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    1、高考英语写作快速提分短语句式高考致胜宝典高考英语写作快速提分短语&句式1. 把时间精力用于方面:spend time in doing sthdevote ones time to doing sthdevote ones energy to doing sthdevote ones Life to doing sthdevote ones care to doing sthdevote ones attention to doing sthdevote oneself to doing sth.be dedicated dedikeit to their careers致力于他们的事业2.

    2、全神贯注于/注意 sb be absorbed infix ones eyes on/fix ones mind on/ fix ones attention on attract ones attention onhold ones attention oncatch ones attention onfocus onfocus ones eyes on /concentrate on 3. 有可以/获得/接近的机会/权利/接近:have /gain access to (doing) sth have right to do sth have an opportunity to do st

    3、h have an good chance to do sth4. 在做某事方面有经验/擅长做/做得好:be experienced in/at doing sth be good at doing do well in doing sth5. . 沉溺于: be addicted to doing sthabandon oneself to doing sthbe crazy about caught up in6. 对感兴趣/喜欢/偏爱:be keen on be found of love to do/doing like to do/doing care for take/have/s

    4、how/express an interest in doing sth be interested in doing sth prefer sth(to sth)/ prefer to do sth/ prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth have preference for have a talent for 不喜欢;对厌倦/讨厌:hate to do sth /doing sthbe tired ofbe bored with be fed up with7. 应该做某事be supposed

    5、 to do sthshould do sth /ought to do sth 8. 有助于,促进be good forbe useful forbe helpful forbe of great help forcontribute to9. 感激,感谢thank you for doing sth I will appreciate it if sb would do sth 如果不胜感激 be thankful forbe grateful forshowed/ express a great gratitude to sb.(express gratitude to others s

    6、elflessness)10. 谈到 refer to/mention /talk about/ talk of 11. “一就”on my arrival on my arrivingas soon as sb do sth/onceNo sooner.had sb. done sth. than sb did sth/ Having heard the news一听到12. 如果 只要so(as)long as /if /on condition that /unless13. 不遗余力去做/想法设法组做try ones best to do sth/do ones best to do

    7、sthmake an/every effort to do sthmake good/great efforts 做出很大努力spare no efforts to do sth/sb do what sb can to help do all(everything)sb can to help14. 拥有良好的运用能力,精通,能驾御.have a good command of( computer)15 迎接/接受挑战meet/accept the challenge of16培养自信心build up the confidence 17. 形成发展的技能 develop the skill

    8、s 18. 培养做某事的兴趣cultivate the interest in doing sth. 19从小培养良好的行为方式cultivate good manners from childhood 20. 习惯cultivate/from the habit of 养成的习惯 get rid of the habit of 去掉习惯 be used to doing sth习惯于be accustomed to doing sth 习惯于make it a rule to do sth 习惯于adapt oneself to 习惯于(适应)14. 支持,护养support ones fa

    9、mily 养家get support from sb.得到某人的支持 15. 救助于turn to sb for help 16. 为建设做贡献make outstanding /positive contributions to building our country 17. 说服某人做某事: persuade sb into/out doing sthtake sb into doing sth(?)/take sb round (to sth) argent sb into /out doing sth18. 促进之间的理解(友谊):promote the understanding

    10、between and19. 考入什么大学be committed to university 20. 抽时间干 sb committed an hour to doing sth sb can be able to /could/afford to sth / to do sth 抽得出时间/拿得出钱去做某事21. 犯错误make a mistakecommit a mistake commit an error22. 自杀kill oneselfcommit suicide 23致力于:commit oneself to(介词) devote oneself to (介词)24.影响: h

    11、ave an influence on have an effect on affect/influence sthmake no/difference to sth25.大量需要 be in great need of 26.遵守校规 obey / observe school rules 27.实现梦想、目标、夙愿、理想ones dream come true .实现梦想 realize ones dream .实现梦想realize ones lifelong ambition实现夙愿(目标)achieve ones goal目标fulfill ones ideal实现理想28. 充满b

    12、e filled with be full of swell with29. 拒绝turn down调低音量,拒绝/refuse to do sthreject拒绝,抛弃,排斥,呕吐30. 放弃give away /give up/stop doing sth 31.防护(预防)做/以免 keep sb/sth from doing sthstop sb/sth from doing sthprotect sb/sth from doing sthprevent sb/sth from doing sthban sb/sth from doing sthdefend sb/sth from d

    13、oing sth32. 在发挥的作用 play/act an important part/role in33. 责备(怪、骂)、指责Tell sb off责备scold sb责怪.sb. be to lame责骂accuse sb. of sth. 指责34. 得出结论draw a conclusion that(同位语从句)come to a conclusion that(同位语从句)reach a conclusion that(同位语从句)arrive at a conclusion that(同位语从句)34.引起一个热烈的辩论cause a heated debate on ho

    14、w to do sth(不定式做介词的宾语)宾语从句cause a heated debate on/whether宾语从句或者how 宾语从句lead to a heated debate on how to do sth arouse a heated debate on how to do sth 35关心show concern for sb be concerned aboutshow consideration forgive consideration to sb./sth.be considerate to do sth treat sb with kindness and c

    15、onsiderationcare for36.值得Sth be worth doing sth. Sth.be worthy of being doneSth.be worthy to be done sth deserve doing =sth. deserve to be done it is worth ones while to do sth it is worth ones while doing sth it is worth the while of doing sth37.决心做某事be determined to do sth /decide to do sth38.下定决心

    16、: come to a determinationmake up ones mind to do sth.38. tell the difference between and对加以区别have /make a distinction between and 区别对待 distinguish between and区别39. 以而著名: be famous for be well known for be distinguished for 40. 对感到满意be satisfied with be content with 对感到满意41. adopt(have) attitude to(t

    17、owards)/采取什么态度42. 取措施、步骤、行动做某事take measures to do sth. 取措施做某事take step to do sth. 采取步骤做某事take action to do sth.采取行动做某事something must be done to do sth. 取措施做某事43. 动词+sb of sth.remind sb of sth.=it occurs to me that使某人想起rob sb. of sth.抢劫acuse sb. of sth控告 persuade sb. of sth使某人相信44. 忙于;从事be up to doin

    18、g sth.take up sthgo in forwork asact asserve asbe engaged in45.提高的重要性的意识raise ones awareness of the importance of46.,激励 encourage sb, to do sth. 鼓励某人做 motivate sb to do sth.促动某人做 inspire sb. to do sth.鼓励(激励,启迪)某人做 Sb.be motivated by sth. The only way you can motivate people is to do sth.调动人的积极性是将去做

    19、may be attributed to(介词) lack of motivation rather than to doing sth.可能是缺乏积极性而不是47.满足的需要meet the/ones need(s) of satisfy the /ones need(s) ofmeet the /ones demand ofsatisfy the demand of48.随着发展(增长,改善、提高) With the development of随着的发展 With the increasing of随着不断增长 With the improvement of随着的不断改善(提高)49.培

    20、养build up ones confidence培养自信心cultivate(form) the good habits of 培养(养成)良好的习惯Cultivate a positive attitude towards培养对得积极态度Cultivate the skill of 培养的技能 educate ones taste in doing sth.培养对得爱好50.对态度.be optimistic about对乐观be pessimistic about对悲观have a very tolerant attitude towards 对持宽容的态度have a positive

    21、 attitude towards 对持积极的态度have a negative attitude towards 对持消极的态度take a matter-of-fact attitude towards对持有切合实际的态度.be totally in favor of ones attitude towards完全赞成totally admire ones attitude towards 完全赞赏51.showed a great gratitude to sb. 感激某人52 .smooth away her obstacles 克服障碍 overcome the difficulti

    22、es 克服困难54.for instance 例如 for example take sth for example set an good example to sb.55.it was this attitude of “Never say never” that cured Patti of her severe illness就是这种从不放弃的那种态度治愈了他的那种严重的疾病56.With the aim of enriching more social experience(丰富社会经念) and gaining more valuable knowledge(获得更优价值的知识)5

    23、7I tended to believe that(我偏相信) the job could serve as a great motivation that enabled me to work harder58.what I mainly did was to do cleaning and sorting out the books while sometimes I assisted the salesmen to sell(帮助某人去做某事情) books and offered some practical introductions of some books to the cus

    24、tomers59 But most importantly(最重要的是), I had a clear understanding of the fact that (事实)it was not an easy task for my parents to earn money60.strengthened my confidence加强自信心61.be bound to succeed 一定能成功62.Not only do their teachers and elders present blessings to them, but they (also) encourage them

    25、to obey the laws of society and spare no effort to make great contributions to their country63.The ceremony is of great significance, which means that one has grown up and he begins to bear social responsibilities64.Not until then did he realize that one should thank those who have helped him.(倒装句)6

    26、5.(1)express ones heartfelt / sincere / profound gratitude to sb. for sth.为向某人表达衷心的/真诚的/深切的感谢(2)show ones gratitude表达感激之情(3). 对某人深怀感激之情owe sb. a debt of gratitude(4). 感谢地with gratitude66.Going back home for the Spring Festival always becomes the main issue that(同位语从句) the migrant workers(外来工) are mo

    27、st concerned about. 67.Not only is the Spring Festival an important time for their family reunion but also they can feel the warmth from their family. (前部分倒装句)68.70% of the migrant workers choose to return home for the festival, which is a vital moment when people can share the warmth of the family(

    28、非限制性定语从句代表整句意思69.However, 20% of them are against it, saying that it is difficult to buy tickets and there is heavy traffic during this time of each year(现在分词作伴随状语)70.Guangzhou will carry out a policy that pedestrians who break traffic rules(违章) will be given a fine(惩款be fined or punished)。 (同位语从句、定

    29、语从句 71.Some people welcome it while others are against it, listing a few reasons respectively(分别地). (现在分词作伴随状语)72. agree赞成/disagree with反对,/be in favor of赞成 / be opposed to反对 / be against反对 / speak highly of/frown on (不赞成)/ cant agree more with the action because非常赞成73.I think it an effective way to

    30、 fine the pedestrians who break traffic rules. Given a fine, whoever used to break the rules will stop doing that again, which will surely reduce traffic accidents. 74.When it comes to breaking the traffic rules, I cant help thinking of a frightening accident. Last month75.What is mentioned in the article reminds me of an awful accident I caught sight of not long ago. 76.Never shall I forget the bloody accident I saw last week when I was heading for school Never shall I forget the scary(可怕的,吓人的)


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