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    1、看新闻学英语读新闻 学英语星座的英语表达法白羊本周波动较大。情绪不稳固,心情抑郁难展颜。因为忙碌而显得疲惫。会有很多棘手的事同时需要你注意。财运不错,能够关注投资理财方面的消息。事业和学业:本周白羊工作状态十分好,思维敏捷,定夺力强。可是到周末可能精力不足,造成情形堆积。学生们学业进展顺利,注意温故知新。爱情:爱情是信任很重要。Aries (March 21-April 19)A week full of ups and downs for Aries. You will feel exhausted as you have a lot of issues to deal with - and

    2、 you have to focus on personal issues and work-related problems at the same time. Fortunately, your bank balance is healthy, and you can pay take advantage of investment information.Career and studies:You have a very positive attitude at work; you think quickly and work hard. But you may feel a lack

    3、 of energy at the end of the week that may lead to accumulation of work.Love:It is very important in your relationship that you trust each other.母亲花3万美元给女儿过6岁生日 父亲大叹不正常关于大多数小女孩来讲,一块生日蛋糕确实是对自己六岁生日的最好纪念。但关于小格雷西可不是如此,因为妈妈妮可为了给她举行生日宴会竟然花掉了32000美元!这项令人吃惊的开销中,3000美元用于制作请柬,2100美元那么花在了一个九层蛋糕上。另外,妮可还给自己的女儿购买

    4、了一辆灰姑娘坐的那种四轮马车,还雇佣演员们演出杂耍扮演小丑,使得生日宴会充满了中世纪公主的调调。而在宴会前一天,小格雷西还做了一天的水疗。妮可说:“关于格雷西来讲,这将是一个童话般的梦幻宴会,因为她正处于对童话坚信不疑的黄金年龄。”而关于格雷西的哥哥帕克而言,这可绝不是什么童话故事。生日宴会上,他不能不同意了100美元的行贿,身着中世纪戏服传送200个宾客的请柬。格雷西的父亲贾森在宴会上也被迫穿上了国王的服装,他说:“这简直不正常。”即即是如此,格雷西仍是没能完全如愿,她拒绝吃那个奢华的生日蛋糕,因为上面小鸟的颜色是紫色的,而非蓝色。“那个小孩有点完美主义,”妮可说明称。For most li

    5、ttle girls, a cake will suffice for her sixth birthday. But not so for Gracie, whose mother Nicole spent a staggering $32,000 on her birthday party.The astonishing costs include $3,000 on invitations, and $2,100 on a nine-tier cake. Nicole also splashed out one Cinderella carriage and actors to play

    6、 jugglers and jesters in keeping with the medieval princess theme. Gracie was even treated to a day of spa treatments the day before the party.Nicole said: This is going to be a fairytale fantasy party for her because she is still in that prime age where she still believes in fairytales.It was anyth

    7、ing but a fairytale for Gracies older brother, Parker, who was bribed $100 to dress up in a medieval costume and hand-deliver the 200 guests invitations. Gracies father, Jason, who was made to dress up as a king for the event, said: This is not a normal party.But even this was not enough to impress

    8、young Gracie, who rejected her lavish birthday cake because the bird design was purple, not blue. Shes a bit of a perfectionist, Nicole explained.微笑效劳,可能适得其反要求员工微笑效劳可能适得其反,因为美国研究者称强颜欢笑会进一步破坏员工心情,从而阻碍工作。密歇根大学的治理学副教授布伦特斯科特和前明尼苏达大学博士生克里斯托弗巴恩斯对一组城市公交司机进行了为期两周的研究,以查验强颜欢笑,真诚微笑,和回忆欢乐往昔、培育踊跃情绪这几种情绪处置方式的成效。斯

    9、科特在一份声明中称:“雇主往往以为让员工微笑对组织大有裨益,事实却并非如此。为微笑而微笑只能让人疲惫、孤僻,于组织并无益处。”研究者发觉尤其适用于女性公交司机。斯科特说:“表面文章让女性更受损害,心情的受阻碍程度比男性愈甚,而且更怠工。可是学习真诚的微笑,她们的情绪恢复比男性更好,也能更踊跃工作。”但是真诚微笑在短时间可能改善情绪,但斯科特说假设长期如此那么可能开始自我疑心笑容的真实性。这项发觉发表在治理学院期刊上。Making workers smile backfires Requiring employees to smile at customers may backfire beca

    10、use US researchers say fake smiling worsens mood and affects productivity.Brent Scott, assistant professor of management at Michigan State University, and former MSU doctoral student Christopher Barnes, studied a group of city bus drivers during a two-week period. They examined the effects of fake s

    11、miling and deep acting, or cultivating positive emotions by recalling pleasant memories.Employers may think that simply getting their employees to smile is good for the organization, but thats not necessarily the case, Scott says in a statement. Smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional

    12、exhaustion and withdrawal, and thats bad for the organization.The researchers found the findings were stronger for the female bus drivers.Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their mood worsened even more than the men and they withdrew more from work, Scott says. But they were helped mo

    13、re by deep acting, meaning their mood improved more and they withdrew less.Deep acting may help improve mood in the short-term, but Scott says it has been suggested that if people do this over a long period they start to feel inauthentic.The findings are published in the Academy of Management Journa


    15、成为一个阶级性的社会现象,仅出此刻生活相对宽裕的群体里。”“那些没有大学文凭的人在知识经济的时期很难找到十分中意的工作。”她说:“同时,女性的地位也不断爬升,在美国,25至34岁那个年龄段里,34%的女性持有学士学位,而男性仅27%,这种差距催生了所谓的老男孩现象。”More men than women are stuck in pre-adulthood phase due to financial, sexual hierarchies: authorThe latest affliction to hit todays young male?A widespread condition

    16、 known as Peter Pan Syndrome, according to author Kay S. Hymowitz.Hymowits book, Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men Into Boys, is excerpted in the Wall Street Journal, and discusses the novel sort of limbo, a hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance that

    17、characterizes many young men in todays society.Though she attributes a number of elements to the notable emergence of this boy-to-man subculture, chief among them are financial stability and changing sexual hierarchies.Like adolescents in the 20th century, todays pre-adults have been wait-listed for

    18、 adulthood, Hymowitz offers. Marketers and culture creators help to promote pre-adulthood as a lifestyle. And like adolescence, pre-adulthood is a class-based social phenomenon, reserved for the relatively well-to-do.Those who dont get a four-year college degree are not in a position to compete for

    19、the more satisfying jobs of the knowledge economy.Women have risen to positions of power in the meantime, with 34 percent of American women between the ages of 25 to 34 holding college bachelors degrees, versus just 27 percent of men, and this imbalance further cultivates these so-called man-childre

    20、n, she argues.科学家研制仅由大脑意识即可操纵的汽车驾驶装置德国一支科学小组在柏林自由大学人工智能教授劳尔罗杰斯的率领下,研发出一辆完全由大脑操纵的汽车。这辆被称作“大脑驾驶员”的汽车,在一段视频里向咱们展现它是如何通过大脑操纵驾驶系统开往飞机场的。“大脑驾驶员”系统通过摄影机、雷达和激光传感器与汽车连接在一路,能够形成其周围的全景3D图像。驾驶者戴上一个具有16个传感器的特殊帽状结构,能够接收到大脑的电磁信号。这些传感器将生物电脑电波转化成能够被运算机操纵的汽车识别的指令。这项工作,第一必需训练运算性能够对指令做出正确反馈。科学家通过个人的思想对汽车发出四种指令其中一项:停车、发

    21、动、向左拐和向右拐。这辆汽车目前尚处于理论实验时期。A team of German researchers, led by Raul Rojas, an AI professor at the Freie Universitt Berlin, have created a car that can be driven entirely by human thoughts. The car, which has been given the name BrainDriver, was shown off to the world in a video that highlighted the

    22、thought-powered driving system on a trip to the airport.The BrainDriver technology works by rigging a car up with video cameras, radars and laser sensors to give it a full 3D picture of its surroundings. The driver then puts on a special headset, with 16 sensors on it.These sensors convert bioelectr

    23、ic brainwaves into commands read by a computer-controlled vehicle.For this to work, the test subject must first train the computer to respond correctly to commands. They do this by thinking of an individual situation for one of four commands - stop, start, left and right.The car is currently only in

    24、 the prototype phase.灵魂出窍?只是是意识混淆算了人类历史上有很多关于灵魂出窍、回望躯体的故事,而且往往发生在濒临死亡或在手术台上时。而关于这些都生动描述常作为灵魂和天堂存在的证据。但是科学家却称,通过电脑和摄像性能够人工制造出灵魂出窍的感觉,进而破除如此的迷信思想。科学家以为当大脑各类感觉显现矛盾时,大脑就会混淆,从而产生出窍的感觉,而并非是所谓证明了“灵魂世界”的存在。日内瓦大学教授欧拉夫布兰科和他的团队称他们把实验对象“浸入”到一个电脑模拟的化身里。志愿者们要求戴上虚拟现实眼镜,站在摄像机前面,能从屏幕上看到自己的反面。这种眼镜,借助运算性能制造出3D的成效,即虚拟化


    26、有商业应用价值,能够让运算机游戏更为传神,或让人们变成诸如机械士兵或医生的形象。“灵魂出窍”一样在睡眠、吸食毒品、创伤或麻醉等状态时发生。约有10%的人有过如此的经历。Out-of-body experiences are just the product of a confused mind Throughout history people have described how they have floated from their bodies and looked back at themselves, often when close to death or on the oper

    27、ating table.The accounts have been so vivid that they are often cited as proof of the existence of the soul or Heaven.But scientists now claim they have dispelled this myth by artificially creating an out-of-body experience using computers and cameras.They believe the feeling of detachment occurs wh

    28、en the brain becomes confused by conflict between the senses - and is not proof of any spiritual dimension to existence.Professor Olaf Blanke and his team at University of Geneva said they had immersed volunteers into the body of an avatar - a computer generated version of themselves.Volunteers were

    29、 asked to wear virtual reality goggles and then stand in front of a camera.The subjects saw the cameras view of their back on screens in the goggles, computer enhanced to create a 3D virtual version or avatar.When their back was stroked with a pen so was the virtual avatar in front of them, making t

    30、hem think that the virtual body was in fact their own.In this way people became confused about their real and the virtual self - even though they were effectively two meters apart from each other.Prof Blanke, who presented his findings at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS

    31、) conference in Washington, said: Through vision and touch they lost themselves.They start thinking that the avatar is their own body. We created a partial out-of-body experience.We were able to dissociate touch and vision and make people think that their body was two meters in front of them.He said

    32、 by inducing the out-of-body experience it proved it was more like a brain malfunction when sight, touch and balance become confused.Dr Blanke said: Instead of it being a spiritual thing, it is the brain being confused. Why do we think that it is spiritual when we dont think a phantom limb when one is lost is an example of the paranormal.Aside from explaining out-of-body experiences, the work could have more commercial applica


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