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    1、组织学习能力在情绪智力和工作满意度中的作用外文翻译中文3500字本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译外文出处 Personnel Review, 2008:P680-701 外文作者 Ricardo Chiva, Joaqun Alegre 原文:Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: the role of organizational learning capabilityRicardo Chiva, Joaqun AlegrePurpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relations

    2、hip between emotional intelligence (EI) and job satisfaction, by taking into consideration organizational learning capability (OLC).Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from eight Spanish ceramic tile manufacturers. The survey was addressed to shop floor workers, and 157 valid questionnai

    3、res were obtained, representing a response rate of 61 per cent. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test this theoretical model. Findings This paper proposes that OLC plays a significant role in determining the effects of EI on job satisfaction. Research limitations/implications Owing to certai

    4、n features of the sample and the use of measurement scales, the final results should be considered with caution. Further research in other contexts using qualitative methods is needed to validate these findings. The most important implication is that job satisfaction is affected by the correlation b

    5、etween individual EI and certain working conditions. Practical implications When seeking to improve employee job satisfaction, practitioners should take into account the link between EI and OLC. Under certain conditions (OLC), emotionally intelligent people are more likely to be satisfied. Originali

    6、ty/value This paper provides an empirical analysis of the relationship between EI, OLC and job satisfaction.According to Goleman (2001, p. 14), emotional intelligence (EI), at the most general level, refers to the abilities to recognize and regulate emotions in ourselves and in others. Salovey and M

    7、ayer (1990, p. 189) understand EI as the ability to monitor ones own and others emotions, to discriminate between them, and to use the information to guide ones thinking and actions. Publications from Salovey and Mayer (1990) and Goleman (1995) represent the beginning of the EI era in the academic a

    8、nd practitioner contexts, respectively. The construct of EI has received increasing attention in a variety of literature bases, such as competency management (Capaldo et al., 2006). Following this view, EI might be considered as a group of individual competencies essential for organizational perform

    9、ance.EI can affect an individuals success in an organization (Goleman, 2001). According to popular opinion and workplace testimonials, EI increases performance and productivity (Lam and Kirby, 2002). However, EI literature over-relies on expert opinion, anecdote, and unpublished surveys (Zeidner et

    10、al., 2004). The review by these authors underlines the scant, and sometimes highly controversial, empirical evidence used to support the importance of EI in the workplace and recommends that scientific studies be carried out in organizations.Very little empirical research analyzes the relationship b

    11、etween EI and job satisfaction, which has probably been the most extensively researched work attitude in the organizational behavior literature (Blau, 1999). Zeidner et al. (2004) suggest that EI could be acutely sensitive to possible factors, and, unlike conventional ability, EI may have both posit

    12、ive and negative associations with performance, depending on contextual factors. Bar-Ons (1997) study is the only research that reports a modest relationship between total EI scores and job satisfaction. However, this direct positive effect could be due to the sample, comprised of a group of individ

    13、uals in higher level occupations. Abraham (2000) found that although EI was related to job satisfaction, this was moderated by an environmental characteristic: job control. It is not sufficient to hire emotionally intelligent employees; for them to thrive, the environment must offer autonomy in deci

    14、sion making. In sum, some EI people are satisfied with their jobs while others are not. This might be mediated by certain organizational conditions or characteristics.In our research we will analyze a particular environmental characteristic: that which facilitates organizational learning. The concep

    15、t of organizational learning has expanded greatly over the last few years, both in the field of research and among practitioners. One of the main reasons for this growth in importance lies in the new characteristics of the business environment (Dodgson, 1993; Easterby-Smith et al., 1998). The concep

    16、t of organizational learning capability (OLC) (Dibella et al., 1996; Goh and Richards, 1997; Hult and Ferrell, 1997; Yeung et al., 1999) emphasizes the importance of the facilitating factors for organizational learning. Goh and Richards (1997, p. 577) define it as the organizational and managerial c

    17、haracteristics that facilitate organizational learning or allow an organization to learn. Five facilitating factors appear to explain OLC (Chiva et al., 2007): experimentation, risk taking, interaction with the external environment, dialogue and participative decision making.The aim of this research

    18、 is to analyze whether more emotionally intelligent people tend to derive greater satisfaction from their jobs, through certain working conditions that facilitate organizational learning. Understanding the conditions under which EI influences job satisfaction will help to determine its potential imp

    19、ortance for organizations, specifically through the lenses of the new competencies management literature. On the other hand, it will relate important and new concepts being used by organizations, such as competencies management and organizational learning.This introduction is followed by a brief rev

    20、iew of the concepts of EI and OLC, and their relationships with job satisfaction. Secondly, we explain the methodology followed in this research. We then expose the results and close by outlining the implications and limits of our study and proposals for future research.Conceptual background and hyp

    21、othesesJob satisfactionJob satisfaction is normally defined as an employees affective reactions to a job based on a comparison of desired outcomes and actual outcomes (Cranny et al., 1992). In sum, job satisfaction is the degree to which people like their jobs (Spector, 1997). There are important re

    22、asons why we should be concerned with job satisfaction. One of the most important is that job satisfaction can lead to employee behaviors that affect organizational functioning and performance (Rowden, 2002). The situational approach to job satisfaction (Hackman and Oldman, 1980; Herzberg, 1966) und

    23、erstands it to be mainly influenced by working and organizational conditions.Job satisfaction can be considered either as a related constellation of attitudes about various aspects or facets of the job or as a global feeling about the job (Spector, 1997). The first, the facet approach, is used to fi

    24、nd out what elements of the job produce satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This can be particularly useful for organizations that wish to identify areas of dissatisfaction that they want to improve. The second, the global approach, is used to assess overall job satisfaction in relation to other variab

    25、les of interest. A single item measure is generally used to assess overall job satisfaction (Wanous et al., 1997). Although the use of a single item measure is often questioned, empirically no validity or reliability appears to be lost (Wanous and Reichers, 1996; Wanous et al., 1997; Ganzach, 1998).

    26、HypothesesBased on the discussion of EI, OLC and job satisfaction in the preceding section, we propose a theoretical model shown in Figure 1. The thesis of our model is that EI has an indirect positive effect on job satisfaction, through OLC. Accordingly, we develop and test three hypotheses represe

    27、nting: the relationship between EI and job satisfaction; the relationship between EI and OLC; and the relationship between OLC and job satisfactionEmotional intelligence and job satisfactionVery few empirical studies have analyzed the relationship between EI and job satisfaction. Bar-On (1997) repor

    28、ts a modest relationship between total EI scores and job satisfaction (Figure 2). Abraham (2000) found that although EI was related to job satisfaction, this was moderated by an environmental characteristic: job control. The direct positive effect that Bar-On (1997) reports might be explained by the

    29、 sample, which consisted of individuals in higher level occupations: teachers, nurses, and salespersons, where the environmental conditions propitiate their abilities. In sum, when the environmental conditions propitiate the individuals abilities, they might have higher levels of satisfaction.This i

    30、nterpretation is consistent with the literature suggesting that people desire environments that fit their characteristics (OReilly et al., 1991), and with the goal choice literature, which suggests that the choice of goal depends on ability (Locke and Latham, 1990). Similarly, Ganzach (1998) present

    31、s a model of relationships between (rational) intelligence, job complexity and job satisfaction. Intelligence has a direct negative effect and an indirect positive effect, mediated by job complexity, on job satisfaction. Zeidner et al. (2004, p. 382) affirm that qualities of agreeableness such as em

    32、pathy, altruism, and interpersonal sensitivity are central to conceptions of EI, but these qualities may mitigate against effective performance in jobs requiring ruthlessness or toughness. It follows that research on EI should be acutely sensitive to certain factors, and, unlike conventional ability

    33、, EI may have both positive and negative associations with performance, depending on contextual characteristics. Therefore, the following hypothesis is set forth: H1. The relationship between EI and job satisfaction is mediated by OLC.Organizational learning capability and job satisfactionMost research analyzes the in


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