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    英语专业八级人文知识仿真模拟题 套.docx

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    英语专业八级人文知识仿真模拟题 套.docx

    1、英语专业八级人文知识仿真模拟题 套冲击英语专业人文知识英语专业八级人文知识模拟题一1. The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is . A. the Mississippi River B. the Appalachians C. the Rocky Mountains D. the Hudson River2. The river Thames is in .A. Wales B. Scotland C. England D. Northern Ireland3. Maples are alway

    2、s used to symbolize .A. Australia B. AmericaC. England D. Canada4. In 1066, led the Norman army in invading and defeating England. A. William the Conqueror B. Julius CaesarC. Alfred the Great D. Claudius5. “God helps those who help themselves” is a citation from the work of . A. Paine B. FranklinC.

    3、Freneau D. Jefferson6. Theodore Dreiser and Jack London are among the best representative writers of literary , which is greatly inuenced by Darwin. A. Naturalism B. Sentimentalism C. Romanticism D. Transcendentalism7. is John Steinbecks masterpiece? A. An American Tragedy B. The Adventures of Huckl

    4、eberry Finn C. A Farewell to Arms D. The Grapes of Wrath8. If the study of meaning is conducted in the context of language use, a branch of linguistic study called comes into being.A. syntax B. semantics C. pragmatics D. morphology9. are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words.

    5、 A. Roots B. StemsC. Afxes D. Compounds. 2.冲击英语专业人文知识10. Syntax mainly deals with .A. how a language changes through timeB. how words are combined to form sentences and the rulesC. how the human work when they use languageD. how a language varies through geographical space【答案与题解】1. A 密西西比河是美国传统的东部和西

    6、部的分界线。2. C 泰晤士河位于英格兰境内。3. D 枫叶是加拿大的标志,枫树是加拿大的国树。4. A 1066年,征服者威廉率诺曼底军队远征英格兰,大获全胜。这是外族侵略英国的最后一次成功。5. B 该句是富兰克林的名句。6. A 西奥多德莱赛和杰克伦敦是自然主义学派的典型代表,他们深受达尔文自然观的影响。7. D 约翰斯坦贝克的著名作品是愤怒的葡萄。其他三部作品的作家分别是 西奥多德莱赛,马克吐温和海明威。8. C 语用学研究上下文中语言运用的情况。9. C 前缀和后缀被叫做粘着词素,不可以单独使用。10. B 句法学主要研究句子结构以及词、词组和短语组成句子的规则。. 3.英语专业八级

    7、人文知识模拟题二1. The most important and longest river in the United States of America is .A. the Ohio River B. the Colorado RiverC. the Missouri River D. the Mississippi River2. The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was.A. Thomas Jefferson B. James MonroeC. James Madison D.

    8、Abraham Lincoln3. The largest city in Australia is .A. Canberra B. Sydney C. Melbourne D. Perth4. The real power of the British government lies in .A. the House of CommonsB. the Cabinet headed by the Prime MinisterC. the Prime MinisterD. the Queen5. The great dividing line between the nineteenth cen

    9、tury literature and the contemporary American Literature is . A. the Civil War B. the First World War C. the Second World War D. the Great Depression6. All of the following are the most eminent dramatists in the Renaissance England EXCEPT .A. William Shakespeare B. Ben Jonson C. Christopher Marlowe

    10、D. Francis Bacon7. Which of the following writings can be regarded as typically belonging to the school of Romantic literary? A. Don Juan. B. Ulysses. C. Jane Eyre. D. Sons and Lovers.8. Which of the following items is not a design feature of human language? A. Competence B. Arbitrariness C. Displac

    11、ement D. Productivity9. Which of the following topics is part of the study of pragmatics? A. The acquisition of grammatical rules in a second language. 4.冲击英语专业人文知识B. The change in the meaning of a word over time.C. The relationship between a words structure and its meaning.D. The uses of different

    12、types of utterances in difference contexts.10. The word “WMD”, which stands for “weapon of mass destruction”, is .A. an acronym B. a compound one C. a clipped one D. a blended one【答案与题解】1. D 美国最长的河流是密西西比河,也是美国最重要的一条河流。它被美国人视为“众河之父”(Father of Waters),沿河流域也是美国的主要农作物产区。2. D 美国历史上的第一位共和党总统是亚伯拉罕林肯。3. B 堪

    13、培拉是澳大利亚首都,悉尼市是澳大利亚第一大城市,墨尔本是澳大利亚第二大城市。4. B 君主立宪制下,国王的作用更侧重于其象征意义,而实权为内阁所有,内阁由首相率领。5. B 现代美国文学与之前的作品是由第一次世界大战作为分界线的。6. D Francis Bacon 是文艺复兴时期著名的散文家,不属于剧作家。7. A 唐璜一书是浪漫主义作家拜伦的一部经典作品。尤利西斯和儿子与情人都是现代主义的作品,而简爱则是维多利亚时期夏洛蒂勃朗特的一部代表作。8. A 语言的普遍特征包含:语言的任意性Arbitrariness,多产性Producti-vity,双层结构Duality,移位性Displace

    14、ment和文化传播性CulturalTransmission。9. D 语用学研究语言是如何被人们使用来进行交际的,研究如何通过语境来理解和使用语言。选项A为二语习得的内容;B为语言演变;C为语义学。10. A WMD代表“weapon of mass destruction”,属于词首字母缩略词。. 5.英语专业八级人文知识模拟题三1. Which part in America is the earliest to be found and taken over by early settlers?A. The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain.B. The

    15、Appalachians and their foothills.C. The interior lowlands.D. The Cordillera.2. The national ag of the United States is known as .A. the Star-Spangled Banner B. Uncle SamC. Hot Dog D. Union Jack3. There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservative party and.A. the Liberal Party B. the

    16、Democratic PartyC. the Labour Party D. the Republican Party4. Which name is NOT related to Britain?A. Northern Ireland. B. Scotland.C. Wales. D. Toronto.5. The Great Catsby is written by . A. Ernest Hemingway B. Sinclair Lewis C. John Steinbeck D. Francis Scott Fitzgerald6. The English Renaissance p

    17、eriod was an age of . A. poetry and drama B. drama and novel C. novel and poetry D. romance and poetry7. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend appeared and it ourished in the forties and in the early fties.A. Romanticism B. Naturalism C. Realism D. Critical Realism8. The term

    18、linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages.A. synchronic B. diachronicC. comparative D. historical comparative. 6.冲击英语专业人文知识9. Ilocutionary act is .A. the act of conveying literal meanin

    19、g by means of syntax, lexicon and phonologyB. the act performed by or resulting from saying somethingC. the act of conveying the inuence of something on the hearerD. the consequential effect of a locution upon the hearer10. The sub-eld of linguistics that studies the relation between language and so

    20、cietyis called .A. Sociolinguistic B. NeurolinguisticsC. Macrolinguistics D. Microlinguistics【答案与题解】1. A 最早被早期定居者发现和占领的地方是大西洋及其沿岸平原。2. A 美国的国旗是星条旗。3. C 英国奉行的是两党制。其两大主要政党是保守党和工党。4. D 多伦多属于加拿大,与英国无关。5. D 了不起的盖茨比是菲茨杰拉德的作品。6. A 文艺复兴时期的主流文学体裁是诗歌与戏剧。7. D 19世纪40、50年代主要的文学趋势是批判现实主义。8. B 历时语言学研究语言各个阶段的发展变化,研

    21、究语言的历史发展规律。研究的重点是历时变化着的语言现象,是语言要素从古到今演变的连续性。9. B 言外行为:指说话时,因为言语本身的一些习惯力量而随之产生的一些行为,如允诺、警告等等;言外行为通常表述的是说话者的交流目的或意图。而选项A:指“说话”这一行为本身,即发声、说出单词、句子等行为,属于言内行为。言内行为通常表述的是话语的字面意思。选项D为言后行为:指话语在听者身上产生的效果。10. A 研究语言与社会的是社会语言学。. 7.英语专业八级人文知识模拟题四1. is the largest state in terms of size and population in America.

    22、A. California B. Indiana C. Kansas D. Massachusetts2. The number of the representatives from each American state depends on the.A. contribution a state has made to the nationB. populationC. sizeD. none of the above3. The Industrial Revolution started in .A. the Great Britain B. the United States C.

    23、Canada D. Australia4. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?A. The Anglo-Saxon. B. The Normans. C. The Vikings. D. The Romans.5. showed great interest in Chinese literature and translated the poetry ofLi Bai into English. A. Ezra Pound B. Robert Frost C. T. S. Eliot D. Em

    24、ily Dickinson6. The publication of marked the beginning of the Romantic Age. A. Don Juan B. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner C. The Lyrical Ballads D. Queen Mab7. Which of the following writers was NOT associated with Modernism? A. D.H. Lawrence. B. E.M. Foster.C. Charles Dickens. D. Virginia Woolf.8

    25、. Sometimes, two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community, with each having a denite role to play. This phenomenon is . A. bilingualism B. diglossia C. pidgin D. creole 9. A: Tom is such a noisy man, isnt he?B: I saw a fantastic movie yesterday.What can we know from Bs ans

    26、wer?A. B wanted to tell A that the lm he saw was good.B. B did not understand As question at all.C. B did not want to talk more about As topic. 8.冲击英语专业人文知识D. B did not know anything about Tom.10. is regarded as the “father of modern linguistics”?A. Chomsky B. SaussureC. Halliday D. Whorf【答案与题解】1. A

    27、 加利福尼亚州是美国最大的州,拥有人口也最多。2. B 美国每个州派往众议院的代表人数应与本州人口成比例。3. A 工业革命最早从英国开始。4. A 英国民族的前身是盎格撒克逊人。5. A 庞德对中国文学十分感兴趣,并在其创作中受到中国哲学的影响,曾翻译过李白的诗篇。6. C 标志英国浪漫主义时期开始的是1798年华兹华斯抒情歌谣集的出版。7. C 福斯特、劳伦斯和维吉尼亚沃尔夫都是英国现代主义时期的杰出代表。而狄更斯则为维多利亚时期的作者。8. B 这种现象是双言制,指两种截然不同的语言变体存在于社会中,每种有其不同的地位和作用。而双语(Bilingualism)是指两种截然不同的语言并存。

    28、pidgin(洋泾浜语)是指一种特殊的语言混合体,通常是因为某种特定的如经商等原因,由原本讲不同语言的人们为进行直接的交际目的而创造的变体。creole则是一种已经固定下来的洋泾浜语,整个社团都用它来满足全部或大部分日常交际的需要,并被该社团的儿童作为母语来习得。9. C 此句中显然是违背了语用学的关联原则,B回答完全不相关的内容从语用学的角度是因为他不愿意谈论此话题。10. B 瑞士语言学家索绪尔被认为是现代语言学之父。他区分了语言和言语两个重要概念。. 9.英语专业八级人文知识模拟题五1. The natives of the continent of American are the .

    29、A. Canadians B. IndiansC. Mexicans D. Hispanics2. The Statue of Liberty was given to American people by as a gift in1884.A. France B. SpainC. Italy D. Britain3. The two areas in Britain where a lot of immigrants live are .A. London and Cambridge B. London and the Heart of EnglandC. Manchester and Bi

    30、rmingham D. Edinburgh and Nottingham4. The capital of Canada is .A. Vancouver B. OttawaC. Toronto D. Quebec5. With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the scene, becamethe major trend in the seventies and eighties of the nineteenth century.A. Sentimentalism B. RomanticismC. Realism D. Naturalis

    31、m6. In the late 18th century, a new literary movement called came toEuropean mainland and then to England.A. Romanticism B. Classicism C. Realism D. Restoration7. The famous poem A Red, Red Rose was written by . A. Wordsworth B. Byron C. Burns D. Keats8. The provides great philosophical insight into the nature of th


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