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    学年高中英语译林版必修4江苏专版Unit 3 S文档格式.docx

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    学年高中英语译林版必修4江苏专版Unit 3 S文档格式.docx

    1、17confident adj.自信的;肯定的,有把握的confidence n信心18disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的disappoint vt.使(某人)失望disappointing adj.令人失望的disappointment n失望19injure vt.伤害,损害injury n伤害,损伤injured adj.受伤的20disadvantage n缺点,不利因素,障碍advantage n优点,优势巧记单词例词规律派生词presentationpresentationv.ationn.disadvantagedisadvantagedis是表示否定或相反意义的前

    2、缀.补全短语1virtual reality 虚拟现实2connect with 和有联系3add to 使增强,使增加,使扩大4give out 发出(气味、热、光等)5put forward 提出(观点、议案等),提议;拨快6in reality 在现实中,实际上7carry out 执行,实施;履行8in the long term 长期9compared with/to 和相比较10for fun 为了好玩11as to 至于,关于12go forward 向前,前进;取得进展1教材原句Not only will he or she feel every step of climbin

    3、g Mount Qomolangma, but the user will also experience the cold, smells, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment.他/她不仅能够感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰的每一步的艰辛,还能体验到周围环境的寒冷、气味、景观和声音句型点拨在not only . but also .句型中,not only置于句首,后面的句子要用部分倒装。佳句赏析Not only was the poor drunken driver fined, but also he would be in prison

    4、 all his life.这个可怜的醉酒司机不仅被罚款,而且还要坐一辈子监狱。2. 教材原句. he or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top.到达顶峰时,他/她将会享受到一种愉悦感和成就感。句型点拨upon doing .“一就”。佳句赏析She was joyful upon seeing her child take his first steps.在看到儿子学会走路时她感到很高兴。3教材原句In scientific studies it has

    5、been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have social problems.科学研究表明,观看VR电影还是社交障碍的有效治疗方法。句型点拨Itbe过去分词that .句型。佳句赏析It is often said that if you want to understand a culture, you should listen to their folk tales.常听人说,假如你想了解某个文化,就应该聆听他们的民间故事。1(教材P42)RealCine virtual reality for everyo

    6、ne RealCine人人都能享受的虚拟电影 reality nU现实,真实;C实际经历,事实Fancy will never take the place of reality.幻想永远代替不了现实。become a realityturn into reality 成为现实face/escape from reality 面对/逃避现实in reality 事实上,实际上the reality is that . 实际情况是In order to make dreams become_a/turn_into_reality,_we should take a lot of determin

    7、ation, selfdiscipline and efforts.要想梦想成真,我们需要很大的决心、自律和努力。He seems selfconfident, but in reality he is very shy.他看上去很自信,但实际上他很腼腆。Word family2(教材P42)The RealCine experience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that deserves to be developed further.体验RealCine会让你惊叹

    8、,并且你会认同这是一项值得进一步开发的特别技术。 amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧It still amazes me how much she has improved.她进步很大,至今仍让我惊讶。(1)amazing adj. 令人惊奇的(2)amazed adj. 感到吃惊的be amazed at/by sb./sth. 对某人/某物感到吃惊be amazed to see/find/learn . 惊异地看到/发现/获悉(3)amazement n惊愕;惊诧in amazement 惊愕地(much) to ones amazementto ones (great) amazemen

    9、t 令某人(大为)惊奇的是We are living in such an amazing time and I want to live life to its fullest.我们生活在一个令人惊奇的时代,我想尽情地享受生活。The world were_amazed_at Chinese female volleyball teams historic victory in the 2016 Rio Olympics.中国女排在2016年里约奥运会上历史性的胜利使世人震惊。He was amazed to hear that she had passed the test.听说她通过了考

    10、试,他感到很吃惊。To my amazement,_his amazing strength made everyone present amazed. (amaze)让我吃惊的是,他惊人的力气让在场的每个人都很吃惊。3(教材P42)To add to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment.为了增加RealCine电影的真实感,耳机上还有一些小孔,这些小孔发出与环境相协调的气味。 add to使增加,使增

    11、强,使扩大The heavy rain added to the difficulty to reach there on time.大雨增加了按时赶到那里的难度。add .to .把加到上 add up 合计add up to 加起来是;相当于If you find the coffee too strong, add some water to it.如果你觉得咖啡太浓,就往里面添点水。Add up all the figures and find out what they add up to.把这些数字加起来,弄清楚总数是多少。4(教材P43)This encouraged him t

    12、o become more confident around others.这就使得他面对他人时变得更自信。 confident adj.自信的;肯定的,有把握的(1)be/feel confident about .对自信/有信心 对有把握(2)confidence n. 自信心,自信have/lack confidence in . 对有/缺乏信心Tom was confident of/about his ability to get a good job for himself.汤姆自信有能力为自己找到一份好工作。He is quite confident that he will p

    13、ass the examination.He is_quite_confident_of passing the examination.他很有信心通过考试。 Your speech made me more confident of my future.你的演讲使我对我的未来更加有信心。Despite the current difficulty, he has_confidence_in his team.尽管目前遇到了困难,他依然对他的团队充满信心。5(教材P43)An argument has been put forward that some users will be disap

    14、pointed by RealCine because VR is not real.有人提出了不同的看法:RealCine电影会让一些观众失望,因为它毕竟不是现实。 put forward 提出(建议、计划等),提议;推荐,提名;把向前拨;把提前一词多义写出下列句中加黑词汇的意思The plan that he put forward at the meeting turned out to be practical.推出You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes.拨快They are to put forward the date of

    15、our meeting by one month.提前The plant puts out 600 new cars a week.这个工厂每周生产600辆汽车。Could you put me through to the manager please?请帮我找经理接一下电话好吗? disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的(1)be disappointed at/about sth. 对某事失望be disappointed to do sth. 因做而失望be disappointed that . 对失望(2)disappoint vt. 使失望/沮丧 disappointin

    16、g adj. 令人失望的 disappointment n. 失望,沮丧to ones disappointment 令人失望的是He was disappointed that other guests were not coming.其他客人没有来,他感到失望。The mother is_disappointed_at/about her sons failure in the examination.儿子考试不及格,母亲对此很失望。I was disappointed to see what had happened.看到所发生的事情我感到很失望。To_our_great_disappo

    17、intment,_it rained on the day of the picnic.使我们大失所望的是,野餐那天下起雨来了。6(教材P43)In reality, he is disabled and can no longer walk, but he was able to see and touch a lion while still in the convenience of the VR studio.在现实中,他是一名不能行走的残疾人,但是借助VR工作室里的便利设备,他能够看见并且触摸一头狮子。 convenience nU方便;C便利的事物或设施Many people en

    18、joy the pleasures and convenience of living in a city centre.许多人享受着住在市中心的快乐和便利。(1)for convenience为了方便起见at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候(2)convenient adj. 方便的,便利的be convenient for/to 对是方便的It is convenient for sb.to do sth. 某人方便做某事We bought this house for convenience; its near the shops and the railway st

    19、ation.为了方便起见,我们买了这栋房子,它靠近商店和火车站。If you feel that I am suited for the job, please inform me of the time of an interview at_your_convenience.如果你认为我适合这项工作,请在方便的时候通知我面试时间。Will it be convenient for you to come in the morning?你上午方便来吗?7(教材P43)Besides this, VR can be used to practise skills in a secure envi

    20、ronment that otherwise would be quite dangerous.除此之外,VR技术还可以应用于技能训练,使原本危险的训练环境变得安全。 secure adj.安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固的vt.获得;使安全Ideal is the beacon.Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.(Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer)理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。(俄国作家 托尔斯泰L.)(1)b

    21、e secure against/from 没有遭受的危险feel secure about 对(觉得)放心(2)secure sth.for sb.(secure sb. sth.) 为获得secure sth.against sth. 保护使之免受I believe that our house is secure from/against flood.我认为我们的房子没有被淹的危险。The poor orphan doesnt feel_secure_about his future.这个可怜的孤儿对他的未来感到不安。He secured a place for himself at l

    22、aw school.He secured himself a place at law school.他在法学院取得了学籍。You cannot secure yourself against all risks and dangers.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。8(教材P43)For example, firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of getting injured in a burning building.例如,消防队员可以利用RealCine技术进行安全的训练,而不用冒着被燃烧的楼

    23、房弄伤致残的危险。 injure vt.损害,伤害He injured his left hand in a fire.他在一场大火中伤了左手。(1)injury n 损害,伤害do sb.an injurydo an injury to sb. 使某人受伤害(2)injured adj. 受伤的the injured 受伤者,伤员She was taken to hospital with serious head injuries.她因头部重伤被送往医院了。Dont lift that toolbox youll do yourself an_injury!别搬那只工具箱,会砸着你自己的!

    24、The injured were taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.受伤者被尽快送进了医院。辨析比较injure“使受伤”“伤害”,尤其指在事故中受到伤害harm“危害”“使受伤害”,常用于抽象事物hurt“弄痛”“使受伤”,可指肉体上,更多用于感情上的伤害wound“伤害”“使受伤”,主要用于枪、刀、剑等武器对身体造成的创伤选择上述单词填空I was deeply hurt by the way she just ignored me.It wouldnt do her any harm to work a bit harder.Two

    25、 people were injured when the car hit the bus.The bullet wounded his arm.9(教材P45)This may be true in the long term.However, the cost of building a VR studio is quite high, and this seems like a real disadvantage.从长远来说,这可能是真实的。但建一个VR工作室的费用相当高,这似乎是个真正的缺点。 disadvantage n缺点;不利因素,障碍The lack of decent public transport is a great disadvantage.没有适当的公共交通工具是一大障碍。(1)at a disadvantage 处于不利地位put sb.at a disadvantage 使某人处于不利地位(2)advantage n. 优势,优点,好处take advantage of 乘机利


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