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    1、小学四年级下册英语说课稿三篇小学四年级下册英语说课稿【三篇】精选教案/试卷/文档/模板/课件合集小学四年级下册英语说课稿【三篇】【导语】教育要使人愉快,要让一切的教育带有乐趣。小编整理了小学四年级下册英语说课稿【三篇】,希望对你有帮助! Unit 6 Where are you going 一、【教材分析】(一)教学内容本节课是外语教学与研究出版社出版的新标准英语三年级起点第六册Module10 Unit1的课文教学,课文通过Daming和奶奶的电话谈话,呈现教学的主要内容,即Daming旅行前的准备。课型为新授课。本单元学习的主要目的是在深入理解课文内容的基础上,使学生学会运用what,wh

    2、ere,when,who,how等特殊疑问词来谈论旅行准备;使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。同时让学生学会一种正确对待生活的方式,明白做任何事都要有计划,避免盲目性,体现了英语学科与生活实际的紧密结合。(二)学情分析五年级的学生对英语学习已经有了一定的经验并养成了良好的学习习惯,他们对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣。他们渴望获得更多的锻炼机会。经过前几个模块的学习, 学生已经初步掌握了如何询问他人已做过的事情,这样,学生已掌握的知识和心理状态为本节课的自主探究学习打下了基础。(三)教学目标新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课

    3、程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。以此为依据设定以下目标。1、语言知识目标(1) 让学生能听、说、认、读list, airport、shoes ticket, toothbrush. 等单词。(2) 通过学习让学生熟练掌握句型:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport?(3)能听懂

    4、、认读以“where、what、when、who”四个单词开头的疑问句。(4)功能:学会表达询问家人或朋友外出旅行的情况。2、语言技能(1)能听、说、读、写、单词:shoes, ticket, toothbrush(2)能听、说、认读单词 :list, airport(3)能用句型:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport? 询问家人或朋友外出旅行的情况3、情感态度(1)积极参与课堂活动

    5、,有兴趣与别人交流。(2)让学生学会一种正确对待生活的方式,明白做任何事都要有计划,避免盲目性,体现了英语学科与生活实际的紧密结合。4、学习策略(1)通过学习活动,使学生有兴趣听、说英语,培养学生注意观察、乐于模仿的良好习惯和主动竞争的意识。(2)通过小组活动培养学生合作交流能力,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。(3)充分利用教材所提供的学习资源,实现自由参与创新,能主动与他人交流,并克服交流中的困难,使交际顺利进行。5、文化意识适当了解一些旅行小常识。(四)教学重难点1、重点:(1)掌握新单词ticket,toothbrush,leave,能正确认读。(2)熟练掌握句型Where are

    6、you going to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport?并做出相应的回答。2、难点:学会表达询问家人或朋友外出旅行的情况(五)课前准备调查表、清单、幻灯片、单词卡、录音机、装满物品的包(内有breadclothespresentshoestickettoothbrush)、二、【教法实施】新课标倡导任务型教学模式,即让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的教学任务,从中体验学习的快乐。因此我采用“任务-探究-创造”型教学方法,

    7、让学生在有趣,开放式的语言环境中,学会观察,思考,讨论和总结,在“用”中发展思维能力、创新意识和各种语言应用能力。遵循“学生为主体,教师为主导”的教育思想,我主要采取了以下教法:1、听说法:通过听和说,感知句子的发音、正确的语音语调。2、 情境教学法:给学生不断创设各种真实的场景,促使学生说英语。3、. 任务型教学法:创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,提高实际语言运用能力。4、游戏教学法: 通过游戏,把机械训练与任务活动有机结合,极大地激发学生主动参与学习的热情。三、【学法指导】常言道:“授人以鱼不如教人以渔”。科学的学习是一把开发学生智能的金钥匙,也是学习取得成效的必然条件。在学习本课时,

    8、我准备用以下方法:1. 小组活动学习法把全班分成四个大组,课堂各项教学活动均以小组活动为主线,结对或全班活动为辅,学生互相交流、探究,共同完成学习任务,在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义,2.积极参与法创设真实情境,激发学生主动参与学习。3.模仿示范法通过录音、教师示范,使学生掌握语言知识。四、【教学过程】为了实现本课教学目标,在教学中,我是这样安排设计的:第一环节:活跃气氛,组织教学英语课程标准指出:学生只有对英语及其文化、对英语学习有积极的态度,才能保持学习的动力,并取得成绩。因此,我把激发学生参与学习的兴趣,看着是本课学习的出发点。精彩的课堂开头,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会

    9、使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情景。因此,在热身的时候,首先让学生演唱歌曲“Good morning”,并做上相应的动作,这样的导入能很快吸引住学生,还渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。第二环节:围绕教材,以旧导新“兴趣是的老师” ,为此,我通过情境的创设来激发学生的学习兴趣。这个环节我是这样设计的:首先,复习“be going to ”的用法,唤起学生已掌握的知识,向学生适时过渡,老师要去旅游,包里装了什么,教师出示装满物品的包,提问What is in my bag? 让学生猜包中是什么。若猜对了就把物品拿出来,学生们对老师的包充满了好奇,积极参与活动,猜得非常带劲,在这样

    10、的氛围中,自然很快引出新词ticket,toothbrush,进行单词教学。接着,再通过各种形式的读和游戏对新词操练,孩子们能十分轻松地掌握单词的认读。同时,对读得对、读得好的个人和小组要给以及时的鼓励,调动学习的兴趣和积极性。在学生掌握句型单词ticket,toothbrush后,老师借助实物很自然的创设情境,Daming is going to have a trip. He is going to go to New York。引导学生学习理解课文。语言的实质是交际,交际的环境在生活。因此,在本环节我紧紧围绕教材内容,创设真实情境,大面积地扫清课文的重点句子,以一种自然的人际交往对话贯穿



    13、的学习气氛打下基础。2、作业的设计,培养了学生的运用能力,让孩子的家人和朋友也来分享学习英语的快乐,从而更加激发孩子学习英语的欲望,真切体验学习英语的成功带来的喜悦,达到学以致用的目的。五、【板书设计】我认为“在一堂课中,板书是一个老师的外套”。犹如一个老师的形象给学生是一种舒然的感觉一样,板书要做到美观,言简意赅,条理清楚,重点突出。其次,板书的呈现贯穿着我整节课的思路。所以,我将本课的重点用彩色粉笔和简笔画用板书展示出来。六、【自我评价】1、我认为本节课的总体效果 , 达到了预期目标。2、本节课主要存在什么问题,如何补救。 Unit6 lets go by taxi Good mornin

    14、g ,everyone .Today Ill talk about Unit 6 Oxford Primary English Boook 4: Lets go by taxi. Ill finish this Unit in four lessons,today Ill talk about the first period of the Unit .This Unit is very important of this bookThe Unit is the continuation of Unit 8 Oxford Primary English Book3. It provides t

    15、he new words of places:station ,supermarket,library,theatre,hospital and airport.The new phrases: by train,by plane,by minibus and on foot.When learn the new words and new phrases, the Ss will come into contact with the new pattern: Shall we go to by ? As we know there isnt a long histroy that the S

    16、s have learnt English in the primary school,so the main instructional aims of teaching English is to cultivate the Ss abilities of listening, speaking and the synthetic abilities of communication,co-operation and investigation.And to cultivate their good sense of English.(本课是本册教材中较为重要的依棵,它是牛津小学英语3A第

    17、八单元知识的一个延伸。在本单元中提供了六个地点类的单词及四个交通工具类的单词和学生在学习单词的过程中将会遇到的一个新句型Shall we go to by? 我们知道小学生学习英语的时间不是很长,所以这一堂课的主要教学目标将一培养学生的听说读写能力及与人交流合作和初步调查研究的能力和较好的英语语感。)Teaching contents:1.The new words of the places: station, supermarket, library and so on.2.The new words of vehicles: train, plane, minibus and foot.

    18、3.The new pattern: Shall we go to by ? Teaching aims:1.The aims to the knowledgea. To enable the Ss to read and spell the new wordsand understand the meaning of the new words.b.To help the Ss learn the new pattern: Shall we go to by ?c.To enable the Ss to communicate with the others using the new pa

    19、ttern.2.The aims to the abilitiesa.To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking .b.To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively.3. The aims to the emotiona.To educate the Ss to be polite and helpful to the others. The key pionts:1.To enable the Ss master the new words.2.To enab

    20、le the Ss study in groups and co-operate with the others.3.To arouse the Ss interest in English. Teaching methods:To cultivate the Ss abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,to increase the Ssability of learning English by themselves and to arouse their interest ,in this peroid,Ill use t

    21、he teaching methods below:(为培养学生的听说读写和学习英语的自主能力,为激发他们学习英语的兴趣,在这堂课中,我将会采用以下的教学方法:)1.Communication method(交际法)Ill set up a real situation,in this way ,the Ss can say in pairs or in groups,they can say freely and neednt worring about making mistakes.2.Task-based method (任务法)That is to say Ill let the S

    22、s finish a task by making a short dialogue and acting it out.To help the Ss get a better undersangding of the key structure. Teaching aids:In this lesson, the CAI,some pictures will be used. Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warm up1.Sing a song >.2.Make a free talk between the T-S ,S-S.Are you happy tod

    23、ay?Lets go to the park,OK?This step is to form a better situation for rhe students by singing and speaking.They will come into the real surrounding of English learning,And it can also review the learnt knowledge for the next step.(这一环节通过唱歌和自由对话为学生营造了较好的语言环境,他们会很快地进入英语学习的情境中来,在此同时也复习了旧知,为下一步的学习做好了充分的

    24、准备。)Step 2 PresentationIll mainly talk about this period.1.Learn the new words of placesa.CAI shows a big beautiful picture of a city.b.A little cat go around the city and tell the Ss what place it is .c.Write down the words on the blackboard.Ask them to read and spell ,pay attention to the pronunci

    25、ation.d.Show some pictures of the places,ask sb to say and put the pictures in the right places on the blackboard.e.Practise the new words:(1) Show some signs of the places and ask them to guess what place it is.For example show a red cross to guess that is a hospital.(2) Guide them to make a short

    26、dialogue and practise with their partners.Shall we go to ? All right.This step is not to present the new words one by one,just with the help of the CAI and the pictures,it can provide a real situatian to underst and the meaning of the words and to arouse the Ssinterest in English learning.A competit

    27、ion can encourage them to try by themselves and improve their ability of learning. (这一环节,并不是简单地逐个呈现要学的新单词,而是借助于多媒体和图片,为学生的学习提供了一个较真实的情境,让他们在情境中学会新知,对所学新单词的意思有比较好的理解,同时也大大激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。设置的竞赛的环节能够鼓励学生大胆尝试,提高他们英语学习的能力。)2.Learn the new words of vehiclesa.CAI provide some sounds of the vehicles,and ask th

    28、em to guessb.Listen to the sound and learn the new words.c.Read and spelll the words .Have a competition:Who can recite the words quickly .d.Practise the new words:1. Look at part of the picture and guess.2. Learn the new phrasesAct and say:(边表演边说)Train,train,go by trainPlane,plane,go by planeMinibu

    29、s,minibus,go by minibusFoot,foot,go on footThis step I use the CAI to show the sounds and let them to guess,they will be happy to try and be interested in the procedure of the learning.And the acting will help them get a more better understanding of the phrases.(这一环节,我使用多媒体提供不同交通工具发出的声音,让学生去猜一猜,他们在学

    30、的过程中会很高兴地去尝试并会对学习的过程本身产生浓厚的兴趣。边说边演的环节,可以通过调动学生的所有感官,让他们对所学词组的意思有更好的理解,同时印象也更深刻了)Step 3 Practise1.A guesssing gameThe CAI show a big picture.There are many places in the picture,and there are different vehicles in the way to the different places.Ask them to guess and give them a smiling face or a cry

    31、ing face.There can be a competition between the groups.Using the structure: Shall we go to by?2.Work in pairsAsk them to make a dialogue with their partners.They can speak to several classmates who they want to co-operate with,so they can walk freely in the class.This part is very important of the lesson.The Ss abilities of speaking and communication


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