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    1、1)Are you feeling ill? 你现在觉得不舒服吗?2)I feel ill these days. 这些日子我感觉不舒服。3Would you mind teaching me? 你介意教教我吗?Not at all. 一点也不介意。Would you mind doing sth.?你介意做某事吗?(1)mind + 动名词。如:Would you mind helping me? 帮我一下好吗?回答“不反对”时,可以说Not at all.(完全不介意)或Of course not.(当然不反对);如果表示“介意,反对”,则常说Yes, please dont. / Bet

    2、ter not. / Sorry.(2)mind not + 动名词 如:Would you mind not smoking here? 请你不要在这里吸烟好吗?4Lets go and practice. 我们去练习一下吧。practice + 动名词Lets practice dancing first. 首先我们练习一下舞蹈。5Would you please say it in English? 请你用英语说好吗?Would you please do sth.?请你/你愿意做吗?用于委婉地提出建议1)Would you please call me tonight? 今晚给我打个电

    3、话,好吗?2)Would you please not talk loudly here? 请你不要在这里大声讲话,好吗?3)Would you please not come late again? 请你不要再迟到了,好吗?6You shouldnt shout at me. 你不该冲我大喊。shout at sb. 冲某人喊叫1)Theres no need to shout. Im not deaf. 用不着这样大声喊叫,我又不是聋子。2)Dont shout at the boy. 别冲着孩子喊。7 Shame on you! 真为你感到羞耻!shame on sb. 为某人感到羞耻。

    4、He always breaks the school rules. We shame on him.他总是违反学校的规定,我们为他感到羞耻。8He did his best. 他尽力了。do ones best = try ones best 尽某人最大的努力。1)We will do our best to study English well. = We will try our best to study English well. 我们将尽力学好英语。2)She always does her best to help others. = She always tries her b

    5、est to help others. 她总是尽力去帮助别人。9Kangkang, would you mind saying sorry to Michael?康康,你愿意向迈克尔道歉吗?sayto sb. 向某人说 如:1)You should say sorry to Li Ming. 你应该向李明道歉。2)Lets say goodbye to Miss Zhao! 我们去向赵老师道别吧!10We are sure to win next time. 我们确认下次会获胜。be sure to do sth. 1)We are sure to come early tomorrow. 我

    6、们确信明天能早来。2)They are sure to do it well. 他们确认能做好这件事。“be sure that”Im sure that he can do it. 我确认他会做这件事。be sure of/ aboutIm sure of that. 对于那件事我非常确信。11With Marias and Janes help, Kangkang said sorry to Michael.在玛丽亚和简的帮助下,康康向迈克尔道了歉。with ones help 在的帮助下,介词短语作条件状语。1)With our help, he can answer all the q

    7、uestions.在我们的帮助上,他能回答所有的问题。2)With his help, she can read all the new words.= With the help of him, she can read all the new words.在他的帮助下,她会读所有的生单词。12Would you mind turning down the music?你介意把音乐关小点声吗?(1)turn up 把声音开大(2)turn off 关掉(3)turn on 打开(4)turn down 关小注意 turn down/ up/ on/ off都是动副短语,如果后面接名词作宾语,

    8、名词可位于中间或后边,如果是代词,则必须放在中间。turn it on 把它打开,而不是turn on it。13Exciting? Yes, but very tiring as well. 很精彩?是的,但是也很累。as well 同样地,也。Will they join us as well? 他们也愿意加入我们吗?Lisa went to the park and she went to the zoo as well. 莉萨去了公园,也去了动物园。(1)as well表示“也”,常放在句末,相当于too。Im a student. My brother is a student, t

    9、oo. 我是个学生,我弟弟也是个学生。(2)also(也)位于系动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前。I teach English, and he also teaches English. 我教英语,他也教英语。(3)andas well意为“也,即又”,as well仍放在句末。Mr. Lee is a teacher, and a writer as well. 李先生是个老师,也是个作家。14He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play even in bad weather.他为学生发明了一种室内

    10、运动,以便他们在不好的天气里也能运动。(1)so that “为了”,“以致于”1)Uncle John got up early so that he could catch the early bus.约翰大叔起床很早以便他能赶上早班车。2)Mr. Yang left the book at home so that he went back home again.杨老师把书落在家了,结果他又回家了。(2)invent为动词,名词有两种形式:A、inventor 发明家,创造者,发明者B、invention 发明,创造 如:There were great inventors in Chi

    11、na. They invented many great inventions. 中国有伟大的发明家,他们创造了许多伟大的发明。15Do you know how to score in the game? 你知道在比赛中怎样得分吗?how to do sth. 怎样做某事。这是疑问句接不定式构成的短语,做Do you know的宾语,类似短语有:what to do; where to go等。1)Do you know when to do your homework? 你知道什么时候做作业吗?2)Do you know where to go? 你知道去哪儿吗?3)Mr. Known-a

    12、ll knows how to make a key. 百事通先生知道怎样制造钥匙。16But you must follow the rules. 但是你必须遵守规则。follow v. 意为“跟随、遵从、理解、领会”。1)He is following me to the office. 他跟我来办公室。2)The dog follows him all day. 那条狗整天跟着他。17Now, over a century later, more and more people play basketball. 现在,一个多世纪以后,越来越多的人打篮球。more and more表示“越

    13、来越多”,形容词比较级+形容词比较级或more and more + 多音节形容词表示“越来越”。1)more and more beautiful 越来越美2)Our life is getting better and better. 我们的生活越来越好。18I am a 15-year-old boy. 我是一个15岁的男孩。15-year-old在句中作定语, year不能用复数形式。She is an eight-year-old girl. 她是一个八岁的女孩。15 years old 十五岁,在句中只作表语,year old中间不加连接符号,如:Michael is 13 yea

    14、rs old. 迈克尔十三岁。19I drink milk and eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead of chips and chocolate. 我喝牛奶,吃新鲜水果和蔬菜来代替薯条和巧克力。instead of代替而不是,后接名词/代词/动名词。1)You must pick up my keys instead of yours.你肯定拿走了我的钥匙,而不是拿得你的。2)We use tractors to do the farm work instead of animals.我们使用拖拉机代替牲畜来干农活。Instead adv. 代替,

    15、顶替;反而。放在句尾或句首。注意:不带of。He is tired, so let me go instead.他太累了,所以让我代他去吧。20I have great fun running, and I feel well and look fit.我跑步时很愉快,感觉很好,看起来很健康。have(great/ a lot of)fun doing sth. 意思为“带着(很大的)乐趣做某事,(很)愉快地做某事”。The children have great fun playing games. 孩子们很乐意做游戏。三、练习、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1Do you like _ (t

    16、ravel)?Yes, I like it very much.2Yao Ming enjoys _ (play) in different countries.3Who _ (invent) basketball in 1891?4Students must _ (follow) the rules at school.5Would you mind _ (turn) down the radio?、补全对话 A 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话A:Excuse me. 1B:Sure, what is it? 2Oh, sorry. But I think Tom will be a goo

    17、d teacher.Thanks. 3 4It is 0106873645. 5Do you know?Hes at home. He is doing his homework. Lets go and see.OK. Lets go.A. Of course not.B. Could you do me a favor?C. Would you please teach me how to swim?D. Where is he?E. Would you mind telling me his number?B 填上合适单词补全对话Mike:Hello. Can I _ (1) to Ja

    18、ck, please?Jack:Yes. _ (2) is Jack speaking. Oh, is that you, Mike?Yes, this is Mike. Hi, Jack. Ive _ (3) two tickets for a football match. _ (4) you like to go with me?_ (5), I cant hear you. _ (6) you turn your TV _ (7) a little? Its too loud.Would you like to watch a football match with me?Id _ (

    19、8) to. _ (9) will the football match start?At three in the afternoon. Shall we _ (10) at the bus stop at half past two?OK. See you then.See you.、单项选择1Han Mei is planning to take part _ the high jump.A. in B. to C. at D. on2People from all over the world like to _ and _ football.A. see; play B. watch

    20、; C. see; to play D. watching; playing3He invented _ indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in _ bad weather.A. an; a B. a; / C. an; D. a; the4Did you have an exciting basketball game last week?Yes, _.A. I love the game B. we love the game C. I have D. we did5When _ you start p

    21、laying soccer?I started playing soccer 5 years ago.A. do B. did C. were D. are6I dont like going _.A. fishing B. fish C. to fish D. fishes7My sister will come back _ home _ this weekend.A. to; in B. /; on C. to; D. /; /8_ are you going to do?Im going to ride a bike.A. What B. Where C. Why D. How9Wou

    22、ld you please _ some game posters?_. Thats no problem.A. making; Sorry B. making; Sure C. make; Yes D. not make; Sorry10How long do you stay there?_.A. Not very often B. An hour a day C. An hour or so D. Seldom11Would you do _ a favor?A. I B. we C. me D. my12Would you mind teaching me?_. Lets go and

    23、 practice.A. Not at all B. Dont mind C. Im sorry, I cant D. OK, I wont13Id be glad to _ you.A. joins B. join C. joining D. to join14Could you tell me _ to the post office?A. how to get B. how get C. where to get D. where get15Would you mind _ the door?A. to open B. open C. opening D. opens、完形填空Football is, I think, the favorite game in England. One could go to one of the important to see this. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there, 2for one side or the .To a stranger(陌生人), one of the most surprising things about football in


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