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    1、 关系代词我姐姐上周星期天给我的那本字典很贵。The woman is his mother whose name is Linda Brown. (定语) 先行词那个是他的母亲,名叫琳达布朗。That is the house where my father used to live.(状语)先行词 关系副词那是我父亲曾经居住过的房子。3、初中英语中的定语从句关系代词或关系副词的具体用法1) who指人(也可用that),在定语从句中作主语,也可作宾语。Yesterday I helped an old man who / that lost his way. (主语)昨天我帮助了一位迷路的

    2、老人。Mr Wang is the man (who / that / whom )you met in the zoo this morning.(宾语)王先生就是今天早上你在动物里遇到的那个人。注意:关系代词who指人,作宾语时,可用whom代替;作宾语时,关系代词可省略。作其它成分,关系代词则不能省略。2) whose指人,也可指物。在定语从句中作定语。The boy whose mother is ill is staying at home to look after her today.其母亲生病的那个男孩今天呆在家里照顾她。I have a story book whose co

    3、ver is red.我有一本封面是红色的故事书。3) which指物(也可用that),在定语从句中作主语,也可作宾语。Football is a game which / that is liked by most boys. (主语)足球是被大多数男孩喜欢的运动。I dont believe the news which / that Tom won the game. (宾语)我不相信汤姆赢得这场比赛的消息。4、关系代词whom, which在定语从句中作介词宾语时,可以和介词一起放在先行词与定语从句之间。That is the place in which I lived for f

    4、ive years.=That is the place which / that I lived in for five years.那就是我住过五年的地方。Mr Zhang is the man for whom I am looking.=Mr Zhang is the man who / whom / that I am looking for.张先生就是我正在找的那个人。5、具体使用关系代词或关系副词需要注意的问题1) 先行词是地点时,如果该先行词做了定语从句的主语或宾语时,关系代词用that或which。The school that / which I used to study

    5、 in is becoming better and better.(the school 作了介词in的宾语。)我过去曾经学习的那所学校变得越来越好了。先行词是地点时,如果该先行词不作定语从句的主语或宾语时,关系代词用where. 如:The place where the accident happened isnt far from our school.事故发生的那个地方离我们学校不远。(定语从句中的动词happened是不及物动词,它不跟宾语,而the accident又作了定语从句的主语,因此该定语从句既不需要主语,也不需要宾语。2) 只用that,不用which的情况(1)前有序

    6、数词修饰时。This is the tenth gift that I received for my birthday. 这是我收到的第十个生日礼物。(2)前有形容词最高级修饰时。That is the most exciting game that I have ever watched. 那是我曾经看过最令人兴奋的比赛。(3)先行词是all, little, few, something, anything, everything等不定代词时。All that he told me is true. 他告诉我的一切是真实的。(4)先行词被the only修饰时。The only thin

    7、g that I can get is a pen. 我唯一能得到的东西就是一支钢笔。(5)先行词既指人,又指物时。We talked about the people and the things that we were interested in. 我们谈论了我们感兴趣的人和事。3) 只用which,不用that的情况(1)定语从句是物时,定语从句由“介词关系代词which”引导。The thing about which the teacher is talking is very important.老师正在谈论的那件事非常重要。(2)先行词本身是that, those时,如:Wha

    8、ts that which is flying in the sky? 在天空中飞的那是什么?总之,我们作为初中英语教师要把初中英语中的定语从句讲解清楚,帮助学生理解课文和阅读理解中的定语从句,帮助学生用定语从句进行正确的书面表达,为以后更进一步的学习定语从句打下坚实的基础。【重难点突破】1. Mr Smith, there is young man would like to speak with you in the office.A. who B. what C. whom D. she2. The village I visited last year has changed a lo

    9、t.A. who B. that C. when3. Carla cant stand the boy _ often plays jokes on her in front of the whole class.A. which B. who C. what D. whom4. His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone family was poor.A. that B. which C. whose D. of whom5. The teacher _ I like best often encourages me _ my dream.A. who

    10、;fight for B. that;to fight for C. which;to fight for D. which;fight for6. The factory _ well visit next week isnt far from here. _ Yeah. We can drive the car _ color is red there .A. where, its B. to which, itsC. in which, which D. which, whose7. The girl _ father is a policeman is my best friend.A

    11、. that B. her C. which D. whose8. Yesterday Li Ming went to the village _ he visited five years ago.A. where B. who C. that D. whom9. Why dont you like fishing?Fishing is a hobby_needs much patience,but Im not patient at all.A. that B. who C. whom D. Where10. We will never forget the heroes_ lost th

    12、eir lives while fighting a forest fire.A. when B. who C. why11. Yao Ming is a famous basketball star_ is playing in the NBA .A. which B. that C. when D. /12. -Have you heard of the Zhengzhou-Xian passenger Dedicated Line _ can shorten 5 hours travel time between the two cities ?-Of course .A. where

    13、B. when C which D. who13. Women drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those dont.A. who;不填 B. 不填;who C. who; who D. 不填;不填14. Who do you want to talk with at the end of the speech?The man_ Mr White.A. they call B. called himself C. calls himself D

    14、. is called15. .- What do you think of them?-I like the first girl _wears a blue skirt. She did _of all.A. which, well B. who, better C. that, best16. The students love the teachers _can make their lessons funny and easy.A. whom B. which C. who17. The English-Chinese dictionary _ my father bought fo

    15、r me many years ago is so valuable.A. whose B. when C. who D. that18. The young woman _ I spoke just now is a young doctor.A. who B. to whom C. whom D. that19. Jim dislikes people _talk much but never do anything.A. when B. who C. which20. I love the places the weather is not hot.A. which B. who C.

    16、where21. The English-Chinese dictionary my father bought for me many years ago is still of great help.A. whose B. that C. who D. when22. -I hear that Lilys brother is a worker here.-Look! The man is working over there is her brother.A. who B. / C. what D. which23. Its the kind of the music _ you can

    17、 dance to .A. that B. who C. what D. when24. We talked about the things and the persons _ we remembered in the school together.A. that B. who C. which D. what25. A good friend is someone _ makes you happy.A. which B. who C. whom26. How time flies ! Were leaving school. Ill never forget the days _we

    18、have spent together.A. who B. that C. when D. where27. Yesterday Li Ming went to the village _ his family lived ten years ago.A. when B. which C. where D. that28. Being blind is something _ most people cant imagine.A. / B. what C. who D. which29. Do you know something about Liu Yang?Yes, Liu Yang _

    19、comes from Henan Province is the first Chinese woman astronaut.30. I want to use the same tools _used in your factory a few days ago.A. as was B. which was C. as were D. which31. -Have you found the information you can use for your report? -Yes.A. who B. where C. what D. which32. Is that the girl wi

    20、th_ you discussed the problem yesterday afternoonA. that B. who C. whom D. which33. People often like clothes can make them comfortable.A. when B. who C. that D. where34. I will never forget the three years I spent with my classmates and teachers in the middle school.A. which B. when C. what D. wher

    21、e35. I like the music _ I can dance_.A. what ;with B. which;to C. who; to D. which ;with 36. The rock band is going on a world tour in _they will perform in different cities.A. that B. which C. whom D. where37. Mr.Brown is a teacher is strict with all is students.38. Do you like the weekly talk show

    22、,The Readers,on CCTV? Sure. It s a great TV program purpose is to bring the habit of reading back into the public. A. which B. that C. what D. whose39. Yesterday, Mr. Green went to his hometown and visited the old house _ he was born in.A. which B. where C. what D. who40. Do you like the weekly talk

    23、 show The Readers on CCTV? Sure. Its a great TV program can develop the habit of reading.A. who B. that C. what D. whose41. One of the most interesting places in Hangzhou _ are often visited by foreigners is the West Lake.A. what B. who C. that D. /42. Is this museum _ he wishes to visit?A. the one

    24、B. which C. to which D. to that43. The skirt _ she is wearing today was a birthday present from her mother.A. this B. whose C. what D. that44. We prefer the songs that_ great lyrics.A. is B. are C. has D. have45. Please bring the dictionary _ I lent you last week.A. which B. it C. who D. what46. Hav

    25、e you read the book _ is about the moon?A. what B. itC. / D. which47. According to the survey, women _drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than _who dont.A. who; that B. /; theseC. who; those D. / ; /48. Do you like the weekly talk show, The Reader,o

    26、n CCTV?Sure. It s a great TV programme_brings the habit of reading back into the publicA. who B. that C. what49. Has everything _ _ can be done _ _?A. what; done B. that; been doneC. that; already done D. what; already being done50. We all like the story about the teacher _ happened in our school la

    27、st week.A. whom B. who C. which D. what51. My favorite city is Guilin _ is famous for its beautiful scenery (风景).A. where B. what C. which D. who52. Some interesting TV shows lots of famous stars performed attracted lots of young people.A. on which B. that C. which D. in which53. Do you know Nelson

    28、Mandela, _ was the first black president of South Africa.A. which B. that C. who D. whose54. Do you know the man _ is running along the street?Yes, he is our English teacher.A. who B. which C. whom D. whose55. It was at the very beginning_ Mr.Smith made a decision _we should send for a doctor.A. what, that B. that, whichC. which, that D. that, that56. This i


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