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    1、外研版初中英语句子翻译复习初中一年级下册2013.5.23第一模块:人物和地点 1.我们正玩得很开心。2.其他人正在做什么?3.托尼正在吃冰激凌。4.他正在拍摄大量照片。5.她在买一些礼物。6.他正躺在阳光下吃午饭。7.此刻,在世界不同的地方人们正在做着不同的事情。8.他们正在等公共汽车和赶火车。9.一些人正在家里喝下午茶或者正走向酒吧要喝一杯。10.人们没在起床、洗漱或者穿衣服。Module 1 People and places 1.Were having a great time.2.What are the others doing?3.Tony is eating an ice-cr

    2、eam.4.He is taking lots of pictures.5.She is buying some presents.6.He is eating lunch and lying in the sun.7.At this moment,in different places of the world people are doing different things.8.They are waiting for buses and running for trains.9.Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to pu

    3、bs and having a drink.10.People arent getting up,washing or getting dressed.第二模块:春节 11.我们正在为春节做准备。12.你爸爸正在帮助你吗?不,他没在帮我。他在工作。13.我们打扫我们的房间,扫掉霉运。14.我们还买衣服并且每个人都理发。15.我们几天不打扫房子。16.春节在两周后的元宵节结束。17.我们通常吃一种叫做元宵的黏米饺子。18.在班级里你能看见红色的东西吗?19.它是什么意思?20.在除夕夜午夜时分有烟花。21.他们去买礼物并准备好许多食物。22.圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日。23.它是庆祝耶稣.基督

    4、的诞生。24.然而,孩子们通常对圣诞老人更感兴趣。25.他是个胖胖的长着长长白胡子的人,穿着套红衣服。Module 2 Spring Festival 11.Were getting ready for Spring Festival.12.Is your father helping you?No,he isnt.Hes at work.13.We clean our houses and sweep away bad luck.14.We also buy clothes and everyone has a haircut.15.We dont clean the house for a

    5、 few days.16.The New Year Festival finishes at Lantern Festival after two weeks.17.We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.18.Can you see anything red in the classroom?19.What does it mean?20.There are fireworks at midnight on Spring Festival Eve.21.They go shopping for presents and g

    6、et lots of food ready.22.Christmas is the most important festival in the western countries.23.It is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.24.However,children are usually more interested in Father Christmas.25.He is a fat man with a long white beard and wears a red suit.第三模块:计划 26.周末你打算做什么?27.在星期六晚上

    7、,我打算参加朋友家里的一个聚会。28.晚上,我打算复习考试。29.我正盼望着见到我的女儿。30.我们将去观光游览因为我喜欢中国文化。31.我们将去参观故宫,然后我们去爬长城。32.我打算学英语因为我想交几个美国朋友。33.我的妻子和我将躺在沙滩上因为我的孩子们喜欢游泳。34.他们将横渡太平洋和大西洋。35.(天气)将多风。Module 3 Plans 26.What are you going to do at the weekend?27.On Saturday evening,Im going to go to a party at a friends home.28.In the eve

    8、ning,Im going to revise for my test.29.Im looking forward to seeing my daughter.30.Were going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese culture.31.Were going to visit the Forbidden City and then,we are going to walk up the Great Wall.32.Im going to learn English because I want to make some Amer

    9、ican friends.33.My wife and I are going to lie on the beach because my children like swimming.34.Theyre going to cross the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.35.Its going to be windy.第四模块:未来生活 36.没人使用计算器。37.每个人将通过电子邮件把作业寄给老师。38.在未来,每个人的书桌上有一台电脑。39.未来有学校吗?40.飞机将会非常大因此飞行会很便宜。41.在北极天气将会变暖因此海洋将会非常汹涌。4

    10、2.春季和秋季将会有糟糕的天气。43.我们将会用太阳为家取暖。44.人们将一周工作三天。45.家庭取暖将会很廉价。Module 4 Life in the future 36.No one uses a calculator.37.Everyone will send their homework to the teachers by email.38.There will be a computer on every desk in the future.39.Will there be schools in the future?40.Planes will be very large s

    11、o flying will be very cheap.41.It will get warm at the North Pole so the seas will be very rough.42.There will be bad weather in spring and autumn.43.Well use the sun to heat our homes.44.People will work three days a week.45.It will be cheap to heat our homes.第五模块:我的故乡和祖国 46.上海比香港大。47.上海有多少人口?48.香港

    12、有七百万人。49.上海是一座比香港年轻的城市吗?50.上海比香港热吗?51.剑桥在英格兰东部。它位于剑河之上。52.它以剑桥大学而著名。53.伦敦是英国的首都拥有七百万人,因此它比剑桥大且繁忙。54.天气怎么样?55.在海岸上有许多小村庄。Module 5 My hometown and country 46.Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong.47.Whats the population of Shanghai?48.Hong Kong has seven million people.49.Is Shanghai a newer city than Hon

    13、g Kong?50.Is Shanghai hotter than Hong Kong?51.Cambridge is in the east of England.Its on the River Cam.52.Its famous for Cambridge University.53.London is the capital of the UK with seven million people,so its bigger and busier than Cambridge.54.Whats the weather like?55.There are lots of small vil

    14、lages on the coast.第六模块:激动人心的奥林匹克 56.骑自行车比游泳危险。57.中国人擅长体操。58.她正要去上学。59.我很早就到了,坐在黑板前,这样我就可以看清楚黑板、听清楚老师讲课。60.我到达的不晚因为我不喜欢坐在其他学生的后面。61.在后面,看和听都很困难。62.但是,老师给年纪大一些的学生讲课时很慢,声音也很大,所以我总是能听得很清楚。63.没人想把英语说得很糟糕或很马虎。64.奥运游客将会做观光旅游并且她将带领他们参观北京四合院。65.贝蒂喜欢跑步,她也喜欢骑自行车。Module 6 The Olympic adventure 56.Cycling is mo

    15、re dangerous than swimming.57.Chinese people are good at gymnastics.58.She is leaving for school.59.I get here early and sit in front of the blackboard,so I can see and hear the teacher.60.I dont arrive late because I dont like sitting behind the other students.61.Its difficult to see and hear at th

    16、e back.62.However,the teacher speaks slowly and loudly to the older students so I can always hear clearly.63.No one wants to speak it badly or carelessly.64.The Olympic visitors are going to do some sightseeing and shes going to take them around a Beijing siheyuan.65.Betty likes running and she also

    17、 likes cycling.=Betty likes running and she likes cycling,too.第七模块:飞机、轮船和火车 66.他住得离学校最远,因此他的旅程最长。67.他的旅程最快因为他骑自行车。68.他有时乘火车,但是那是最不舒服的上班方式。69.它在八分钟之内从 A(点)到 B(点)。70.相同的旅程坐轿车耗时 30 分钟。71.每年超过三千两百万旅客乘坐英国航空公司的飞机旅行,因此英国航空公司是最繁忙的国际航班之一。72.它从伦敦飞往北京,期间 8,000 多公里的距离用 9 个半小时就可以完成。73.它是最安全、最便宜的旅行方式,因此每年数以百万的美国人

    18、乘坐公交车出行。74.你如何去上学?75.乘火车从北京到济南的旅程是最有意思的方式。Module 7 Planes,boats and trains 66.He lives farthest from the school,so he has the longest journey.67.He has the fastest journey because he goes by bicycle.68.He sometimes takes the train,but its the most uncomfortable way to go to work.69.It goes from A to

    19、 B in eight minutes.70.The same journey takes about 30 minutes by car.71.More than 32 million passengers travel on British Airway planes every year,so British Airway is one of the busiest international airlines.72.It goes from London to Beijing,a distance of over 8,000 kilometres in 91/2 hours.73.It

    20、s the safest and cheapest way to travel,so every year millions of Americans go by bus.74.How do you travel to school?75.The journey from Beijing to Jinan by train is the most interesting way.第八模块:我的过去生活 76.我出生在一座小村庄。77.你的第一位老师叫什么名字?78.托尼在学校淘气吗?79.贝蒂在昆西的最后时光是何时?80.在哪一年贝蒂盼望着到中国来?81.有一个长着许多树的大花园并且有个池塘,

    21、里面有鱼。82.我在那里的最后时光是 2003 年。83.他按照老师说的做。84.我们老师和我们交谈并且询问我们的生活。85.在我卧室的墙上有我喜爱的电影明星的海报。Module 8 My past life 76.I was born in a small village.77.What was the name of your first teacher?78.Was Tony naughty at school?79.When was the last time Betty was in Quincy?80.In what year was Betty looking forward t

    22、o coming to China?81.There was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a pond with fish in it.82.The last time I was there was in 2003.83.He does what the teacher tells him.84.Our teacher talks to us and asks about our lives.85.On my bedroom walls there were posters of my favourite movie stars

    23、.第九模块:讲故事啦 86.从前有个叫做金凤仙的女孩。87.她敲了敲门。88.在桌子上,她数了一下有三只碗,里面盛着美味的食物。89.她端起那只最大的碗,但是她不喜欢它太烫了。90.她想坐下因为她太累了。91.她不喜欢它们,所以她试了试那把最小的椅子。92.我的碗里什么都没有,我的椅子也碎了。93.他指了指躺在他床上的小女孩。94.那三只熊围着她,因此她跳下床,篮子也没带就逃离了那栋房子。95.她向其他房间里看了看。Module 9 Story time 86.Once upon a time,there was a girl called Goldilocks.87.She knocked

    24、on the door.88.On the table she counted three bowls with some nice food in them.89.She picked up the biggest bowl but she didnt like it-it was very hot.90.She wanted to sit down because she was tired.91.She didnt like them so she tried the smallest chair.92.There is nothing in my bowl and my chair i

    25、s in pieces.93.He pointed at the little girl in his bed.94.The three bears were around her so she jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.95.She looked into the other rooms.第十模块:生活史 96.当你是孩子的时候,你骑自行车上学吗?97.威廉莎士比亚是一个剧作家、诗人。98.他 1564 年出生于英格兰。99.当他 14 岁毕业的时候,他决定当个演员。100.在 28 岁

    26、的时候他搬到了伦敦并加入了一家剧团。101.他成为一名成功的演员并开始写剧本。102.在 1599 年,剧团在伦敦泰晤士河畔开办了环球剧场。103.他是全世界最著名的作家之一。104.它(电视机)不是彩色的,也没有许多的频道。105.在假期里,他们不参观其他的国家。Module 10 Life history 96.Did you ride a bike to school when you were a boy?97.William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems.98.He was born in 1564 in England.99

    27、.He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of 14.100.At twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theatre company.101.He became a successful actor and started writing plays.102.In 1599,the company opened the Globe Theatre on River Thames in London.103.He is one of the most famo

    28、us writers in the world.104.It wasnt in colour and it didnt have many channels.105.They didnt visit other countries on holiday.第十一模块:民族英雄 106.他是一条铁路的工程师,这条铁路在群山之间有许多的桥梁和隧道。107.你认为昨晚电视上那部关于詹天佑的电影怎么样?108.英国人和俄国人想建造它(那条铁路),但是政府不想要外国工程师。109.建造(它)很困难,因为它在群山之间。110.杨利伟被称为在“中国的第一位宇航员”。111.上星期三“神舟五号”宇宙飞船绕地球同

    29、步飞行 14周并到达 343 千米的高度。112.本次太空飞行持续 21 小时,这位 38 岁的宇航员于第二天凌晨六点二十三分安全地着陆在内蒙古。113.十一年后,他和另外 13 名飞行员加入了中国太空计划。114.在 1929 年,她到印度旅行并开始了教学工作。Module 11 National heroes 106.He was the engineer of a railroad in the mountains with many bridges and tunnels.107.What did you think of the film about Zhan Tianyou on

    30、television last night?108.The British and the Russians wanted to build it,but the government didnt want foreign engineers.109.It was very difficult to build because it was in the mountains.110.Yang Liwei was called“Chinas first astronaut”.111.Last Wednesday the Shenzhou V spacecraft orbited the Eart

    31、h 14 times and reached an altitude of 343 kilometres.112.The space flight lasted 21 hours and the 38-year-old astronaut landed safely at 6:23 am the next day in Inner Mongolia.113.Eleven years later,he joined the Chinese space programme with 13 other pilots.114.In 1929,she travelled to India and sta

    32、rted to work as a teacher.第十二模块:假日旅行 115.我两年前去了洛杉矶。116.到那儿花了多长时间?117.你在那里花了多长时间?118.我和我的朋友詹尼正在伦敦度假。119.我买了一些礼物,但是詹尼没买任何东西。120.我返回旅馆读报纸。121.我拍了许多照片,我正把它们连同这封电子邮件一起寄给你。122.明天我们将飞回家。123.我们去坐船看得到水里有好多鱼。124.我给朋友买了礼物。Module 12 A holiday journey 115.I went to Los Angles two years ago.116.How long did it ta

    33、ke to get there?117.How long did you spend there?118.Im on holiday in London with my friend Jenny.119.I bought some presents,but Jenny didnt buy anything.120.I came back to the hotel and read the newspaper.121.I took lots of photos and Im sending them with this email to you.122.Tomorrow were going to fly home.123.We went on a boat and saw a lot of fish in the water.124.I bought presents for my fri


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