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    1、功能对等理论视角下的旅游广告标语翻译研究摘 要在许多国家的文化交流和经济发展方面,旅游业发挥着重要作用,中国也不例外。旅游广告标语则是介绍展示旅游目的地以及宣传销售旅游产品的绝佳手段,同时能够加速旅游业发展、促进文化交流。其中,高质量的翻译是旅游广告标语最大程度发挥作用的关键。本研究主要以功能对等理论为视角,就旅游广告标语应当如何翻译进行探究。本研究首先回顾了旅游广告标语的相关内容,然后收集了具体的相关翻译实例进行案例剖析,其中主要包括广告标语翻译的对等关系以及跨文化交流方面。最后,本研究介绍了功能对等在旅游广告语翻译中的可行性以及使用策略。在功能对等理论的指导下,该研究试图为提高旅游广告语翻

    2、译质量,提供可操作指导。通过恰当贴切的广告语翻译,助力旅游业的发展,促进多文化交流和全球经济增长。关键词:旅游广告标语;功能对等理论;翻译策略;文化因素AbstractTourism becomes more and more important in cultural exchanges and economic development in many countries. China is no exception. Tourism advertising slogan is the best way to present tourist destinations and promote

    3、the sale of tourist products, meanwhile, it can also accelerate tourism development and promote cultural exchange. High-quality translation is the key to maximize the role of tourism advertising slogans.This study focuses on the translation of tourism advertising slogans from the perspective of Nida

    4、s functional equivalence theory. This study firstly has an overview on tourism translation slogan. Secondly, this study collects specific examples of tourism advertising slogans translation and analyzes the cases, mainly including the equivalence relation of tourism advertising slogans translation a

    5、nd cross-cultural communication. Finally, this study introduces the application and feasibility strategy of functional equivalence in the translation of tourism advertising slogans.Under the guidance of the theory of functional equivalence, the study attempts to provide practical guidance for improv

    6、ing the quality of translation of tourism advertising slogans. This study hopes to accelerate tourism development as well as cross-cultural communication and global economic growth through appropriate and high-quality translation.Key words: tourism advertising slogans; functional equivalence theory;

    7、 translation strategies; cultural factorsOutline. Introduction A. Research Background and Significance B. Research Questions and Methodology C. Research Organization. Tourism Advertising Slogan A. Definition of Tourism Advertisement B. Principles and Language Features of TAS 1. Principles of TAS 2.

    8、Language Features of TAS C. Intercultural Factors in TAS Translation 1. Cultural Factors 2. Psychological Factors 3. Values in Different Countries D. Function of TAS TranslationIII. Theoretical Framework A. Previous Studies on Tourism Translation B. Background and Contents of Nidas Equivalence Theor

    9、y C. The Advantages of the Functional Equivalence TheoryI. Translation Strategies for TASs from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory A. Feasibility of Applying Functional Equivalence Theory in TAS Translation 1. Equivalence in Passage and Style 2. Meaning is More Important than Form 3. S

    10、ocial and Cultural Equivalence B. Strategies to TAS Translation 1. Direct Transfer 2. Partial Adaptation 3. Total AdaptationV. ConclusionA. A General SummaryB. Limitations of the Present StudyC. Recommendations for Further StudiesA Study on Tourism Advertising Slogan Translation from the Perspective

    11、 of Functional Equivalence TheoryI. IntroductionA. Research Background and Significance TAS translation is an emerging industry in China. With globalization and increasing cultural exchanges, tourism has become a powerful means to promote mutual understanding between countries around the world. With

    12、 China entering WTO, translation develops quickly in China. However, translators did not pay much attention on TAS translation, literary translation and business translation are still the mainstream. Many translators are devoted to these fields of research, while ignoring the TAS translation.As time

    13、 goes on, the TAS translation has attracted more attention from different fields translators, and the study of TAS translation has far-reaching significance. The TAS translation is not only linked to the profits, but also accelerates cultural and economic exchanges among countries. At the same time,

    14、 the TAS translation still needs to be improved, so it needs more translators to pay more attention.Nowadays, peoples living standard has improved a lot, outbound tourism is popular and going to be a trendy. We humans becomes closer and closer, at this time, the study of TAS translation tends to be

    15、more and more important. This thesis tries to conclude some principles to guide TAS translation.Nidas functional equivalence theory is often used by translators, and has been applied to kinds of translations. In this thesis, Nidas functional equivalence theory is taken to find solutions and adopted

    16、as principles in TAS translation. Good translation can increase the promotion and sales of tourism products, and it is also a good way to increase the source countrys cultural influence. B. Research Questions and MethodologyThree questions mainly discussed in this thesis. Based on functional equival

    17、ence theory, the author hopes to offer some practical translation strategies.Q1: what is the definition of TAS and whats the meaning to study TAS translation?Q2: why does the theory can offer strategies for TAS translation?Q3: what strategies does the theory can offer for TAS translation?This study

    18、is conducted mainly through qualitative research methods including inductive research method, descriptive research method and comparative research method.C. Research Organization This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is a brief introduction that states the research background and signif

    19、icance, research questions and methodology, as well as the research organization. Chapter two is an overview of tourism advertising slogan including definition, principles, language features, intercultural factors in TAS translation and functions of TAS translation. Chapter three gives an overview t

    20、hat provides a summary of previous studies on tourism translation and presents the theoretical framework which contains Nidas equivalence theory and advantages of the functional equivalence theory. Chapter four is mainly the translation strategies for TAS from the perspective of the functional equiv

    21、alence theory. Chapter five is conclusion which summarizes the major findings, limitations and suggestions for further studies.II. Tourism Advertising Slogan In this chapter, the author shows an overview of tourism advertising slogan. Advertising is an important part of market means. The meaning of

    22、advertising is to pass all kinds of product information to readers or consumers by some artistic techniques. And the advertising language refers to the language specific to advertising, which should contain all kinds of language information in the slogan, such as pronunciation, words, sentences incl

    23、uding lyrics, characters including pinyin letters, punctuation and text graphics consisting of words, graphics and objects (Lin, 1992: 42). The purpose of TAS translation is to help the target readers (the tourists) have a barrier-free and accurate comprehension of the information the TASs convey. T

    24、ranslators are a key part in meeting this goal. Translators should take translation strategies to build a bridge between source language and readers. This chapter summarizes the major previous studies and concludes the most frequently adopted strategies and theories. A. Definition of Tourism Adverti

    25、sement Tourism advertisements are mainly organized, comprehensive, persuasive, non-personnel information dissemination activities related to tourism products, tourism services and tourism information through various media, belonging to narrowly defined advertisements (Baike 2016). Wu (2000) believes

    26、 that travel advertising is “to produce and publish tourism information through the advertising company, in order to expand the influence of tourism destinations, and then attract tourists to consume.” In modern tourism advertising activities, there are many types of common tourism advertisements. T

    27、here are different categories according to different classification criteria: 1) static tourism advertisement and dynamic tourism advertisement can be divided according to the form of tourism advertisement; 2) TV advertising, newspaper advertising, radio advertising, Internet advertising, shop adver

    28、tising and new media advertising are classified by tourism advertising media; 3) according to the category of tourism enterprises, tourism advertisements include tourist hotel advertisements, tourist traffic advertisements, travel agency advertisements, scenic spots advertisements, exhibition advert

    29、isements, etc.Tourism advertisement plays an important role in promoting the sales of tourism products, improving the popularity and reputation of scenic spots, and enhancing the core competitiveness of tourism enterprises. Good tourism advertisements can spread travel information so as to attract t

    30、ourists well. The diversity of advertising media in modern society and the efficiency of information dissemination facilitate the access of tourists to information. Not only do tourists benefit from diversity of choices, but also tourism enterprises benefit from it, thus promoting the sustainable de

    31、velopment of tourism. Tourism advertisements can also spread social culture and enrich cultural life. While promoting tourism products, tourism advertisements also promote the historical, national and artistic knowledge. While promoting products, they also play a role in spreading culture and improv

    32、ing aesthetic taste.B. Principles and Language Features of TAS The slogan translation cannot be equated with literary translation, and the slogan has its own characteristics. In general, TASs language strives to achieve the expected results by using simple language. The source language is certainly easy to understand and very attractive, and at the same time, it can show the characteristics of pre-sold goods. And the translated slogan should meet the above points, and local cultural differences are taken into account as well as t


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