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    1、高一英语暑假作业二含答案苍南县树人中学2017学年第二学期暑假高一英语作业二姓名:_班级 :_1,阅读理解 (阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 每小题2.5分) A What Does Folklore Tell Us?Every culture has its own folklore. Folklore is a collection of tales and bits ofwisdom that teach children how to behave and think. It includes legends,songs, art, tales, m

    2、yths, and proverbs, People pass on folklore from one generation to the next.Folklore helps keep history alive. For example, legends are folktales that are based on true stories. The plain truth about history is not always exciting. To keeplisteners interested, a storyteller invents details. The tale

    3、 becomes so interesting that people retell it many times. Then it becomes a legend. One American legendis about Davy Crockett. Davy Crockett lived in the woods on the frontier, or theregion where people explored and lived on new land. He became a leader, and hefought in a war with Mexico. People exa

    4、ggerated the facts when they told storiesabout the brave things he had done. Davy Crockett began to stand for the spirit ofthe frontier. Children enjoyed the tales. They also learned about frontier lifethrough stories about Davy CrockettTall tales are folktales that mix the truth with fiction, or ev

    5、ents that did notreally happen. People sometimes tell tall tales to fool people. People tell manytall tales about the American West. An example of a tall tale is the story aboutPaul Bunyan. the giant lumberjack, or woodcutter. The tale says that Bunyansclothes were so large that his shirt buttons we

    6、re wagon wheels. Tales aboutBunyan take place at his lumber camp. The tales are fun to hear. They also showwhat life was like in a lumber camp.Myths are folktales that describe the creation of the world. They describe howthe first human beings came into the world. Myths focus on gods or heavenlybein

    7、gs. The gods may be human or animal in form. The first people to tell mythsthought that the stories were true-and so did their listeners.Myths may teach usabout the beliefs and values of a group of peopleFairy tales also may tell us something about a culture. The teller and thedience both know that

    8、these types of folktales are not true. Examples of fairytales includeCinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk,andThe Three Little PigsFairy tales often begin with the words Once upon a time. The same tale mayexist in different forms in more than one culture.People who study folklore to learn more about a

    9、culture are called folkloristsFolklorists study more than just folktales. They also study folk art, folk music,poetry, and proverbs. A proverb is a wise saying, such as The early bird gets theworm. This saying means that people who are early are more likely to get whatyou want than people who are la

    10、te. Elders use proverbs to teach their wisdomto children. 1,What can folklore teach children? (细节题)A. how to talk fluently B. what will happen in the future C. how to behave and think D. what to cook 2, The tale of Davy Crockett is a _.(细节题)A. myth B legend C.proverb D saying3,Tall tales are stories

    11、 that_.(细节题)A exaggerate the truth B tell about the first human beingsC.tell about gods D tell about the health and environment4,A story about animals that can talk is probably a _.(理解能力题)A.legend B .Myths C. fairy tales D .proverbs5,You can also conclude that a folklorist would be most interested i

    12、n _.A. A court(法庭) decision B. poems about heros C newspaper headline. D. weather report6,使用工具将涂黑单词和短语查出中文意思并写下来_7, 请将文中划线的- 句挑选三句翻译成中文._ BIn the United States in the nineteenth century, many children attended school in one-room schoolhouses. Grades one through eight shared the same classroom.A one-

    13、room schoolhouse was usually built of wood and painted white or red.To get to school, children walked, rode horses, or rode in a buggy. When it was time for school to begin, the teacher rang a bell, Then the children went inside.Sometimes they stopped in a small room first to wash their hands. They

    14、poured water from a jug, or pitcher, into a bowl called a basin. They hung their coats on hooks in a cloakroom. Then they went to their desks. They stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The smallest children sat in the smallest desks at the front of the room. These children were the closest ones

    15、 to the teachers desk. The tallest children sat in the back. A potbelly stove stood in the middle of the room. The stove heated the room on cold days, The children who sat near the stove may have felt too warm. The children who sat farthest away may have felt cold. The stove burned fuel such as wood

    16、 or coal.The children studied arithmetic, or math; geography: science; history; reading art;and penmanship, or neat writing. Teachers wrote lessons on a blackboard at the front of the room. Students did math problems or practiced writing on the blackboard. In some schools, students had their own sma

    17、ll blackboards, called slates, to write on One teacher had to teach all grade levels, so teachers often taught the children one at a time.The teacher expected the children to behave well and punished those who did not. The teacher may have used a leather strap, a wooden cane, or a wooden paddle for

    18、this task. Sometimes a child who had behaved badly would have to cut a switch from a tree. The teacher would then hit the child with the switch as punishment. Recess was at noon. The children played and ate lunch. Students often carried their lunches to school in metal pails. In very cold weather, t

    19、he teacher sometimes cooked hot food on the stove. Lessons resumed in the afternoon. When school ended for the day, the children went home. They rarely had homework. Their parents required them to help with chores in the house or on the farm. Only a few children owned books. When students had to car

    20、ry books to and from school. they tied the books together with a leather strap and held on to the loose end of the strap.( )8,In a one-room schoolhousue, children in grades one through eight_A. had different teachers B learned the same lessons.B. shared the same classroom D.had different classrooms(

    21、 )9,The middle of a classroom usually had_.A .a potbelly stove B. a picture and a basinC .paper sacks D. a teachers desk( )10,A student who had books carried them_.A. inside a basin B. in a metal pailB. With a leather strap D. with a horse( )11. The main idea of the passage is that_.A. U.S classroom

    22、s have changed quite a lot.B. a blackboard was an important teaching tool.C. Many children had a great time in the schoolD. a number of kids went to one-room schoolhouses in the past. ( )12, You can also infer that most children read books_A. at the library B often at home C. only at school D both a

    23、t home and school 13,使用工具将涂黑单词和短语查出中文意思并写下来_二 语法填空 (10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Canada is 5, 500 kilometres from coast 1_ coast. Vancouver, is Canadaswarmest part,2_ is also a most beautiful city, 3_(surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.4 _(ski) in the Rocky Mount

    24、ains and sailing in the harbour make Vancouver one of Canadas most-popular 5 _ (city) to live in.6 _(it) population is increasing 7 _(swift). The coast north of Vancouver _8_(own) some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there 9_ the trees are extremely tall, some 10_

    25、(measure) over 90 metres.三 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A good English novels can be appealing. If reading a classic is a habit youd like to get into, there are some ways to develop it.Realize that reading is enjoyable if you have a good film. If you have a difficult original book and yo

    26、u are forcing yourself through it, it will seem like a task. 1:_Settle a fixed time. You should have some time during every day when youll enjoy for at least 5 to 10 minutes. 2:_ For example, make it a habit to read during two meals and even dinner if you eat alone.Always keep it . 3:_ When I leave

    27、the house, I always make sure to have my car keys and one classic at hand. The one stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go.4:_ Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable desk. Dont lie down unless youre going to sl

    28、eep. There should be television or computer near the chair, and no music or no noisy family members/roommates. If you dont have a place like this, create one.Reduce television/the Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on time on TV or the Internet. 5:_Still, every minute you re

    29、duce of the Internet/TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of English book reading time.AGo to a shop which sells English booksB.Wherever you go, have a book with you.CHave some good tea or coffee while you read.DFind a place which is quiet and peaceful.E. This may be challenging for some persons.F. If this happens,


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