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    1、雅思考试十大类常见语法错误教学提纲雅思考试十大类常见语法错误雅思考试十大类常见语法错误1. 句子不完整1. 1个句子有两个基本成分:主语和谓语动词,两者缺一不可。In China has more than 100 million subscribers to cable television.In China是介宾短语,不能充当主语。China has more than 100 million subscribers(用户) to cable television(有线电视). 中国有超过一亿的有线电视用户。总结:名词、代词、动名词,形容词 (The old)、分词、副词 (Slowly

    2、is exactly how he speaks)、数词、动词不定式、不定式短语、从句均可充当主语。One of the benefits of traveling overseas learning how to cope with the unexpected. 这句话是没有谓语的,learning是动名词,不能做谓语。One of the benefits of traveling overseas is learning how to cope with the unexpected. 去国外旅游的众多好处之一是学会如何处理突发事件。2. 如果一个句子有从句,也必须保证从句完整性。Th

    3、ose who overweight or indulge in healthy diets are candidates for heart attracts. 从句中的overweight是个形容词,前面缺失一个系动词。Those who are overweight or indulge in healthy diets are candidates for heart attracts. 那些体重过重或者喜欢不健康饮食的人是心脏病的潜在患者。3. 介词后面一定要加名词、代词或者从句作宾语。A marked character of cooperative learning is tha

    4、t personal success only springs from. from是介词,后面一定要加宾语。A marked character of cooperative learning is that personal success only springs from group success. 合作学习的一个特征是个人的成功只能源于团队的成功。4. 大多数情况下,比较级后面一般要加than,并且清晰指明所比较对象。Divorce is more common. 缺少than。Divorce is more common than it was one generation ag

    5、o. 现在,离婚的现象比上一代要普遍。2. 句子成分多于1. 一个简单句通常只有一个主语,如果主语超过一个,要是用连词构成并列主语Smoking, drinking are banned in many places of work. Smoking和drinking都是主语,要是用连词。Smoking and drinking are banned in many places of work. 抽烟和喝酒在很多工作场合都是被禁止的。2. 如果一个句子中出现多个谓语动词,要是用连词连接构成并列动词,或者在一些句子中使用关系代词构成复合句,有一些动词后面可以跟动词作宾语或者宾语补足语。The

    6、media distorts reality, categories things as all good or all bad. Distort和categories都是动词,中间要使用and作为连接。The media distorts reality and categories things as all good or all bad. 媒体歪曲事实,把事情界定成全部是好的或全部是坏的。It is unclear recycling can help control pollution. 出现了is和can help两个动词,根据逻辑关系,它们之间需要加连接词构成复合句。It is

    7、unclear whether recycling can help control pollution. 废品回收是否有助于控制污染仍然是不清楚的。It is advertising makes us buy something on a whim. 这是一个强调句型,is和make都是谓语动词,需要加上连词that使强调句型完整。It is advertising that makes us buy something on a whim. 是广告让我们心血来潮而买东西强调句型:英语常用的强调结构是It is (was)+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+who (that).3. 如果一个

    8、句子出现多个宾语,一般要使用连词连接构成并列宾语,但是也有一些动词,如give或者offer等可以跟双宾语。More people would prefer cycling, walking if conditions were right. Cycling和walking都是宾语,所以要是用连接词。More people would prefer cycling and walking if conditions were right. 如果条件允许的话,更多的人会喜欢骑自行车和走路。总结:可以接双宾语的词还有buy, tell, give, ask, pass和teach。4. 部分名词短

    9、语可独立做时间状语,前面不能加介词。People can travel to and from duty in every day on foot or by bike. Every day作状语,前面不能加介词。People can travel to and from duty every day on foot or by bike. 人们可以每天通过步行或者骑车上下班。5. 一般来说,because和so,although和but等连词不能同时在一个句子当中出现。Although the crime rate is falling in many parts of the world

    10、but violent crimes are constantly rampant. Although和but不能同时用于一个句子当中。Although the crime rate is falling in many parts of the world, violent crimes are constantly rampant. 虽然在世界上很多地方犯罪率正在下降,但暴力犯罪仍然是非常猖獗的。3. 时态或语态使用错误1. 情态动词(can, could, must, need, may和might等等)注意情态动词的区别情态动词一般意义表示推测的意义can/could有能力可能Shou

    11、ld/ought to应该很可能must必须必定会will/would有意愿以后会may/might可以可能2. 助动词,主要有:do(does和did),be(am、is、are、was和were),have(has和had),shall(should)和will(would)助动词后面的动词不能是动词原形,一定是动词的现在分词或者过去分词形式。The budget of a country should be balance each year. Be动词后面不可以直接加动词balance的原形。The budget of a country should be balanced each

    12、 year. 国家每年都必须平衡预算。动词可以和实义动词构成16种时态和不同的语态。动词的语态要分清主动和被动 (着重讲被动语态)1)Trade is consisted of the exchange of goods and that of services. Consist of用于主动语态。Trade consisted of the exchange of goods and that of services. 贸易由产品的交换和服务的交换组成。2)Consumer confidence will improve, which is crucial to an economic re

    13、covery. 消费者信心应该是被提高。Consumer confidence will be improve, which is crucial to an economic recovery. 消费者信心将会被提高,这对经济复苏是至关重要的。如果谓语动词是由动介或者动副短语构成的且位于句尾,那么后面的介词或动词不能省略。At the nursing home, elders can be well cared. Care当“照顾”讲的时候是不及物动词,要用care for来表达。At the nursing home, elders can be well cared. 在疗养院里,老人可

    14、以得到很好的照顾。被动语态主动句=主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语被动句=主语 + be+p.p. + by+宾语例子:He loves herShe is loved by him.被动语态的时态时态主动 V.被动 Be+p.p.一般现在时He finishes it.It is finished.现在进行时He is finishing it.It is being finished.现在完成时He has finished it.It has been finished.一般过去时He finished it.It was finished.过去进行时He was finishing it.

    15、It was being finished.过去完成时He had finished it.It had been finished.一般将来时He will finish it.It will be finished.将来完成时He will have finished it.It will have been finished.含“感官动词或使役动词”的被动语态句型1主语+be (seen/heard/felt/made)+to+动词原形I saw him enter the room.=He was seen to enter the room. 我看见他走进这房间。I made him

    16、 go.=He was made to go (by me). 我叫他走。感官动词或使役动词(see, hear, feel, make等)在主动句中其宾语补语用动词原形,但在被动句中必须要to+动词原形。双宾语的被动语态授予动词(give, lend, show, tell, teach, write等)有“直接”与“间接”两个宾语,改写成两种被动语态。My husband gave me a ring. (我丈夫送了我一个戒指。)I was given a ring by my husband.OrA ring was given (to) me by my husband.祈使句的被动语

    17、态主动=动词原形 + 宾语被动=Let + 宾语 + be+p.p.Do it at onceLet it be done at once. 立刻做它。否定句的被动语态主动=主语 + (do/did/does) + not+V. + 宾语被动=主语 + be+not+p.p. + by+宾语Be动词的时态与主动一致,人称与新主语一致。He doesnt teach English.English is not taught by him.疑问句的被动语态句型1主动=Do/Did/Does + 主语 + V. + 宾语?被动=Be + 主语 + p.p. + 宾语?Did you write t

    18、he letter?Was the letter written by you?你写了这封信么?4. 前后不一致1. 动名词和不定式做主语的时候谓语动词用单数Raising standards of literacy are the governments priority. 错误:句子的主语是Raising standards,而不是standards。Raising standards of literacy is the governments priority. 提高群众文化素质市政府的首要任务。To rear a child alone are challenging to any

    19、parent. 错误:主语是To rear a child alone,一个句子。To rear a child alone is challenging to any parent. 独立抚养一个小孩对于任何一个父母来说都是有挑战性的。2. 当主语后跟着with、together with、coupled with、combined with、as well as和like等词引导的短语时,谓语动词的数跟前面主语的数保持一致。Overworking, coupled with poor diet, lead to physical degeneration.错误:主语是overlooking

    20、,是不可数名词,谓语动词应该用单数。Overworking, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration.工作过度,再加上不好的饮食,会导致体质下降。3. 不定代词anybody、anything、everybody、everything、nobody、nothing、somebody、something、each或none等做主语的时候,谓语动词用单数。Even if somebody fall sick, everything go on as usual.错误:somebody和everything做主语的时候,谓语动词都

    21、应该用单数。Even if somebody falls sick, everything goes on as usual.即便有人病了,一切还是照常进行。4. 定语从句中动词的数应该与先行词的数保持一致。Parenting, which are a stressful job, has been increasingly valued by society.错误:先行词是parenting这个不可数名词,从句谓语动词应该用is。Parenting, which is a stressful job, has been increasingly valued by society.父母教育这

    22、个很有压力的工作,已经逐渐被社会所重视。5. 由what、whether、how、that或where等词引导的主语从句,主语的谓语通常用单数。How we can cope with massive technological change in the 21st century are an interesting issue.错误:how引导的主语从句,谓语动词用单数。How we can cope with massive technological change in the 21st century is an interesting issue.如何处理21世纪的大规模技术变化是

    23、一件有趣的事情。6. The number of+名词的复数,后面谓语动词用单数;a number of+名词的复数,后面的谓语动词用复数;a huge amount of+不可数名词,后面谓语动词用单数。A significant number of young people has been leaving the countryside for urban areas.错误:谓语动词应该用复数。A significant number of young people have been leaving the countryside for urban areas.大量的年轻人已经离开郊

    24、区到城市。5. 谓语动词适用错误1. 及物动词后一定要加名词或者具有名词性质的成分做宾语,构成主语+谓语动词+宾语的基本句型。I will discuss in some detail. 错误:discuss是及物动词。I will discuss this topic in some detail. 我会比较详细的讨论这个话题。2. 不及物动词后面不能直接加名词或者具有名词性质的成分做宾语,如果要加宾语,则需要在宾语前面加介词。(不及物动词没有被动语态)The accident was similar to one that was happened last year. Happen是不及

    25、物动词,不能用被动语态。The accident was similar to one that happened last year. 这个事故和去年发生的一个事故类似。I disagree many points made by the supporters of globalisation. Disagree是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语points。I disagree with many points made by the supporters of globalisation. 我不同意全球化支持者提出的很多观点。3. 如果谓语动词是动词词组,这个时候也要分辨清楚动词词组是及物还是

    26、不及物,从而判断是否有被动语态。常见的不及物动词词组有depend on、rely on、survive on、arise from、stem from、belong to和consist of等等。Many museums and libraries are depended entirely on donations from the public. 错误:depend on是不及物动词,不能用被动语态。Many museums and libraries depend entirely on donations from the public. 很多博物馆和图书馆完全依赖于社会捐助。A

    27、successful organisation should not be consisted entirely of elder people. 错误:consist of是不及物动词词组,不能用被动语态。A successful organisation should not consist entirely of elder people. 一个成功的企业不应该完全由老年人组成。4. 有一些及物动词后面长跟双宾语,构成主语+谓语动词+双宾语的基本句型(如bring、deny、grant、rend和show等等)。We should not deny children that they

    28、have the opportunity to study what they like. 错误:deny可以跟双宾语。We should not deny children the opportunity to study what they like.我们不应该否认让孩子们拥有学习自己所喜欢的东西的机会。5. 有一些不及物动词后面跟宾语和宾语补足语,构成主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语的基本句型。注意make、have和let这三个感官动词后面跟的宾语补足语常用不加to的动词不定式。This photograph makes me to look about 60. 错误:to是多于的。Thi

    29、s photograph makes me look about 60. 这张照片让我看起来像是60岁的。Whether we like it or not, our families shape our lives and make us to be what we are. 错误:to be是多于的。Whether we like it or not, our families shape our lives and make us what we are. 不管我们是否喜欢,我们的家庭决定我们的生活,让我们成为现在的自己。6. 系动词后面接表语,构成主语+系动词+表语的基本句型,有一些实

    30、义动词也可以做半系动词。判断是否是半系动词主要看其后面是否可以跟形容词作表语,如果可以跟形容词,一般都是半系动词。比如seem、look、get、stay和remain等等。副词不可以作表语,但是形容词却可以。Cycling is beneficially to our health. 错误:beneficially是副词,不能做表语。Cycling is beneficial to our health. 骑车对我们健康有益。系动词一般不用被动。Most children are seemed to be better at remembering bad habits, instead o

    31、f good ones. 错误:seem在此处是半系动词,不能用于被动语态。Most children seem to be better at remembering bad habits, instead of good ones.大部分小孩看来都比较容易记得坏习惯,而不是好习惯。6. 词性理解错误1. 可数名词和不可数名词单数可数名词前一定要加限定词,对于不可数名词来说,就没有这样的限制。Computer is a machine for collecting, processing and presenting information. 错误:computer是单数可数名词,且在此处表示一类,所以要加不定冠词a。A computer is a machine for collecting, processing and presenting


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