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    辽宁省东北育才学校高中英语 Module3Module4练习 外研.docx

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    辽宁省东北育才学校高中英语 Module3Module4练习 外研.docx

    1、辽宁省东北育才学校高中英语 Module3Module4练习 外研Module3-Module4练习砖 混凝土 泥 替换的,供选择的 罪,罪行 预测 危险的,冒险的 材料 依靠 太阳的 (用语言信号)传递信息交流vi. 无意的;不知不觉的 攻击的;挑斗的;挑衅的 传统地 协议;交易 前额 鞠躬 年轻人 张开 意识到的;自觉的 脚踝 嘴唇 交流;沟通 弯下腰 紧抱;拥抱 凝视;盯着看 擦;抹 宗教 主人 恐慌;惊慌 粗鲁的;无礼的 邀请n. 请求;要求 恩惠;善意的行为 现场的 表演 表演者 平等 社会的 葬礼 生物学 植物学 主要的 人物 教育 农业 出版 突破 支持 产量 出口 农业的 取代

    2、;以代替 数量 质量 受害者 简短的;简洁的 部分地;在一定程度上 身体的 毕业 个人的 火箭 爆炸;爆炸声 爆炸 逃跑;逃避 (弓)箭 直的 (烟雾)消散 介副词及习语填空1. reason _.的原因2. more _比多,不仅仅,非常3. be conscious _察觉到4. be introduced _被介绍给5. make a _做交易6. be involved _被卷入,涉及7. _difficult 稍微有点难8. _respect 表示尊敬9. hold _举起,树立,耽搁,延误10. give _颁发,穿帮11. _主食12. bring _抚养长大,使上升,提出13.

    3、 key _ sth 关键14. search _寻找15. bring _引进,赚(钱)16. be converted _被转变成17. be diagnosed _被诊断出18. _accident 意外,偶然19. be _war 交战20. be attached _被附加到21. _ a direction 朝方向keys: 1. for 2. than 3. of 4. to 5. deal 6. in 7. slightly 8. in 9. up 10. away 11. staple 12. up 13. to 14. for 15. in 16. to 17. with

    4、18. by 19. at 20. to 21. in 基本句型用法归纳一figure (pl.) (代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字;(a person of the type mentioned)人物,人士;(远处人的)轮廓,(隐约可见的)人影;身材,体形,(尤指)身段;雕像,塑像;(书中的)图,表;图形_音乐界一位主要人物_政治人物a _in black 一个黑衣高个子人影。figure_合计为, 计算出, 解决, 断定, 领会到 We must_. 我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。I couldnt_. 我想不出那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁。高考链接1. The present situati

    5、on is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality. A. make up B. figure out C. look through D. put off2.We cannot figure out _ quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out. A. that B. as C. why D. when3. Its important for the figures regularly.A. to be updated

    6、B. to have been updated C. to update D. to have updated二attach vt. 附上,附加之上Attach_ sth 认为有重要性(意义, 价值,分量等); 重视Be attached_依恋,爱慕,附属于, 为工作高考链接1.The good thing about children is that they very easily to new environments.A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. apply 2. Parents much importance to education. They w

    7、ill do their best to give their children that priceless gift. A. attach B. pay C. link D. apply三vary vi. (大小,形状等)_常见搭配:vary _sth The students work_. 学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。或:The quality of the students work varies considerably. 学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。高考链接Try not to start every sentence with “the”. _ the beginnings of

    8、 your sentences.A. Vary B. Decorate C. Form D. Describe四_包括, 包含, 牵涉, 牵连(某人某事物)All the children were_.所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的戏剧。The matter is serious because it_.这件事很严重,因为它影响(牵扯)到你的声誉。常用搭配:_ 被卷入,被涉及,有关联高考链接1. 【2013江西】There are a small number of people involved, possibly _twenty. A. as few as B. as little as C

    9、. as many as D. as much as2. 【2013福建】 Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _ spending quite a lot of time with students.A. enjoys B. involves C. practices D. suggests五in respect_ 引申:in respect of _With respect to _Her work is good _but bad in respect of quantity. 她的工作质量好但是数量差。The two

    10、groups were similar_. 这两组在收入和地位方面是相似的。 六hold up 举起,抬起,延迟,阻碍;举出(例子);提出(作为榜样)Shes _well under the pressure. 她承受住了压力。An accident _traffic. 一场事故造成了交通阻塞。My application _by the postal strike. 我的申请因邮政部门罢工而耽搁了。Shes always _models of good behaviour. 她总是举例说自己的孩子表现如何好。 引申:hold 其它的词组Hold_等一下,坚持住,hold _抓紧,不放开, h

    11、old_维持,坚持,给予希望,使有可能,伸出手;hold_(使)保持团结;hold off 延迟,推迟;hold_拦阻,阻挡,隐瞒,抑制,控制(感情等)高考链接1. (2012天津)- Sorry, I have to _ now. Its time for class. - OK, Ill call back later. A. hang up B. break up C. give up D. hold up2. - Is Peter there? - _, please. Ill see if I can find him for you. A. Hold up B. Hold on C

    12、. Hold out D. Hold off3.Im sorry Im late. I got held up in the traffic on my way here. . A. Dont be late next time B. You should be blamedC. It doesnt matter, Im also late D. Never mind. Come and sit down4.What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _ ? A. given out B. put out C. h

    13、eld up D. used up七conscious adj._;感觉到的;常用短语:be conscious_认识到;察觉到(某事)I was increasingly_.=I was increasingly conscious that many people were staring at me. 我逐渐注意到路人对自己的注意。引申:_ adj. 没有意识的;感觉不到的;不清醒的 conscience n. C_;_n. U 知觉;感觉;意识;观念 _失去/恢复知觉高考链接1. 【2013湖北】 People complain that decisions to approve or

    14、 deny a permit are often _ rather than based on fixed criteria.A. appropriate B. conscious C. arbitrary D. controversial2. After he became conscious,he remembered_ and_ on the head with a rod Ato attack; hit Bto be attacked;to be hitC. attacking;be hit Dhaving been attacked;hit八toast (1) vt. vi.烤(面包

    15、等);使暖和;敬酒 n.烤面包;干杯;祝酒 I like_. 我早餐喜欢吃烤面包。 Lets _the health of the guests.让我们提议为来宾的健康干杯。模块三四综合练习完形填空Today we spent the morning going through our personal belongings .We were looking for items to _1_ for free at a local park. Not just any items but things people really _ 2_. Our aim was not to find th

    16、ings we no longer _3_ but things we use every day that would be _4_ to others. We packed these things _5_ boxes and added some small toys. We added a list of local addresses and phone numbers of local _6_ agencies. Inside the boxes a simple letter was placed. It _7_: “Please take these items and kno

    17、w that your life is important. _8_ are difficult but these days will pass. We share what we have believing that it will _9_ . Use the food to nurture your _10_; use the blankets to stay warm . Be safe and know that the human _11_ can overcome anything .Do not hold your head _12_ for having a need to

    18、 stay warm .Someday please do the same when you can .”This kind _13_ was not because the phone rang or for any reason. It was _14_ because it was the right to do. We have often seen _15_ people at the park where we left the belongings. I _16_ that my wife had put her favorite green coat into one of

    19、the boxes. I asked if she was_17_ about it and she just replied that it had a hood (兜帽) . Her answer told me why it is I who love her. She liked the coat but knew the hood could _18_ someone from the rain. Who knows where these gifts of _19_ will go ?How many uses can a blanket serve _20_ what it wa

    20、s designed to do? We never go back and see what happens .It is unimportant .The right things will find the right people and that is all that counts.1. A. put off B. put up C. give away D. give up2. A. needed B. collected C. produced D. searched3. A. accepted B. wanted C. carried D. bought4. A. wonde

    21、rful B. beautiful C. hopeful D. useful5. A. around B. upon C. into D. above6. A working B. parking C. delivering D. helping7. A. spoke B. read C. marked D. indicated8. A. Ways B. Problems C. Times D. Situations9. A. matter B. continue C. change D. depend10. A. body B. mind C. brain D. muscle11. A. l

    22、iberty B. spirit C. health D. wisdom12. A. forward B. aside C. around D. down13. A. attempt B. manner C. act D. habit14. A. suddenly B. simply C. strangely D. usually15. A. aimless B. homeless C. childless D. friendless16. A. believed B. dreamed C. approved D. noticed17. A. sure B. regretful C. worr

    23、ied D. anxious18. A. separate B. prevent C. shelter D. hold19. A. affection B. sympathy C. generosity D. honesty20. A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. better than阅读理解AA few years ago, my younger sister and I were the first to board our flight for Norfolk, Virginia. Just as we were about to

    24、 board the plane, a mechanic came out of the aircraft and blocked the door with his arms. He turned to the flight attendant and hurriedly stated, “We got problems!”I thought to myself, “Why did I have to be the one to hear that? Why couldnt I have been at the back of the line? I didnt need to know t

    25、hat!” Very soon we were back in the terminal, waiting, and then finally back on the plane. I waited for the pilot to give an explanation. Pilots take courses to ease passengers mind, right? They know what to say to calm nerves.Unfortunately, I didnt think this pilot took that course. Soon his voice

    26、thundered throughout the plane, “Sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen. We had no power on the plane. We have a generator on the ground right now, and were going to jump-start the engines. Once we get them going, well get up in the air and head to Norfolk, and see what happens.” See what happens

    27、? We were going to get up in the air, and see what happens? Couldnt we have another plan, one thats been worked out just a little better?At this point, all I could do was to laugh nervously. One woman started yelling, “Oh no! Were going to crash!” There were sighs of desperation and anxiety spreading throughout the cabin. Finally, we got up in the air thirty


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