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    1、外研版一起三年级下册英语期末考试doc外研版(一起)三年级英语下册期末考试一 、把下列单词补充完整。10%1.ma e (做) 2. r m (房间) 3. h t (热) 4. pl (演奏.踢球) 5.th se (这些) 6.f_ _ it(水果) 7 B.th se (那些) 8. yes_ _ _ day( 昨天) 9 B.w k ( 工作) 10. s_ _(说) 11 B.ch_ _sti_ _s(筷子) 12. sec_ _ _(第二) 13 B. na_ _ _ ty( 淘气的) 14. w_d_(宽的) 15 B. l_ _ _(狮子) 二、根据提示写出单词。10%1.We

    2、 like . (快餐)2.Lingling are (用) chopsticks.3.What are (你) doing? Im working.4.Were making a . (蛋糕)5. He _(总是) helps people.6 B.Can you (跑) fast? No, I cant.7.How many _ (桃子) are there?8B. There are stone _ .(动物)9.She is _ (美丽的)10 B. I m eating hamburgers and _. (薯条)11. Will you _ (打电话)me? Yes, I _( 将

    3、要)12.B.What are you going to do ? Im going to (游泳) in the .(大海)三、请为下列问句找到对应的答句,把序号写在前面的括号里。20%( )1.Do you use chopsticks in England? A. Theyre dragon boats.( )2.Do you want noodles? B. No, we dont.( )3.What are you eating? C. Yes, please.( )4.Whats Sam doing? D. Im eating a hamburger.( )5.Whats Amy

    4、doing? E. Hes listening to the radio.( )6.Will you go to the zoo? F. Shes playing the drums.( )6 B.What are those? G.I am going to be a driver.( )7.Whats ten plus ten? H.No, he cant.( )7 B.what are you going to do? I. Yes, I can.( )8.Were you on the first floor? J.Im going to play football.( )8 B.Ca

    5、n you run fast? K.Twenty( )9.How many apples are there? L. Yes, I will.( )9 B.Can Sam sing songs? M. No, I wasnt.( )10.Will he swim? N. Yes, he will( )10 B.What are you going to be? O. There are 9 apples.四 、选择填空 20%( ) 1. Its for English people to use chopsticks. A. hard B. easy( )2. Its for Chinese

    6、 people to use chopsticks. A. hard B. easy( )3. These _ Sam s trousers. A. is B. are C. am( )4. In China, we use _. A. chopsticks B. a knife and fork ( )5. I _ using chopsticks . A. is B. are C. am ( )6.This is _dress. A. Amy B. Amys C. amys( )7.We are making a cake _ mum. A.of B.on C.for( )8. Look

    7、_ the mess! A. on B. in C. at( )9.There _ five people in my family. A is B are C am( )10.Sam _ got a pen. A has B is C have( )11. _ you at the farm yesterday? A Were B were C Are( )11 B. Will you go_ ? A. swiming B swim C swimming( )12. What day is after Sunday? Its _. A Saturday B Monday C Friday (

    8、 )12 B. My grandpa _ in Dalian. A lives B living C liveing( )13. Where are the vegetables? _ are there. A It B They C Then( )13 B. What are you going to do _ Friday? A in B at C on( )14. Were you _ the second floor? A on B at C in( )14 B. My mum is _ a cake. A. makes B making C makeing( )15. Will he

    9、 _ TV ? A watching B watches C watch( )15 B. Look! There are some stone _. A animal B animals C animals( )16. They _ old then. A were B was Care( )16 B. Im going to _ a pilot. A is B am C be( )17. _ 70 plus 90? A Whens B Whats C Wheres( )17 B. She has got _ old bag. A a B two C an( )18. Amy is good

    10、_ English. A in B about C at( )18 B. _ is the new book? Its in my bag. A What B where C Where( )19. Will Lingling eat a pizza? A Yes, he will. B No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she will.( )19B.Can I play _ your kite? A with B to C from( )20. Im going to help _. A him B he C she( )20 B. They can _ basketball

    11、. A plays B playing C play五、按要求写句子。 20% 1. They were old then. (改成一般现在时)_1 B.There are stone animals.( 否定句) 2. We were on the second floor. ( 改成一般疑问句)_2 B.family, your, in, how, people, are, many, there ( ? ) (连词成句) 3. is, he, in, class, naughty (?)(连词成句)_3 B.are, These, Sams, trousers( . ) (连词成句) 4

    12、. at, good, quite, is, she, English (.)(连词成句)_4 B.go, you, going, are, to, Beijing, to (?)(连词成句) 5. Are you going to phone me? (肯定回答)_5 B.ducks, naughty, These, very, are ( . ) (连词成句) 六、阅读理解。10%I have a big family. There are seven people in it. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my parents, my

    13、 uncle ,my brother and I. My grandpas name is Jeff Smith . My grandmas name is Emma Smith. My father is Peter Smith, and my mother is Ann Smith. They are both(两个都) teachers. My uncle is a young man of 28 years old. He is a worker. My brother and I are middle school(中学) students.判断,正确的打T,错的画F.( ) 1.I

    14、 have a small family.( ) 2. There are four people in my family. ( ) 3. Emma Smith is my grandma.( ) 4. My uncle is 38 years old.( ) 5. My uncle is a worker.三年级测试卷答案一、把下列单词补充完整。10%1. make 2. room 3. hot 4. play 5. these 6. fruit 7. yesterday 8. say 9. second 10. wide6 B. those 7 B. work 8 B. chopstic

    15、ks 9 B. naughty 10 B. lion二、根据提示写出单词。10%1. fast food 2.using 3.you 4.cake5. always 6.peaches 7.beautiful 8.phone will5 B. run 6 B. animals 7 B.chips 8 B. swim sea 三、请为下列问句找到对应的答句,把序号写在前面的括号里。20%1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. F6 L 7 K 8 M 9 O 10 N6 B. A 7 B.J 8 B.I 9 B.H 1 0 B.G 四 、选择填空 20%1-5 ABBAC 6-10 BCC

    16、BA11-15 ABBAC 16-20 ABCCA 11B-15B) CACBB 16B-20B) CCBAC五、按要求写句子(连词成句) 20% 1 They are old (now).2 Were you on the second floor?3 Is he naughty in class?4 Shes quite good at English.5Yes,I am.1 B.There arent stone animals.2 B.How many people are there in your family?3 B.These are Sams trousers.4 B. Are you going to go to Beijing?5 B.These ducks are very naughty.六、阅读理解10% FFTFT


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