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    1、英语阅读强化训练四年级第一周MondayA bee went to a river to drink. As it was drinking, it was carried away by the running water. A kind bird saw the bees danger. It pickeda leafoff a tree and threw it into the water infront of the bee. The bee was able to climb onthe leaf, and it was brought to the bank. The bee t

    2、hanked thebird and then flew away.Several days later, the bird was sitting in a tree. It did not see that a man wasaiming his gun at it. But the bee saw what the man was doing. So the bee flew into the mans eye. The man couldnt see the bird clearly and. was not able to shoot it. The bird flew away.I

    3、n this way, both the bird and the bee saved each others lives.生词running adj.流动的We heard the sound of running water.我们听到了流水声。aim v.瞄准She picked up the gun, aimed, and fired.她拿起枪,瞄准,射击。1. A bee went to a river to drink some water.2. The bee picked up a leaf and threw it into the water.3. The bee was c

    4、arried away by the running water and died.4. One day a man wanted to shoot the bird.5. The bee saved the birds life because the man had killed the bird.TuesdayA traveler hurried down to the hall of a hotel. He had only 15 minutes to get to the station before the train started. Suddenly he remembered

    5、 that he had left something in his room upstairs.Look here, boy, he said to the young waiter. Run up to my room and see if I have left a bag on the table there. Be quick, please. The boy ran upstairs. Five minutes passed. The traveler was walking up and down in the hall and he was looking at his wat

    6、ch again and again. At last, the boy came. Yes, sir, he reported to the traveler, you have left the bag there. Its right on the table in your room.生词hall n.(酒店的)大堂,前厅We waited in the hall at the elevators.我们在大堂的电梯处等你。upstairs adv.在楼上Shes sleeping upstairs.她在楼上睡觉。up and down 前前后后,来来回回,上上下下She was jum

    7、ping up and down 她跳上跳下。right adv. 正好,就Put it right in the middle.把它放在正中央( )1. The traveler lived in a _.A. station B. room downstairs C. hall D. hotel( )2. When the traveler remembered that he had left something in the room, he _.A. asked the waiter to run upstairs for itB. ran downstairs for it him

    8、selfC. ran up to his room himselfD. went to look for it with the boy( ) 3. After the boy left, the traveler _. A. was walking up and down the room B. was very worried C. was very happy D. was waiting quietly in the hall( ) 4. The traveler looked at his watch again and again because _.A. something wa

    9、s wrong with it B. he liked it very muchC. he didnt know when the train would startD. he was afraid that he couldnt catch the train( ) 5. At last the waiter came back, he _. A. brought back the bag. B. didnt find the bagC. didnt bring back the bag D. gave the bag to the travelerWednesday One evening

    10、, after work, I got on a train, found a seat and sat down. A man was next to me. He was reading a book. I had nothing to do, so I read the same book with the man. I read a page and stat back, waiting for him to turn it. After a while, I found he didnt turn the page. He just kept on reading. There we

    11、rent many words on the page to read. There were mostly pictures in the book. So I turned to the man and said, “You know,” I went on, “if you learn to read faster, you can read more.” He thought about that for a minute or two. “If I read too fast,” he said at last, “my book wont last me to my station

    12、.”生词sit back 往后靠坐在椅子上,宽舒地休息When we needed you to help, all you did was sit back.当我们需要你帮助时,你只是袖手旁观。mostly adv.主要地,几乎全部The guests are mostly friends of the bride.客人主要是新娘的朋友。last v. 持续,坚持,够.之用。This pack of cigarette wont last me a week.这包香烟不够我抽一周。( )1. The story happened _. A. in the station B. on the

    13、train C. in the reading room D. on the bus( )2. The writer sat close to _. A. a man B. a woman C. nobody D. a boy( )3. The writer read the same book with the man beside him because _. A. he found the book was his B. he had nothing to do C. he liked reading picture books D. he found the book was inte

    14、resting( )4. The man read _.A. very fast B. very slowly C. as fast as the writer D. as slowly as writer( )5. Why did the man read in this way? A. Because he was waiting for the writer. B. Because he enjoyed the pictures very much. C. Because he wanted his reading to last until he got to his station.

    15、 D. Because he was sleeping.Thursday A little boy came to a new town. His name was Peter. Of course, he lived with his mother and father. His family was very rich. They had a gardener and a cook and they had a lot of servants. Peter was going to a new school. One the first day his mother said to him

    16、, “Peter, be modest at your new school. Dont say we are rich.” Peter said, “Yes, Mother.” So Peter went to school. He met his new teacher. And he sat down with the other children. The teacher said,” Good morning, children. The first exercise today is a composition. The topic of the composition is My

    17、 Family.” So every child wrote a composition. This was Peters composition: “My name is Peter. My family is very poor. My father is very poor. My mother is very poor. The gardener is very poor. The cook is very poor, and all the other servants are very poor.”生词gardener n. 园丁 A gardeners work is to ta

    18、ke care of a garden.园丁的工作就是照料花园。cook n. 厨师Dinner was delicious! Youre a great cook! 饭菜味道好极了!你厨艺真好!servant n. 仆人,随从The king arrived, followed by his servants.国王驾到,后面跟着随从。modest adj.谦虚的 Youre too modest. 你太谦虚了。composition n. 作文。My composition was six pages long. 我的作文长达6页。topic n. 题目 What is the topic

    19、of your speech?你演讲的题目是什么?( ) 1.Peter was _ at his school in a new town. A. a new student B. an old student C. a new teacher D. an old teacher( )2. Peters mother told him_. A. to study hard at school B. not to play with the other students C. not to say their family is rich D. not to say their family

    20、is poor( )3. The teacher asked the students to _. A. listen to her carefully B. write a compositionC. go home after school D. do their homework in the evening( )4. The teacher may know _ at last.A. peter is a new student B. Peters family is very poorC. Peters family is very rich D. Peters parents ar

    21、e farmersFridayA. city B. young C. while D. asked E. only F. rest G. put on H. washed I .busy Cinderella was a nice girl. Her mother died when she was very _1_. She lived with her stepmother and her two stepsisters. Every day she had to do a lot of housework. She cleaned the floor, _2_ the clothes,

    22、cooked for her stepmother and stepsisters. They drank milk and ate a good meals, but Cinderella could _3_ eat the things they didnt want to eat and drink what they didnt want to drink. One day, the King was going to have a birthday party in the _4_ for his son, the Prince. All the girls in the city

    23、might go to the party. Cinderellas sisters were very happy, and they _5_ their beautiful skirts and shoes. One of the stepsisters asked Cinderella to clean her shoes, _6_ the other asked Cinderella to help her with clothes. Cinderella had to do all the things for them. She was so _7_. When her stepm

    24、other and sister had all gone, Cinderella could have a _8_then.生词Cinderella n.灰姑娘step- 表示“后”“继”ther 继父 stepbrother 同父异母(或同母异父)兄弟prince n. 王子。 Prince Charles 查尔斯王子 第二周Monday A tired traveler came to a hotel in a small town after a whole days trip. Entering the hotel, he came to the front counter and

    25、asked for a room. “Yes, gentleman, we have many rooms for hire,” said the waiter. “And they have different prices. Rooms on the first floor, $100 one night, the second floor, $80, and the third floor, $60. Which kind of room do you like?” The traveler said nothing, turned back and walked away from t

    26、he counter. “Are they too expensive for you, sir?” asked the waiter. “No, their prices are not high at all. But your hotel is not tall enough.”生词trip n. 旅行 I enjoyed the trip very much.这次旅行我玩得很愉快。counter n. 柜台 The shopkeeper put my things on the counter. 店主把我们的东西放在柜台上。floor n. (楼房的)层 It was all stil

    27、l and quiet on the ground floor. 大楼底层一片寂静。( )1. If the traveler stayed on the third floor for 2 nights, he will have to pay _. A.$200 B. $100 C.$120 D. $160( )2. The last sentence said by the traveler means_. A. he liked living high to have a good view. B. he was pleased with the prices C. he couldn

    28、t afford the rooms on any floor D. he thought the hotel too small to live in( )3. Which of the following words can best describe the traveler? A. Rich. B. Poor C. Humorous(幽默的) D. KindTuesdayJohn and Mike were good friends. They did not have much money, so when it was time for their holiday, John sa

    29、id, “Lets take our holiday in a tuck, Mike. Its cheaper than a hotel. I can borrow my fathers truck.” Mike was very happy. So they got into the truck and began their holiday. They wanted to get up early the next morning to go fishing, but they did not have an alarm clock. “Thats all right, John,” Mi

    30、ke said. “Ill put these small pieces of bread on the roof of the truck tonight and they will wake us up in the morning.” John was very surprised, but he said nothing. Mike was right. As soon as it began to get light, some small birds came down to eat the bread, and their noise on the roof of the tru

    31、ck woke John and Mike up vey quickly.生词 alarm n.警报,闹铃 There were several alarms during the night but no actual attacks. 那天夜里响了好几次警报,但没有发生真正的袭击。alarm clock 闹钟 An alarm clock rings(sounds) 闹钟响起来。roof n.屋顶,车顶,顶部 The bus had windows in the roof. 这辆公共汽车的顶部有窗户。light adj.(天)亮的 In summer its still light at 10 oclock.在夏天,晚上10点天还是亮的。( )1. Why did the boys go out for their holiday in a truck?A. Because Johns father lent them his truck.B. Because they had little money.C. Because they didnt


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