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    版 江苏 步步高英语二轮专题考前冲刺卷一.docx

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    版 江苏 步步高英语二轮专题考前冲刺卷一.docx

    1、版 江苏 步步高英语二轮专题考前冲刺卷一考前冲刺卷(一)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1.We hope that clean energy can be promoted across the country environmental pollution can be greatly reduced.A.in case B.now thatC.so that D.as if答案C解析句意为:我们希望清洁能源能够在全国范围内得到推广,以便环

    2、境污染可以大幅减少。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导目的状语从句,表示“为了,以便”,应用so that。in case “假如,如果”,引导条件状语从句,从句多位于主句之前;in case“以防,以免”,引导目的状语从句,从句多位于主句之后,可用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气;now that “既然”,引导原因状语从句;as if “好像”,引导方式状语从句。2.China Railway said ten new railways would be put into service by the end of 2018 to _ the capability of Chinas high-spe

    3、ed rail.A.heighten B.innovateC.inspect D.interpret答案A解析句意为:中国铁路总公司称,到2018年年底,十条新铁路将投入使用,以提升中国高速铁路的(运载)能力。heighten提升,提高,符合语境。innovate创新,改革;inspect检查,审视;interpret诠释,说明。3.After knowing his failing the exam,Albert sat quietly for a while by the river bank,thinking of what it might have been if he hard.A

    4、.could study B.had studiedC.studied D.studies答案B解析句意为:得知自己考试没通过后,艾伯特在河岸边静静地坐了一会儿,寻思着如果当初自己努力学习的话结果会如何。分析句子结构并结合句意可知,此处考查虚拟语气,且表示对与过去事实相反的情况的虚拟,故从句谓语动词应用“had过去分词”形式。故选B。4.Over the last five years,UNICEF has been building the ability to drive research and development for products to meet the needs of

    5、children that are not yet readily available.A.conventional B.foreignC.essential D.sufficient答案C解析句意为:在过去五年中,联合国儿童基金会一直致力于推动研究和开发那些儿童还不能方便获得但却对满足其需求至关重要的产品。essential必不可少的,极其重要的,符合语境。conventional传统的;foreign非典型的,陌生的;sufficient足够的。5.As a large number of global companies have participated in the first CI

    6、IE,it is a clear _ that Chinas going to further open its markets,and many opportunities can be found in the country.A.scene B.signalC.feature D.image答案B解析句意为:大量跨国公司参加了首届中国国际进口博览会,这清楚地表明,中国将进一步开放其市场,并且在中国可能找到许多机会。signal标志,预示,信号,符合语境。scene场面,情景;feature特征;image画像。6.The manager keeps her ear pretty clos

    7、e to the ground and usually tell you what the mood of the staff is.A.must B.willC.shall D.can答案D解析句意为:经理很留心周围的情况,她总能告诉你员工的情绪如何。根据句意,这里表示“能够”,应用can。7.When reading the most interesting part of the story,Bob burst into laughter,not knowing that the others in the library him.A.stare at B.are staring atC

    8、.were staring at D.had stared at答案C解析句意为:读到故事最有趣的部分时,鲍勃不禁放声大笑,没有察觉到图书馆里的其他人都在盯着他看。根据句意可知,此处表示在过去某个时间正在进行的动作,应用过去进行时。故选C。8.If you personally feel that a decision is unjust and unfair,you should yourself and voice your disagreement.A.give up on B.stand up forC.look up to D.put up with答案B解析句意为:如果你个人觉得某

    9、个决定有失公允,你就应该维护自己(的利益),说出自己的不同意见。stand up for支持,维护,符合语境。give up on对不再抱希望(或不再相信);look up to 尊敬;put up with忍受。9.Speech is related to interaction between a mother and a child the mother recognizes the signals in the childs crying and smiling,and responds to him or her.A.where B.whichC.when D.that答案A解析句意

    10、为:言语能力与母亲和孩子之间的交流有关,在这种交流过程中母亲可以从孩子的哭和笑中辨别出一些信号,并且给予他/她回应。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词是interaction,在从句中表示抽象的地点概念,关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用where。故选A。10.An oilfield in the Gobi Desert hardly calls up visions of an ideal living environment,but with the efforts of decades,a pleasant life for its citizens in the city of

    11、Karamay.A.creates B.is creatingC.has been created D.will be created答案C解析句意为:戈壁沙漠中的一个油田几乎唤不起(人们)对理想生活环境的憧憬,但经过几十年的努力,克拉玛依市已经为其居民创造了一种愉快的生活。根据句中的“with the efforts of decades”可知,此处应用现在完成时,表示到目前为止已经完成的动作给现在造成的影响;又create与life之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故选C。11.SK Global announced it has not yet decided China Rich Girl

    12、friend would be a formal co-production between China and the US,although it was certain the film would be filmed in Shanghai.A.whether B.whatC.how D.that答案A解析句意为:SK Global 宣布,尽管可以肯定中国富豪女友这部影片将在上海拍摄,但是影片是否会成为中美之间的正式联合制作还尚未决定。分析句子结构并结合句中的“it has not yet decided”可知,空处在此引导宾语从句,且表示“是否”,应用whether。12.Runni

    13、ng to the Spring,a film the 40th anniversary of Chinas reform and opening-up,was shown in cinemas nationwide from Dec.14,2018.A.in response to B.in honor ofC.in return for D.in celebration of答案D解析句意为:庆祝中国改革开放四十周年的电影春天的马拉松自2018年12月14日起在全国各影院上映。in celebration of为庆祝,符合语境。in response to作为对的回应;in honor o

    14、f纪念,为向表示敬意;in return for作为对的回报。13.John is an organic chemist,and this is his first exposure to a community of world-famous biologists,one that included in the field.A.a Jekyll and Hyde B.a good SamaritanC.a tough nut D.a leading light答案D解析句意为:约翰是一名有机化学家,这是他第一次接触世界著名的生物学家团体,其中的一名生物学家是该领域的领军人物。a leadi

    15、ng light(某活动范围内)重要的活跃人物,受敬重的人物,符合语境。a Jekyll and Hyde双重人格者;a good Samaritan乐善好施者;a tough nut难对付的人。14.We have advertised our new product and wed like to see it around the world.A.promoting B.promotedC.promote D.being promoted答案B解析句意为:我们已经给我们的新产品做了广告,我们想看到的是它在全球范围内得到推广。句中的it 代指our new product,promote

    16、和it 是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用过去分词作宾补。故选B。15.You seemed to be impressed by the child actors skills. .I was impressed more by his courage.A.You have got me thereB.You can say that againC.Not exactlyD.Not likely答案C解析句意为:你似乎对那个儿童演员的演技印象深刻。不完全是。他的勇气更打动我。not exactly “不完全如此”,用于纠正对方刚说过的话,符合语境。you have got me there你把我难倒了

    17、,你把我问住了;you can say that again你说得真对,表示完全同意某人的意见;not likely不可能。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I did my first wing-walk two years ago,on my 86 birthday.Then last June,aged 88,I did it again and 16 my own record as the worlds oldest 17 wing-walker.There was something a

    18、bout being strapped(捆扎) to the 18 of a bright-yellow 1944 BoeingStearman that 19 my imagination.Its very exciting.The first experience was nothing but tame.This year,I said to the 20 ,“Can you make it a bit more adventuresome?” He said,“I could do a loop-the-loop (翻筋斗) if you like?”This time,he 21 d

    19、oing half a loop which was very effective.You go down a bit,then straight up.All I felt was a bit 22 ,because it was windy.But you are 23 strapped.The pilot makes sure everything is 24 .I had gloves on,earplugs and lots of layers,which protected me.Both times,we 25 from Gloucestershire Airport and w

    20、ere in the air for 15 minutes.You dont sit on the wingyou sit on 26 looks like a chair.I wasnt nervous.But when you look at the propellers(螺旋桨),you do feel a little strange.Youre 27 at the beginning that its a 28 dangerous activity and things could go wrong.However,I said,“Well,at 88 what does it 29

    21、 ? Youve got to go sometime and you might as well go in a flame of 30 .”At my age,a lot of people are 31 in their ways.I dont think any of my 32 from my retirement home wants to 33 me.I imagine most of them think Im 34 as a woman.But I do think people of my age should be doing more 35 things.You sho

    22、uldnt sit back and feel sorry for yourself.语篇解读这是一篇记叙文。本文作者是一位88岁的老太太,她勇于挑战极限运动机翼行走。而且,她还呼吁更多的老年人不要服老,要勇于挑战自我。16.A.kept B.brokeC.saved D.protected答案B解析上一句提到作者在86岁时开始了第一次机翼行走,这里是说作者88岁时“打破(break)”了自己的纪录。break ones record打破某人的纪录。故选B。17.A.doctor B.repairC.male D.female答案D解析根据最后一段中的“as a woman”可知,作者是世界上

    23、年龄最大的“女性(female)”机翼行走者。故选D。18.A.wing B.headC.tail D.bottom答案A解析根据第一段第一句中的“my first wing-walk”可知,作者参与的探险活动是在飞机的“机翼(wing)”上行走。故选A。19.A.practised B.displayedC.inspired D.broadened答案C解析inspire ones imagination激发了某人的想象力。故选C。20.A.driver B.pilotC.guide D.director答案B解析根据上文作者要进行机翼行走可知,此处指作者在跟“飞行员(pilot)”说话,故

    24、选B。21.A.turned up B.gave upC.took up D.ended up答案D解析联系上一段最后一句可知,作者对飞行员提出冒险性的要求后,飞行员说自己可以做到让飞机在空中翻筋斗。所以此处是说飞行员最终采用了半循环的飞行方式“结束”。end up doing sth.以做某事结束。故选D。22.A.shaky B.dizzyC.shiny D.clumsy答案A解析根据该空后的“it was windy”可知,当时有风,所以飞行过程中飞机稍微有点“摇晃(shaky)”。故选A。23.A.tightly B.largelyC.safely D.correctly答案C解析上文

    25、提到风很大飞机会摇晃,但是你是被“安全地(safely)”固定着的。故选C。24.A.special B.secureC.cautious D.accessible答案B解析根据下一句可知,飞行员在飞行的过程中要确保一切是“安全的(secure)”,故选B。25.A.let out B.got throughC.broke up D.took off答案D解析根据该空后的内容可知,飞机在机场“起飞(take off)”,15分钟后到达空中,故选D。let out发出(叫声等);get through顺利通过,接通;break up粉碎,解散。26.A.what B.howC.where D.t

    26、hat答案A解析分析句子结构可知,此处为宾语从句。主句缺宾语,从句缺主语,表示具体事物,用what引导宾语从句,故选A。27.A.charged B.allowedC.warned D.cheated答案C解析根据下文的“dangerous activity”可知,这是一项危险的活动,所以参加者起初一定会被“提醒,警告(warn)”,故选C。28.A.actually B.potentiallyC.doubtfully D.certainly答案B解析这项活动在进行之前已经基本保证了行走者的安全性,但也有潜在的危险性。potentially潜在地,可能地。故选B。29.A.mean B.liv

    27、eC.dream D.matter答案D解析在作者看来,她已经88岁了,即使出意外,那又有什么“关系”呢?故选D。matter有关系;要紧,有影响。30.A.glory B.silenceC.memory D.ash答案A解析在作者看来,自己已经活到88了,即使出了意外,也是以一种“光荣(glory)”的方式结束自己的生命。故选A。31.A.criticized B.beatenC.stuck D.washed答案C解析作者认为在步入老年阶段后,很多人都会“受困于”自己的生活方式。be stuck in卡住;陷入;困于;被缠住。32.A.leaders B.friendsC.opponents

    28、 D.relatives答案B解析作者不认为周围已经退休的“朋友们(friends)”中会有人想和自己一样勇于挑战,故选B。33.A.persuade B.praiseC.join D.win答案C解析作者认为周围的朋友们受困于各自的生活方式而不会“加入(join)”到作者的冒险活动中来,故选C。34.A.crazy B.braveC.calm D.steady答案A解析作者认为那些安于现状的人不仅不会加入,还会认为作者是“疯狂的(crazy)”,故选A。35.A.academic B.difficultC.adventurous D.ridiculous答案C解析根据第二段中的“a bit

    29、more adventuresome”可知,作者认为自己这个年龄段的人应该去做更多“冒险的(adventurous)”事情。故选C。academic学术的;difficult困难的;ridiculous荒谬的。第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AYouve probably heard people expressing alarm about the spread of “fake news”stories that look like news articles but describe th

    30、ings that never happened.Spreading fake news embarrasses you and harms others,so follow these steps to make sure you only share real news.Check their grammarLegal news sites check their grammar carefully,so articles with many errors are usually fake.Also watch out for sentences all written in capita

    31、l letters and the use of multiple exclamation points(感叹号) at the ends of sentences. These are designed to bring about an emotional reaction,but they arent considered professional,so trustworthy publications dont use them.Read the whole articleEven in real news articles,headlines sometimes overstate or simplify the points of the articles.Before reacting,read the article carefully t


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