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    专题23 Grammar八年级英语人教版上册.docx

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    专题23 Grammar八年级英语人教版上册.docx

    1、专题23 Grammar八年级英语人教版上册Unit 2 How often do you exercise?2.3 Grammar一、how often引导的特殊疑问句1. how often 意为多久(一次),它引导的特殊疑问句用来询问某动作发生的频率。how often通常是对一些表示频率的副词提问,如:always,usually,often,sometimes,never等,也可以对表示多久几次之类的频率短语提问,如once a week,twice a year,three times a day等。 How often do you go back home? 你多久回家一次?

    2、Once a week/Often/Sometimes. 一周一次/经常/有时。 2. 特别提示:若仅对像once,twice,three times这样只表示次数的词语提问,要用how many times多少次,不用how often。 How many times have you been to Beijing? 你去过北京多少次?Only once. 仅仅一次。3. 注意how often与其他短语的区别(1)how long主要用来提问动作延续了多长时间,答语通常含有for + 一段时间、since + 时间点或since引导的时间状语从句。问句和答语中的谓语动词通常为延续性动词。

    3、how long也可以用来询问长度。 How long can I keep this book? 这本书我能借多长时间? For two weeks. 两周。 How long is the bridge? 这座桥有多长? About 1,000 meters. 大约1,000米。(2)how soon用来询问过多久动作才发生,谓语动词常为终止性动词,时态多为将来时,答语通常为in +一段时间。 How soon will you get here? 你还有多久能到这里? In five minutes. 五分钟以后。(3)how far用来询问两地之间的距离有多远。 How far is

    4、it from your home to your factory? 你家离你的工厂有多远? About twenty minutes walk. 步行大约20分钟。_ does your father go to the fitness center?He exercises there twice a week.A. How soon B. How often C. How long二、比较法学习频率副词相同点always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never都是频率副词,句中只有一个行为动词时,应位于动词之前;当有助动词、系动词、情态动词时,

    5、位于其后;谓语动词为多个时,放在第一个助动词或情态动词之后(有not时,放not之后)。always(100%)(1)always表示动作重复,状态连续,中间从来没有间断,表示频率最大,意思是总是,一直,永远。其反义词为never。(2)always与进行时态连用,并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示说话人的赞叹、不满、厌烦等情绪,带有强烈的感情色彩,结构:be always doing sth。 She is always asking for leave. 她老是请假。(表示不满)(3)always与not连用,表示部分否定,意思是不总是。 The rich are not always hap

    6、py. 有钱人未必总幸福。 I do not always believe what he says. 我并没始终相信他所说的话。usually(80%左右)usually的频率仅次于always,意为通常,表示通常如此,很少例外。其反义词为unusually。usually一般情况下位于句中。 He usually goes to bed at ten oclock. 他通常在10点睡觉。 What do you usually do on Sundays? 你通常星期天干什么?often(50%左右)often经常,常常,强调经常性,表示动作重复,中间有间断,它比always,usuall

    7、y语气弱,其反义词为seldom。 They often go for a walk after supper. 晚饭后,他们常常去散步。 She is often late for work. 她上班常迟到。sometimes(30%左右)(1)sometimes表示有时,不时,间或,同义词组为at times,表示动作偶尔发生,中间间隔较大,频率比often小。(2)sometimes有时为了对比或强调,也可位于句首或句末,但不引起倒装。 Sometimes he slept at home, sometimes he slept in the office. 他有时在家睡觉,有时在办公室

    8、睡觉。hardly ever(1%-10%左右)(1)hardly ever几乎从不,很少,所表示的频率已经很少了,相当于seldom。 He hardly ever goes to bed before midnight. 他很少在半夜前就寝。(2)hardly ever是具有否定意义的副词,不与not连用。never(0%)(1)never表示从来不,未曾,永不,频率为零,表示动作或状态从没发生。(2)通常情况下,句子中用了never,就不再用含有否定意义的not,no,nothing等词。(3)never位于句首时要用倒装语序。 Never have I met such a stran

    9、ge person. 我从来没有碰见过这么怪的人。小提示(1)表示频率的答语有every day,once a week,three times a day等。(2)对表示频率的副词和短语提问用how often。频度副词用法行前系后情助后,句首句末表强调。(行行为动词;系系动词be;情情态动词;助助动词)Do you like going mountain climbing?Yes, I _ do it on weekends with my friends.A. seldom B. oftenC. never D. hardly ever【答案】B. 单项选择1. (福建福州卷)_ is

    10、the nearest hospital from here?Er, its about ten minutes walk. A. How long B. How far C. How often2.(贵州黔西南卷)_ will you come back?I will come back in eighteen days.A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How much3. (湖南长沙卷)_ will you fly to Beijing? In two days.A. How long B. How often C. How soon4.(江

    11、苏连云港卷)_ will the 6th Chinese Film Festival in France last?From May 24th to July 19th. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many5.(湖北荆州卷)I _ eat vegetables.But they are good for your health! We should eat them every day. A. often B. usually C. always D. seldom 6.(广东佛山卷)Meals are very boring. H

    12、e _ has the same thing to eat every day.A. never B. usually C. sometimes7.(广西崇左卷)Have you ever been to Guilin?No, _. I hope I can go there next year.A. always B. sometimes C. never D. often8.(大连卷)There is lots of interesting work to do here, so I _ feel bored.A. always B. often C. usually D. never9.

    13、(绥化卷)How often does Mike go to the net bar?_. He is so busy with his study.A. Almost every day B. Always C. Hardly ever10.(泰安)_ do I need to feed the pet dog? Twice a day. A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How often11. (绥化) How often does Mike go to the net bar? _. He is so busy with his study.

    14、 A. Almost every day B. Always C. Hardly ever12. _ do you play football? Never. I dont like that. A. How far B. How many C. How often D. How long13. How many hours do you exercise every day?_. A. Twice a day B. Second C. Two D. Two times14. If my friends have any problems, my door is _ open to them.

    15、A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always15. I _ ride a bike to school. But this morning, I walked to school.A. never B. hardly C. seldom D. usually. 根据要求完成下列各题1. I visited my friends in Beijing twice a month last year.(对画线部分提问) _ _ did you visit your friends in Beijing last year? 2. Mike always pla

    16、ys computer games on school nights.(改为否定句)Mike _ _ computer games on school nights.3. I go to school five days a week.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ do you go to school a week?4. She watches TV every day.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ she watch TV?5. Mr. Zhang is teaching him English.(用often改写句子)Mr. Zhang _ _ him English.6. I of

    17、ten go shopping.(对画线部分提问)_ _ do you go shopping?7. She sleeps seven hours every day.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ does she _ every day?8. His shoes are fifty yuan.(对画线部分提问)_ _ are his shoes?9. She washes clothes every Sunday.(改为否定句)She _ _ clothes every Sunday.10. We often visit our grandparents on weekends.(对画线部分

    18、提问)_ _ you often _ on weekends?11. Many young people watch football matches on TV four or five times a week.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ many young people _ football matches on TV?12. Jack usually does his homework at school.(改为一般疑问句)_ Jack _ _ his homework at school?. 完成句子,每空一词1. 你父亲周末经常做什么?(usually)_2. 你多久打扫一

    19、次你的卧室?(how often)_3. 母亲说这对我的健康有益。(be good for)_4. 你每晚睡几个小时?(how many)_5. 一些学生每周看电视4到5次。(times)_6. 夏天的下午我们通常在公园里玩。(usually)_7. 我妈妈上班从不迟到。(never)_8. 你应该经常去看你的祖父母。(often)_9. 不要总是待在家看电视。(always)_10. 有时候我坐汽车去那里。(sometimes)_. 完形填空Ava was ill. She went to see a doctor. The doctor asked her to 1 her tongue

    20、(舌头), and then he said, OK. You can put your tongue back now. Theres 2 wrong with you, but Im afraid you have a problem, you never take 3 .But, doctor, Ava said, I dont think so.Dont 4 me what you think, the doctor said, I see a lot of people 5 you. None of them get any exercise. They sit in offices

    21、 all day and in front of the TV in the evening. You must walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day.Doctor, you dont understand. Ava said, I take enough exercise every day. I dont want to 6 any excuses, the doctor said, You must find time 7 exercise. If you dont, you will get 8 and have health probl

    22、ems.But I walk every day. Ava said.Oh, yes, and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk 9 meters to the bus stop from your house, from the bus stop to your office, and from your office to your dining-room for lunch and back. Thats not a real walk. Im talking about a walk by the lake or in the

    23、park for 20 minutes every day. Would you please 10 me, doctor? Ava said, Im a postwoman. I walk for nearly seven hours every day.For a moment the doctor was silent, then he said, Can I see your tongue again?1. A. put away B. put down C. put out2. A. something B. nothing C. some3. A. exercises B. med

    24、icine C. exercise4. A. tell B. say C. ask5. A. seem B. likes C. like6. A. hear B. say C. find7. A. about B. for C. in8. A. thin B. strong C. fat9. A. little B. a little C. a few10. A. to hear B. hear C. listen to. 短文填空Now many children are getting fat because they do little e 1 . Some of them spend

    25、too much time watching TV. O 2 have to spend a lot of time studying. So they dont have e 3 time to exercise.A report says that many middle school students spend about 10 hours a day sitting down and more than 13 hours e 4 week watching TV. And many students like eating sweet food. That also m 5 them fa


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