit. Making up your own mind should (in theory at least) be the easiest after all, theres only one person involved! So well skip onto th

    9、e more challenging area of group decision making. Somehow. out of the personality clashes,power struggles and hidden agendas, a perfect solution is expected to emerge. In group decision making, there are a number of methods that can be applied, 8 The methods that are closer to the directive range, m

    10、ean that the decision is made by a limited, small number of decision makers in the group. The methods that are lower on the spectrum.towards the participatory range, mean that the decision is made by all the parties involved. Individual Dominance is where one person in the group has the authority or

    11、 power to make the final decision. Minority Minority usually takes the form of decisions delegated from larger groups and made by sub-committees. Majority Rules usually involve the group voting on the alternatives and the alternative receiving the most votes, wins. Consensus is achieved through grou

    12、p discussion of the alternatives, where every group member can agree on an option and commit to the outcome. Directive decision making is great when time is tight and decisions need made fast, The risk is that decisions made by one person are owned by one person. People affected by the decision can

    13、soon make their feelings known by their actions. 9 If there is a low or negative bank account between people involved, there may be trouble ahead! 10 In simple terms, people want to be involved.Regardless of power or status, knowing you have control and influence over your working life increases sat

    14、isfaction and productivity. It is well known in the caring professions that offering choice helps speed recovery. The bed-bound patient who is asked whether they want their curtains open or closed, or has a plant to care for. fares better than those whose life is entirely managed by other people,Inv

    15、olving more people in decision making is risky. It takes more time. It requires skilled facilitation. It doesnt guarantee success. 11 Decision making psychology is simple-involvement gets results. Although power struggles, personality clashes and hidden agendas are scary territory, over time,power d

    16、issipates, people get on and agendas become more transparent. 12 The decision to work this way is yours! ATo increase your chance of a decision being accepted, a more participatory approach is recommended. BBut what it does do, is increase the likelihood of decisions being owned and acted upon by en

    17、ough people for a positive change to be effected. CThese methods map out along a spectrum,from directive to participatory decision making. DInvest some time in learning group decision making techniques and getting facilitation experience and you will get results. EIf there is a high emotional bank a

    18、ccount between people involved, the decision may be accepted although not liked. FCorporate executives have come to learn that to be effective, doing good must be grounded in a firms long-term strategy. GSo well skip onto the more challenging area of group decision making. PART THREETHE DIFFICULTIES

    19、 OF MANAGING A SMALL BUSINESS The organizational weaknesses that entrepreneurs have to deal with every day would cause the managers of a mature company to panic, Andrew Bidden wrote recently in Boston Business Review. This seems to suggest that the leaders of entrepreneurial or small businesses must

    20、 be unlike other manages, or the problems faced by such leaders must be the subject of a specialized body of wisdom, or possibly both. Unfortunately, neither is true. Not much worth reading about managing the entrepreneurial or small business has been written, and the leaders of such businesses are

    21、made of flesh and blood, like the rest of us. Furthermore, little has been done to address the aspects of entrepreneurial or small businesses that are so difficult to deal with and so different from the challenges faced by management in big business. In part this is because those involved in gatheri

    22、ng expertise about business and in selling advice to businesses have historically been more interested in the needs of big business. In part, in the UK at least, it is also because small businesses have always preferred to adapt to changing circumstances. The organizational problems of entrepreneuri

    23、al or small businesses are thus forced upon the individuals who lead them. Even more so than for bigger businesses, the old saying is true-that people, particularly those who make the important decisions, are business most important asset. The research that does exist shows that neither money nor th

    24、e ability to access more of it is the major factor determining growth. The main reason an entrepreneurial business stops growing is the lack of management and leadership resource available to the business when it matters. Give an entrepreneur an experienced, skilled team and he or she will find the

    25、funds every time. Getting the team, though, is the difficult bit. Part of the problem for entrepreneurs is the speed of change that affects their businesses. They have to cope with continuous change yet have always been suspicious about the latest management solution. They regard the many offerings

    26、from business schools as out of date even before they leave the planning board and have little faith in the recommendations of consultants when they arrive in the hands of young, inexperienced graduates. But such impatience with management solutions does not mean that problems can be left to solve t

    27、hemselves. However, the leaders of growing businesses are still left with the problem of who to turn to for advice. The answer is horribly simple: leaders of small businesses can ask each other. The collective knowledge of a group of leaders can prove to be enormously helpful in solving the specific

    28、 problems of individuals. One leaders problems have certainly been solved already by someone else. There is an organization called KITE which enables those responsible for small businesses to meet. Its members, all of whom are chief executives, go through a demanding selection process, and then join

    29、 a small group of other chief executives. They come from a range of business sectors and each offers a different corporate history. Each group is led by a moderator, an independently selected businessman or woman who has been specially trained to head the group. Each member takes it in turn to host

    30、a meeting at his or her business premises and, most important of all, group discussions are kept strictly confidential. This encourages a free sharing of problems and increases the possibility of solutions being discovered.13、What does the writer say about entrepreneurs in the first paragraph? A. It

    31、 is wrong to assume that they are different from other managers. B. The problems they have to cope with are specific to small businesses. C. They find it difficult to attract staffs with sufficient expertise. D. They could learn from the organizational skills of managers in large companies.14、Accord

    32、ing to the second paragraph, what has led to a lack of support for entrepreneurs? A. Entrepreneurs have always preferred to act independently. B. The requirements of big businesses have always taken priority. C. It is difficult to find solutions to the problems faced by entrepreneurs. D. Entrepreneurs are reluctant to provide information about their businesses.15、What does the writer say about the ex


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