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    1、美国作文之美国大学生作文美国大学生作文【篇一:美国小学生作文】 grade 1 personal writing my trip to mexico one time i went to mexico. it was a blast! i met people there. i went horseback riding. i saw a box holding an armadillo. i went to a water fall. i tried to catch a frog with one leg. i couldnt catch it. it was fun in mexico.

    2、 a happy day one day baby josh came home. he was in a yellow blanket. my mom let me hold him.he was blowing bubbles. he didnt cry. subject writing my favorite pet my cat is fluffy. his name is buzz. he is my favorite cat. buzz is my favorite pet of all. i hug him all the time. he is soft, and his ch

    3、eeks are fat like my brothers. i feel happy with my cat. how much i know about space i had just gone to chobot space and science center. when i got there, i didnt even know one planet in our solar system. soon i learned all nine planets in our solar system. i learned what the first rocket ship looke

    4、d like. i learned how to land a rocket ship. i had two lessons. the lessons were fun. my favorite class was space class. sweet spring spring is sweet because we can go boat riding and bees come and take honey out of the flowers. i feel good because it is very, very, very hot outside and i can go on

    5、the swings. the best part of spring is that my family can go to the beach. research writing parrots parrots are colorful. they have different colors like blue, red, black, orange, green, yellow, and white. parrots live in cactuses, nests, and underground holes. some parrots eat roots, and some eat n

    6、ectar and seeds. they have different bills.macaws (a kind of parrot) crack things open.other parrots dig up roots and bulbs from the ground. there are different kinds of parrots, but they all lay eggs. parrots are pretty birds. story and poetry writing happy easter once there was a hen. the hen was

    7、very lonely. then she laid some eggs. they were not ordinary eggs. they were colorful. on easter the chicks hatched. it was their birthday!the hen was not lonely anymore.leaf person one morning, i turned into a leaf person.i went outside. a wind blew me awayfar away. another heavy, heavy wind blew m

    8、e everywhere in the whole world. it never stopped! then it blew me to outer space. i was floating in space. i went to mars, but i saw nothing. i went back to earth. i didnt know where i was, so i went on a rocket, back to space, to the moon. when i landed there, there was nothing but crust, holes, a

    9、nd craters. then there was another special wind. it was special because it blew from land to space. i was floating in space again! grade 2 personal writing my dad i was at the hospital when my dad was dying. my mom and my sister were there, too.mom was lighting candles in my dads room.my dad was goi

    10、ng to have an operation. he said, “im going to be in a better place.” he said he loved me. my dad died after the operation. i dont know why my dad died. i was only five years old, but i still remember. i hope when your dad dies, you will always remember him, too. i miss my dad. his dogs miss him.my

    11、family misses him. the horrible day one morning i woke up and i was turned around on my bed. then i fell off! i walked downstairs and i almost fell over my dog. next i fell asleep in my cereal and my brother stole my toast! then i had to walk to school because our car ran out of gas. i was late for

    12、school, and i got stuck outside in the rain! guess what? i really didnt like this day at all. research writing ladybugs ladybugs are insects. insects are bugs that have six legs. ladybugs have all kinds of designs on their wings. they have dots, stripes, and other designs. in england ladybugs are ca

    13、lled ladybirds. ladybugs are harmless, but if you pick one up it will tickle you! ladybugs are very helpful to farmers because they eat aphids.aphids are tiny bugs that eat plants. ladybugs enemies are spiders and praying mantises. if you find a ladybug, dont smash it. put it in some flowers nearby.

    14、 if you like ladybugs as much as i do, then you should read the grumpy ladybug by eric carle. i love ladybugs! horsesdid you know horses can point their ears more than we can? did you know that horses can groom one another? horses can also see more than we can. they can see what is behind and what i

    15、s in front of them. some horses live in north america, south america, europe, and australia. fifty-five million years ago horses were dog sized.horses are black, brown, white, and spotted.horses like to eat grass. horses live on a farm and outside. horses played a big role in the development of our

    16、country. they carried people west. they pulled covered wagons, firewagons, farmers plows, and stagecoaches.they carried the mail. in the 1900s the horse was replaced by the car and the train. the largest horse is the percheron. it is 21 hands high. the smallest horse is the falabella. it is only 7 h

    17、ands high. horses usually have one baby a year. they live 25 to 35 years. i wish i could be like a horse because they know when they are in danger. they can see so well because their eyes are on the sides of their faces. poetry writing poem ant very little working quietly always making houses, tunne

    18、ls, roads amazing! winter words i see the snow glittering in the sky. i have goosebumps going down my spine. the beautiful smell of candles burning all night, the new smell of winter shining bright, snow is on the ground. the magnificent winter in my hand. icy lakes cracked by too much pressure, the

    19、 glorious sight of winter. subject writing if i were president if i were president, id be responsible. id look alert and run the united states like it should be run. id be honest. then the people would trust me. i would be a good president because i have faith in the people of the united states. one

    20、 great book i love the book mcbungle down underby brenda parkes. my favorite part is when mcbungle tried to get the koala in the gum tree. i like the book because it is so funny. i really like the end. its great when they go to the pet shop and get a pet. if you like animals, you would like this boo

    21、k, too! story writing a fable once there was a bunny. he had a big problem. he didnt think he was special. he wanted to be someone different. he went for a walk. first he met a lion. the lion said, “what are you doing, little rabbit? it is a lot of work watching my kingdom.” “well, then, ill be off.

    22、” the last animal he saw was a mouse.the mouse said, “im on the run from a cat.” “then ill leave you alone,” said the little bunny. the bunny thought, “im fine the way i am.” so the little bunny learned that he was fine the way he is. the missing coin it was the day after st. patricks day and all th

    23、e little leprechauns were settling down for a nap. but one leprechaun named sly was wide awake. he had lost his magic coin! meanwhile a little girl named emma had found the leprechauns magic coin. “hey, look at this!” she exclaimed to her mom.“wow,” said her mom, “i think its a real leprechaun coin.

    24、 without it the leprechaun cant get around very fast. youd better go to the woods and try to find the leprechaun who lost it.” so the girl hurried off into the woods. a few minutes after the girl entered the woods she saw a little leprechaun moving very slowly through a patch of three-leaf clovers.s

    25、he said, “heres your coin back.” the leprechaun was very grateful. he gave the girl three wishes and set off, never to lose his coin again.【篇二:美国小学生的作文题和作文】 美国小学生的作文题和作文 附儿子的作文 美国小学生5年级作文题择选: 假如有一天你发现了一块飞毯(飞毯是儿童故事书“阿拉丁”里会飞的魔毯) 提示:写作前,想想你会去哪儿,会看到什么,你会做些什么。写下一个你发现飞毯后的想象故事。 一次想象的旅行 提示:写作前,设想一个你向往的地方,想想

    26、你会在那儿干什么。 动物都跑出来的动物园郊游 提示:写作前,想象你的郊游会发生什么事,写一个动物园动物都逃出来的故事。 假如我是风暴里的小雨滴 提示:写作前,想象你作为雨滴的一天旅行,写下你的历险记。 我看完这些题目的感受就是:“哇,多有意思的题目!”看了就跃跃欲试地想写!比起我们小时候的难忘的一件事,我的朋友,春游的一天之类的作文题目好玩,在教育思路上和我们当时在中国上小学时有着天壤之别。 发现这些在州教育网上的作文题是源于儿子的一篇满分作文。这天,儿子兴高采烈地回来报告,他的作文得了六分,是满分,老师在班上念了,还能送去州里当范文等等。我乍一高兴之下又满心狐疑,细细问了他写得什么题目,都写

    27、了些什么。听完后,仍是将信将疑。儿子有夸张他的成就的历史,不想轻易打击他的荣誉感,但赞扬他的几句多少有些言不由衷。 好在几天后就是我和儿子老师约的家长会,重要的一项就是证实儿子的话。别说,儿子说的基本属实,尽管还是有夸张之处(或是他一高兴没理解老师说的细节他这篇是练习作文,州里正式考的得了满分大约才能送去当范文)。我要求看看这篇文章,他的班主任找出来念给我和在座的数学老师听,一边念,一边仍忍不住地笑,夸他实在是写得很有趣。故事环环相扣,用的比喻贴切生动,结尾出乎意料。我在讶异之中,几乎不相信这是儿子写的! 其实,我等这一天已经等了多年。 从儿子一年级开始,我就要求他写周记,到现在也有近五年了,

    28、几乎是没有间断过。从满篇错字、歪歪扭扭的几句话到现在能较通顺地记下一件事,有进步,但不理想。主要是写的都是流水账,平铺直叙,散淡无奇。 为此,我还给他买了教孩子写作的书,解释时间、地点、人物的重要;拿他喜欢的小说作范例讲解怎么注意细节的描写,用文字的叙述让人有身临其境之感。我不是在这边长大的,英文是我的第二语言,不是我的强项,相信将来孩子会比我强。但写作的基本要点是一样的,吸引人的故事无论用何种语言都是由同样的要素构成的。我自己小学时作文有了突然的长进就是从多读书,模仿好描写开始的。儿子练了这么久,读书不少,怎么顿悟的一刻迟迟不来?! 仅有一次他拿回家的作文我觉得写得挺有意思,想象力十足,自己

    29、看得津津有味,还拿去给同事看,大大表扬了他一下。谁知过几天问他老师有没有给他高分,儿子不是很在意地说老师只给了他二分,说他写得不好。我惊讶之余,不以为然,告诉儿子不要泄气,每个人的标准不一样,妈妈很喜欢这一篇。 现在想来,我对儿子的指导有着我自己成长的痕迹,没有考虑到孩子的经历和心理特点,有失误之处。教我六年语文的中学班主任在看了我的博客后曾经评论说,因为我的生活经历丰富了,博客比我中学时的周记写的生动有趣。是啊,在孩子这个年龄,他对生活的感受简单,他对人情世故基本不知,他的心理很单纯,只是让他记下生活的事情,他自然写得淡而无味。但是,孩子没有被生活琐事干扰过的心灵却有块不受约束、任其驰骋的田

    30、野,如果让他写想象中的故事,那真是天马行空,无拘无束的畅快! 有了这个启发,上周的周记,我就让儿子用了一次想象的旅行这个标题,他写了星际旅行,在火星上的历险,想象中又有现实生活的影响,在躲避另一些邪恶外星人的洗劫时,他来到了土星上的难民营。大约是新闻里经常可以听到的难民营给了他很深的印象。而我,则有些对儿子刮目相看了。 x x x x x x x x 附:儿子满分的作文(他写错的时态、字我没有改,保持原汁原味) 没有标题,下边是写作场景(时间限制是35分钟): 昨天,我陷入巨大的危机。当时,我非常害怕,但是还是保持了镇定,这点,让我熬过这不测之灾。 我爸妈把我留在家照顾我的小弟弟。他们走时,我

    31、弟弟还在睡觉,他睡得很香,像个冬眠的小熊。我看到还没人去取信,就蹑手蹑脚地轻得像个小老鼠一样溜出家门。我想尽量不要吵醒我的小弟弟。在我踮着脚尖走出门后,门“吱呀”响了一下然后就是“砰”的一声响,门关上了!我家的门是那种老式的,关上的同时也就锁上了。 我傻站在那儿,不知如何是好。当时就想“爸妈回来一定会把我给杀了。”我想撞开窗户,但我撞上去时感觉像是用羽毛去打断钛合金。我试着爬墙希望能够着开着的窗户,爬了一半摔了下来,摔到一片矮树丛里,感觉被成千上万个尖利的针扎到了身上。我发誓那会儿要是有人看到我一定会说:“今天我看见一个绿色的刺猬!”很快,我黔驴技穷了。我已经试过撑杆跳,结果是我重重地撞到墙上

    32、,只听到一声闷响;我给警察打过电话,但是他们正忙着抓恐怖分子;我去了我邻居家,可是他们出门度假去了。精疲力竭地,我坐在块石头上,垂头丧气。最后,我慢慢地站起来,像一个腿有毛病还没有拐杖的家伙。我再次试着开门,门是开着的!总而言之,我根本就没关上门。我像一头看见一只一瘸一拐的鹿的狼,高兴地大叫起来。 我就这样走出了危情险境。【篇三:如何写美国大学申请作文】 如何写美国大学申请作文 很多美国大学提供了不同的作文题目让申请者选择,例如common application 里的基本作文题目里就列出了6个,其中一个就包括了你自己可以选题。美国大学申请作文选题的技巧当让就是要选一个你最能发挥的题目。下面百利天下留学教大家如何写美国大学申请作文。 美国大学申请作文题目一般不难,对于申请者来说,要考虑的是写出来的东西能够让招生官员看到自己的亮点,如何利用一个简单的题目把你的信息在短短250-500字里表达出来。下面百利天下留学教大家写美国大学申请作问。 1、尽量避免陈腔滥调,太泛的写法 不要有太多的形容词


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