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    1、大学英语语法试题湖南理工学院院选课考查试题2009-2010学年第二学期()序号_授课地点_学号_姓名_一选择正确答案填入相应的空格处:(70%)forest guards often find campfires thet have not been _ completely. down B. put out C. put away over2.Of all the economically important plants, palms have been _. least studied the least less and less study the lessis a continu

    2、ous supply of fuel oil. things needed is needed is needed their need4.The survey indicates that each Chinese family averaged_of daily television usage in 1994than in 1993. many as 60 minutes B. 60 minutes more C. 60 minutes C. more 60 minutes5. All evidence the court has collected boils_ to the fact

    3、 that he is a spy. A. down B. off C. up D. overluggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport. A. After packed packed packingwas always nervous_ in city traffic. driving B. driving driving driving8. I saw Alan skimming over the water and, finally, _ into it. A. plunged B. plunging C plunge pl

    4、unged9. Jane leaned_ an old tree when she was talking with her boy-friend. A. from B. against C. on D. toward10. The onlything _ is of importance is to gather all the money we have to lay a fund for the sick and the wounded. A. that B. which C. what D. as11. _ he is wealthy does not necessarily mean

    5、 that he is greedy. the reason B. The reason that C. That D. Just because12. While waiting for Jane, I killed time_reading posters on the notice board. A. by B. in C. with D. on13. The size of the audience, _ we had expected, was well over one thousand. B. who C. as D. that14. Science has brought _

    6、many changes in our lives. A. out B. into C. about D. forward15. The basketball match was televised_ from the Workers Stadium. A. alive B. life C. live D. lively16.Experiments in the photography of moving objects _in both the United States and Europe well before 1900. A. have been conducting B. were

    7、 conducting C. had been conducting D. being conducted 17. We_ him with a detached house but he specifically asked for a small flat. A. must have provided have provided C. might provide to provide18.She had just been to the hospital to see her husband and had returned home rather _ by her experience.

    8、 A. had been distressed be distressed C. distressed D. being distressed19. Many people are unware that prairies once existed _ is now the state ofMichigan. A. in that B. in that place C. in which D. where20. To what extent will future scientific discoveries_ the lengthening of thehuman life made pos

    9、sible B. make it possible C. make possible D. be made it possible21. As it turned out to be a small party , we _ so formally. A. neednt dress up B. did not need have dressed up C. did not need dress up D. neednt have dressed up22. I apologize if I _ you, but I assure you it was unintentional. A. off

    10、end B. had offended have offended have offendedefforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage_avoided. A. is to be B. can be C. will be D. has been 24. Ive kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school _ twenty years ago. A. about C. till D. with25.A statue,a monum

    11、ent,a building,or a park may be dedicated_a distinguished individual. A. in order to honor B. to honoring honor D. for honoring26.It was such a newspaper of a new type,_had never before existed in the history of the labor movement. A. such as B. when it C. that D. which it27.The woman,who works in a

    12、 joint venture,is married to a _man who is in charge of the financial affairs in the company. A. Russian young brilliant B. young brilliant Russian B. brilliant young Russian D. brilliant Russian young 28. X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make _ details that areotherwise impossible.

    13、A. it visible B. them visible D. visible29. The invention of the contact lens literally opened a new view for people who_ wear glasses. A. neither could or would could not nor would not C. neither could not nor would not D. either could not or would not supervisor said the school board was consideri

    14、ng not _the studentsproposal for fewer tests. A. to accept B. accept C. accepted D. accepting31.Because they usually receive the same score on standardized examinations,there is often disagreement_who is the better pupil, Tom or Jane. A. as for B. as of C. as with D. as uopn32. No students are able

    15、to pursue nuclear science without having_ ofmathematics. A. profound grasp B. the profound grasp C. a profound grasp D. profound grasps33.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened_a sudden loud voice. A. being there B. should there be C. there being D. there having been34. N

    16、o matter how frequently_, the works of Beethoven always attract largeaudiences. A. performed B. performing C. to be performed performed earth scientists understand how and why earthquakes happen,forecasts are usually inaccurate. A. As B. While C. For D. Since36. I dont think youve heard of him befor

    17、e,_ A. dont I B. havent you C. do I D. have you37.The speeding car had missed the turn and now lay on its back,wheels_in the car. A. having spun C. were spun D. spinningbefore her, filling every corner of the huge room,_ furniture of all shapes,sizes and uses. A. there was B. was C. are were have I

    18、done_ you should be so angry with me A. that B. hence C. so D. in case only way_ the ancient people can preserve their history is to recount it as legends. B. which C. by which D. asinterviewer should take notes at the moment the person_ answers questions. A. to be interviewed B. interviewing interv

    19、iewed D. interviewed did she expect that her way or dressing would make her feel totally out of place at the party. A. Scarecely C. Little D. Onlyboss gave John_ when he was working during the spring festival. A. the double usual pay B. the usual double pay C. double the usual pay D. usual the doubl

    20、e pay44.There was_telling how much work we had done by the time you came that morning. A. not B. no C. hardly D. not any45.I would have paid_for my car if the salesman had insisted,because I really wanted it. A. as much twice B. twice as much C. much twice D. as twice much46. I felt_ and depressed w

    21、hen he failed to come to the party. A. let down B. let out C. let off D. let loose47. The father,_ his son, is going to the concert.A. as well as B. together with C. and D. as well48.People who live in a small village are bound to see a good _of each other.A. sum B. deal C. amount D. quantity49. The

    22、 children had been _ of the danger, but had taken no notice.A. warned B. explained C. prevented D. showntraffic was very heavy, _ I would have been here half an hour sooner. A. however B. otherwise C. anyway D. therefore51. The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree_ the students poten

    23、tiality is developed. A. to which B. of which C. with which D. in which52. It is reported that the new type of bathtub_ easily. A. have cleaned B. is to clean C. be cleaned D. cleans53. Human beings are superior to animals _ they can use language as a tool tocommunicate. A. for which B. in which C.

    24、for that D. in that54. To know_ one is capable, both mentally and physically, is to know the scopeof ones freedom. which B. of what C. which 55. Since she is angry, we _ A. had better leaving her alone B. must leave her alone C. can leave her alone as well leave her alone56. Come what_, were not goi

    25、ng to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands A. must B. may C. should 57. He was away ill. He _ the meeting here. A. must not have attended B. could not be able to attend C. cant have attended D. mustnt attend58. The committee_ divided in opinion as to whether the matter should de dealtwit

    26、h at once. A. were B. was C. has D. had59. My wife, more than her two brothers, _ there again. A. is anxious to go B. are anxious to go C. is anxious to going D. are anxious to going60. Every man, woman, and child_ asked to contribute. A. are B. is C. have D. are being61. There _ nothing he could do

    27、 and little he could say.A. were D was.62. It is _ as the one we did last month.A. as dangerous a job B. as a dangerous jobC. so dangerous a job D. such dangerous a job63._ friends usually speak highly of him.A. His some B. His many C. Many his D. Some his64. The Browns go to _ church every Sunday m

    28、orning.A. a B. an C, the D. /65.Well take our holiday_ in August, I think. time B. sometime D. some times66. She wished she had stood_. A. firmly B. in frimness C. firm D. with frimness must have seen the play last week,_A. mustnt you B. havent youC. didnt you D. dont you68.All but _ going to the pa

    29、rty. A. he and I am B. him and me am C. he and me are D. he and I are69. -Is this beautiful -Yes, it is. _. A. Rarely before have I seen this B. Rarely I have seen this before C. Rarely have I seen before this D. Rarely have I seen this beforeve _ us $150,000 for the house. Shall we take it A. provi

    30、ded B. supplied D. offered二:翻译下列句子:a single student absented himself from the lecture.and higher flew the white balloon till it vanished in the clouds. between the two steam engines is a big boiler which has been used for more than ten years.is the only one of the foreign visitors who is able to spe

    31、ak Chinese.is anything but diligent.m afraid Im none the wiser for your explanation.mistakes in composition are no fewer than yours.home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.matter was out of my hand.was too young to be assigned such work.81.玛丽总是抱怨这里的天气。82.他喘不过气来。83.他的讲话不长但讲得非常中肯。84.我的北京之行不仅仅是游览观


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