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    1、年山东省烟台市中考英语试题及答案 201年烟台市初中学生学业考试 英语试题一、听力测试(一)、听录音,从A、三个选项中选择与画面一致的选项。录音内容读一遍。(每小题1分)AB C 2.A B C . B C 4.A B C .A (二)听录音,选择适当的答语录音内容读两遍。(每小题1分).A.nfot. .From ond o Frday. C.bout half a hou.It dicious B.s intersing Cs utgoing.8.A.tdoesnt ater Boue wlcom. C.Pre goo!9.es,tan. .s none of y usies. C.ith

    2、 pleasre.1.A.Whmy randprent. B.To teGatal. C.About a journe(对话理解(每小题1分)1Where iste box?A.Itsunderhe chair. .Isnder he be. C.Ison the s.12.atmakes Anareembe tehapy time?The bx. B.T compute C.The os3.a s jack wat to bufhe r?A.He ntsto buy dinand snacksB.He wants byalesand bananas.C.Hewano buymbges ano

    3、la.14.h oes Jacs mother sk hiodo?Se askshmtotaeashwer.B.Sh skshi t fiish hs hmokC.She ask hi to clean is room.15.Whereareh ohe aJack aking?.The ar taking i t bookte.They ae ng at.They are alking nea ston.(四)听短文,根据短文内容完成下列表格(每空一词)。短文读两遍。(每小题分)Mik jH i a 16. . keholidHe ha 17. Mkes resolutoHe 18. to e

    4、 ip oSn FranciHow o tterH ll g there b1. Mks xecionH thins thtp il b 2 二、基础知识运用 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。(1分)2.-M spea t MSit?- ,pleasere he comeA.ng ut BPk p C.Take D.Hld on22. t fryu home to shoo?-ts abot tnmntes l. l .Ho ar .Ho my D.How ch.Yesterday the tech tld earth t sunA.goe around B.wentaound C.i

    5、goingaroun .woud go around2-oud you please meyrnoteoo,Gre?Cetin.Here yu a.A.borow .to borow .e .to lnd5.- eather it s!ha we go fo pnic?I cat agree more.A.What god B.Wha od How good e D.Howood6.e is he nepecd.hateer w do,try ourbst.A.full .pud C.isad of Dbeaue of27.ee numberfbok in the libra ad th nu

    6、mbe of tm inreasing.A.ha,is have,are .re,is D.s,re28.Many teengrs don like t tak wih heir parents.But I am them.I loveo sharemy joy n oow wthmy parents.A.the sam as Bdiffeent fro C.ntersedi Dangry ith9Lcy has oondonHwcnIget in to with he?-nt ory.She pone o a soons she theeA.been,wllet B.been,ges C.g

    7、ne,ill get D.gone,gets0.Do yu o ?-Perhas omoro,ut Im not sreA.o well got the museu B.wch plac ll isitnextSunday C.whenwell rael to Diny Land Dwy he ont come hee三、完形填空 根据短文内容,从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 “Ca I se m baby?”ked te nw apmohr.Unuckily,she foundher baby had been 31 itut es wenitwas in h ams ie poved t

    8、ha thebby 32 wsperfect.He gotoell ih hi lasmate.Bt on day, rsed ome nd said to i moher 33 tars in hieyes.“by,abigoy 34 mea reak(怪胎).” As he boy 5 ,he dveloped tlent foat and ui. The oys ter had meeti ith the fmily doctor.“ould anythi 36 doe?”e asked the octr. I beliI ulat(移植) ofoutr ers 37 youcl gt

    9、tem,the octorid. Hweer, tw ars 8 ,nobodywanted to offerthe yogneas. Then one da te fate sid, Son, 39 wllofer hiseas to you. it a secret. Thpatiowas a gret 40 . ime ke he ect, bute dy did coe . Th yong mn stood th hisfather 41 is mohesody. Slowy, t faer he ot handadaised e hck,rownair. 4 , t sonfound

    10、 himother had no uterar. Mhe sad shewas gadshe 3t hr long hair be cut, the fter sid gntl,ad oody thogohe 44 eauiu, did they? R 45 es not inhat i done ad known, bu whais done but nt nwn.31acive B.ed C.born D.aae2.A.speking B.haring C.rtng D.readng33.f B.i Caround .with 34.A.caled .ased Caid D.told35.

    11、lok up .grw up .brough u D.cauhtp36.s ws re .e 37.Aif Bl C.uess D.becue 38.Aoboy gotr Cnt b .arrived39A.nobdy B.smeon C.anone Deveryoe4.A.uced B.sucessf Csccess Dfaiure41.A.btween .eies C.towar D.bede4.A.Wi ntere BTohissrprise CI see D.ithagr43lays .ften .evr D.sties44A.lss B.mor Cos D.les 45.A.da B

    12、.frendship C.thougt D.love四、阅读理解 Eac Frida,y sons ndrgare(幼儿园)cla has “ prie day”.Al th chilrn whodo el in he wekan gea prize.h chldren hvbehavior car.The carsstat ut green ver morning,but arechanged from re t yw,oranean filly tore if they o sometingro.Mosf th chidr neer cange teir crds romgreen. On

    13、anyidays,a boy ned om otn wals ot th n nsmilngc because e as a a badyortwotht eeTo is a aghty o aheoften causes troubeOher chdrewodll heir part“Tommy got ng,”r “ommyintlte tote teachr,”o“Tommygottruble oy.”Bt recently,thigshe beomemucbette or Toy.Mysn reports pry ach dy,“ll GREEN toay.” Ls nigt,afe

    14、I kissed im godnigt,he sai he wary excid becuse tomorrow ws aprize day” An Iope,hop,he at mm sts n gren!” art ws filled wh prde. old my son o kind it was ofhimttinof Tomrahr tancang about hs wnprz. Ias p ot my son and omy and hopone dyheywil both nestnd wat the elrize s!根据材料选出内容,最佳选项。(每小题分)4What lr

    15、sa behavior cad at firs?.Rd B.elo CGreenOrane4.fa oys cards changed no red,t shwedthat( ).A.e gtprize Bh dialy .he lped o chilre Dhe bcae eter an befoe48Fro the pasae eknw ha( )A.hings ing tter for omm B.Tomy beaved rs dworse .Tomm alay istened toacher D.Tmy er gt a gren card50.Wy does the fate take

    16、 pide n hison?A.causeis son alws cres bou him.BBecause hi soalas hnk f his wnprieC.Because is son ftentells him wht happens th inrgrten.D.Bese his s lwa tinksof mmy ater thancaig about his own ri. B Cr SericsBring your carntoC ervices tod!Wewill clean yourrand repair you engne a veryreasable pric.ri

    17、ve your ca ino our wokshop locatd t Xinhua oa,orake anapoinmet.Tel:7158.CarWashin:0. nin Reairing:OnlTy(轮胎)Servicing:1 r each.hbuildig whch saves eople from ba weather.Thisbidng ea tesen New Olean lo lkesomehing o a i-fi film(科幻电影).I i over 0 meter high,anidsigedtohoue up to 4,00 peope,named th NoaT

    18、is buildingi tongenough o avi hedamags o bd wer. Bac Clan-u Day Weneed volunteersto cea hebeach!Suny,uy2.Met at 8:00 a t CoastSqar.tar at 9:0 mand end at noon.Bring bas d govesFormore inormain,caZha Lin at564-065. Aartmnt o Ret(出租)Aew parent to te etene ycenter.One bedoom ndoe ktcen.Ne te s stao,at2

    19、2 Cangjing Ra.ss passerongae.If u areinterest,peas havelook te pmen o youan a s.u a 74-730.根据材料选出内容,最佳选项。(每小题1分)51.Mr.Wa need t py for h ca ashig a egine epairing.A.5 B.10 C195 D.055.Th Noah isbuilt fr .Amaking sci- is .oldin concert Coingexercss D.svin pele fo ad weaher 53.Volunters ae suppodtobrin

    20、g onbeah cean-up ay.bags an loves B.boks swimming sis D.vlins.heew aartment toe rnd is .A.nXihua Road Bnear thpolcstio C.at oasture at N.22 Chngjang Road.Which thefollowngNOT RIGTacordn othe infration abo?A.Thevoluteers start clean ut beach :0 am. B.The Nahis desined ohoueupt0,00 people.C.Its ot con

    21、vennt to take bus ner the parment.D.If youwan to rpar uar, can cal7195638.【任务型阅读】(每小题分) Stephe wkig ws borni Egadi 4.Hes on of th ost wll-nonscintsts o spce and ti i eword.Hakig is researchinghw he nie began and ow ieHe i clledte ing ofthUnivrse Whenhe stue mth nscenceat Oford Unverty,e bcme eriousl

    22、yil,whh md im unaleto spa or rethe ithout e hep o machine.Til now,he cant mo rfed himel n h is elped todre,tand wash by a se.Howevr,h hs aheecharith a speial cour,wth whch h can communicate with others t spie of ll hese dficults,he reusetogve upis e of lingannt ono tudy CambridgUivrsity ftergauating

    23、 from xfrd nrtyIn 19,he aDoctsDgree ofphiloophy(哲学)Nowheoks as rofssr at ambridge niversityBaue ofhis sris illness,it was ifficlt forh o ra diagrms o t riteo he satd to thinkin pcures.With tis ne ayof thikng,he s respctd by pepe i theorld.Then in 18,he rotehis first iprtnt bo,ABief Hstory of Tie.Ihs ben sold moe th .5 illion copie in 33 difrent


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